
President Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The President would often call his agents by their name in this instance, Colin Koop is as a good representation of that relationship."
"Trump is not a disgrace, he's a fantastic president in terms of his accomplishments. The best president of my lifetime."
"The president should be very free to send usually his cabinet officials and sub-cabinet officials to testify to Congress to provide them with the information needed to enact legislation and to make national policy."
"What powers does a president have?"
"Presidents are not immune from being held accountable"
"The last thing I saw the president do was put his head back, and the only comments that we made about the president was that his tan was beautiful and also his house was looking good that day."
"Our president has done more to bless the State of Israel than all the presidents combined since 1948."
"There is no greater honor in the world, to tell you the truth, I'd rather have earned one of these than be president." - President Truman speaking about the Medal of Honor.
"This president's response has been historic, delivering on ventilators, testing, leading the world."
"I've never heard a president ever use the term cave lighting before."
"He's doing things that other presidents didn't have the nuts to do."
"The Russians are planning to make an attempt on the life of the president tonight."
"A president faced with a stark and unmistakable choice between right and wrong."
"Yo, president, you want to save a bunch of money, just stay at home."
"This is the first time in U.S. history a U.S. president has been in criminal trial."
"Mental Health Care is Healthcare, Mr. President."
"President Nayib Bukele made controlling the country’s gangs, his highest priority."
"You guys are lucky because you have in my opinion a great president."
"That's the wildest [ __ ] ever that's like that's that's that's ridiculous but I mean I feel like a lot of voting it's I feel like voting for a president is like voting for American Idol."
"Give him a chance and see what he does as your president."
"Anytime you got a president tweeting out something that he saw on a golf course... that is racist."
"And of course note the president's CC int when she hears this. Yeah, calls Osa. This is standard practice inside, not the police."
"Okay, it's one president to acquire the most land in U.S history."
"A former President rooting against a U.S. national team is like Mr. Met showing up to a game in a Yankees Jersey."
"Pray for our president. Pray for all those who have encouraged abortion, especially partial-birth abortion. What a horrible thing before the eyes of God."
"The president watched the explosion, the tape replay, in stunned silence. That tragic emotion was on his face and very evident."
"It was the death of William McKinley that ignited a national discussion about protecting the president."
"He's the former president, and as such, he has a security detail 24/7."
"But, of course, I could not let this day go by without a wishing a happy—a ten score and eighth birthday to our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln."
"Washington became the only state named after a U.S president."
"What does the president's cabinet do? Advises the president."
"...the attack was incited by a sitting president of the United States to disrupt the peaceful transfer of Presidential Power by engaging an Insurrection against the Constitution."
"This is the letter from Teddy Roosevelt, tying the fourth president to this mill here in a letter and thanked the mill owners for making him his suit for the inauguration party."
"The President's view is he's made a pledge to the American people, he wants to donate it to charity."
"Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender."
"The first president of the United States, George Washington, used to grow hemp."
"I've fallen in love with our president."
"Millie the White House dog earned more than four times as President Bush in 1991."
"The president continues to do very well."
"I'm always advising the president because I feel that the president can benefit from advice from the citizens."
"Teddy Roosevelt was kind of a badass."
"President Harrison Ford saves Air Force One from Russian terrorists with one."
"Tonight, farewell to a president, by his admirers and his critics."
"If they can respect a president who makes movies with monkeys, they can respect anybody."
"There's nothing divisive about endorsing somebody for president."
"The Ferdinand Magellan, designated U.S. number one, was ready for President Franklin Delano Roosevelt."
"Little would you know that that would be the sound of the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln."
"Washington is named after George Washington, the first president of the United States."
"So BTS is actually well appreciated by the president."
"Abraham Lincoln's patent relates to an invention to lift boats over Shoals and obstructions in a river."
"American presidents are not above having to provide evidence in response to a law enforcement inquiry."
"I've never seen a United States President cry until... the president couldn't even get through the citation without breaking down."
"I'm George Washington, the first president, I didn't have wooden teeth, they were made of lead, brass, bone, and hippopotamus ivory."
"The president is going to continue to enforce federal anti-discrimination protections."