
Kids Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Let's teach kids how to navigate their emotions, thoughts, all of the day-to-day things that happen in our heads."
"As my kids would say, this is lit."
"I'm all about helping others figure out quick and easy meals and fun snack ideas that are kid-approved."
"Sometimes all it takes to save the day is a bunch of kids with unique abilities, a magical pendant, and a broken crystal."
"Tricks are not intended for adults because everybody knows that tricks are for kids."
"That's how it is in high school though right like kids get so [ __ ] put in their box and they believe that's like the only way to look at everything and high school just everybody kids man."
"I would love to do something in football for kids... just let them have fun, man. That's football."
"If you're looking for hot chocolate for your kids you may want to consider buying the good and gathered brand of cocoa powder and make hot chocolate yourself."
"The kids luckily had a good time on the rest of the trip."
"This might be a fun one to do with the kids, pretty simple to make."
"Having systems that are a little bit fun for kids to use might increase the likelihood that they use them too."
"Kids are the ones paying all the Pokémon cards."
"I mean, like, kids... but now old kids."
"That's awesome. I'm so excited about the work that you're doing to get kids into the hobby."
"Kids are going to learn how to cook. Don't buy kids a broom, let them buy their own brooms and figure out how to clean on their own."
"The show likes to ground magic by tying it into real-world phenomena that kids have heard of."
"Just giving kids resources is another way of connection."
"This looks like a blast as a family experience if you have kids especially."
"Strawberries are something my kids definitely love."
"Traveling with kids often feels more like a trip than a vacation."
"Kids learn the best and they retain when they are learning based on interest."
"How about I volunteer to watch kids? Like, how you gonna not do something so that you can be responsible and then volunteer to watch some kids?"
"Kids are going to have a lot of fun with this."
"I didn't feel ready until like an hour after Grace was born but that's the cool part about kids like I never felt ready."
"I'm excited about it because the kids are excited about it."
"Seeing the kids play on the beach, seeing the kids ride in the trucks, even seeing some of the kids that are just now starting to drive get to drive their dad's trucks has been just really cool to watch."
"This mini ATM is a really fun way for your kids to save money..."
"We want our kids to experience the fullness of Life, and there's value in the waiting and the stewarding that the value comes."
"It's exciting because they're so little and they're so cute."
"Most of these items are from Amazon, but some are from Target. I tried to find specific things for each kid, but I also wanted to get things that they could share and that multiple kids would enjoy."
"Kids should not be an excuse; kids are the reason or motivation, something like that."
"Comfort for three kids or two full-sized adults."
"A grow bag is absolutely perfect for kids to grow their own mini gardens."
"That's not just one kid, it's 15."
"This is the first trip ever without kids and [__] we took advantage."
"Kids will ask for crazy things, their imaginations are huge."
"If you have kids that love to dance or love to perform, this is definitely the spot to come."
"It's a great first lesson if your kids are four or five years old they will love it."
"I mean, especially with three kids, because so much excitement, so much chaos, but it's always something you remember."
"Kids don't need very much. Yes, they need food, water, shelter. But ultimately they need love, and that's what they desire the most."
"They want to have kids with you, start a family with you, and have you in their life as their wife."
"I've reached the conclusion that I don't really think kids are evil. I think kids are funny."
"I think this is a great first horror movie for kids."
"Kids need to be out under the sky, they need to be climbing trees, they need to be having fun with friends. It's precious."
"We asked the kids today like if there's anything you're really hoping for that we haven't taken into account you need to say now, like a basketball court whatever in the driveway you know nothing too extravagant."
"Wow. Wow. The kids have a lot of Minecraft worlds on here."
"Where else can you tell a thousand kids to split up and run into each other and they're having fun doing it?"
"Now that we have the kids, I kind of want to do something more fun and playful."
"You have to be scared of kids, for example, one time I was in the supermarket and a little kid came up and told me he was lost."
"I think the country bears doesn't do that for kids."
"It's really is sounds cliche but it's like watching your kids do stuff you're proud of as opposed to you doing it it's almost even more meaningful."
"How much my kids love this bike, they're seriously asking for it more than they ask for money."
"One positive influence can change a kid's whole life."
"...what do they already into are they playing video games are they listening to music are they playing a certain sport whatever it is developing an interest in that is a way in to connection with the kids."
"I know the kids will love to dip their little carrot fries in the ranch."
"That's quite nice, and for kids as well, that's really good."
"We take a 100 kids skiing fully paid for."
"Kids just make this time of year like 10 times more magical."
"The new playroom setup has been a huge hit with the kids they really love hanging out in this corner here it's so funny because it's the most simple thing ever but these pom-poms have been their absolute favorite."
"...something that you could do with your kids and at home, they're not like over the top, right? It's reasonable, something that you could do with your kids and at home, they're not like too much, too intense..."
"We should always respect their innocence, but kids are capable of asking really hard questions."
"These kids walking away with their socks no pressure."
"Kids should be able to be okay at sports. They have to be amazing but they shouldn't be embarrassed if they're bad."
"If you really want to change the world, raise good kids."
"Seeing what you do not only as a profession but seeing yourself as a servant, you're here to serve these kids."
"This year has been so tough for kids on so many different levels. Dance being one of those for most of this year."
"Songs are like your kids. You raise them from the time they're little till they're big and grown up, and then you wave goodbye as they go out the door."
"they're killing other kids right there on the field"
"Being with my kids just makes me truly happy."
"We want kids to be able to come in and have a participatory experience"
"Kids in need in poor countries every little bit of help is a big deal."
"Kids love technology and just tinkering with stuff and figuring shit out."
"Look at my [ __ ] my kid, yeah yeah, it's all attention, oh yeah, it [ __ ] I'd rather see a rabid dog running at me than see something even unnecessary kid even walking off to someone else's dog."
"How do you battle the clutter that comes with kids?"
"It was about empowerment for kids."
"Kids went nuts for pizza Lunchables."
"I just can't deal with how cute and gorgeous these kids are."
"Being in nature is so important, it's something sadly that a lot of kids don't get to do."
"If you teach kids maybe like a form of their handshake or a fist bump or even a hug, let them choose what they want to do and have that conversation with them."
"The worst case scenario: you and your new girlfriend enjoy some pizza. Kids love pizza."
"Kids don't really pick up on sarcasm."
"He's a better relationship with his kids than ever."
"The one certainty about kids, the one great thing about kids is curiosity, isn't it?"
"...the thing that benefits kids the most is having a healthy relationship between Mom and Dad."
"Frozen was absolutely incredible, definitely a big hit with the kids."
"The kids are always up for an adventure. Who wants to stay home when you can go somewhere?"
"Friends for Change is about friends, it's about harnessing the powerful force of friendship and using that force to bring kids together to make big changes."
"I think it's great that kids identify with the characters. He got all the personalities, their relationships right."
"I've never been able to get oats this fluffy without using this porridge method. It really does come out more like a porridge, and for whatever reason, my kids love this so much more."
"Kids would absolutely love that grabber toy, priced at £35."
"There's something about sitting down with your kids."
"You're never gonna walk into a pet store like hey all snakes $1 have at it but kids seem to like the ones at rattles so maybe pick one of those."
"At their best, these kids are some of the most powerful beings on the face of the Earth."
"I love building relationships with kids, I love getting to know them, I love seeing their improvements throughout the school year."
"When you love your kids so much, you don't understand how somebody would want to hurt them."
"The holidays are all about seeing it through the eyes of kids."
"We definitely want more kids, like I'd say like three, four."
"Kids are meant to be messy... kids are not supposed to be Instagram models."
"Kudos to the kids out there who love blue and just like everyone should see this as well"
"For anyone that's wanting to Caravan with kids, one thing to take away from this, whether you're in a van or whether you're in a house, the same thing is going to happen with kids."
"Zip this up, clip it up, the fun bit, good for the kids."
"Welcome to Kids Week, only the best, only the most accurate, all for science."
"Your kids should be on the internet like it works, they understand it, and they're little, they're five but it just works, you know what I mean?"
"My kids love drawing and coloring; it's one of their favorite things."
"Great starter manga for kids: 'Angelic Layer.'"
"We want our kids to fall in love with nature. I really don't care what the kids do up there, as long as they're having fun."
"This is what homeschooling looks like this is what having kids looks like and I love it but I love that like if something was going on and people were coming over we'd simply fold this table up and put the arts and crafts away."
"Kids, love you, thanks for tuning in."
"It's taste awesome, your kids are gonna love it."
"Get your kids training jiu-jitsu when they're really young."
"I'm not cool with these kids, these kids are like fourth generation."
"They actually just made quality entertainment that kids could watch."
"My kids helped a lot with this project, and this shows a nine-year-old can do this."
"The coolest man in the goddamn world was here and he is divorced, has two kids, and is a doctor."
"Family time's a big thing for me, so I like to get up, do a bit in the morning, then obviously you can spend a bit of time with the kids."
"Two of my friends... are going to be talking a little bit today about gardening with kids and what that looks like."
"We do not want our kids to be pressurized or unhappy. We pray for our kids to have a comfortable life."
"This is the top 10 unintentionally scary kid shows."
"If you have kids, then you know mac and cheese is a staple for them. It's easy, it's simple, kids love it."
"I love my life, I love my kids, and I've been a pillar to my community for over 13 years."
"He was just at my book signing party and I take my kids to his house and the first time we were driving up to his driveway and my kids were like 'Wow, is this a hotel?'"
"Spending time with your kids matters. Sometimes let them have fun, let them have their little colorful styles. Don't stop them from being a kid and putting your ways on them too much. Especially stuff that stops their character."
"Guys, spending time with your kids matters. Sometimes let them have fun, let them have their little colorful styles. Don't stop them from being a kid and putting your ways on them too much. Especially stuff that stops their character."
"I thought these chairs were pretty cool like for my kids or something only 250 bucks you get all four of them."
"I wonder at what point could I teach the kids to appreciate not doing this kind of stuff?"
"I always wanted a family. I didn't have a thing. I always wanted to be married, I always wanted to have kids."
"Having kids in small groups is gonna help with your classroom management."
"Kids are enthralled with the fish."
"One of my favorite themes is the evil kid thing."
"Just the fact that you're here today, that you're getting your body moving after having kids, is success."
"Really important for kids to see working out and see it as a healthy, normal part of life."
"I don't know how we're gonna give you kids a Christmas."
"We absolutely see all of the kids... just because you don't see them on camera does not mean that we don't have close relationships with all of them. We absolutely do."
"The only time kids lie is if like they're trying to save their own tail."
"Last night Chris thought it would be a fantastic idea if he played a little game with the kids."
"If kids were meant to use electronics, they would have been born with batteries."
"...kids are a gift to us and they've truly been my gift that every day i wake up every day i'm excited to truly make a life and change their lives as well as they're changing my life."
"He loves the game so much, loves the kids so much."
"I considered swapping them out but the kids have just loved using them and that keeps Riley entertained for so long."
"I just wanted to make sure that this year I had something for kids because there will be parents there and they always want to."
"Great for kids, great for beginners, super easy to apply, protects your wood carving, and it also smells like honey, so that's an extra bonus."
"Horror, even kids' horror, can be a source of comfort for the viewer."
"If you're looking for some fun and practical sewing projects to make for a little kid, then you're in the right place."
"Hi, I'm Whitney Houston, host of Nickelodeon's 8th annual Kids Choice Awards, the only awards show where you fix the winners."
"An amazing kids club area, phenomenal entertainment, great dining venues."
"I think it's a good family show, you know, something to watch with the kids."
"This is perfect for kids or people that just want to have a lot of fun flying around."
"It gives the kids conversation starters at lunch time."
"They're all about giving kids a more creative and interesting and cheerful lunch experience."
"Some people will never understand my love for kids."
"They're really good kids, they're talented and they work their asses off."
"I know the kids are going to love this one."
"I think the kids need to be off limits."
"It has a two-sided design that can grow with your kids and all of their developmental needs."