
Funny Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"It's funny, it's heartfelt, it's deeply insightful."
"Do you want to touch my fuzzy finger? No! What if I have to wash my hands? Exactly!"
"It's the cutest, funniest thing ever."
"Your person is a jokester, very funny."
"Watching it again as an adult... it's still messed up but it's really funny."
"It's incredibly freed up and funny and romantic and sort of modern."
"Pretty Little Liars is absolutely a fever dream, and there's nothing funnier than laying it all out."
"The best part about this outfit is I barely had to buy anything for it like I already had everything which is kind of funny and fitting."
"It's quality stuff man, it's funny, I think a lot of it's very interesting."
"It's a Charming show it's a very funny show."
"None of them thought that was funny, but I thought that was funny."
"It's funny at parts, it's heartbreaking at parts, and you really feel for a person that you would think you feel nothing for."
"You genuinely were by far the most compelling, the funniest, the most..."
"I always find this funny, multi-million dollar airplane, and uh, this is your SE foot adjustment."
"The funniest part comes when Elmo accidentally calls him Mr. Robins, prompting a great reaction that warms the heart and soothes the soul."
"It's funny though, very funny though."
"Turquoise is funny. I know for a fact that's Bisbee."
"He doesn't know how to be sexy. He just knows how to be funny."
"It's going to be funny, clumsy, awkward, and authentic."
"Yeah, that was funny as [__]! That's [__] hilarious."
"I'm no expert but here's how I think comedy works: Disgusting is not the same as funny. Funny stuff equals funny. Funny stuff that also happens to be gross equals funny."
"When have you heard a fart and even if you're grossed out, like it's funny, it's funny."
"...he did not have a bad bone in his body who's just the kindest most gracious humble funny the best I absolutely adore him..."
"It's funny how much the little things matter."
"It's one of the funniest movies ever."
"He made the comment of like, 'She's gonna be intolerable after this,' and I thought that was absolutely hilarious."
"That's very funny. I mean, that lady just saying, 'Just drown them.' Yeah, I don't know. Just drown them."
"This sounds like this is going to be really fun, really dark, and extremely funny. I'm very excited."
"I mean that is kind of funny if you're not being honest"
"You guys are very natural at it cuz you guys are funny and you have a big personality."
"Just plain zero, that is so funny, God damn."
"It's really funny it's one of the funniest pixar movies in my opinion."
"It was hilarious, straight-up funny, and a really good time."
"If you're funny, you can get away with anything."
"Ryan is so funny, Ryan is like, you're so confident and you're so creative."
"He was engaging, funny, smart as hell."
"It's a charming show full of laughs and funny characters, so I definitely recommend this one."
"I'm Ross. He's so earnest. He's probably one of the funniest characters."
"Not a single joke missed they were all so funny they were all funny in different ways."
"This chick would be awesome, it would be great, funny, and it would be a good action like real good action funny movie."
"That's crazy, that whole world is so funny because we obviously have zero idea about it."
"Oh, it's so good. It's so funny. That's so funny. The three of them swapping out their history. It's so good. It's so funny."
"That was weird as [__] but it's so funny so I'm having a great time already."
"I've never seen anything like that. And the same goes for this next clip. Right before an MLB game during the national anthem, a bald eagle got loose and tried to land on a player's head."
"Off the table, he's one of the funniest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."
"That's terrible, but very, very funny."
"That's the funniest thing I've ever seen, that's awesome."
"They might not be in top sponsored content, but they're just super funny, so you're cool with it, right?"
"If you've never seen anyone angrily Scurry away, it's quite funny."
"Just because somebody is known in Hollywood for being funny does not actually mean you're funny."
"The punchline is my face. I realize that not only does content and delivery both have to be funny for me to think something is funny, but also context for who the person is in general."
"...they don't make movies like this anymore, like, are this genuinely sweet and funny."
"Horror movies are funny to me. I laugh through most of them."
"This is the funniest show I've ever seen."
"Let's be real, this is one of the funniest things I've heard."
"Your song was so funny! Kangaroo, pop off to the zoo!"
"He was incredible, funny, and had a pleasant demeanor."
"It's just bizarre, both funny and bizarre."
"That's so funny, he's got a sense of humor."
"So I thought that was pretty funny."
"My best friend kept telling me I was funny."
"It was a really light-hearted, funny, inspirational way to spend an afternoon."
"The t-all championship might be my favorite sports feted video and the funniest video of the year for me."
"This is so cute, this is funny, this is so... I love them even more before this."