
Income Streams Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"65% of self-made billionaires have at least three different income streams."
"The average millionaire has about six or seven streams of income, man."
"These seven income streams have allowed me to take my income into my own hands, earn far more than I could at any job with any education level at my age."
"These streams of income were making me solid earnings."
"Multiple flows of income don't come without multiple flows of action."
"I've built up 12 income streams in the past year entirely online."
"Every millionaire has at least seven streams of income."
"Every dollar adds up once you start getting multiple passive income revenue streams coming in."
"Money that is continuous and made while you sleep."
"Develop several different streams of income. Don't just focus on one thing."
"For the month of January, I had 22,000 pre-staked across 11 nodes."
"If you start growing your income streams now with these 10 unique side hustles, then that dream could be a reality."
"Passive income just keeps paying you; the real aim is to have as many different passive income streams as possible."
"What's cooler than having one source of income? Seven different sources of income."
"The only way to become wealthy is by creating different streams of income."
"I officially made it over a million a second."
"I now have the number dwindled down to a solid seven revenue streams."
"When it comes to multiple streams of income, multiple streams of income are great but you got to understand how multiple streams of income really works."
"The average millionaire the average billionaire has three or more different streams of income."
"All of this leads back to generating reliable and growing streams of income."
"The more of these seven income streams you have, the more money you'll make."
"Membership clubs are definitely something to think about if you are looking at income streams."
"I'm a believer that you shouldn't have just one stream of income you should always have different tentacles of income."
"It's all about multiple streams of revenue, always have plenty of eggs in your basket."
"When you do have multiple income streams, you'll have a month that's really really good."
"You can set up sources of income all over the world."
"Make sure you have multiple platforms, have multiple streams of income."
"Another passive business that you can actually combine with storage facilities is event and tour rentals."
"Successful content creators have multiple streams of income."
"Finding those core streams of income that I can really put the most time and effort into without it being too overwhelming."
"One of the greatest secrets of my financial success is multiple streams of income."
"...you have to be okay with building other revenue streams and diversifying"
"I've been able to build income streams, I've been able to build businesses that can make me serious money more money than most toy jobs."
"All of my income streams have in common... they solve profitable problems."
"Every person in here understands the fact that you need multiple streams of income. So, although we are big in the clothing space and we have success in it, like, that's not the only thing that we want to do."
"The average millionaire has seven streams of income. If I can do it, you can do it."
"Now you have three income streams."
"Diversifying income streams is crucial to avoid over-reliance on one platform."
"...yeah you can't just be dependent on one thing that that door could close any moment it can and also it's never been easier to add other streams of income."
"It's not about the number of income streams; it's about the stability and quality."
"You've got to have multiple streams of income, a little more solidified, right?"
"All of these trends are pointing towards having different streams of income."
"You never know what's going to happen, and if you have one stream of income and something shifts in the economy, that income is locked and then guess what? You're in trouble."
"Creating a life of ease and creating and popping up going from like one income stream to 13 income streams, it's not ease."
"Millionaires have multiple streams of income, but it doesn't mean you do dropshipping, trading, XYZ. It means do one, do it properly, and then move on to the next."
"I'm now at the point where I earn many thousands of dollars per month passively."
"So the one thing that I wish that I knew about when I started my childcare business was the, I guess, advantage of having different streams of income within your daycare business."
"The reverse Glide path coordinates well with common goals retirees have as well as the timing of other income streams."
"I have consciously and deliberately worked to cultivate multiple income streams in my business. I now have seven."
"I'd much rather have passive income."
"Passive income is something that a lot of people are striving for."
"If you don't have two or three streams of income, you're a fool."
"Get your eggs in different baskets... it's so important to have multiple different streams."
"My YouTube channel makes money, my Patreon makes money."
"Having different sources of income within your business... is like another world out there."
"I think cash flow is king and I want multiple streams of income coming into me."
"You have to increase multiple sources of income coming in and also really restrict your outflow."
"Having multiple Etsy stores is a great way to have more than one stream of income."
"Passive income is worth 10 times earned income."
"You're starting to see multiple streams of income... that's an enormous sign that wealth is headed your way."
"Passive income is basically anything you don't have to actively work for."
"It's all about multiple income streams, yes, anti-fragile."
"I have eight streams of income, that's why."
"A pension is a stream of income, Social Security is a stream of income, rental income is a stream of income."
"I counted up my streams of income... I actually said eight streams of income."
"Start to build something for yourself, multiple streams of income that is going to help you set yourself up for life, set yourself up for success."
"It's great to have multiple sources of income, and investment is always something that you should have an interest in."
"It's important to have multiple streams of income."
"For long-term success, you want to set up trickling income streams."
"One source of income is too close to none."
"The bulk of his money, and every YouTuber that I've watched that's successful... they make like 90% of their monies outside of YouTube because of YouTube."
"Nowadays, a lot of us are coming to the realization that we need more than one income stream to live comfortably, let alone to have financial freedom."
"Those are 13 income streams that you can use to build your wealth and work towards financial independence."
"If you want to live a middle-class lifestyle, you got to have two sources of income."
"Money moves, people. Making money moving. You only need, what is it, seven streams of income to be a millionaire."
"We like money. You can't only make money from one source of income, multiple streams."
"Everyone's trying to find a stream of income right now."
"I manifested this type of stuff, like I manifested multiple incomes, I manifested financial freedom."