
Satan Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"The reason that he really saw Satan as a hero is because he hated religion he saw the structures of religion and the rules and roles that are created by religion as inherently bad."
"Satan will always follow the same pattern he tries to redefine who God is redefine who Jesus is redefine who the holy spirit is redefine who the church is."
"Sexual immorality is not just a problem today because our flesh is weak, it's a problem because Satan knows our flesh is weak and he is creating an environment for you to exploit your weaknesses."
"Revelation's prophecy: Satan's final fall and the link to past events."
"It is not the praying sheep Satan fears but the presence of the shepherd."
"Satan needs human beings to do his will. Without human beings giving him the authority, the devil can't do anything."
"Jesus Christ, by his death, rendered Satan powerless."
"Satan can't do anything without God's permission."
"Concepts like Satan evolved within an interrelated network of societal, cultural, and political influences."
"Satan fights influence; when he can't stop evangelism, he attacks influence."
"Who would you say your number one enemy is today? Great question. Satan."
"I renounce Satan and all his works, I want nothing to do with it."
"Satan is most happy when he's able to break up families, even greater than that, the human family."
"Satan is the prince of the power of the air."
"It exposes the enemy of Christ just because there's one enemy to Christ and it is Satan."
"One of the devil's greatest tactics is a deceit. He is the father of all lies. Every lie originates from him." - John 8:44
"The devil is not currently in bondage. He walks about seeking whom he may devour." - 1 Peter 5:8
"The thing that Satan doesn't want anyone to know is that he has lost."
"The mark is going to be visible because Satan is a copycat."
"The demons run with fury away from it. Satan - I have literally seen Satan himself bow before the power of the blood."
"Satan himself, the most feared figure."
"I beheld Satan fall from Heaven as lightning."
"Satan's objective is to get even with God by belittling His greatness and causing people not to believe in Him."
"The crisis is profound, cleverly organized and directed, and by this token, one can truly believe that the mastermind is not a man but Satan himself."
"So, my point is that Satan has an advantage because he can operate at a limited distance. Here's his second advantage, and you gotta hear this. The second advantage is his invisibility."
"Satan cannot give you a gift. All he can do is enhance what is inside of you and pervert it."
"Satan wants to be worshipped as if he's truly God."
"His metabolism probably also worships Satan as I'm beginning to realize everything in the 80s did."
"The Holy Spirit is the one who deals with sin, he's restraining Satan from full final lawlessness in the form of the ultimate Antichrist."
"Freedom, liberty, power, and usefulness are the results when Satan is defeated."
"You're foolish if you think Satan has had no influence in your life."
"The moment you criticize any man of God, Satan starts taking a breath of fresh air."
"Satan doesn't have any authority over you."
"The filthy Trinity: the red dragon Satan, the Beast that came out of the sea, the governmental system one world order, and the false prophet that comes out of the land."
"Satan's goal isn't to possess and torment your physical body, his aim is your soul."
"Satan is bound but he's still active."
"Satan is powerless to stop the proclamation of the Gospel."
"If Satan had a business card, it would say 'Prince of darkness.' If Jesus had a business card, it would say 'Jesus Christ, the light of the world.'"
"Evil does exist, but it exists apart from God. God is not the author of it; Satan is."
"God is not the author of it; Satan is."
"Some of you literally are battling Satan, one person, you're battling Satan and the princes of Hell, the agents of the devil."
"Satan will plot but God always defends his people."
"Satan's kingdom is not eternal; his role is coming to a conclusion."
"God is angry at his children mixing with Satan."
"Satan is a doubting thought in the mind of God."
"So, there is this conflict between good and evil. But what might Satan be doing with all this emphasis on extraterrestrials and aliens in the press, in books, in movies, in Hollywood productions?"
"The goal of Satan is to Blind the eyes that they would live in darkness."
"Satan always wanted to be equal to God, but Jesus renounced his glory, became one of us, and took the position of a servant."
"What Satan is trying to do is to bring his civilization, a civilization of darkness, to cover the world. That's why you see there is so much evil."
"Satan knows that there is something in this secret that will undermine him."
"The worst thing in the world that we can do is to mix the things of God and the things of Satan."
"Satan is an actual person, he's not some kind of force or personification of evil."
"You come before the Courts of Heaven to get back the rights that Satan has taken from you."
"Satan is a master copycat. He copies God."
"Michael, the archangel, would not even revile Satan, who is a fallen angel."
"Satan is not really after you, he's after your resources."
"Satan fears nothing more than the blood of Jesus."
"The blood is what Satan fears the most."
"When Satan sees the blood, he trembles."
"Ramirez seemed to think Satan had hired him. Hired for what, you might wonder? More of his ranting in court might explain that."
"Resist the schemes of Satan, for it has taken the best that God has from his people, over and over, leaving believers on the sidelines."
"The true name of Satan, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed; for Satan is not a black god but the negation of God."
"If you take away all the negativity from Satan, he's a good guy."
"There you are, even Satan loves their mom and dad."
"Satan always overpromises and underdelivers."
"The fall of Satan brought death into a world that at the time did not know what death was."
"It was an alien because Satan was not from this world, he was from another world."
"No wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of Light."
"Satan's role is often to test the faithful or to lead people astray. He's not really an anti-god, that comes out of dualist reinterpretations."
"You fight Satan by quoting Bible verses, singing praises to Jesus and God, and praying."
"Satan's accusations against you in the presence of God are designed to get God to see you as unworthy."
"The main objective of Satan in this life is to get you into hell, full stop. How? It doesn't matter. Whatever you do, as long as the final conclusion is that he manages to have you accompany him in Hellfire for eternity, that's good news."
"Sickness is a foul offspring of its father Satan and its mother sin."
"Satan is a created being, even atheists understand that."
"We live in a fallen world where the Prince of power of the air is Satan."
"Satan has one desire from beginning of time to this day: divide and conquer."
"For God to evict Satan, he needs to see your title."
"Satan depends on our dependence to defeat our defenses."
"Satan always tried to imitate God always."
"Materialism is one of Satan's most effective tools against Jehovah's people."
"Satan hates people who keep the Commandments of God."
"The power of Satan is ignorance, the only power Satan has is your ignorance." - Speaker
"The Satan doesn't want us to listen, he wants us to fail."
"Don’t ever underestimate the power of Satan. He is stronger than you are. He is smarter than you are. He’s more deceptive than you’ll ever be."
"God's power in you is greater than Satan's power around you."
"They worshipped Baal, so Baal would be Satan."
"Satan's power is aimed at the destruction of the church but Jesus said the gates of Hell shall not prevail."
"It has always been Satan's determination, his desire to be worshipped."
"Satan does not steal your car, your family, or your finances. What Satan comes to steal is time."
"God's not the author of confusion. Satan is."
"'Satan's goal when he accuses us of sin is to drive us to despair, to give us a sense of hopelessness that yes, we are guilty and there is no escape from our guilt.'"
"The lie of Satan is if you give yourself to God utterly and wholly, if you totally trust him, he'll crush you. You won't be happy. You can't trust God. God doesn't really love you."
"Satan assaulted another innocent sufferer who died naked and who died crying out, 'Why? Why am I suffering?' And he got no answer. It was Jesus Christ."
"I like that it's like, no they kind of like built out this whole dynamic and like they gave Satan somewhere to go with it. I thought that was a more interesting take than like it really really had a right to be and a great character."
"Don't let Satan get a foothold in your life."
"Here's a rule that I didn't know about Satan: you must not interfere with free will or he himself ceases to exist."
"Wow if Satan interferes with free will, he'll cease to exist."
"Satan is called the accuser of our brethren."
"Satan wants to reshape man in his image, and he has great disdain for the body because God became man."
"the great achievement of Satan in the modern world is to get people to think that he does not exist"
"Shaytan has many names: Satan, Shaytan, Lucifer, Iblis."
"The Quran preaches that Satan has no power or authority over the believers."
"He advocated for a Christus Victor model which has the atonement primarily with reference to Satan and evil and death."
"The smoke of Satan flowed into the Church during the council."
"Satan can only do what God allows."
"If Satan went boot it, he'd run like scared rabbits."
"Trusting the authority of the Bible. Satan hates the Bible."
"Satan's only real concern is to get people to accept or not accept the belief in the divinity of Jesus."
"Satan, once an anointed cherub, turned into the devil."
"Satan wants you to give up on believing God's word in order to stop your assignment."
"If you wear that seal because you've got courage to stand against Satan and to hold the fort to hold the line to do battle."
"Satan's number one form of deception is to make the world believe that he doesn't exist."
"Armageddon is the revived Roman Empire with all of Satan's demons helping, getting the whole world to come to destroy the people of God."
"When most people think of Satan, they are probably thinking of the character Lucifer."
"God is good but Satan pays better."
"Satan's attack is to destroy our path to the Tree of Life by way of the cross, so that we may live in fellowship with the Lord forever."
"Why would they make Satan appear attractive, seductive, or like a homeboy? Because they want to desensitize you."
"The opposite of Satan isn't God, you know. It's not like God has equal strength in Satan. The opposite of Satan is Saint Michael the Archangel."
"Every time Satan challenges you, pull out the blood."
"If you want to know what worshiping Satan looks like, pair yourself to a man that does not belong to God. He will multiply sorrow, misery, iniquity, lack of provision, lack of protection."
"Everything that Satan does is pretend. He pretends he has substance, he pretends he can give you exactly what you want."
"True Deliverance is confronting ignorance because Satan only takes advantage of your ignorance."
"Satan has long wanted to be worshipped and to rule the world."
"Satan is more powerful than we are, he's smarter than we are, he's got a stronger will than we have, and we need help in defeating him and thwarting his plan in our lives."
"Satan will always have a response for everything you say, but he will never have a response for your silence."
"God is intent on preserving your faith. That's why importance has to fight the good fight. What Satan wants to take away from you is your faith."
"Satan was hard on you, now it's going to become more harder because now you are on the right path."
"The end of the ages has come, Satan has been cast out."
"The only weapon left in Satan's arsenal is the lie."
"The weapon of saying Satan's lie is no match for the weapon of God's truth."
"The devil loves more than anything a passive Christian."
"Satan targets the mind with lies to make us ignorant of God's will."
"Satan targets the heart with accusations to make us act independently of God's will."
"Satan does not have horns. He does not have hooves. He does not have a spike tail."
"God is like the mafia boss and Satan his henchmen."
"The very last deception of Satan will be to make of non-effect the testimony of the spirit of God."
"Satan is in you because you are trying to misguide people."
"He might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil guys Jesus on the cross destroyed the power of Satan."
"If you do not finish Satan's work, he is gonna finish you."
"For all of us this morning as believers, there is no state of neutrality. None of us are allowed to go spiritually AWOL and escape this war. Each and every one of us has a real foe in Satan, and he has untold hosts at his disposal."
"Satan was a very powerful, beautiful, good angel."
"The restraining spirit of God, which imposes a check upon the cruel power of Satan, was in great measure the key that opens the shaft."
"The cross reveals that Satan is a liar."
"Satan does not come anywhere near our Savior Jesus Christ. He is an adversary, yes, but he is not the opposite of Jesus in a sense of power. Jesus Christ reigns and He has ultimate authority over Satan and everything that he says and everything that he does."
"...changing God's law was the singular strategy that Satan accomplished... through pagan Rome and then through papal Rome... God told Daniel the change was coming."
"...if you look in your King James version of the Bible, the first time that you get the name Satan in English is in 1 Chronicles chapter 21."
"Satan shall have power over the hearts of the children of men no more."
"Persecution in its varied forms is the development of a principle which will exist as long as Satan exists and Christianity has vital power."
"Satan is out to deceive you, and he is doing a good job of it today with all of the help and the support that he gets from people."
"Satan is the accuser of the Brethren, infecting you with the spirit of accusing."
"Surely, Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take him as your enemy."
"Satan hates our bodies and he wants us to hate them as much as he hates them."
"If God's men don't rule, then Satan's men do."
"Satan is fulfilling the plan of God."
"Satan is trying to put himself as head in authority over every sphere of politics, culture, entertainment, in your life."
"Satan said, 'All you need to do is worship Me,' and Jesus said, 'No, worship the Lord God and serve him only.'"
"Don't be surprised when Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
"Hallelujah, what a Savior, for a thousand years Satan is bound, and Jesus is the victor at the battle of Armageddon."
"At the second coming of Jesus Christ, Satan will be bound for a thousand years."
"Jesus will come back and bind Satan... in the bottomless pit for a thousand years."
"This event is the culmination, the most pinnacle event in the life of Satan."
"There is nothing that will defeat Satan like the word of God."
"Our greatest enemy today is the problem of evil, a personal malevolent evil opponent, his name is Satan."
"Satan, I resist you in the name of Jesus."
"The clearest picture of Satan comes from the Bible, the Judeo-Christian religious heritage."
"When you start praising God, Satan cannot stand praise."
"We are absolutely delivered from the dominion of Satan."
"When you yield to sin, you yield to the person who's the author of that sin, unto Satan, which he comes to steal, kill, and to destroy."
"He beheld Satan, and he had a great chain in his hand, and it veiled the whole face of the earth with darkness."
"The one below all is basically the real Satan or devil of the Marvel Universe."