
Organism Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The DNA molecule encodes not only the information necessary to make copies of itself but the information necessary to construct an entire organism."
"The alien is a perfectly organized organism. Superbly structured, cunning, quintessentially violent."
"What about all of us being a part of the same organism and all kind of coming together to raise our kids and to grow our community?"
"An individual organism is a throwaway survival machine for the self-replicating coded information which it contains."
"We are basically like a super organism."
"I cannot consider the organism without its environment from a formal point of view the two may be regarded as equivalent phases between which Dynamic contact is maintained by the membranes that separate and Link them."
"What evolves actually is information. The information is what is essential in an organism."
"Life feeds on negative entropy... the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness really consists in continually sucking orderliness from its environment."
"It's kind of a synthetic proto-organism, has different behaviors and different shapes and does all kinds of things. It's the exact same genome."
"Every living organism is a being, from the amoeba to the anthropos, and therefore cannot in principle be comprehended on the basis of physics."
"This organism is now officially known as the first truly synthetic life out there."
"Gaia is a living organism. I don't think that's metaphor I think that's literal."
"Treating the environment as a sort of a mechanical body rather than as a living organism was not so dissimilar to how some people treat other people."
"The zenbot is a coherent organism doing things in a space the individual cells don't have access to."
"What's bad for that organism is bad for us."
"The church is organized, but it is not an organization. It is an organism."
"The way the predictive system works, it's tuned for survival of the organism."
"The whole organism is created to never have that kind of artificiality."
"...the concept of a society as an organism in its own right."
"I've always seen London as a as an organism, it's like a great beast and you can go in there as a young man and it's a 2,000 year old Museum but at the center of the world's connectivity I think it's so exhilarating."
"That thing starts wriggling and writhing and this [ __ ] Lamprey eel looking thing comes out of the leg and becomes its own organism."
"Society itself is kind of a living organism because when you really look at it, it is doing the same thing that an organism does."
"Stimulus is any external thing that can make you think or feel something, organism is your internal processes, which includes emotions or perceptions, and responses."
"The biggest misunderstanding is to call life a living organism a machine."
"Affordances emerge from the mutual shaping of organism and environment."
"The earth is ultimately one organism and we like to think of ourselves as separate beings but none of us are separate beings."
"There's something really distinctive about the unity of an organism that is crucial to my mind."
"We are a super organism. Isn't biology awesome?"
"How well the entire organism functions depends on individual and combined activities of all of its cells."
"The church is a living breathing organism."
"Without food and energy, an organism would not be able to maintain homeostasis, a sustainable equilibrium of processes necessary for survival."
"Our bodies were designed to be self-healing organisms."
"The heaviest organism in the plant kingdom is in fact a single quaking aspen tree named Pando."
"What exactly is an organism? It seems a simple enough question, but it's one that's befuddled biologists for many years."
"Something is an organism if its parts work together for the benefit of the integrated whole, with high cooperation and low conflict."
"A colony of honeybees could be considered a single organism because all the bees work together for the good of the whole."
"You're just a part of one big organism here. I love it."
"The notion that brain and mind or body and mind are separate is really a myth because we're one organism."
"A bee colony is a single organism just like our human body."
"Siphonophore may appear to be a single creature, but it is actually a colonial organism."
"For the new critics, a text is like a living organism."
"Music is a living breathing organism."
"It's almost like veins of the organism; it's mycelium."
"We are all part of the same organism, striving in our own ways to maintain the health and unity of the whole."
"It is the largest single colony organism known."
"We are an organism, not merely some organization."
"That's what living inside your organism is, you're connected to its own pulsation."
"The church is a living, breathing organism, created by Jesus Christ."
"A company is not just an economic unit but a social organism."
"Life history evolution analyzes the evolution of all the components of fitness, visualizing the design of the organism as an evolutionary solution to an ecological problem."
"Every single cell within an organism's body is going to contain the same genetic code."
"Pando... is a single male quaking aspen with over 40,000 trunks sprouting from the 106 acre white root system."
"The Earth is a self-regulating system that meets the definitions of a living organism."
"Aspen does run by root, the largest living organism in the world, Pando, the Aspen Grove in Utah."
"Like a single organism functioning as one."
"Behavior is anything an organism does, including actions that change the environment in some way."
"Scientists have reportedly discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth."
"The largest organism in the world is considered a pathogen, it's the Armillaria, the humongous fungus in Oregon."
"The whole of planet Earth can be considered an organism in itself."
"The function of an organism basically is the sum of the organism's cellular activity."
"Never have I known of a virus that has a backup effect; it's almost as if the virus itself is a living organism."
"This tiny organism survived for about 24,000 years solidified under the ice."
"The organization is not just a linear summation of its departments; it's a live organism."
"The human organism is incredible; we're perfect as an organism."
"A genome is an organism with a complete DNA set, including all of its genes."
"The biosphere is in a sense one living organism of considerable age."
"Each organism has its own habitat, the place where it lives."
"The activity of the organism depends on the activity of all of its cells."
"This is not a business, this is a living organism called The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The church is the corporate expression of Jesus Christ, it is a living organism."
"The main goal of affective neuroscience is to bring the organism back into the room to discuss it realistically."
"Society as a whole is a living organism."
"What you're seeing is humanity being organismic... it's behaving like an organism."
"We have an organism that is capable in its immune system of handling viruses."
"An organism is an integrated network of biological tools."
"We're part of one greater organism... there's a whole organism of humanity and beyond that we are a part of."