
Smuggling Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"If you're called smuggling them into the US, the only surprise you'll receive is a $1,200 fine per egg."
"Children were preyed upon by smuggling organizations, drug trafficking organizations, and by others who were benefiting and making money off of their attempt to get into the country."
"The people who are good at smuggling drugs are good businessmen, they're entrepreneurs."
"I smuggled over $10 million worth of ecstasy into America from Holland. This is how crime works."
"Jump points because they're natural might not only have one entrance... find perhaps a secret smuggler's entrance."
"All gold smugglers may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are gold smugglers."
"Most narcotics entering the U.S. are driven hidden in vehicles."
"Legend has it that in the 18th century John Lucas, the most infamous Gower pirate and Smuggler, used Culver hole as a base for his illegal operations."
"The tunnel cost a few million dollars. It had lights, ventilation, and a rail line on which a mounted motorcycle would speed him to a construction site a mile away."
"This landmark agreement will put the Coyotes and smugglers out of business." - Donald Trump
"Smuggled Nvidia cards found after high-speed boat chase."
"The Flower Cartel are a group responsible for smuggling the Corcoan miracle flowers which mutants use to create medicinal drugs for the world in exchange for the global acknowledgement rights and respect of their mutination."
"Among the dead are several passengers with drugs hidden inside their bodies."
"He was the greatest smuggler in American history, so he is very shrewd, he was very smart, he was very calculating."
"Rick Lycus is America's most successful smuggler, flying over twenty billion dollars of cocaine into the U.S."
"You ever watched Border Wars on National Geographic? This show is proof that anyone can be a smuggler, even a family."
"Whoever came up with this idea really didn't want to try to bring the drugs through the border crossing."
"Mandalorian smuggler - rare kyber crystals and ingots."
"A smuggler who brings in things that saves people is much better than the Grand Duke who kills people to rule the country."
"Rye fell under the control of an illegal industry: smuggling."
"Smuggling became the name of the game."
"They would do a smuggling job escape the Customs officers these wretched people and then later on in the evening they'd be found around the corner at the mermaid just drinking and laughing at the expense of these people."
"These tunnels would have been the perfect location for shuttling cash, booze, even bodies, during the infamous decade that Capone ruled Chicago."
"Miami became the prime point of entry for most of the cocaine smuggled into the country."
"He was found with 17,000 in cash cling wrapped to his leg inside a girdle."
"...a seasoned pilot, perhaps the best among all the Smugglers."
"If you got 100 bands to spend to get smuggled over here, why not just stay in your country?"
"Spice smuggling is a capital crime on many worlds. Exactly, the owner of the ship gets in trouble if they decide to search it."
"Gold worth $7 in Mexico, worth $35 in the United States keeps one very simply of smuggling gold is brought in from Mexico delivered to my office on the United States side as product of Goldeneye."
"They were shipping covertly this wine, thousands of cases, to the Iranians."
"What if I smuggle in snacks and then they search my bag again and they're like, 'ma'am, we caught you doing this and we let you go a couple months back and you're doing it again, you didn't learn your lesson, you're going to the police station.'"
"Customs officers are at war with smugglers in the port, airports, and at sea."
"I think we got mixed up with a really big group called The Dutch called the A-Team. They were bringing literally 20,000 kilos at a time."
"We're gonna try to take up a smuggling mission."
"The 2,000 mile expanse of the Mexican-U.S border has been attracting smugglers since before prohibition."
"...a 36-year-old Queen's man is looking at some serious consequences this week after he was accused of attempting to smuggle a trio of pythons into the country more than 4 years ago."
"Another guy gets popped for the Canadians trying to smuggle some of the kilos that I put into his spare tire."
"She would take religious material such as this, spray to K2 on it, and smuggle it into the prison so that they would have narcotics in the prison."
"You can smuggle drugs in anything."
"Traffickers stuffed bricks of cocaine into cavities in the wall ceiling floor and doors or in the insulation or cooling equipment of refrigerating containers known as reefers."
"Often religious items, relics, or associations have been used by smugglers to appear innocent, wholesome, and to try to evade suspicion."
"The Hastings gang in the 17th and 18th centuries had over 40,000 people employed in the smuggling trade just on the south coast alone."
"There was essentially a smuggling Empire in my high school."
"One of the wildest attempts to sneak across the border occurred on October 30, 2012 when a makeshift ramp was created to scale the 14-foot-tall border fence."
"El Chapo recognized this insatiable demand and orchestrated a vast smuggling operation that spanned borders."
"Goldfinger is smuggling gold by melting it down, assembling it to his Rolls-Royce, and moving it around the world for profit."
"The biggest most successful drug smuggling operation of the last 40 years was carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency."
"We should continue to ask our Chinese to stop and crack down all those smuggling network between North Korea and China."
"We're not doing it for ourselves. We're going through hell smuggling it across borders, bootlegging it, doing things we've never done in our lives because we love someone so deeply that we want them to live."
"It's a story about one of the most infamous and intractable smuggling routes on the planet."
"How on earth did you manage to smuggle a wish in here?"
"It's clever," said Gemma, "smuggling drugs in with pharmaceuticals. Drugs with drugs."
"His method was strikingly simple; nightly his drivers would haul one to four carloads over the bridges."
"That '40 Ford Deluxe is kind of cool. They were great moonshine cars. You could haul 55 gallons of liquor in it."
"BMF's smuggling wing is renowned for its complex system of couriers and vehicles with secret compartments crisscrossing the country simultaneously."
"Using her massive wealth to avoid close scrutiny by Portuguese authorities, Mendes began smuggling conversos out of Lisbon on her family's ships."
"Really makes you think about smugglers, doesn't it? And pirates."
"Experience told investigators that they were potentially uncovering a smuggling route."
"I've heard of people who smuggle watches and diamonds, but I'll bet I'm the only Jelly Baby Smuggler in the country."
"The North End was filled with smuggling tunnels during the colonial era."
"The United States needs to do more to combat southbound gun smuggling."
"It's an important way to prevent smuggling of drugs, endangered animals, and harmful goods."
"The gang that Franz was in made their money by robbing banks and smuggling in cigarettes from Poland."