
Hidden Potential Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Unused characters reveal hidden depths and potential."
"We do possess hidden abilities... whether lost through lack of use or intentionally suppressed."
"Sometimes you have to get the dirt off so people could get to the treasure, you know what I mean?"
"Krillin reveals his incredible power that he achieved during his off-screen training."
"There's some power and I see some strength under the surface of that in the 12th house."
"I don't need you to pluck a few of us and pat us on the back. What we need to do is figure out how do we find hidden talent wherever it lies."
"It's all about finding people with the highest latent talent, and that doesn't always show up in test scores."
"Underneath this green there's a masterpiece."
"Hidden behind a mask of seeming mediocrity, conceals their true strength, mirroring a complex narrative transcending mere fiction."
"There's hints of a good movie somewhere in here."
"Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface."
"This may secretly be one of the most powerful cards in the entire set."
"Discover the hidden beauty within ordinary rocks."
"Sometimes having our backs against the wall reminds us what we're really capable of."
"There are a lot of great concepts in there that tell me there's a genuinely amazing story just sitting underneath the surface but it's buried under incompetence and filler."
"This is the definition of a Hidden Gem to me."
"The sorting hat always knew that inside the nerdy, clumsy, and forgetful boy was a brave hero waiting to shine."
"While it may be referred to as a toy, this is no mere plaything."
"It's like a social butterfly that's trying to act like they don't have wings."
"He never knew that power was within him."
"...laugh all you want, but I'm convinced there is more to this [ __ ]buster than meets the eye."
"Think of yourself as an egg with hidden magic inside, it's meant to crack you open."
"Your soul wants you to recognize that you have hidden strength and potential within you, and it wants you to push open the door to your true power."
"Somewhere in your present work, there lurks an opportunity which will bring you everything you could possibly want for yourself and your family. It will not be labeled 'opportunity'; it will be hidden in common everyday garments."
"He held an Ace card yet to be revealed."
"What's hidden from you is your equal value."
"There is a secret power lurking within him."
"Most people... the money is there for the taking. It's just you don't even know."
"You have a lot of hidden powers, meditate and believe to access them."
"It's a good reminder to be like man, there's probably one hiding in here somewhere."
"...white represents Emunah, trust. Pure. And also, if you think about it, white light, if you refract white light through a prism, what do you discover? All the other colors. That means contained in white are many things you can't see."
"He feels otherworldly and powerful, not so much like he's been upgraded by some new force, but more like this is a side of him that we just never got to see until now."
"There's a good movie in here somewhere."
"This is like the quintessential definition of a sleeper."
"I came to announce number eight, overlooked undervalued marginalized hidden in a field."
"Thank you for showing me the beauty behind the dark and twisted and giving me the courage to tap into my hidden potential."
"It's actually just its secret identity to hide in plain sight, but in actuality, Explain Plans are really treasure maps in disguise."
"Crouch tiger hidden dragon is a Chinese idiom meaning a place that is full of unnoticed masters."
"The people of Udo may have branded him cursed, but they did not know the true power hidden within this boy."
"May not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid."
"It may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts."
"I'm just getting warmed up; I still got tricks up my sleeve."
"Even if it's a F-level ability, it can still unleash unexpected power."
"An ordinary pebble it seemed to be, but a pebble in which a strange fire smoldered and showed itself here and there through the dull surface."
"Look past the smoke screen, and the property actually has a lot to offer."
"There's a hidden glory in everything negative in your life, and you gotta call it forth."
"It is much easier to take ordinary and hide greatness behind it than it is to try to bring greatness out of greatness."
"You are the diamond in the rough, you are the light that is surrounded by darkness."
"The hidden potential of Cohagan had increased and had awakened."
"I think there's a hidden power in frustration, I think a lot of times we don't let ourselves get frustrated enough to do anything."
"The hidden capabilities of GPT-40 are really impressive."