
Spark Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"You only need a tiny spark for the flames of revolution to ignite."
"It's like just one little match, one little spark grabbed somebody and then everything changed after that."
"This is about reconnecting with what the original spark was."
"You were meant to spark so that you could bring balance and healing in yourselves."
"There's a lot of passion here, a lot of spark, a lot of electricity."
"They want change with you, there's the spark."
"There is a spark here, right this golden raven did appear for her in her dream."
"There is something there, a spark that shouldn't have been, and a stirring of feelings that make my stomach flutter and my heart rate quicken."
"They feel that your presence, your energy really ignites this type of spark within them."
"The creative spark is often nothing more than the faintest glimpse of an idea."
"You brought a spark back into their life."
"I hope this video at least sparked your curiosity."
"New experiences with your partner reignite the spark."
"I got shocked there, we got good spark, we're good to go."
"This is bliss. This is Joy. This is how your sparkle comes back to you."
"I mean now that you see her is there any kind of spark here?"
"He's given this offense a little bit of his spark."
"But even couples that briefly break-up can still find that spark, as shown with Eda and Raine from ‘The Owl House’."
"Finally, and maybe that's the spark that can start the fire."
"She got the whole. That's what the spark looks like."
"...Marcus's eyes light up with the spark of excitement, his heart swelling with joy."
"Memories are the key to reigniting the spark."
"It just takes one little spark to start a wildfire."
"The spark can and often does grow."
"They regret losing you because you were the spark in their life."
"Your chemistry is not manufactured, it's not matched. You guys have that spark."
"There's a strong chemistry between the two of you. They felt a spark with you that they don't feel with other people."
"Don't fear constraints because it often is the spark you need to be creative."
"You need that spark whether it's offensive or defensively."
"...reigniting the spark in your relationship..."
"Databricks used Spark and the great thing about Spark for anyone who's used it is it is not language agnostic but it is more of a polyglot kind of processing engine."
"Chemistry and creativity sparking."
"Mechanical events uses weights and rpm to change the when the spark occurs."
"It's reignited this beautiful spark in my heart."
"Most people come here they think they're coming to play, but all of a sudden you realize like God I didn't have like a spark or a passion."
"If you don't feel this spark with something then moving forward is a bit depressing."
"The chemistry between the robber character and the lonely morg operator was sparktastic."
"...what do we mean by the spark I'm a big look maybe this is the practicality of a Virgo and just me being grounded but the Spark's not always going to be there it's just not you know you're not going to always feel."
"A very small spark...can ignite a very costly and huge and dangerous destructive fire."
"Our ignition system produces a high voltage spark...lots of high voltage enough to make you pee your pants."
"We were absolutely sure that we would be the spark that would light the fires of rebellion all across the world and see the autocrat tumbled from a self-imposed rule."
"DataFrames seamlessly integrate with Spark's ecosystem, including Spark SQL, MLlib, and GraphX, enabling users to leverage various libraries and functionalities."
"DataFrames leverage Spark's Catalyst optimizer, which performs advanced optimizations like predicate pushdown, constant folding, and loop unrolling."
"DataFrames can be easily converted to and from other data formats, such as Pandas DataFrames in Python, enabling seamless integration with other data processing tools."
"To sum it up, DataFrames provide a more user-friendly and optimized approach to work with structured data in Apache Spark."
"Spark SQL is a Spark module that facilitates querying structured and semi-structured data using SQL commands."
"DataFrames provide Spark with schema information, enabling it to optimize the execution of queries and perform predicate pushdowns, leading to faster and more efficient processing."
"DataFrames offer a high-level, SQL-like interface, making it easier for developers to interact with data compared to the more complex RDD transformations and actions."
"Spark is particularly valuable for data engineers, data scientists, and big data professionals who deal with large-scale data processing."
"Unlike other solutions where you end up paying for the infrastructure time, with serverless Spark you only pay for the job duration period."
"Just that connection, that spark, you know? That feeling when you go, 'Oh, this is something here.'"
"Motivation is driven by certain things: you have a spark, something that sustains it, and something that grows it."
"I think it just goes to show that sometimes a little bit of adversity is what you need to really spark rekindle your motivation."
"A spark to take action in a New Direction."
"I'm not a professional but I don't know, I think you're supposed to spark more."
"...we could have all the spark in the world but if it's happening at the wrong time it won't matter..."
"Alright, we got spark. We have hope."
"You've got that creative spark inside of you."
"Flirt is what sparks everything absolutely spontaneousness yeah being flirtatious it's a very awesome feeling it starts everything it Sparks everything because two people know what it is without having to say what it is."
"Data Flow is recommended for existing Hadoop, Spark applications, or large batch jobs."
"Structured streaming is the feature inside of Spark that allows us to work on data in near real-time as it arrives."
"When he looks at you, he feels very excited, like there's a spark in him waiting to be led out to the whole world."
"It really sparks your creativity."
"Lights a spark and showcases the performing talents of Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte."
"Spark uses something called lazy execution, and what that means is unless you ask for the data, it actually doesn't run the query."
"Lazy loading helps Spark in its performance optimization."
"Coalesce cannot increase the number of partitions that you currently have; it can only decrease."
"Let this be the beginning or the spark to start that process."
"One little spark lights up for you."
"Everything has a spark of the Divine."
"We are looking for students who have that bit of a spark."
"We communicate so much, and I think that's the spark."
"We don't want what happens here in Pensacola to stay in Pensacola; this is just the spark, the fire is worldwide."
"Her love just needed a little kindling."
"Hello Spark fans and welcome back to Advancing Spark."
"Finding the genuine interest in someone else, that's the thing that is going to spark more conversation."
"It really has to do with like the music having that spark."
"We needed that, a little bit of a spark."
"It is the inspiration behind it and that can spark so much creativity."
"I remember what you were saying, sometimes all you need is a spark."
"If you want to feel that spark, do not sit around and wait for it to happen."
"The concept of spark and ignition being good has been chased all that time."
"Spark is chosen over MapReduce mainly for its performance advantages and versatility."
"Spark covers various workloads that require different distributed systems such as streaming, iterative algorithms, and batch applications."
"The Spark Core engine is general purpose and fast, empowering various higher-level components that are specialized for different workloads."
"Spark is a multi-language engine for executing data engineering, data science, and machine learning."
"Something has to spark that fire in you."
"The spark of the universe was given to us, beautiful, fiery, sensual, and classy."
"Spark is doing something kind of magical here; it's like black magic and it is called lazy evaluation."
"She kissed Noah, and sparks flew."
"Spark is the latest greatest hot big data environment."
"You have a spark that burns with honesty and glows with passion."
"RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Datasets, which are Spark's core abstraction for working with data."
"The goal of Spark is to let you work with distributed collections of elements across a cluster."
"Writing applications in Spark is like finding your soulmate on Tinder; the chances are really low, but you do it anyway."
"He looked different, like he had that spark."
"All you need is just a little match just to give you a little spark here on the inside, and baby, you lit."
"A single spark could ignite a firestorm."
"Hive uses HiveQL and generates MapReduce or Spark jobs that will run on the Hadoop cluster."
"Spark has generated a lot of buzz recently within the ecosystem and is delivering on its promise."
"What is PySpark? It is Python's API to support Apache Spark."
"PySpark is basically a way of using Python to work with Apache Spark."
"It's not just physical attraction; 'spark' really is the best way to describe it."
"There just seemed to be like something like a spark and connection there."
"Spark can consume streams of events from Kafka for processing, transformations, machine learning."
"President Snow is right. A spark could be enough to set them ablaze," I say.
"Spark is a great option for doing things in real-time."
"The more surface area of the steel striking the flint, the more sparks."
"When you meet someone, you just need to feel that spark."
"It's something that kind of sparks a conversation."
"There's a spark here or some type of spark that's taking place in your life."
"There is going to be a mind-blowing creative spark that you are going to have."
"There is like a little bit of a spark of inspiration."
"You and them are very much attracted to one another. There's always a sense of spark and newness that runs through the connection."
"All it takes is that one little spark."
"I hope that it sparked some creativity."
"The spark that the masculines have felt with the feminines, it can't be undone."
"There's an undeniable spark with perhaps a perfect match."
"You just need to have that one spark in your team."