
Starting Over Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"I would rather lose everything and start over than continue in this cycle."
"Never feel as though you get to 35, 40 years old and you have to start over and that life is over."
"The only way is up, even if we're back to square one."
"If it doesn't work, we have to start over again."
"You start where you quit. So wherever you quit before you get going, go back there and let's start right there."
"The worst case scenario, should you find the courage to move forward, is that you end up right back where you started, a little more confident, a little bolder."
"You're not stuck with your decisions, you can start over."
"How do you start when everything has gone wrong?"
"It's very easy to want to just tear it all down, hit the reset button."
"Welcome back to the planet crafter... this is how you start on a planet where you've crash landed."
"If you had to start all over again with nothing in your pocket, what would be your first three moves?"
"I'm gonna start over again and I'm gonna start with no, I mean, even though I've learned something before, I'm gonna assume that I haven't and ask questions."
"Everything you own, everything you worked for is destroyed and what do you do? You simply start over."
"You fear the unknown, you fear starting over, you fear people laughing at your failure, you fear not meeting someone else."
"It is now time to start this process all over again."
"It's never too late to start over a lot of people are stuck in their relationships where they want to get out but they don't know how to CU they don't know what the world is like without their partner you know."
"Don't be afraid to start stuff from scratch."
"If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of these pieces up and begin again."
"You're never too old to start again."
"Don't let the fear of starting over dictate your life."
"Someone definitely sees you are starting over, you are planning on trying to manifest some sort of new beginning."
"Let's just start from the beginning."
"It's never too late to start over."
"When you say 'rip it all up,' that means we're just going to start from scratch. It's not going to be like FIFA Ultimate Team."
"Even though I am starting from zero, there's nothing wrong with that."
"You just said you don't know where to go to begin again. Where can you go to begin again?"
"Remember, you can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."
"This is a great chance for us to start over."
"Some of y'all are starting all over. Say, 'I'm starting all over,' alright? Some of y'all are choosing, like, you know what? I'mma start over and I'm going to live life this time. I'm going to go after what I'm passionate about."
"Don't be afraid to start from zero, it might lead you to big changes."
"It was beautiful to just learn something from scratch again."
"What's my starting point now? It's a mess. It was always going to be a mess. I was never going to get a fresh start."
"Even if you have to start small or over, you're on the road to success."
"Starting over process when you're getting rid of everything seems scary but now it's kind of exciting because you do get to start fresh and new."
"He must have experienced the despair of starting over from the beginning."
"I'm sorry, let's have a new beginning."
"They're not afraid of starting over."
"Empty the cup and start from the beginning. It's not easy to do but at the moment it's the only way that I see..."
"It's never too late to turn around, never too late to go the other direction or heck even start over."
"Sometimes you just gotta pull the plug, hit delete, start over fresh page."
"I think starting over is a [ __ ] beautiful thing. I had to remind myself, like, I've started over before many times."
"Sometimes things go so disastrously wrong that you have no choice but to throw away what you've got and start again."
"The fastest way is to start over but it's not necessary."
"Sometimes the best that we can do is to start over."
"Sometimes for our greatest good we have to burn everything to the ground and start over again."
"In order to start over or to create a new foundation, you've got to tear down the old one."
"Starting over again may seem daunting."
"A lot of people need to go back to square one with this type of love and start based on who they are."
"You're starting over and appreciating blessings from a different perspective."
"It's like Assassin's Creed one [ __ ] it's like no, no, no, no, no, we're starting, you gotta start over man, you gotta remember what got you here."
"What do you do when you've lost everything or have to start over? Just make a call."
"They want to start something new or start something over with this purity, this beginnings."
"Beginnings. Try again. New direction. Start over."
"I've kind of died. I think I'll start about eight thousand."
"I'm literally starting over at 27 years old with three kids. It just sucks."
"You know, I don't think you start over."
"Starting over... it's scary but also just liberating."
"To have a super clean refrigerator, we basically have to start at Ground Zero."
"Sometimes you gotta burn it down."
"If you move into a new place, start from scratch."
"Let's start over. There's definitely a willingness from your person to want to take that leap of faith or to want to start from the beginning, to start fresh."
"I'm starting from scratch and only have like this much, but like it was filled to the brim you couldn't even see in there."
"Don't be afraid to fall over a few times or start from scratch."
"He basically wants to start again, this is all about creating new beginnings."
"She was perfect at that and then the breakup, she gets out with practically nothing, has to start all over again."
"It's fine to start over. It's fine to get back on it."
"We are starting right at the beginning."
"Feeling remorseful, she tells Elias she wants to start over and asks him to forgive and forget."
"You hurt her not nicely. You gotta start the ball rolling."
"The best advice to end on is if you mess up just erase it and start over."
"Let's take things back to the simplest form."
"Following his father's death as a teenager, Hill started himself out on motorbikes."
"Sometimes the best we can do is to start over."
"Now you are taking this bath and you are like physically just cleansing yourself and thinking of the idea of starting a new and welcoming in the new."
"Start from the beginning, from the scratch."
"Sometimes you just gotta burn everything to the ground and start over."
"It's almost like when you get married you kind of almost start over because now you're a unit."
"Starting over can be so beautiful and so painful at the same time. You know, there's a lot of highs and lows."
"Every day I'm learning to be more of my own person and figure out, 'Hey, what does Rachel want to do?' rather than, 'Oh, well, you know, like, I was planning a whole life with somebody.' So, it's kind of like I gotta take a step back and start over from square one."
"Take what resonates, the rest may be off. You're taking this leap of faith, starting again."
"It's never too late to start over, it's never too late to chase after your dream."
"Everybody who is here is already the hero or is showing up tonight in the hopes that they can begin to be the hero. It is never ever ever too late to start."
"I want to start with a clean slate."
"He's like I had to humble myself and start from scratch."
"Obviously as an immigrant, you're going to start from the low end, from the bottom, and you're going to start making your way."
"That's all you could do, you just start from scratch."
"You can literally start from zero and make it if you really put your mind to it."
"I moved down there with $500 and an air mattress."
"There's nothing worse than having burnt gravy and having to start the process over."
"Just throw it in the trash and start over."
"Starting all over again is gonna be hard, so hard, but we're gonna make it."
"It's okay if you have to start over."
"Start now. You don't have to wait till the beginning of the year or this, you know? Just don't be afraid to start over."
"That difference between these two dudes, you know, begin again, you're gonna start again. That's how it is if you're trying to look for something right. That's part of the dating world."
"Starting over is always scared even for the smartest man in the universe but it can also lead you to places you never thought you'd go."
"Change is inevitable, so we threw away everything that we've done for 70 years and said let's just start all over again."
"She had a home, a job, and a family, but now she's back in Wales with next to nothing."
"Life isn't over at 40 years old. Life isn't over after a bad marriage. You can rebuild and start over. It takes time but you can do it."
"So many years have gone by you're just like oh if only I stuck with this if only I didn't give up on this oh it's too late to start over now literally bro that was me but I started over and it all worked out."
"Restoring relationships always begins at the beginning."
"It's going to take a lot to redeem yourself, but that's a good start."
"You're starting over elsewhere. You're self-made."
"Some of y'all are going to start all over all by yourself and you're going to thrive."
"He wants to start all over again and wants to live out all their dreams together."
"Change is difficult, it's hard to start over."
"Let's strip it down and start over."
"Sometimes it's easier just to start over."
"Sometimes you got to slow down to go fast, that's right, start from scratch, yeah."
"This video is for you. I'd like to talk to you today about the first steps I would take if I was in the position to start over right."
"I like jumping into the deep end and almost starting again and learning a new craft."
"If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss and lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss."
"Exactly what I would do if I had to restart everything from completely zero."
"I probably got this in 2020 honestly and it grew to be a pretty long like nice plant um so I'm glad that we're kind of starting over I guess and I get to watch it grow again."
"So how do you get back in the game? You're going to just start, that's all there is to it, there is nothing crazy about this, there is no actual strategy, it's simply start."
"You know, starting over is scary, even if it's what you want."
"I sit down and I look through the first pages and I'm thinking, oh my goodness, I'm starting from scratch here."
"Even if you're starting over, those years have given you the resources."
"Rebuilding begins when we grieve over the status quo."
"By the time everything was said and done, my account was negative 300, and I just had to start over."
"You can never fully see your true potential if you have a fear of starting over."
"Why don't we just pretend today never happened and start over?"
"You can start to live differently starting right now."
"I love how you talked about minimalism being this tool to help you start over."
"Peter Parker has to essentially start from scratch."
"There's nothing wrong with starting over. I have a graveyard in my basement."
"There's nothing wrong with starting over."
"We can start over, reinvent myself starting now."
"It's okay to start over. Pick up from wherever you left off and get back on your [__]."
"It's okay to go back to square one; this is what innovation is about."
"Without shame, I can begin again."
"Imagine being a 60-year old man and building up wealth your entire life, only to see all of it gone and you have to start all over from scratch."
"We can start all over and forget about the past."
"If I had to start again from scratch, I would focus on these six things."
"If we lost everything... and we had to start from scratch, what would you do?"
"My message for all the people, you know what I'm saying, you can start from zero."
"Everything that I had worked for for the majority of my life just got swept out to sea, and at the age of 50 something, I was starting all over again."
"They stripped everything out and then started from scratch."
"What if I told you that I lost everything, all my money, my contacts, and my knowledge, and all I had left was $100?"
"Remember that your life is important and starting over can be overwhelming, so whatever you do, even small, is going to make a big impact."
"You have to lose once in a while to start somewhere."
"Sometimes the hardest part isn't letting go but rather learning how to start over."
"We're going back home to start our life over and rebuild this."
"I completely purged my life, completely started over from the bottom."
"So when you make a mistake, you really sometimes end up starting back from scratch."
"It's the fear of starting over. A lot of people don't like to start over."
"I feel like I've started from scratch."
"I literally started this when I was on rock bottom, everyone left me."
"It's like the universe is giving you a new chance, maybe even to rebuild your life completely from scratch."
"Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?"
"The phone was reset, factory reset."
"It's time to go back to square one."
"I'll go back to square one and work my way up again."
"Let me start by saying I'm sorry."
"It's okay to start over; it's okay to rebuild."