
Radio Quotes

There are 1236 quotes

"I'm looking forward to listening to some late-night distant stations on this thing; should be a lot of fun."
"If you're listening to this and you need some dating advice, be sure to tune in to 'Help, I Suck at Dating' on iHeartRadio."
"The radio also gave fans a new way to hear their favorite musicians."
"Young people, once upon a time, we used to have what were called radio stations... Sometimes you'd go a whole day, maybe two days, maybe three, before you would hear your favorite song."
"I've been listening all week and learned a lot. Thank you."
"My radio show, I'm introduced as your voice of moral, cultural, and spiritual revolution."
"My Heart'll Go On was the most played song on the radio for 10 straight weeks."
"How can this radio that's playing through different stations at such a fast pace be randomly telling a coherent story?"
"Michelin Presents Tech is next on RS2 IMSA Radio."
"The small broadcasting device we know as the radio has not been around for very long. In fact, its inventor Nikola Tesla did not first conceive of the idea until 1885."
"Growing up in LA, KROQ was the coolest thing."
"Thank you all for tuning in to The Voice of Reason, kbla talk 1580."
"Just think, in the year 1900 the average man or woman had never used even seen a radio."
"First of all, it's the radio, you don't pick a song, you change to a station and hope Nickelback isn't playing."
"I think that somehow in our weird radio ritual right, we're actually like summoning them or like helping them in some way."
"While eating pizza, Finn and Jake hear a story on a radio about several sightings of young girls with blank eyes, which are believed to be spirits without souls."
"If you never request it, there's no chance that it'll get played. There's no harm in doing that."
"All songs and pop music and rock charts that are in the top five make the same amount of money really okay on radio airplay and that's where all the money comes in."
"The radio was so important to American life in the 30s that, while movie houses closed, nightclubs languished, and Theatrical stock companies disappeared, radio boomed."
"The birth of radio astronomy changed the way we look at the universe."
"There's plenty of people who aren't nationally syndicated radio personalities but they've been working in their market for 25, 30 years and they've had a steady paycheck for 25, 30 years. That's successful to me."
"HF radio is really one of the only options that we have."
"Thank you to all the callers the perspectives are always interesting engaging educational."
"Even radio itself was magical, absolutely magical."
"The thing that has made those playlists so important is because radio is not rising to the occasion that it should be right now."
"To be selected to the radio hall of fame is really big for the culture."
"Thank you guys again for listening, have a great week, stay safe, wash your hands, wear a mask, and we'll see you next week on k-pop."
"You don't want to make radio songs just for the sake of it. Bobby Shmurda's hit wasn't made for radio; it was just rapping."
"There is a moment where you're listening to these beat-up radios somebody's got a radio station running on I assume bat guano and you go in there and they're talking about Billy Idol showing up for a concert."
"Begin the day with a friendly voice, a companion unobtrusive, plays that song so elusive, and the magic music makes your morning moves so true."
"The appeal of radio was obvious. People could listen to live music for free from their living room."
"Radio even began to take on social importance in 1923 with people giving radio parties and radio luncheons."
"This is truly a shack in the box. I can replace 2 radios with this one radio. I could actually replace 3 radios."
"Listening to 93 [__] hard rock radio. Nothing but hard rock, hard dudes playing hard rock and they are rock hard."
"Drinking on radio, I've had some of the funnest [expletive] times where it's just absolute chaos."
"NPR is a great station... it's always interesting."
"Radio has single-handedly led us to the Champions League final."
"The radio of ours has been sounded for the past few hours. We need our news, we need our music. We all agree on that, and if it's refusing to cooperate, we need to meddle with it until it works."
"Radio has the potential to be the biggest factor in shaping social solidarity." - Cantrell
"The radio is not an accurate reflection of what's going on in the culture at all."
"He's got it, James in Columbus, Ohio. James, what do you want to talk about? That guy's right down the middle then."
"Information is a precious, precious thing, and I think radio is one of those things that gets overlooked until people need one."
"We want to have a station with just me and Brother Rich doing our thing."
"We've got Charlie Lawson please say you are listening to barks after dark with a big dog, you're listening to you're listening to bart after dark with the big dog thanks for the donation Charlie Larson."
"Yo, what's your name, where you calling from?"
"I'm on a mission to bring radio that is informative and funny."
"TuneIn Radio offers more than 40,000 stations to choose from around the globe."
"...radio has the best pictures because it's sound only and you as a storyteller have to work really hard to bring the picture of what you are seeing or describing to the person who is listening."
"This program really is a tribute to my hero, the great Casey Kasem and his American Top 40 countdown."
"I always thought I would be good at radio."
"Randomly hearing your favorite song on the radio is more satisfying than playing it directly from your phone."
"Communications in ham radio is probably the best."
"His ownership of the Maryland based AM radio station WNAV until the end of 2021 highlights his interest in media beyond television."
"Radio is a powerful medium to impact lives, to change lives."
"Talking is risky, and yes, talk radio is high risk."
"It was a dream come true to be on the radio."
"A radio station is a piece of Precision Engineering."
"And now with Howard Duff starring as Spade, Wild Root brings to the air the greatest private detective of them all in The Adventures of Sam Spade."
"One of the most exciting evenings of the year in radio."
"Welcome dear listeners to a journey through the Shadows of the Night where the line between the living and the undead blurs."
"Imagine a world where radio was King and the airwaves were the stage for some of the most legendary performances in history."
"...I always want to say I never got a chance to say I respect you I think you're a funny funny do one of the best on the radio and you're an alpha male I always respect alpha males a lot of [ __ ] they think like women..."
"Tommy started playing for the live Sunday morning radio for the quartet when he was like 11."
"Coming up next, we've got more Taylor Swift."
"I don't care if I'm morning radio dude. That was the happiest I've been all day."
"Not everyone listens to music in the car from a flash drive or phone, but many people like to listen to the radio. After all, there is not only music but also news."
"There's a reason that The Cure is still one of the few bands in this video that you'll still hear on the radio."
"The Masks, starring Stan Freberg with Stacy Keach as your narrator, was adapted for radio by Dennis Etcherson and written for the Twilight Zone by Rod Serling."
"Adored by radio, hated by critics Collective Soul would be one of the most successful bands to emerge out of the mid to late 90’s."
"Because I had all this wealth of material with Donald Trump, who by the way was the best radio guest ever, because he would just say things that no one on the planet would say."
"There's always money in the AM radio stand."
"This is why this radio thing makes so much sense for me. I don't have to do the work. I bring in a friend, bring in another friend. I'm like, talk about shit."
"You can't spell radio without Si. Can I buy an S?"
"So, I'm going to open up the trunk. Where is the original radio, you ask?"
The resulting album, the same year’s In Color, was far more polished and radio friendly with tracks like "I Want You To Want Me"
"People try to downplay radio that's for people who can't get on the radio. If you want to get on the radio you have to want to and if you can get that [__] on there you stay."
"No one there, don't touch that dial."
"These mysterious stations existed even before human-made radio."
"So that's what I found with this radio here and um yeah lines up well and it um it's receiving pretty good so that's how you do the uh align the uh the dial scale on one of these old radios."
"...go and grab your copy now for free at jamesm.com radio."
"In 1995, a man took over a local radio station in New Zealand and demanded to hear 'Rainbow Connection' by Kermit the Frog."
"There was an idea of it being a sort of gentle radio 2 idea, something they'd like to listen to."
"That's all for this week. We hope you enjoyed today's radio play. Please like and subscribe and hit that notification button. Thanks for listening. Bye for now."
"I hope Dave's got the radio on in his car...you know Letterman was gonna call in the last hour and wish us a happy anniversary"
"Recording music from the radio. Calling into the radio station to request your favorite song for your mixtape then waiting with your fingers over the record button to see if they play it. Yes, and asking the DJ not to talk over the end. Good times."
"The power of going to the people broke the record. There's really not a DJ on radio who can say he broke the record."
"This is a really sweet balance between the feel of a full-size radio but being a smaller radio that's easier to pack."
"Music was like that, 'cause when you wake up, you turn the radio on."
"This radio just takes so many boxes for me."
"This radio is going to have most of my models on it because it's just nothing else I've got comes close to the way this radio feels."
"The ARRL can be proud to have as its founders Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence Tuska, two great radio pioneers and equally important two very fine gentlemen."
"If I get one more text about radio from Nate, I don't know what I'll do."
"This offers dab Digital radio AM and FM radio, the usual, but it also has Wireless Apple carplay."
"The history of radio, which is typically assigned to Guglielmo Marconi, is a fascinating one with Nikola Tesla at its center."
"Next week, a lonely girl, a fine young man, a gentle father, and one of them is a killer. Join us, won't you? Yours truly, Johnny Dollar."
"Radio, bro. I kept a foot in radio for 12 years. That's while doing stand-up. I had Letterman credits, I had everything."
"Good evening. This is Orson Welles inviting you to listen now to the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad."
"Young Money music. Young Money Radio on Apple Music. Appreciate y'all time. Thanks for having love."
"The favorite British entertainment show of the war was itma, which stood for 'it's that man again.'"
"I used to laugh because it was a Rodney Dangerfield who said I got a face for radio."
"I think I've made it no secret my ambition is to do the breakfast show."
"I love having callers on the show."
"Since 2007, the Sala monster sounds all available at the Sala monster.com, Stitcher Radio, TuneIn Radio, iTunes, and more. Solo Monster's Sound Off."
"It's not great radio to disagree, but it can lead to better ideas."
"I'd love to hear from you if you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio."
"It was the first time that a couple of camp gentlemen have really ever been heard on radio ever."
"I always wanted to interview people I always wanted to host I always wanted to have my own radio show"
"Radio had transformed from an escape to a police state, and the song is a venomous attack on the radio powers that be."
"Radio's the last time you could like just turn something on for free and listen."
"Hey folks, boom, it's me, and you're listening to Bob and Tom 24/7."
"...so I think we've proven that shortwave reception with a crystal set is completely practical."
"we got the after hours which follows my show every Monday night on kiss from Midnight playing the biggest and best in Grime"
"Back when we were kids, you would hear bands like Three Dog Night on the radio all the time. But now with Classic Rock Radio, it's almost like the years of what is deemed classic rock has moved up."
"He's radioed in, he says he cannot turn more than 6,700 RPM."
"The random wire or non-resonant antenna shouldn't be dismissed as a poor or compromised antenna."
"It just feels like ear candy. It is radio ready."
"My home is radio, period. No matter where I go."
"Use radio to tell others the gospel."
"Ronnie B of course is a genius and I love Ron Bennington. He's one of the only people that, to sit there and talk to him as another radio guy, the most seasoned radio veteran is intimidated by Ronnie. He's that good."
"That's like a song classic rock radio still plays all the time."
"My goal became to build an effective antenna that would let me get on the air and not sound like I was frying bacon."
"One big change for this radio from the original is you can select the different types of antenna input now."
"I think getting a master's is more impressive than being on the radio."
"shout out the swag King Tech in the whole shape four or five morning show you know what it is hot song yes that is it till tomorrow ladies and gentlemen we have nothing left to say it's way in the morning holy pond shade 45"
"The average age of radio amateurs is finally starting to drop. It's now 47-48, and that's a good sign."
"So you remember all those other favorites lists defaulted to a no for location control? I physically went in there and told the radio I want to do location control."
"Finding that right radio for you is really important. You need to be comfortable with what you're holding. It needs to feel part of you, and really the only way you're going to find that is pick up a bunch and see how they feel."
"If we need to describe the registration plate over the radio to the police or a third party, we need to always use our phonetic alphabet to do so."
"Jimmy Hart knows this going back to when he was a manager in Memphis. He was on radio stations every week because not only did he have the music background but he was glib and he was a celebrity in Memphis."
"Television might go out cable television might go out but radio has always worked."
"'Radio GaGa' is an eloquent plea for radio to shape up its act, to present new music and great music without caring about what the act looks like."
"...I remember one extra coming about must have been similar sort of time so it was just coming in but if he was anywhere near east London back in the day or you was tuned into rinse that's that's that's that's all we've got right it's all we've got right 92.3 that was rinse FM."
"Early on, radio and telephone operators hit upon the method of assigning a distinct codeword to each letter of the alphabet, such that the receiver could recognize the letter being transmitted even if parts of the codeword were distorted or cut off."
"You're actually listening to the creation of the universe when your radio is tuned between frequencies."
"Here's an antenna that's very popular now it's called the off center fed dipole or OCfD because it's fed off-center."
"But that's like Old School radio right?"
"You've also been on Pop Master yourself, already?"
"But back in the day when I used to have an old military ex-military receiver and I don't know whether it was my receiver that it was drifting or Radio Moscow was really trying to attack Voice of America."
"...sitting around a tent in the middle of nowhere, listening to Elmer Aho on the radio, is not a bad way to spend a Saturday night in the UP."
"London's airwaves were quiet once again as the pirates did voluntarily what the government hadn't been able to do by force and came off air in the hope of becoming legal."
"I noticed that Tim canceled subscription to XM radio and took off his upper bars all right."
"Just like radio stations, decoherence theory has a unique way of showing the superposition of worlds."
"...radio could be surprising, engaging, and full of suspense, more than just purporting, radio could be something like a novel or movie that would take you on an emotional ride."
"Our [ __ ] was the hottest [ __ ] at that time right so to not have that number one rotation on it was like [ __ ] this station [ __ ] this [ __ ] show it."
"Radio has never turned their back on me. It's because of the radio that I'm still kicking today, making music, and having this conversation right now."
"This is like how stupid I this is you know 22y old idiot I went to Nashville one cuz I had a sister still there because she went to Vanderbilt um my thought was well I'll go do radio where they make music and I'll go do like a country format and it'll be totally fine um."
"His message went out on over 200 radio stations across the United States, and many more around the world. His listenership, millions."
"The Goon Show. Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe, and Spike Milligan."
"Radio is very, very strong. You know, I always say that. But what people find it very hard to understand about Pythons, and I promise you it's true, is that we were basically six writers who used to perform our own mum."
"I believed from the earliest age that I would be quite content to work in radio all my life if I could just be a continuity an answer or regular broadcaster of some kind"
"The early days of KCAC and KDKB had a magical musical spirit."
"On radio, you can do all kinds of things that you can't do on film. It's a joint creation with the listener, creating unique images."
"I turned on the radio in my kidnapper's basement only to hear that he had been arrested the day before. I thought they were still searching for me, but then I heard my own voice saying how much I was glad to finally be found."
"You ever listen to K Billy's super sounds of the 70s? It's my personal favorite."
"Did you know over 18 million people listen to the Ramsey show every week a lot of those people listen on one of our radio stations across the country to find a station near you go to ramseysolutions.com."
"It's the Rinse FM, the champion sound."
"The songs people don't hear on the radio are just killer."
"There is something out there listening to my late-night show, and it doesn't want anyone talking about the Grays."
"That's how our day started: 'Your ass up, it's morning time, The Breakfast Club is on.'"
"Now in just a moment you'll hear Act one of the six-shooter."
"If you're gonna put a radio, that's the one to do."
"The music brought the streets to the radio."
"Good night and thanks for listening."
"Sometimes they don't connect, but I just been having like a lot of success at radio for like a long time right now, that's just my niche."
"But it does surprise me that out of all the cannibal things in the world, the radio just throws on Michael Jackson songs like no one's like eh, yeah, yeah."
"I think the funniest was when we were taking the pregnancy test and I was like I can't believe you're putting that like on the radio."
"Um, I mean, there's a whole load of stories about things that happen at Art Bell."
"You don't need a label to get radio."
"Sorry Wrong Number was a huge hit."
"We've got some new gauges that are going to replace this beautiful Kenwood. Not going to have a radio—I'm just going to listen to this beautiful lady's voice."
"Thank you guys so much for listening to the Toast Millenia Morning Show!"
"Too many artists I feel always try to change for the radio instead of making the radio change for them."
"It was just a little bit of fun, just to, you know, see how old radios work, did a bit of troubleshooting today."
"We're gonna take over afternoon radio, one to five. We are gonna be the Trail Blazers, the trendsetters."
"It's been amazing, thank you Radio One listeners."
"Mac Miller is always a call away, he's always with it man when it comes to Power 106."
"As long as you leave the radio turned on, I'll always be with you."
"I'm the best, there's no escaping it. When I'm on the radio, man's taping it."
"I hope so now I can only play the clip once so listen very closely are you ready yes I am okay here it goes gold 90.5 The Station sounds good yeah good okay have you got the names yeah go ahead."
"I kind of feel like I am listening to myself on the radio."
"Do you know what frequency is Magic? It's 105.4. Worth checking out, because I am great."
"Do you think that when Marconi invented radio, this was what he had in mind for it? Two hours of absolute... see you later."
"Shortwave stations operate according to schedules which depend on the ability of their operating frequencies to propagate or to travel through the atmosphere and go long distances."
"There's something rather magical about radio waves."
"You were right. It's on the radio. It was the Tylenol."
"Entertainment is not just about what you hear on the radio."
"He's had so many hits. I'm just talking about radio hits, I'm just talking about brand."
"Patrice was one of the best parts about the Opie and Anthony radio show."
"If doing this is an issue, maybe this radio isn't for you, otherwise very good, highly recommended."
"I'd be listening to Howard Stern every day on here."
"This is a great little radio, no internal battery, it does have an internal sound card so you can plug it directly into the computer and do FT8 with it."
"An interactive exploration of what makes radio rinses."
"Yeah, maybe Todd has a little side business where he's allowing the phone scams to go to other radio stations. Given him, Todd does have a syndicated comedy. He might be the phone scam guy."
"Handhelds are pretty budget-friendly, you can get a pretty good handheld radio for about 25 to 50 to 150 bucks."
"Tomorrow night, Lux Radio Theater brings back the miracle of Our Lady of Fátima for another thrilling performance."
"The q900 does have an inbuilt tuner so if the swr is not as low as you would like you can activate the internal atu."
"A fantastic hobby within our hobby: Radio Direction finding."
"Time now for Edmund O'Brien as Johnny Dollar."
"The next half hour has its baggage packed to take a trip with America's fabulous freelance insurance investigator Johnny Dollar."
"It's The Breakfast Club. It's Jermaine Durpi, The Breakfast Club, every weekday morning. Tune in."