
Historical Injustice Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Blaming the current generation of Eldians for what happened hundreds of years ago is ridiculous."
"America freed the slaves in 1863 through the emancipation proclamation of Abraham Lincoln. But gave the slaves no land or nothing in reality and as a matter of fact to get started on. At the same time, America was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the Midwest. Which meant that that was a willingness to give the white peasants from Europe an economic base. And yet it refused to give its black peasants from Africa, who came here involuntarily in chains, and had worked free for 244 years, any kind of economic base."
"Killers of the Flower Moon is a devastating and horrific look at how easily a blind eye is turned to absolute evil for so long."
"The prime minister of Ireland publicly apologized for the treatment of the Magdalene women on February 19th, 2013."
"Reconciliation is about trust and respect and restoring it after a century and a half of a federal government failing."
"We came to do the agricultural work in the south and the textile work in the north. If I right now decided that I wanted to play Monopoly with you and for 400 rounds of playing Monopoly, I didn't allow you to have any money, I didn't allow you to have anything on the board, I didn't allow for you to have anything, and then we played another 50 rounds of Monopoly and everything that you gained and you earned while you were playing that round of Monopoly was taken from you, that was Tulsa, that was Rosewood."
"This moment is profound when we consider the fact that a former Secretary of the Interior once proclaimed his goal to 'civilize or exterminate' us. I'm a living testament to the failure of that horrific ideology."
"No matter how satisfying it seems to our historical trauma to have this antidote... a tremendous injustice, historical injustice has been committed against another people."
"We went and kidnapped a bunch of people four hundred years ago and made them work for free and say, 'Boom, greatest nation in the world.'"
"The Dreyfus Affair underscores the dangers of wrongful convictions and the influence of prejudice in legal proceedings."
"The legislation they helped pass sterilized 60,000 people, mostly Black and Indigenous women."
"Government created it, so we have a responsibility."
"In our number nine spot today, we have the Dreyfus Affair."
"Tesla is one of those people in history who got screwed so much it's honestly unreal."
"Life was unfair to him since he was a slave."
"The history of the United States government's dealing with the Native American peoples is punctuated by betrayal, pain, and death."
"The horror of what was done to women like Agnes Sampson has given us the term witch hunt as a shockingly vivid description of the worst kind of injustice."
"Imagine living in that world. You could be accused, tortured, and executed on the basis of nothing more than gossip and superstition."
"We as Choctaws rather choose to suffer and be free than live under the degrading influence of laws which our voice could not be heard in their formation." - George W. Harkins
"Justice wasn't an option in the era of Jim Crow."
"This opened my eyes to what lynching really was - an excuse to get rid of Negroes who were acquiring wealth and property and thus keep the race terrorized and keep the [expletive] down." - Ida B. Wells
"There's only one group that suffered under the foot of jim crow that is adolf black americans."
"Mary Anning's contributions to paleontology were immense, yet she received little public credit."
"Our Black Wall Street got burned down and bombed."
"Yet another example of women being lied to unfairly bro she's been murdering innocent girls for literal centuries even if they were of Royal Blood it would still they'll be murdering innocent girls they have nothing to do with what happened to her."
"We want reparations too, my people were starved, enslaved."
"As the church acknowledges its wrongs, perhaps those scarred by years of slavery and injustice can find peace."
"It was actually a quite evil but very clever way to justify the structural forms of Oppression that black people were subjected to."
"Black people at the time I'm pretty sure were not fond of being enslaved."
"It was one thing to mistreat and even kill peasants and servants, it was another thing to mistreat and kill the daughters of lower-level gentry and lower-level noble families."
"The reality was that u.s. radium executives and scientists protected themselves from exposure, unlike the dial-painting girls."
"Just what the hell, this struggle, the realization of how pervasive this activity of owning people."
"We are the only people that isn't allowed to have a past, a present, and a future. We are the only people that are told 'get over it.'"
"If somebody works your ass for 400 years and don't pay you, don't they owe you?"
"Children were ripped from their families made to denounce their native culture, language, and identity."
"After 465 years of all types of inhumane treatment and trauma... do our ancestors deserve for us to fight and to fight now?"
"It's really important to talk about these cases that still haven't gotten justice years later."
"Men, women, and children were killed by their own military all because an American banana company didn't want to pay them a decent wage."
"Of all the injustices done to the Native Americans, I think it was the exclusion of them from the American experiment."
"It was a conspiracy between the US Public Health Service and the Tuskegee Institute to turn around 400 Black men into unknowing guinea pigs for Syphilis studies."
"My culture is not handing all of my resources over to the very same people who've been stealing from my people for 400 years."
"Nikola Tesla got robbed blind, stripped of everything, got no credit for anything."
"I can't even imagine the numbers of people in like the 70s 80s 90s that were literally just thrown in prison or harassed by the police for years because they failed a freaking polygraph."
"Enslavement is a violent act... our race has never been given a chance to recover."
"What makes the United States unique is that the slave owners were expropriated their property... Haiti was obligated to pay back the enslavers."
"How about a Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought in my race?"
"Black people couldn't vote, and wouldn't be accommodated at restaurants, parks, hotels, schools, or just about anywhere really that was used by white people."
"If you're talking morality, if you said it's just morality, show me at any time where the white man has been morally correct with us one fucking time."
"Slavery itself was a declaration of war against black males."
"Even though we're separated by three or four hundred years, you know, this was still a large amount of innocent people who were murdered."
"First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out..."
"We need to say to them thank you now that you guys are acknowledging America's history of medical malpractice intentional and malicious that also is a reason for reparations."
"All Africans on a plantation whose mother was raped by the slave master, did anybody ever call him biracial or multiracial? No. They called him the n-word just like the rest of us."
"It's time to reconcile. It's time to recognize the injustices of the past. It's time to say sorry."
"You don't have 400 years, I don't care what you going through, you've had 400 years to make this right."
"The Armenian Genocide: a crime against humanity overlooked in history."
"Nellie Bly... wrote a book titled 10 days in a madhouse about the abuse and ridiculous treatment that the patients were subjected to here."
"Slavery is the ultimate example of self-bias, plantation owners seeing slaves as subhuman."
"African-American World War two veterans were scorned by the GI Bill this Veterans Day remembering some of our veterans who protected a country that did not protect them."
"Channy Wenjack tried to escape the horrors of the residential school he attended in Kenora, Ontario."
"Hundreds of unmarked graves at the former residential school site."
"As part of a class-action lawsuit, the US government paid 9 million to the surviving participants and their descendants for many people though the pain can never be healed with money."
"There is no other group that has experienced the most inhumane treatment for as long as we have that's number one."
"Everything in this country is stolen. That's why America was built on robbing people, resources, land, everything."
"There's a long history of black men and women who've acquired massive amounts of wealth where white people realize, 'Hey wait a minute, we could just change the law, we can break the law, we can go get that money.'"
"That shifts the blame from the disenfranchisement that the black community suffered via Jim Crow and segregation laws and mass incarceration and the crack epidemic and the way our society has sought to disenfranchise us."
"Why do they intern them? Because they saw them as others. Because they saw them as dangerous."
"We've been lied to. Understand that what they're doing is shifting the responsibility of racist policies over generations onto us."
"There's been a long tradition... of white physicians treating black patients like they are subhuman."
"The idea that the only way to have surety and equity in America and your future is to literally buy property, it's like the whole country is founded on the idea that only property-owning white men get to have rights."
"No amount of money or funding can help in the um in in helping the uh my Generations who have been dehumanized because of the slavery." - Reverend Yi ADI
"They have vanished before the avarice and oppression of the white man."
"That's reparation, they stole trillions of dollars out of eight to nine million black folks that worked hard every day."
"Atrocities were inflicted daily upon patients unable to make sense of what was happening to them, or to defend against it."
"It was basically a commitment for black people not to have."
"It is a sin for any group of people to violate the national constitutional laws of a free national government and cling to the names and the principles that delude to slavery."
"The enslavement, oppression, prejudice, and overall abuse of the Negro was not about their skin color."
"Jim Thorpe's disqualification, reportedly dubbed the greatest athlete in the world."
"But at the same time the amount of limits that have been put on women historically... just don't have a lot of rights that are just... should have nothing to do with what gender we are to be able to be paid equally or just be treated with respect."
"Imagine a pregnant black woman who worked on a large Plantation... you would think her Masters would excuse her... the realities instead were that pregnant enslaved women were subjected to the same arduous labor..."
"Your concern about the Eelam Tamil sufferings there, the minorities, the numerical minorities getting crushed, the war crimes, the rehabilitation process has to start. It's 2009, it's almost been 12 years now."
"They stole us, they sold us, so they owe us."
"Black Wall Streets were destroyed by white mobs, savagely and without consequence."
"It is life. It is part of life. So we just embrace it in yoga and we practice letting go."
"Who will compensate for that? Certainly the US has to make reparations to the black Americans whose ancestors endured the unimaginable for centuries."
"Whenever black people build up a community that's independent... it gets burned down."
"People who are descendants of slaves deserve to be paid. They deserve their 40 acres and a mule."
"The Magdalene movement included many of these workhouses where for over 200 years women in Ireland were sent as punishment for being sexually active outside of marriage."
"Why is it that every time black people succeed in something, they have to take 10 steps backward?"
"The black man experimented upon, their families have to endure this. They are lied to and then there's a cure." - Rashad Richard
"The Cherokee were forcibly removed to Oklahoma along the infamous Trail of Tears."
"Wait, did they burn a guy at the stake because he said something that is now commonplace scientific belief? Yes, yes they did."
"That doesn't absolve America though of the debt just because people have died and generations have gone on."
"Land was stolen under apartheid, it still hasn't been given back."
"The white supremacist came over and said, 'Hey, this is ours.' That's not founded, that's called colonizing, that's subjugating the people."
"They've been hiding your history and giving it to others."
"Blacks were rich with their labor, enriching white folks."
"...it was unfair that Portugal should get to own an entire ocean."
"At every turn, at every moment of progress in this country, we have seen a reassertion of the value Gap."
"The original sin was the treatment of indigenous peoples."
"We talk about the [expletive] that African-Americans have gone through is unforgivable."
"How can Britain consider Balfour Declaration a reason for the 'Nakba' yet avoid apologizing?"
"The playground was paved over a burial ground that holds over a thousand bodies, mostly African Americans and Native Americans."
"More than 800 people died as a result of mistreatment or experimentation and they were buried in unmarked graves at the far end of the Lynworth property."
"So dear white people that are rich all I'm asking you to do see that quarter of a mil reparations I deserve my money for all the slavery so this pound sterling give it to us okay if you're just gonna go look at the Titanic why not."
"One reason many African Americans haven't forgotten about the promise of 40 acres and a mule is that so many other people are collecting for past wrongs."
"It is deeply unsettling to think that even after slavery was abolished, public acts of violence against black individuals persisted."
"It was genocide, it was genocidal policies and practices not only by the federal government but also pioneers and settlers."
"When you are forced, or your aunt was forced, or your brother was forced off the land where his great-great-great-great grandfather lived, that's not a scar that goes away very long for some, very soon."
"And so Henry was more than happy to purchase the estate for himself and subsequently force the old witch out despite the fact that she was a descendant of the original owner."
"This is just Jim Crow all over again."
"Black people enter freedom as the only people probably in the history of the world who collectively have zero wealth."
"We took the children from their mothers."
"Our Freedman Bank, billions of dollars were stolen from us, our lands being stolen, our prosperous towns being burned down, us being raped."
"We were stripped of our civil rights. We were stripped of everything! When that happens in America, that is a concentration camp."
"We cannot build trust and an honest commitment to creating equality in this country if we are denying the injustices of the past."
"She was pardoned 63 years later based on the injustice of her conviction."
"Colonialism was wrong, slavery was wrong, racism was wrong."
"No one, not one person, was ever punished... for their role in 60 murders and a violent coup."
"The white man made me a lot of promises, but they only kept one; they promised to take my land, and they took it."
"Segregation... was coast to coast and border to border subjugation of black people."
"It is now well known that Japanese Canadians were treated badly during the war, uprooted, interned, their property confiscated."
"Slavery was once legal, apartheid was legal, discrimination against people for how they worshiped, how they loved, their gender, color of their skin."
"They were actually discriminated against under the system during the Holocaust."
"Three centuries of injustice have brought about deep-seated structural distortions that need to be set right."
"Slavery in America, it was nothing nice, man. For crying out loud, slavery was abolished, but people were still being held as slaves."
"He was burned at the stake specifically because he refused to admit to these so-called charges against him and against his order."