
Dawn Quotes

There are 449 quotes

"The sky was just beginning to show a hint of blue."
"He didn't know how long he stood there watching the horrifying spectacle, but the sun was starting to rise when he finally managed to tear his gaze away and run."
"Arriving just after first light as the first rays of the golden sunrise lit up the valley."
"The peak time is dawn on any lake, in any country, anywhere in the world I've fished."
"The night is always darkest before the dawn, right?"
"This new soulmate that's actually coming forward is going to change the tide, this is like a new dawn."
"Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn."
"In the stillness of dawn, a new beginning awaits."
"There is something serene about sitting in the woods as the sun rises."
"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Do not go back to sleep."
"There's something significantly changing with this energy. It's a new dawn, it's a new day."
"It was deep into the night edging toward dawn when I got back to the house."
"When Dusk and Dawn meet together, that's when the veil is really thin."
"Anybody else that wants to join me, that new dawn that wants our hobby to continue, please raise."
"I woke up at dawn this morning and I was looking at the shape of the bars on the window and the Moonlight was shining through just right. I started getting horny."
"The sun has risen everyone is looking at the dawn."
"The first light of dawn broke over the horizon as we reached the shore."
"But the darkness of night was beginning to yield to the pale tense of early Dawn."
"Dawn rises over Villand, and the storm has subsided. The barges take up their positions of the previous day, and the search for the boiler on the Milbank begins."
"As the first hinge of dawn read in the sea, a small boat with a solitary occupant approached the cliffs."
"For hours I waited, till the east grew grey and the stars faded."
"How beautiful after a night of wakefulness and terror is the clear white light of dawn."
"As she did so the first gleams of the Rising Sun lit up the world and I knew all danger was over for the day."
"I just can't wait to see the sun come up."
"The city was never more beautiful than at the break of day."
"That's just life putting you through the test before the dawn."
"Aurora would sail across the night sky in her chariot full of saffron, bringing the colors of dawn with her as she rode, a cascade of orange pink, yellow, and blue washing over the land as she sailed by, preparing the sky for the arrival of her brother."
"And it’s that event, the rise of the sun after the long, long night, that would come to be known as... the Dawn of the World."
"When the sky begins to provide enough light for me to see my surroundings, shooting light, it's cool."
"Have you ever given orders to the morning or shown the dawn its place?"
"It's the glorious dawn of the sorcerer kingdom."
"The song of the angels still lingers on our ears, the promise has been fulfilled, the new day has dawned, the new sun has risen with healing in his wings."
"More lovely and brighter than the dawn."
"Dawn was just beginning to reveal wisps of purple and pink clouds above the brightening Horizon."
"I think it's called and two I woke up at 3 30 this morning and it was starting to get light out."
"The power precedes that sun rising."
"It may have been midnight before she fell asleep, moving uneasily in the heat, but it was almost dawn when she awoke."
"Fajr is like a time where you know the birds are out, no notifications on your phone because everyone's sleeping."
"With each new dawn, the adventurer rises and confronts the uncertainty that lies ahead."
"In the darkness before dawn I came to the banks of the purple river, skirting wide to avoid the watchtower."
"She did not remember falling, it seemed to her that the sky was a lighter shade of gray. Dawn, she thought, another day, another new day."
"I remember standing at her school when the sun was coming up, and there were all the butterflies and all the balloons."
"Dawn came with hazy gray skies and air that burned the eyes."
"Gren pointed with a knife, 'Look there, through the trees, pink light, dawn Sam, dawn.'"
"The Legionnes Astartes would symbolise the dawn of a new era of Humanity."
"There was no light so full of hope as the dawn."
"I'm addicted to crack early, like the crack of dawn early."
"There's something really magic about this time of day, just in dawn. Beautiful colors and you believe anything can happen."
"...national anthem by the dawn's early light."
"There's just something calming about the Tennessee mountains at dawn."
"The dawn brings my love and hope for you again."
"A rosy dawn brimming over metropolitan stadium and a fine new day."
"Dawn Island, the dawn of a new day. It's also located in the east and the sun rises in the east. That's probably why it's called dawn island."
"It's 4 in the morning and, once more, the dawn woke up the warring in me."
"But it's 4 in the morning once more, the dawn woke up the wailing in me."
"Dawn is something that I use all the time as well, ladies and laundry."
"The night is dark, but the morning comes over the hills of darkness. The day breaks forth."
"Captain Marvel, who killed the dawn."
"I'm looking out from my window, sun's coming up like the day before. You're like a stone on my pillow, I don't make a sound when I shut the door."
"The dawn of a new day: The World of Tomorrow."
"Since the dawn of humanity, it had given us everything."
"Dawn may banish even the darkest night."
"Sharp thought how beautiful the city's skyline was in this dawn. It was an intricate tangle of spires, domes, pinnacles, cupolas, and towers, all misted by smoke and sunlight."
"May dawn find you awake and alert, approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities, and promises."
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new table of degenerates."
"He's simply a force that naturally liberates people and that brings the dawn."
"Always be optimistic. Always... Always be at that moment of the dawn."
"It was another day, and to welcome its birth, a glad chorus of song burst from the birds of the forest all around me."
"Dawn represented not just the beginning of a new day, but also the symbolic victory of good over evil, or light over dark."
"Already the dawn of the resurrection is shining forth... behold now is the day of salvation."
"We cut our trip short, packed up, and got the hell out of there right away with the sun just starting to rise in the sky."
"The light's coming up now. I can see it through my windows. It's a bit grim out there, a bit wet."
"Men shouted outside, it would be dawn soon."
"Your light will break forth like the morning."
"The dawn is about to break in your life."
"Sunrise at last! The Freney glacier. So beautiful."
"This is nice, it's super smooth, sun's coming up, you got mountains to the right."
"The Dawn is here, the Dawn is coming, and we'll see where it leads us."
"Like a dream in the first hours of dawn."
"If possible, the pre-dawn and sunrise is even better."
"At last, the morning star appeared in the gray sky."
"The sun rising lazily into the sky."
"Sleep finally came with the dawn."
"The mountains beginning to wake with the chirping of birds and the soft howl of the wind."
"Dawn is a very special time of day when the darkness of the night is dispelled by the rising sun."
"Entropy was creeping over the eastern horizon."
"Just before four o'clock in the morning, the birds are gonna start the dawn chorus."
"Wow, that is an English lake setting at dawn, mist rising off the top, just listening to the birds quietly."
"Hasten, do you not see the first red streaks in the sky? In a few minutes the sun will rise, and you must die," and then they sighed deeply and mournfully and sank down beneath the waves.
"The light came gray and pale, and they did not see the rising of the sun."
"Sunrise brilliance, the lights are bursting through."
"It's so cool to walk outside and there's like no one out there and the sun's just coming up."
"Am I not beautiful, O man, like dawn running naked on the snows?"
"And the white mists rose like delicate ghosts in the early morning dawn."
"The first angry rays of the sun... touched thousands of sleeping Americans with unconscious fear."
"The comet's tale spread across the dawn, a red slash that bled above the Crags of Dragonstone like a wound in the pink and purple sky."
"The best time to come here is really at dawn when the first light of the morning illuminates the star in the background."
"The sun's starting to show itself."
"With the rising of the sun and awakening of men in the lands of Hildorien, the First Age dawned upon the Lands of Middle-Earth."
"...the trees are silhouetted black against the emerging blue sky with the fading stars up in the sky..."
"Austra is the name of the goddess of the dawn."
"'Just as the first faint streaks of dawn gleamed from over the treetops in the east.'"
"Smoke crawled up from the fuselage of the Orion fighter, each thin tendril incandescent in the dawn's first light."
"Morning's awakened to the first notes of the coyote choir."
"The night will break, will give way to morning, and the Sun will rise again."
"The sun is almost up, the leaves are turning gold."
"God will help her when morning dawns."
"It's going to be more like it stops being so dark, yeah, the darkest before the dawn."
"Why do birds sing so gay, love is awake at the break of day?"
"Upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death, light has dawned."
"We always know it's darkest before the dawn."
"Good morning everyone, it's first light, I'm just going on a little road trip."
"Then shall your light break forth like the dawn."
"The path of the righteous is exactly like the Sun rising, that is being born again, moving slowly, slowly without any backsliding."
"At midsummer before dawn, an orange light returns to the mountains like a great weight and the small birds cry out and bear it up."
"This is the dawn of a new era for the galaxy."
"In the heart of the West, a vast landscape awaits the dawn."
"The dawn can carry out the instructions you give before the rising of the sun."
"Dawn had broken, and a sliver of the rising sun was visible behind the city's walls and towers, blindingly bright."
"That light's just come up over the horizon, and it's time for us to start."
"The sword of the morning, all of the language we've got there is about ending the night, bringing the morning."
"Grateful to be alone, he wanted to stare at the great unfolding beauty of the dawn."
"The chaplain opened one of the shutters on the landing and saw the grey dawn spreading up from the dark hills."
"It's 6:00 in the morning, yet another dawn departure."
"By the light of a golden dawn, like a long steel serpent emerging from its nest."
"At dawn, they rode through the forests of morning, hung with mists, spangled with a million beads of dew."
"I can see the sun coming up, this is so weird."
"The morning sun has vanquished the incredibly short night."
"Early morning departures just before the sun is coming up is a very peaceful time."
"As the sun starts to rise, we are met with many beautiful sights."
"The first light of dawn hadn't yet broken the grip of the night's shadow."
"The first smudge of light pushing through the murk on the far horizon to greet the start of another day."
"The dawn is the first appearance of light before sunrise, so when the dawn comes, the moon is usually still visible, and the sun is also about to come up."
"The Great Smoky Mountains at dawn."
"There is something so very special about the hours just before dawn."
"The sun rose over Konoha and basted it with its glow."
"For the first time in years, Hannibal stood with his friends to greet a new dawn."
"There's light in the sky, patches of blue, patches of orange as the sun's coming up."
"With the rising of the Sun upon dawn, the relation of all of the light has come and the earth is very clear."
"The light of dawn has slipped over woods and farmlands."
"The cool night bathes the world as with a river, and prepares his eyes again for the crimson dawn."
"Twilight of the Gods comes each morning when our world shines brighter than the stars."
"This is the resurrection morning."
"By dawn, the once orderly rows of livestock pens would be left in disarray, a haunting scene of chaos and destruction."
"It's just light enough just by the horizon there."
"Sun is just about to peek over the horizon."
"Stay till the sunrise when it's only us."
"The sun came up gradually, bathing everything in the harshest of lights."
"The time is dawn, the place somewhere in the vast Atlantic waste."
"As the sun rose and the mist cleared, it became evident how magnificent the position was."
"Dawn colors are richer and more colorful, but they're softer."
"When daylight comes, comes in the light; in front, the sun climbs slow, how slowly, but westward, look, the land is bright."
"There's something comforting about a sunrise."
"Anor wat is the first to see the sunrise, just like the camares who wish to be the first to meet the Gods."
"The sun began to rise, illuminating the city with its rays."
"I'm literally watching the sun come up, oh wow."
"Right before daybreak splashed across the horizon like candlelight from under a closed door."
"For hours I waited till the east grew gray and the stars faded, and the gray turned to rosy light edged with gold."
"As night dies and daylight comes, a thousand throbbing throats fill the jungle with an ever-growing volume of melody."
"Our King will come with the morning light, bringing all that's right."
"And before long, the flares caught up with them, tumbling down to bring an artificial rose hue dawn."
"The show has an introspective side to it as well, reflected in this shot of Angelo slowly crossing the bridge to the island in the misty early hours of the morning."
"The Sun freed itself slowly and lit glints of light among the silverware."
"The day begins to break, and night is fled, whose pitchy mantle over-veiled the earth."
"The storm was fading, and on the horizon, the dawn fought to poke through the gloom."
"We held each other tightly until the sun came up."
"Just after dawn, in the marshland south of the city, municipal workers made a gruesome discovery."
"Now it's the dawn of a new year, a new century, and a new millennium."
"Let's just sit right here in the glow of our glow stick and watch the sunrise."
"The deep pitch black of night was already beginning to give way to the light blue hues of dawn."
"It's so satisfying isn't it, to be on the road and in real time just watch the new day arrive."
"Mid-February in the UK, and the dawn was rising, bringing its regular chill and frost across the land."
"God arrived with the rising sun, and as the first light of the day touched their hollow glow, they all evaporated into thin desert mist."
"You have just accessed the beautiful experience. Welcome to the dawn."
"It's daybreak, first light. What a not brilliant, brilliant, brilliant night the stars were, just fantastic."
"The approaching sun gilded the horizon."
"As the blizzard cleared and the sun slowly rose, light began to trickle into the cabin."
"The dawn was coming then all the lower valley was covered with mist."
"It's kind of beautiful, the Sun is rising over the teeth, a towering mountain range."
"As the dawn broke and the sun hid its golden crown above the horizon, I gazed upon nothing."
"The sunrise is just about coming over the hill now."
"Whether Catherine had spent her tears, or whether the grief were too weighty to let them flow, she sat there dry-eyed till the sun rose."
"In the sunrise lights of another day."
"The sun breaks over the horizon, flooding the valley with light."
"Behind the clouds, the eastern sky had lightened a little, a lone bird began to sing."
"They were known as the people of the first light."
"By the dawn when it breathes, it receives the nafs again, it breathes again."
"Yes indeed, that glow you see on the horizon is the sun rising."
"Dawn crept over the horizon, bringing light to Sis's supercontinent."
"It's like getting all light outside already."
"You've rescued me, silhouetted by the rising dawn."
"And as the sun peaked over the horizon, the day of reckoning began."
"Yet dawn is ever the hope of men," said Aragorn.
"For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn."
"The crypt seemed brimming with liquid fire, catching the early light with a million blazing facets."
"The white blazons of the Kingsguard shining like the dawn."
"Giselle continually reappears to intercede for him, knowing that if she can just preserve him until dawn breaks, he will be saved."
"As the dawn breaks upon a seemingly quiet city..."
"I prayed the sun would come up soon."
"Night to him is also synonymous with the moment before the dawn."