
Script Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Great performances by everybody involved, great script, great writing, great dialogue, and great Delivery Man."
"The actors did what they could with the script."
"This show is entertaining, well done, the writing solid, it's good."
"Regina King hinted at a rough draft of a script for a Boondocks movie in 2012."
"It was a script that I read and I loved a lot."
"Over the next few centuries, the Edun glyphs used in the Nekachti script began to simplify."
"That line isn't in the books. That was a thing from the script that Rutger Hauer condensed and possibly added the 'tears in rain.'"
"This is exciting stuff, guys, right, it's fulfilling the scripts."
"The script is perfectly written to hit everything it needed to hit without all of that."
"I loved Mike's script, I thought it was very original and very funny."
"It was an undeniably articulate script and very easy to act, if you will, meaning the words came out effortlessly."
"The performances and scripts do this episode wonders."
"The art of writing a script is making it unpredictable."
"for wb's underwhelming response to Mark pru Savages script ultimately convincing them to shelve the franchise for almost a decade until the next Batman film emerged."
"I must admit that I was surprised how much I enjoyed reading this script."
"Universal had hoped to release the movie in 1981, but it took Lancaster longer than expected to refine the script."
"The time spent with them being normal likable people was an important part of the script."
"The script did nothing like the recent Bond movies, with nothing like that super violent, almost comic strip opening that they always put on them now."
"Con Air" is kind of what happens when you write a script based on a pun.
"Sometimes the actors would get pages that just said, 'Scenes Unknown' and they would show up with no idea what they were going to do that day."
"This script was amazing... it really makes you feel like you're watching a classic Halloween movie."
"If you have a perfect script and really, really great performances, none of that other [beep] matters."
"I simply couldn't do that in the script or anything and it doesn't even make sense of line, but the thing I'm saying it helps me now."
"The script here is the one Bert used to play the Cowardly Lion and it's one for the ages."
"Somebody rewrote this script uncredited. According to Graham Yost, the credited writer wrote most of its dialogue."
"Jos Whedon came in and did an almost complete page one rewrite."
"I just signed on to produce and be a supporting actor in an independent film that came my way by a total unknown. It's kind of his first script, and it's a [ __ ] hilarious, brilliant script."
"the script just oh it all came together perfectly to create the most devastating show I have watched in quite some time"
"You gotta have a great script. If you think you're going to make a great movie, you gotta start off with a great script."
"The world changed to mirror the script in astonishing ways."
"The script correctly presses 1 to select the fleet, clicks on find, and attacks the target."
"It's an awesome script, it's great characters, they're compelling, the voice cast is one of the best of all time."
"It's probably the first film once I started thinking about it that I can say I really liked that script."
"It's a perfect opening line to the script because that's what this is all about. The entire movie is about how crazy things are."
"I'm so UPS said I can't remember my line all right I forgot about that can you do that that guy's been shoted I want you to stay here what are you going to do I'm going to go see what I can do be careful I will"
"I read that script and I went, nothing happens."
"JJ Abrams wrote maybe the best script of all of the movies that didn't get made, right? With the Superman flyby, and he—it was brilliant. I mean, JJ Abrams is a genius writer."
"The biggest thing is the script. Having a script is the first step to anything."
"The scripts have been leaning more into the plot and less into the characters. If audiences aren't attached to the characters then no one's going to watch, that's the real problem."
"Contradicts her own testimony and a witness that she called then she calls him out for not following the script."
"No matter how good a cast you have, if you don't have the script, it's not going to work."
"That script gave you everything, over and over and over again. Just every time I looked at that, there was more. And every time we did it, there was more. He's such a good writer."
"There's so many creepy undertones that are happening that are just beyond the script."
"Move from competition to collaboration, rewrite the script of me against you."
"...the crew felt that the script required a more menacing penguin and broadly speaking yeah it works very well."
"Unbelievable that's one of the most well-written scripts I think I've watched just so intricate every little detail was so planned out."
"I fell in love with the script because it's just a great story."
"It just has a really clever script and what it does and how it treats its characters in the final reveals of what's kind of going on, it is so satisfying. I just adore this film."
"This is a very, very advanced script. If you and your buddies get together and decide to play it, give your storyteller a big old pat on the back afterwards because this is hard to run and anybody who runs it successfully, you should buy them a coffee."
"For the endless parade of cliches attempting to pass itself off as a script we condemn the writers to be trapped in a TV Tropes archive binge."
"The script was so well plotted. I'm very impressed."
"The original screenplay to the movie is still not publicly accessible to read, who knows what other major differences may have been from the first draft to the final screenplay."
"We took the script and just tore it up, and this final will be unlike any other final that we've ever done in the CrossFit Games."
"The script is incredibly cruel to any and all talent in it and even more cruel to fans of the series."
"Sometimes I think if someone reads a script and says it's a terrible idea you can't do this that kind of makes me want to see that even more and probably make makes me think it has even more potential."
"If we wanted to use this in a script of some sort, we could actually go back in the policies and set this up so even your ARM templates would be able to extract the secrets that you have in Key Vault and use them dynamically as it's deploying new resources."
"...you're not going to bake a cake and go off script and expect the same delicious, perfect results, right? No, I didn't think so."
"I did fight for it because I read the script and it sort of blew my mind."
"I read him this script that was so beautiful... it's this very lyrical but also very very deep story... starts off kind of as nothing and winds up as everything."
"There's another person in the scene with the scripted lines. I can't just say, you know, so sometimes I was allowed to ad-lib, but oftentimes with Zack, we would change the dialogue a little bit, but yes, but most of it was written."
"It's just irresistible, I think. You really get the sense of Donna's desperation to find him, which is really endearing, I think, and I love that part of the script."
"I just felt that everything in my gut that this thing is just not not shootable um it it was I mean the script was I mean at the risk of sounding like an old TV guy thing it was like a zany comedy."
"Wow, strong script, the strongest characters."
"The Puppet Master is brilliant because while the script is well written on its own, it expands beyond its limited pages by drawing on the viewer's prior knowledge."
"This would become the most important automation script I ever wrote."
"I think it's just a really, really well written script in a really well constructed world."
"Could not have written a script better than this."
"...I finished a big western for them and was in between assignments... thought it was a marvelous script."
"Black and Murphy had crafted a dark, serious script that dug into the ideas of courage and heroics."
"Put your answers in the old script bit below."
"Nobody's ever talked about this: a man wrote down in the script 'Batman slides down a brontosaurus and kicks him in his ice nipples.'"
"When they give you a script, you gotta follow the script. That's it."
"...the script is great and it Charlie wrote an amazing script and I think that was undeniable and at the end of the day even though it's named after him he's playing himself I think in they said [ __ ] it it's an amazing script how could I not be a part of this."
"I got script and it's also set in the 70s... I'll get real 70s hair."
"It's just weird, like God already wrote the script, you know what I'm saying?"
"I loved the script it really sparked a lot of ideas for me I really responded immediately to the writing and to the humor into the characters and loved all those parts of it."
"And that script really did everything for us, you can see it set up this comp with all the assets here, there's a camera."
"Put the script and leave you like 'ouch'."
"If you don't have a script, you don't have a movie, and it's just as simple as that."
"You guys that you want to make films and you make a film, make sure you have a script."
"I'm not sure if I'm good enough but the script is beautiful."
"I turned back to my computer to finish my script. I knew what the road to the New Year looked like but had no idea what would happen along the way."
"When I read the script, when I pictured it in my mind's eye, it was remarkably close to what the pilot ended up looking like."
"That's funny because like two and a half years ago, I remember giving Robert the script to read just for enjoyment."
"I snuck a peek at the whole script and trust me these changes we are making are going to make it so much better."
"I don't think anyone should ever be slavishly devoted to the script."
"The script was very witty, it was very fast-paced."
"Avengers assemble! That's a pretty epic line to have, could you imagine reading the script and being like, I get to say it, that's pretty cool."
"Joseph Smith just took the characters off in sequential lines and somehow knew that the characters read from right to left."
"The invention of the alphabetic script did not create monotheism. It created the milieu in which monotheism could arise."
"There was a draft of the H2O script initially where in the ending...Lori survives by hanging on to a helicopter."
"The house itself is not a script."
"The Terminator script was sold for one dollar."
"The majority of the Quran is still written in the Arabic language, however, what he's saying here is that the first Quranic manuscripts, they were written using the Aramaic script."
"It just seems like they really should have taken more time with the script."
"I actually had read a subsequent script by you."
"So bad is good, of course. Let's add everything. This is everything we look for in a bad movie. It really did. Awesome martial arts, a script that made no goddamn sense, and there was a script, cat."
"I already kind of knew Meth, bro. Like, when I would read the script and it would be, like, a verse from a certain song, I'd be like, 'I know this by heart, I don't even gotta read this [ __ ].'"
"Hollywood should be embarrassed because this movie shows you what you can do with a limited budget and a good script."
"So I was locked in my apartment writing this script on my bed with an evil force outside my door, a.k.a. COVID-19."
"Every time I get a chance to work on the script it's going to get better."
"The original script featured Shield assembling The Avengers to fight Hulk who had been brainwashed by Loki before they joined forces to defend Earth from Loki and frost Giants. Seems like it could be real because it's like a retooling of stuff that we've seen."
"You cannot script it any better than that."
"Isn't the script all messed up? Shouldn't the sect leader be sealed in a pillar of ice right now?"
"There's something terribly wrong with our scripts right now, and it's not that it doesn't work, it definitely works. The problem is that the username and password are hard-coded into the script, which is in clear text."
"The iconic Paul Walker versus Tony Jaa. Oh, yeah, you know what's so funny about this scene too? When I read the script, so you're gonna take the one guy who does all wide shots, runs around, does flips and kicks, and put them in the smallest set possible."
"The script is really just from a structural standpoint, it's near perfect."
"Kevin Costner financed himself, he was so moved by the script."
"It's rare when you read scripts that you start the first few pages and then you don't put it down and you read all the way through without a break. That certainly was my experience with it because it's just it was quick and sharp and funny and scary and all of that good stuff."
"The script is on par with the visuals."
"You just have to make this autistic decision to be like, 'Well, if I'm a writer, then my job ends the day I deliver a script.'"
"The script involved words, you're going to encounter me on the street, you're going to hit me, you're going to beat me up, you're going to put bleach on me, I'm going to put a noose around my neck."
"Spending your time writing and rewriting your own scripts."
"He finally said it, a script came, I wonder what script just made him be like, 'Alright, never mind.'"
"It's the only script I've ever received where I sat and I thought... how do I ever live up to this?"
"Dennis's script was an extraordinary template."
"The migration script contains all the differences, bringing your target database to the stage represented by the database project."
"Mastering the listing presentation script can make you millions."
"He said, 'I would like for you to read the script and I believe you, you'd be great for this role.'"
"An unbelievable script for the year."
"Absolutely not." - "I love that line, really good line."
"Revision moves you to a new script, to a new timeline."
"The mob did kind of approve the movie at the end of the day as long as they didn't use the word mafia or la costa nostra. It's just really cool, I guess, that the mob kind of had the final approval of the script before this iconic movie came out."
"Why? Because they don't have a good script."
"We read the script, we said well it could be a good movie, we want to change a few things."
"Develop a script for answering the phone and instantly distinguish yourself as a professional business."
"When I hear a script, if I get excited, then I assume the audience will also get excited."
"Uncials or majuscules are manuscripts that are written with capital letters."
"I'm writing my script today, guys."
"If you stick to the script, you can survive the scene."
"Some greats just get to write their own scripts, and today, you've done exactly that."
"Writing in the Indus Valley also developed at about the same time as in Mesopotamia and Egypt."
"Indus writing was used very differently than that seen in other cultures; its origin was also probably very different and not sudden but gradual development over time."
"It's nice about winning is not winning, but what that means is that not only have you done well at this point in time, but obviously whatever script you've got, you have written for the ensuing weeks, months, and years."
"Black Widow is treated well by the script."
"Hawkeye is treated well by the script."
"Everybody really had enormous faith in the script; they really believed in the movie we were making."
"A good show in my opinion, good writing, good actors."
"It was the kind of script that you read and you're like, I feel like everybody who reads this script is going to want to be in it."
"Maybe it's all worth it for jobs like this one, where you get the reward of a really wonderful script and a brilliant character."
"I had never read a script where I was literally laughing out loud."
"It was a great script, but at the time we were so young and inexperienced, we didn't know what filmmaking was really."
"It is so good, so tight, so funny; the script is so good, the cast is amazing."
"Linear A... is still undecipherable to this day."
"I don't think you could script it any better than this."
"It's all script; you can only make a great film if the script is great."
"I read one of the greatest scripts I've ever read in my career."
"You could not write the script on this one."
"We never had a choice anyway, it was all scripted."
"He seems to be able to recover any crappy script and make it sound good."
"As long as they had a good script and a good director."
"It all comes down to the script and the vision of the director. The script is like the foundation of a house; you got a good script, your house is gonna stand up."
"It's quite extraordinary, you couldn't write the script any better."
"There's enough for like a casual watching, but the acting and script, especially the acting, is so good."
"You made me better, a better investigator of a script."
"Despite intense scrutiny and constant effort, no one has been able to decipher the now dead writing system."
"You couldn't script this restart to the season."
"I was just so happy to get this role because it was such a great script."
"You could not write a script that good."
"I really like the script in the stories, and when I met the directors, they were fantastic."
"That didn't go as the script says it should have gone."
"You're the head writer. This script is great, really great."
"It's rare that a movie turns out as well as the script, especially when the script is so complex and so well-written."
"It was so cool to read the script and then to hear from him directly and to hear the passion."
"I remember loving the concept, loving the script, thinking it was so much fun."
"The performances are fantastic, the script is amazing."
"A fantastic cast and a really quintessential Number 9 script."
"I've written a brief script for you guys if you want to go ahead and use that particular data set."
"A script you could not have written any better."
"It's a well-written, well-done movie."
"It's also engraved with the Nanyin Script that has been destroyed for many years."
"The principles are all the same, this script can be adapted to work with pretty much any trailing stop method."
"I cried when I read that script and I cried when I read 'Tender Mercies' because both of those were like huge gifts."
"Everything you create in a script is globally available throughout the projects."
"You're the only person with the script in your hand."
"It was amazing, like honestly, I love the story, the script, the dialogue, the characters."
"What's better in Succession, the acting or the writing? Because both are extraordinary."
"You could not script it any better at any stage throughout the tournament to have such quality players."
"It's come bound to almost a Hollywood script."
"Stay posted because the next script that we have coming out is our narrow band normalization script."
"I thought this script hello just had a very nice unique feel to it."
"We couldn't have scripted it any better; it was just perfect."
"These bronze tablets are over two and a half thousand years old and they're written in the ancient Umbreon script."
"It's high-stakes constantly, it's really life-and-death throughout the whole entire script."
"The script is a manifestation of the ability that I was given as I was awoken in my True Form."
"Informal script is much more flexible; it has the ability to be completely unique from its origin."
"It's rare when you read a script you're just like, I just know, I just really believe in this, and I just feel like it needs to be told somehow."
"You literally never know what you're gonna get, you get the next script and it's like, 'I do what now? Oh my god, okay, let's try it'."
"You can't script this any better; this was epic."
"I'm an actor; you have to give me words to say. I can't come up with words."
"What a great transition, incredible script writing."
"The script was bizarre and weird, but the world building was amazing."
"If it's a good script, I would be interested in seeing it."
"I've never read a script greater than this."
"I did not believe that I could make a good movie out of the script that they were planning on doing."
"The movie is beautifully directed, beautifully shot, beautifully written."