
Assault Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"It's really easy to know you've been assaulted when somebody punches you in the face, throws a glass at you, shoots you, stabs you."
"It is my opinion... that the decedent Nancy Lena de priest came to her death as a result of a gunshot wound of the head distant type associated with sexual assault and it was ruled a homicide."
"I really don't understand...why we're sitting in court talking about somebody snatching a cell phone out of someone's hand and that raising to the level of a second degree of assault."
"An organized group of terrorists launch an assault on Serif Labs."
"I think she attacked him, I literally think she set him on fire while he was sleeping."
"You basically just like, you just get assaulted all the time."
"Keep your hands to yourself. Even if you did work there, what she did was still assault."
"Jen thinks the harassment, hatred, and bigotry thrown at the Covington Catholic kids... is totally an assault."
"Our democracy is under unprecedented assault tonight."
"This decision is a direct assault on the dignity, rights, and lives of women."
"I have been physically assaulted, lost friendships, received death threats, and hate emails."
"He started choking me, I tried fighting him but he was honestly a lot stronger than I was."
"I called the police when he left later that night, I think some part of him believed that I enjoyed what he was doing and I really didn't."
"Our democracy is under unprecedented assault."
"An assault on America... never been anything like it. It's an assault on our country."
"An assault on our democracy, an assault literally on the citadel of liberty in the United States capital itself, an assault."
"It was an even more brutal assault audacious soul on American sovereignty than Pearl Harbor."
"She attempted to stab him in the face with a knife."
"It is by any objective measure an assault on the government of the united states."
"An assault is a threat of unwanted or offensive touching."
"Nothing you wear, say, do, or act could ever, ever cause you to be assaulted."
"Just because Melanie is a girl, it doesn't mean that she can't assault another girl."
"According to WKRN, someone in a clown mask and green hair, snuck up on Hunter, causing him to turn and swing at the clown, during which the perpetrator cut his hand with a knife."
"The enormity of the crime: The Assault on our democracy."
"The assault really is on all three branches of government and it's pretty severe at all levels."
"His face shouldn't have been disfigured like that. That clearly looks like someone did that on purpose."
"They were hoping that Rachel's murderer had gone on to do something else, maybe they were imprisoned for some other kind of assault."
"Finally, we've got my infantry making it to the walls."
"January 6 was one of the worst assaults on the U.S. Capitol in American history."
"That's a big deal. A non-wrestling talent has been assaulted."
"Everybody just called me a liar. What's crazy about that situation is he admitted multiple times to assaulting me."
"That imminent apprehension of bodily harm alone just pointing a gun at somebody is an assault in and of itself."
"Either you are assaulted on set in front of numerous people, which will overshadow everything, or your recollection isn't entirely accurate."
"Ukrainian Army's successful assaults lead to breaches in Russian defenses."
"Brett's assault on me drastically altered my life for a very long time."
"It was here in marrakech that matthew would be walking home alone one evening when he was jumped by a group of local men and brutally assaulted."
"They attacked him, as the footage shows, and as the trial will go on to, honestly, repeatedly show."
"You attacked a black woman. You attacked a woman. You attacked a woman, really. You tried to bite her."
"It is never acceptable in any capacity to assault someone because you don't like what they're doing."
"Our civilization and our ecosystem cannot stand the continued assault by corporate capitalism."
"Physical assault... I have literal video proof."
"It is a very, very bad sign when journalists are assaulted or detained or restricted from questioning our elected officials in any capacity."
"they were reportedly consistent with a moving head striking a stationary target while the young woman had over a dozen bruises and cuts on her head and body suggesting she'd been attacked"
"I woke up one night to find Jay on top of me."
"I hope you hurt me, I have a baby in my stomach, do not touch me."
"I was forced to move out of the apartment just weeks after moving in after experiencing constant harassment, trespassing, and ultimately physical assault."
"...one of the greatest assaults on American civil liberties we've ever seen."
"The Bible is under full-scale assault."
"Have you ever spoken to anybody else that got four warrants for their arrest for assault and battery in under 90 seconds? You are talking to them right now."
"Remy Ma, accused of assaulting Britney Taylor, one of her co-stars on the show."
"Jason dons an armored bat suit and begins his blood-soaked assault on just about anyone he considers a problem."
"David went into that thinking that this was a consensual bit and it was funny to him at the time when he was 21 again, nobody went there expecting to be assaulted."
"It was basically the reconnaissance unit for Six Assault."
"He got on top of her, he pushed her face and her neck into a pillow."
"We need to create an environment where people feel comfortable coming forward when they are assaulted and not waiting 10 years later. This is an example of that."
"It's not okay to be assaulted. It's never okay for someone to violate your person."
"He told police that he actually intended not to kill one of his victims, a 16-year-old girl, and that he planned to allow her to go after he had sexually assaulted her."
"Don't start crap with somebody and assault them for no reason."
"It was a brutal assault, but the beachhead was secured."
"This could have been just a story about a girl trying to get over a sexual assault that happened, and dealing with men and women, but then they're like, 'Oh also, it's a horror movie,' and it's like, well, both this really, really sucks."
"This was a shocking assault on our democracy, and it marked one of our nation's darkest days."
"The 35-man strong MSG assaults the 130-man strong Iraqi positions, methodically clearing out buildings and trenches near the gatehouse."
"16-year-old Vivian seemed to have been sexually assaulted."
"Assaulted is a... Yeah, that's a nice way of saying he shot us."
"Soda was assaulted, abused, humiliated, and potentially drugged for three months by 12 men."
"When I use the term assault, I'm talking about sexual assault, of course, that's what he did many, many times in his criminal career."
"You can be raped by someone you're married to, dating. It doesn't matter, just being in a relationship with someone doesn't give consent."
"He accidentally brushed the back of his hand against her breast and said 'whoops I'm sorry' after grazing her breast despite murdering her minutes later."
"You brought bedbugs in here? Oh, that's vandalism. Assault."
"He was taken to the hospital following his arrest after he was found to be suffering from serious lacerations to his arms and legs which police allege that he sustained during the brutal attack."
"Assault is the progression of the same behaviors that permit us to be denigrated, interrupted, shut out, and shut up."
"I could literally just step out of the house and I will still be harassed and assaulted and stalked regardless of how I look to other people."
"Something heavy crashed into the back of his head and he plummeted into a bottomless well of oblivion."
"Putting your hands on somebody or doing what he did, that's... that's no grounds for assault."
"At the root of the demonic assault on our species is envy."
"...and this is how Casey falls victim to sexual assault. Yet the assault is abruptly interrupted by a gunshot from behind, the shooter introducing himself as Billy."
"No one wants to go have dinner and be physically assaulted."
"He was coming here and he assaulted her and they're protecting him. Do you want to join the search party?"
"...it should be okay to speak out about assault online."
"And it wasn't rape. Meaning, he didn't rape me. He didn't... you know, sexual intercourse. It wasn't enough."
"The CCG begins their assault by infiltrating the lab."
"Every year Jennifer makes a traditional disaster in the shape of a cake and this one looks like was assaulted literally."
"One former co-star recounted a disturbing incident where Lewis allegedly assaulted her during a film shoot."
"Violence and harassment and sexual assault against women is happening at disproportionate levels."
"So what happened? The gang put the bag on my head. They drove me to the forest, and it was night. It was really cold. They beat me."
"The guy reached into my property, tried to steal my property, and hit me on top of that with a cowardly Sucker Punch."
"Charles shot Robert and held Carol captive for a short while. He did his best to physically assault her."
"Grimes's most popular song, 'Oblivion,' off of 2012's 'Visions,' is about her experience as a victim of assault and the resulting trauma that left her fearful of men."
"Let's recognize that they are under attack. They are being assaulted twenty-four hours a day by a hellish, fiendish worldview."
"...if you even go to the police the police are gonna question whether or not it really happened why were you there were you intoxicated what were you wearing why were you even there at night you know how many times this happened to before is this woman promiscuous."
"Assault is close to murder, no? But he didn't actually kill anyone."
"He wrapped his hand around my neck and began to strangle me. I struggled, and he began to shake me against the pavement."
"Walking up to a woman, grabbing her face, and sticking your tongue down her throat is sexual assault."
"There's no tearing down of black men and women in this particular subject. What we witnessed was clearly a sexual assault."
"Think of addictions as physical assaults on the brain."
"I guarantee you give it to me in 3 minutes if he calls down here with it your own policy you must give me a complaint for I was assaulted."
"I was raped by a man and a woman who I knew I trusted them but never reported the crime never spoke about it until recent years because I was always made to fail that it was always my fault and that is how I've always felt most of my life."
"2003, getting stabbed up. Were they masked? Yeah, yeah, yeah. One had a gun, one had a bat, one had an ax."
"about her not being about her being assaulted they care not about that at all simply because they don't like her."
"It was found that her life had been ended due to asfixiation with her own belt and that she had been assaulted."
"Over a number of savage battles, a void strike mission represents the most perilous phase of a boarding assault, with attackers attempting to establish a foothold on the enemy vessel."
"Sexual assault is not hot or sexy, I'm gonna say it like it's not."
"It just wasn't what I... I don't want to talk about the atonement or the... because like I said assault on a mission is unique."
"Seth spoke about the two separate times where he was assaulted by Jason."
"It's clear that she's fighting back. It's clear that she's being assaulted."
"First of all, I want you to apologize to her for assaulting her and racially profiling her."
"Screw the guy that did this to this cosplayer. I witnessed a sussy bear cosplay that is associated with kidnapping children throw a little girl over his shoulder and run off."
"Now when they looked into Chad's criminal history, they found that he had a long history of assaulting women."
"Just keep in mind that the women that were being assaulted and left alive didn't know that they'd been attacked by the Yorkshire Ripper."
"And the story of every man's life in this room is the story of the long and sustained assault on your heart by the one who knows who you could be. And he fears you."
"With her head bowed and with tears running down her face, she told me that she had been assaulted and was now pregnant."
"The devil is on full assault mode, the devil's on full attack mode, and we're sitting back, you know, on our laurels like nothing's going to happen."
"I expect to deal with abusive people, aggressive people, but I don't expect to be assaulted at work."
"In a post-truth world, the assault is on religion, philosophy, and absolute truth."
"The absolute best institution that you can go to if you've been assaulted is always the police."
"The Void Tridents' favorite tactic is simply known as a hit and run assault, which involves one or more boarding parties forcing access to a target ship, fighting their way through the companion way with the aim of destroying key systems."
"I've got choice. Technically it's an assault though, just kind of like opening up to a crime here."
"He had saved her from a near-sexual assault just a week before."
"If you attempt an assault you'll die before you see his face unless someone were to help you."
"Gilmore planned on assaulting Charleston with around 11,000 infantry, 350 artillery men, and 400 Engineers."
"I was just being fiercely assaulted, like I'm literally about to die."
"The next great controversy will be an assault on the doctrine of the atonement."
"Seeing that his minion stood little chance of overcoming Doru, the Lich Master turned his dark magics upon the mighty tree man."
"I wouldn't consider the situation sexual assault, accusing he didn't physically touch her."
"It's so incredibly tough as a man to have to say that you were sexually assaulted by a man."
"She rammed the taser into my back and electrified me."
"If I push you, it's assault too, but if I break your nose, it's assault. Any type of sexual conduct or behavior that occurs without the expert content of the recipient. I think it's too broad."
"They hit him in the face like a hundred times."
"Ever since it was brought in here, people have been physically assaulted by some sort of dark energy that lingers inside the building."
"The only person's fault that these assaults are is the person doing the assaulting, that's it, simple as."
"You can't do that, your children have the right to be free of assault and injury."
"The Triumph of Decay is one of the most terrifying and demoralizing of all assaults from chaos."
"So often, we talk about this as 'believe women,' and this is an area where it's incredibly hard to gather statistics on it, but the statistics that they have gathered show that men are more likely to be sexually assaulted than they are to be falsely accused."
"The Japanese launched the first of five assaults up the reverse slope of the ridge held by Walt's men."
"The person that you assault is going to live with it forever."
"Sexual assault and rape is valid no matter the gender."
"Let's not stop the conversation; sexual assault is unacceptable."
"Sexual assault is not about sex; it's about control, it's about anger."
"The amount of people who have been raped or sexually assaulted or sexually abused is staggering. One in four women, that's 6.54 million women in total, have so the chances are you will know somebody."
"Assaulting an enemy's position is a horrible thing for a person to do."
"The Imperial Fists operated as a massed shock assault force utilizing heavy armor and with a preference towards precise and reliable heavy weaponry and heavy infantry assaults."
"The only option left was to get over the wall and secure them by storm, the traditional Roman way."
"Assault is not a joke. Putting your hands on somebody without consent is assault."
"Every country needs harsher punishments for assault."
"Sexual assault occurs at a really, really high rate, much higher than that one percent."
"The only person who's done a bad thing in this situation is the guy who pushed so hard that she froze and he sexually assaulted her."
"Sexual assault thrives in silence, and it is my hope that by stepping into the light, we can encourage others to do the same."
"This was a horrific crime. This was a stranger sexual assault and murder."
"Unfortunately, a woman who's been a victim of assault is going to have a greatly likelihood of being assaulted again because her body language, her entire countenance, her demeanor is one of insecurity and vulnerability."
"Sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of gender."
"The fist Lord used his second technique; dozens, hundreds of fists rained down on Yuan."
"Boxing is two guys hitting each other; one guy hitting another is assault."
"If someone strips you, penetrates you, and sprints away, they're guilty."
"She stepped in to try stopping the assault on her friend and was knocked out cold by the man."
"I was assaulted at age of 14, just coming home from school in my school uniform."
"The use of unreasonable force is an assault."
"I opened my eyes to how many people don't know what assault actually is."
"...he was attacked by a mentally ill homeless person... whatever he hit his head on was what caused the brain damage."
"The main advantage of the multi-vector assault design was having the ability to confront an enemy from multiple warp-capable vectors for a formidable surprise attack."
"Sexual assault: it's never your fault."
"I didn't know who was punching me, touching me, shoving me, nothing. I was fearing for my life."
"Between 11 and 11:30, in close quarter hand-to-hand fighting, the massive assault by the Confederate left overruns the Union rights, inflicting horrendous federal casualties."
"Direct Action - specializing in amphibious assault, Raiders are designed to infiltrate enemy territory - typically from the sea - and steal, capture, or destroy extremely high valuable assets."
"Anything that is considered legally assaulting somebody should not be able to be done to somebody on the job."
"We are under the greatest environmental assault in the history of humanity."
"Just because she didn't come forward right away doesn't mean that she wasn't the victim of a sexual assault."
"The overwhelming majority of women who say that they were sexually assaulted or the victims of domestic violence are telling the truth."
"We should continue to fight sexual assault on college campuses while simultaneously insisting on fair processes for adjudicating complaints."
"It's really an assault on our democratic institutions."