
Minerals Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"Wano is actually the origin point for the Sea Stone mineral in all of the land of One Piece."
"I love the feel of those, same is so heavy as well, this is a hefty chunk of rose quartz."
"Don't fear salt, it is the natural substance your body controls its intake, it's an essential mineral."
"This blend of minerals helps to provide oxygen to skin cells and tissue."
"We're made out of trace minerals, but toxic heavy metals weaken us."
"Element has enough sodium, potassium, and magnesium to get you feeling and performing your best."
"The united states is vulnerable to china's rare earth monopoly."
"Rare earth elements aren't the secret weapon China thinks they are."
"It's full of rare earths, it's full of gold and minerals."
"I'd rather get as far as we can through the nickel, cobalt, and iron."
"This minerals that actually has 99.9999 raised to 9999 minerals it's pretty much infinite minerals I think you could mined this for a year and you never run out."
"Engineers have done amazing things to turn this plentiful shiny rock into the century's most impactful piece of technology."
"An entire planet filled to the brim with a simple mineral."
"The dead sea quote is the richest source of minerals in the world."
"Oysters are high in zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin D, and copper... highly recommended as a protein source."
"The breathtaking display isn't the work of any human artist, but a natural masterpiece sculpted by iron oxides like hematite and goethite, and clays."
"This is public land, American land, and Americans deserve to get paid when you take stuff out of it, because that's our minerals."
"The US Department of Defense... rolled out the first ever industrial policy... getting control of the critical minerals supply chains is front and center."
"Our human body is composed of 102 minerals and nutrients, sea moss contains 92."
"These could provide us with data on minerals that we've never seen before."
"Your health is your biggest wealth, and you need minerals more than vitamins. You should be taking mineral supplements."
"The lakes are formed by the overflow of the rivers and they vary in color depending on the minerals present in the water."
"Unlike drugs which work with one pathway and one particular reaction in the body, magnesium and most vitamins and minerals work on hundreds and hundreds of different pathways."
"So this is a big pegmatite, probably vein material, all quartz dominated by quartz but we can see also here, around the margins and such, some really nice muscovite crystals."
"They're minerals and things like that and, um, that's about it. It's not nasty."
"Their job was to extract a special mineral called the hyper Matrix from rocks."
"Sea salt is great because it's rich in minerals."
"Magnesium, calcium, potassium, and other nutrients play a major role in regulating blood pressure."
"This is perfect. These three minerals are usually found in the same place as quartz, so finding them here means I could be on to the Dutchman's lost mine."
"In the real world of quantitative geology, igneous rocks are actually defined and described and identified based on the mineral compositions they contain."
"Oxidized silver ores can have very high values."
"The hardest rock on Earth is corundum, the only mineral that will scratch a diamond."
"Cleavage or fracture? It's all about how a mineral breaks. Cubic cleavage? That's a neat one."
"It's a very vulnerable situation to be in that people who don't have the best intentions can kind of take advantage of."
"Magnesium is an incredibly important mineral in the human body."
"Magnesium is a life-changing mineral."
"They're the only electrolyte company that I truly love that just has such a good ratio of all the different minerals."
"We won't get into that discussion I'm sure but just know that there's way more to the story about the last four years and I happen to believe it all revolves around minerals."
"The real power Foods out there were the most mineral rich and this was always eating liver heart and other organs as well as shellfish."
"Researchers had discovered two minerals never before seen on Earth in a sample of 15-tonne meteorite found in Somalia."
"Redmond sea salt and the minerals are more unbound from the salt and there are over 80 minerals with redmond sea salt."
"Magnesium is required for over 300 functions in the body."
"There are no known minerals or rocks dating from Earth's origin."
"...we get 97% of the minerals we need from the foods we eat not from our water."
"Hematite which is the primary mineral I'm looking for today."
"I see some copper for sure in the form of malachite there and look at this some Azurite on some of those definitely two uh oxides of copper in there."
"...there are now something like 20 additional minerals that are acknowledged as functioning as enzyme cofactors within plants in some capacity."
"Ensuring proper plant nutrition means having the right biology in the rhizosphere and plant microbiome, along with the proper mineral nutrients."
"Interesting these slabs right here, you can really see the line, the contact zone between the two different mineral types."
"Who you are is separate from your body."
"Quartz is an independent silicate, which means it's a silicate mineral with a ton of tinker toys inside of it."
"The mud here is absolutely packed full of minerals that are said to be both detoxifying and naturally healing for your skin."
"Understanding the geology and minerals is crucial for prospecting success."
"I wrote 'Fistful of Gold' to help you find valuable minerals for yourself."
"Ores contain natural concentrations of metals."
"They've got 26 vitamins and minerals."
"Nothing else quite like a perfect specimen of banded rhodochrosite."
"The rarest type of rose quartz however contain trace amounts of phosphate or aluminum."
"One of the rarest is known as citrine quartz."
"This is the largest ball of brucite sitting on a matrix."
"Crystalline gold specimens are rare and extremely beautiful."
"Crystalline gold specimens often retain some original matrix, increasing their value."
"Quartz, opal, amethyst, citrine, smokey quartz, they're all the same thing: silicon dioxide."
"It's packed with really essential minerals for our bodies, for your adrenals."
"You never stop learning, especially when dealing with minerals."
"Minerals selectively seem to grow, as if nature has its own preferences."
"So the surface chemistry is an interesting one. We find minerals on the surface that seem to have been formed by the process of interacting with liquid water."
"People don't talk enough about minerals. They're all about vitamins."
"These clay minerals landed on Earth 4 billion years ago, making our world habitable."
"The most nutrition-dense part of the egg is the yolk, that is where all the vitamins and minerals are."
"Reduced reliance on critical minerals is a significant motivator for further sodium ion battery development."
"Sodium ion batteries could significantly reduce or eliminate the need for critical minerals like Cobalt and lithium."
"Rocks aren't minerals, and even if they were, mineral rights don't count because if you dig them up, you destroy the surface and therefore the surface owner's rights."
"People can get overly obsessed with supplements, but you need vitamins and minerals and certain things."
"Ensuring a full spectrum of minerals at least that are necessary for life are present in the environment is crucial."
"...that is a nice little chunk sitting out the side of this piece of quartz."
"...pieces like this that show you just how closely associated gold is with iron and other sulfides."
"Potassium is one of the most pro-anabolic minerals that there are."
"If you have a rock formation that provides generous levels of potassium and phosphorus and manganese and zinc... you may have a geological bedrock material that supplies all the minerals that crops really need."
"Loaded with essential minerals and possessing remarkable cleansing properties."
"Learning to identify different minerals is a skill that's valuable and well worth learning."
"Rocks are simply an aggregate of minerals formed together."
"Most minerals cannot survive the extreme changes in temperature and pressure they go through as you go deeper into the earth."
"Astronomers have discovered rocks made up of minerals that scientists have never seen before."
"It was the desire to move minerals quickly which was the impetus for the railway development in the northeast."
"Minerals tell a story; there's a narrative arc."
"Every mineral is a time capsule just waiting to tell its story."
"Fulvic acid delivers 65 minerals to the body. It's like a magical elixir."
"Filtered water and putting minerals, you're not gonna go wrong with that."
"You still need minerals, that's what we're missing in all of our food."
"That's what's so fun about mineral collecting and interesting. You think you've seen it all, but there's so many unusual minerals."
"By doing big frequent water changes, you're also replenishing essential minerals back into the water."
"If you're accidentally crushing minerals that might have energy within them, you could be releasing memories."
"But by getting control over these focused minerals, they can really get mastery over their health, their energy levels, and their overall well-being."
"Zinc is a mineral that helps our bodies actually increase testosterone production."
"Rare Earth minerals and metals, they're going to be very very interesting points."
"Magnesium is one of the most underappreciated minerals; it is calming."
"Quinoa is gluten-free, a great source not only of protein but also of magnesium, iron, and potassium."
"Magnesium may be called the master mineral."
"Every human needs minerals in order for their brain to develop and function properly."
"They're the only source of many rare minerals."
"Tom has been collecting minerals since he was 7."
"Red raspberry leaf tea is known to be rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and E, and a variety of B vitamins."
"Quartz is a major component in the continental crust."
"It contains over 84 types of minerals."
"I love crystals, this bag was full of amethyst, quartz, and selenite."
"If you're really into hot springs, the waters here have the second highest concentration of minerals of any hot springs in the world."
"All minerals look cooler when you're underground; they just look more alive."
"I am very excited about the minerals I found."
"I hope over the coming years I can keep adding to my mineral collection."
"Africa is a major producer of important metals and minerals."
"Thirty percent of that liquid is mineral, and that's why we're so buoyant on it."
"That's a gorgeous jasper agate with nice veins of chalcedony."
"My favorite is probably the pink one over there, that El Refugio mine one."
"These are beautiful pieces of tourmaline and that center piece there is a giant cassiterite crystal."
"Let's go get underground and look for some more minerals and Galena."
"It's a mineral hunting day today."
"We're made out of 102 minerals and nutrients."
"Sweet mother of mica, that's beautiful right there."
"Money talks, what a fantastic crystal."
"I really admire crystals, I appreciate them, but I'm more of a colored Stone kind of guy."
"Twinning occurs in minerals or crystals by symmetrical intergrowth of two or more crystals of the same substance."
"Broken Hill has the largest variety of minerals anywhere in Australia."
"So what you're looking at there is called calcite and copper minerals that flow with the water and then they solidify against the host rock. Really pretty."
"High quality spring water generally is going to have an optimal ratio of minerals."
"Zinc just keeps you from getting really sick."
"The seaweeds are probably one of my main sources of the trace minerals including iodine which may also be deficient in plant-based diets."
"Irish moss contains many beneficial vitamins and trace minerals such as sulfur, iodine, iron, calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, and folate."
"These springs are meant to be really calming, really soothing, full of minerals."
"The mineral that's in our bones is calcium phosphate."
"The most common sand-forming rock is granite, which is why the most common sand constituent is quartz grains."
"Quartz sand is the most common constituent of sand."
"What's interesting to me about rare Earths is that they're not rare. What's rare about them is that pulling them apart is actually rare."
"Sea salt is a blend of different minerals. It's not just sodium chloride."
"Hearts of palm have high levels of zinc and copper in a very nice ratio."
"All the minerals that we have available for us to study at GIA are valuable because they teach us about the earth, how our planet formed, and how it continues to evolve."
"It's like a bath that you lay in for an hour and it's full of all these minerals and it's supposed to just be really good for relaxation."
"Calcium and magnesium are very important for both bone and muscle health."
"It goes to show you don't have to be someplace dangerous near the mines to find good minerals."
"Lithium is an alkaline mineral and one of the trace elements considered essential for both animal and human reproductive health and general health and wellness."
"Within the nutrition major, you will draw upon your knowledge in biology, chemistry, and biochemistry, studying nutrients within foods, how the human body digests, and metabolizes everything we eat and drink."
"The earth made all these minerals; they're incredible."
"Certain vitamins and minerals are key for the health of your immune system."
"Thermal spring water is enriched in minerals, anti-inflammatory compounds, and is soothing."
"Its rocks are the source of sapphires, and its dust contains gold."
"Calcium is the most important mineral."
"A garnet is part of a group of silicate minerals and has been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives."
"Cherries offer fiber and vitamin C as well as other minerals."
"The beautiful Granite has coarse mineral grains of feldspar, mica, hornblend, and quartz."
"Micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, your fat soluble vitamins, your water soluble vitamins, as well as your macrominerals and your trace minerals, they're extremely interesting."
"95% of those minerals can be recycled and reused."
"Cassiterite on its own can be of gem quality, we can have some fantastic crystal specimens."
"That's exactly what you're supposed to want to see, the quartz with the iron staining."
"These are beyond the common ones that you may have heard of, the more famous minerals that we have such as jet and fluorite."
"We've also found, in a number of different places, beryls and topaz, tourmaline, agates (polycrystalline quartz), fluorite in a number of locations."
"Laterite is basically a clay granule which was very rich in iron."
"Dates are rich in heart-friendly nutrients like potassium and magnesium."
"Dates are like the mineral buffet for your bones."
"A root hair cell absorbs water and mineral salts from the soil."
"Electrolytes are minerals like sodium and potassium which can conduct electrical impulses in the body."
"Magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc are inversely associated with depression."
"Himalayan pink salt actually has 84 trace minerals in it."
"Minerals include calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, and chlorine, all of which are important in cellular functions."
"It's reviving, mineral-rich, and it's supposed to cleanse and soften."
"Minerals are very, very important for the function of the body."
"Green sand is basically silica, it's trace minerals like iron, manganese."
"The blue agates are coming from veins in rhyolite, not vesicles in basalt."
"Minerals are literally the foundation of good health."
"The hardest natural mineral is a diamond."
"Chocolate is actually extremely high in iron and magnesium."
"These aluminum oxide clusters are in fact rubies and sapphires."
"Mushrooms provide you with one of the essential minerals."
"Dates are very high in a lot of minerals and nutrients."
"They were standard gray rocks but the mineral composite within them made them glow under the UV light."
"Is agate a quartz? Well, agate is also made of silica... it's made of really, really tiny quartz crystals."
"This same force is also responsible for purifying many minerals and bringing them within our reach."
"Mineral water is a good source to stay fit and healthy."
"Diamonds are like no other substance; they're four times harder than any mineral on the planet."
"Lithium is one smart little mineral."
"Every single time I see a piece of fluorite that looks like this, I am blown away that this is Mother Nature."
"Seaweed is rich in potash and trace elements."
"The future is critical minerals which is going to be in very short supply."
"Limestone is calcium carbonate, and dolostone, with the dolomite in it, is calcium magnesium carbonate."
"The water is believed to have medicinal properties due to its high mineral content."
"The Mohs scale of hardness is a scale from 1 to 10 and it relates specifically to minerals."
"This toner is very rich in skin-nourishing sea minerals."
"This is green obsidian and it drew me in, and I had to get it."
"The gold has formed some very nice crystals and kind of glitter in the light."
"Minerals are inorganic molecules that are required for normal body functions."
"Sapphire and ruby are part of the same family."
"Salt and the minerals in the sea that makes the water look turquoise."
"Volcanic ash contains a lot of minerals and elements that increase soil fertility."
"Minerals opening new windows of discovery."
"Vitamins and minerals are important for the working of the body efficiently and therefore general health."
"Electrolytes are things like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium."
"We want to get mineralized, we want to have the proper level of bioavailable absorbable minerals coming into our body."
"We all know the benefits of minerals that are actually in every water."
"Minerals have definite crystalline structures and chemical compositions that give them a unique set of physical and chemical properties."
"Minerals are natural, inorganic substances possessing definite chemical compositions and atomic structures."
"An ore can be described as an accumulation of mineral in sufficient quantity as to be capable of economic extraction."