
Groceries Quotes

There are 191 quotes

"HelloFresh is 28% cheaper than shopping at the grocery store."
"Reminders app in Mac OS Sonoma now features automatic sorting of grocery lists into categories, making shopping easier."
"Trader Joe's is very inexpensive in comparison to many other grocery stores."
"After two months of no grocery shopping, we decided today is the day."
"I am super grateful to get some eggs that is crazy wow."
"Groceries are shaping up to be a top spending priority for younger generations."
"Decant your food items as soon as you get home from grocery shopping."
"Six dollars for lemons here but the bags I've already touched have mold on them."
"Seventeen dollars gotta get my refill of these Stoney Field organic whole milk yogurts."
"Groceries continue to go up. Housing takes a long time to start going down."
"Know your numbers and know how much you're actually supposed to be spending on your groceries when you buy them."
"I've definitely been in the position before where I struggled to afford groceries."
"Easy grocery saving tips that will help you save money, get out of debt, even when your grocery prices have gone up."
"Part of grocery shopping too is just going and seeing what looks good."
"...even though prices have gone up on groceries, it's still cheaper to eat at home."
"This is a great way to save money like it's the ultimate way to save on groceries."
"Over the next couple of months, because we did buy a whole cow, I should see a bigger savings in my grocery budget month to month."
"You can save when I was looking at their websites you know anywhere from 15 to 30% on the cost of some of these food items."
"I got one, two, three, and four bags of groceries for $130."
"We do not eat out very often, so Costco makes sense for our family."
"Tuesday we're doing fajitas so we need tortillas the fajita meat I already put in there I just got the pre-made like fajita meat that comes in like a little bag veggies are in the freezer."
"Groceries are ordered, they are on their way, I'm really excited for some of the meals I'm gonna make this week."
"This is the best way to save money on your groceries by keeping track of prices."
"Sugar is found in 70 of the items in the typical American grocery store."
"It also saves you a lot of money. You go to the grocery store, you get some groceries, and you fix your own meals."
"When your fridge is bare, there's no meat or eggs or butter, it's time to go grocery shopping."
"Hopefully I got everything that I need. I know I got more than what I needed, I got unnecessary groceries."
"You want to start replacing the things that you are buying from the grocery store hopefully in bulk or from some bulk buy with things that you are buying from your local farmer and preserving it."
"I'm gonna get stuff to make oatmeal, avocado, eggs, broccoli, turkey, some sort of bread, flowers for my table, chicken, ground turkey, lettuce, tomato, taco seasoning, kombucha."
"I'll buy $400 worth of guest groceries."
"Grab the clearance version every time to save a little money or it may help me preserve more or it may help me adjust my grocery list."
"Do a weekly grocery audit to save up to $3,000 a year."
"Here is the full grocery shop, it was approximately 45-ish dollars."
"We have some apples, some butter, Irish butter, watermelon, some onions, broccoli, Tik Tock was buy one get one free, some tangerines."
"I know you might not think groceries are frivolous but if you stop in any sort of kind of Health Whole Foods story you know that it's easy to spend on just a bunch of different snacks that seem really fun."
"I included this, a lot of channels don't, but I thought you know what if you don't particularly have a handle on what your groceries are use our handle until you get your handle."
"And she says she pays $3.99 for three pounds at Aldi's. That's a good deal at Aldi if it's $3.99 for three pounds. That's a good deal."
"Buy produce in large bags instead of by the piece."
"You take this quiz and then they're going to recommend groceries."
"Shop the perimeter of the grocery store."
"I hope this gave you guys some good ideas about what to pick up on your next grocery trip."
"Places like Tesco and Asda... make a list of what you think you're going to need."
"I know that prices can really fluctuate a lot depending on where you live what's in season things like that what grocery stores you have access to."
"Let me grab the cheese real quick."
"If you've got a family of four or six or ten or whatever I'm sure this trailer would haul a week's worth of groceries for lots of people."
"It's all about retraining our habits to use what we have to make meals and then running to the store for a few things to supplement and not the other way around."
"We might have to go to Walmart, get some catfish fillets."
"I go to the Swiss grocery stores like everyone else and shop and buy the Swiss Brands."
"They're $4.99 for 5 lb, you guys want one bag or two bags for the mashed potatoes?"
"So how many people do you have to buy groceries for like every day type thing me and her just you two."
"This is our Costco haul, I think we had a really good trip today."
"Everything you would get at a grocery store like a Publix, a Whole Foods, or Wegmans is on Thrive Market for cheaper than the store. Per order, you save about 32 dollars compared to going to the store."
"If you just go to Trader Joe's or Aldi, you will save probably over $1,000 a year than if you're going to these other grocery stores."
"There is nothing in this world quite like getting healthy fun groceries delivered right to your front door."
"And like, we know we can eat there, you know, we can like go get something if we need it. You're like, we can literally not, like, the grocery."
"This is such a game changer for groceries. Love it."
"It feels like a supplement to your regular grocery store."
"One of my favorite ways to shop for groceries is online, especially when it comes to getting organic groceries."
"I started shopping at Aldi about four years ago and immediately shaved off about 50 percent of my grocery budget."
"So one thing if we want to think about in the history United States, that we did have a store, we didn't have groceries down the road, you didn't go buy a can of sugar."
"Here we go, I did go to Ingles last night. I think I already told all that. I got some grapes and orange juice and just a few things from there."
"Groceries is always a pain point where it's just increasing in its prices every single month."
"Making sure that you spend as least amount as possible, not wasting your money on all these expensive groceries, is going to be a really important thing."
"Let's talk about groceries move.org says that Nevada is the eighth lowest state for cost of groceries."
"That's a lot of food, a lot more than I thought when I was doing the online shop."
"That was a hell of a lot of food."
"Chinese are the only ones that don't have a modern groceries, a modern hipster one, we don't."
"I was at the grocery store the other day and I know that Philadelphia cream cheese has really gone up in price a lot."
"Yeah, I like getting a gang of groceries and just, like, having them all stacked up in your fridge. It's just satisfying."
"Let me just find these pickles real quick, 'cause I want to come up in here for a whole lot of groceries."
"This cart is already not looking very healthy. This is for my mom and Chase. You all know I don't drink soda, we got some water bottles."
"Shop online, tell them when you're gonna come and pick it up, and they load in your truck. So perfect. Good way to go if you're avoiding the grocery store."
"It's funny, originally I went into the store going in for two, three things left with 20."
"When you are all done your grocery shopping, the last thing you do is you put your groceries away."
"Tada all the vegetables and fruits and the tofu are typically what I buy every single week like these are the staple items that I always have in my fridge."
"I love Thrive Market. I love getting my groceries online. I love not lugging huge bags home from the store."
"Just one card, it's a lot of groceries, big family, yeah, four kids."
"Most people that I know have noticed a significant increase in the amount that they are spending on groceries compared to this time last year."
"Wednesday we're doing mom's video on how she spends $40 a month on groceries."
"We are going to be doing Pam's Groceries on Wednesday's show with Mom."
"I did some research and I found an article that said a family of four has been anywhere between 800 and 1200 a month on groceries."
"Grocery Outlet has a lot of good stuff; WinCo has a lot of good deals."
"Your grocery budget is the easiest thing to start saving money on."
"Always check the freezer section for deals on fruit."
"Just got back from the store, so I'm gonna give you guys a quick little grocery haul of everything I got."
"Everybody needs groceries, everybody needs food to eat, so groceries is my first one."
"Meal planning and sticking to a grocery list are both surefire ways to make sure we're only spending money on food we are guaranteed to eat."
"I guarantee you it will save you money on groceries every week."
"It feels so good to have a stocked fridge."
"The minimum estimate of costs in groceries per day is between 7 to 8 euros."
"Groceries are cheaper. A bag of rice will always be a cheaper method of getting calories than fast food."
"Monthly average for people spending on groceries is about $400 a month."
"Groceries have gone up quite a bit, and 2022 food prices in Seattle climbed by 11.3 percent."
"I'm very happy and content here with what we bought for groceries."
"Lidl has pretty good canned vegetables, and yes, it's pronounced Lidl."
"My husband and I have cut back way, way, way back on our groceries and we have budgeted down to 30 dollars a week."
"If you are looking to cut back on your grocery budget for whatever reason, these will be very helpful ideas for you."
"I do hedge against inflation by pre-buying my groceries."
"I have found the best way to stay on top of my pantry and fridge is to give it a good clean out and wipe down when you bring new groceries in."
"I go to the grocery store and get whatever I need for that day."
"This really helps me stay organized so I'm not getting groceries that I'm not going to end up using."
"I feel like we got our money's worth, especially with how much groceries cost nowadays."
"Wow, that's half price of what we're looking at at Sainsbury's."
"When you see how much money you spend at groceries, maybe you're going to start creating a grocery list."
"Trader Joe's prices are so good, like three whole bags of groceries and that's not bad at all."
"I figured it'd be really cool to build a vending machine that sells discount groceries."
"Potatoes on average were 1.26 cents a pound, but buy them cut and ready to pop into the oven and you'll fork out around three dollars eleven cents a pound."
"It's crazy how much money you have to spend on groceries nowadays."
"Hello everyone, today I'm going to show you the update on the grocery prices in Russia after sanctions."
"Our grocery budget for a month for our family is right around 100 to 125 dollars a person for the month."
"It's super super easy to cut a grocery bill."
"All of our bread is buy one get one free."
"I like to make sure that none of them are cracked; they stay fresher longer that way."
"Sweet, oh wow, this is something I was also looking forward to seeing, the eggs, $3.99 for these eggs, pretty cheap price for eggs."
"All the vegetables and grocery fresh and cool just delivered to your front door."
"I have literally room for like three bags of groceries, and I can just pack that away."
"We're allowed to go out for essentials, so I'm gonna get groceries for dinner."
"They have automatic grocery lists."
"Our shopping list is always the same, it's never with fancy ingredients, and we've always got everything in stock from our meal cards."
"The wave of inflation in groceries has been broken, and the normal effect of eating at a lower cost by buying groceries and eating at home is clearly there again, even for a single individual or a couple."
"It's pretty much a supermarket in a box."
"More you shop with Hungry Root, the more they're able to personalize your grocery list."
"It's the most exciting grocery haul in the entire year."
"The produce section has fruits and vegetables."
"I would say groceries in Portugal are quite affordable when compared to the USA and Canada."
"I paid for this old lady's groceries."
"We're very blessed to have all kinds of international grocery stores here."
"It earns 6% cash back on groceries at US supermarkets up to $6,000 per year."
"This is a huge grocery haul; it's gonna last us a long time."
"I'm excited about this grocery haul, not gonna lie."
"It's Whole Foods for the win when it comes to premium canned beans."
"Buy healthy things at the grocery store, and then when they're around you, you're gonna feel the need to use them and cook with them."
"My grocery order arrived so I have my citrus fruits that I can put in this bowl."
"Every week we begin planning what we're gonna eat with grocery shopping."
"I am always looking for new ways to save money on my grocery bill and make the dollar stretch as much as I can when it comes to food."
"I'm not joking when I say that I spend a maximum of 30 euros a week on groceries."
"I'm telling you, groceries here are insanely cheap."
"HelloFresh's carbon footprint is 25 percent lower than store-bought grocery-made meals."
"Always check expiration dates with spices because they do expire."
"We're gonna just try to learn to save a little bit of money where we can because we all know groceries are out of sight."
"One of the things that I love to share here on She's in Her Apron is how you can save money on your groceries."
"I want to start trying to shop local for my groceries and stuff."
"So if you're wondering about what kind of groceries you can get here, they have your typical wide variety of produce as any store in America or anywhere else in the world would have."
"You get a lot of savings, you know, when you do grocery instead of buying food every day as your meal."
"We just got all of our groceries at our door."
"Food prices are crazy. Have y'all seen the price of eggs?"
"I really like this, especially when I'm unloading groceries. You just push the button, exit the car, and then by the time you get to the back, it's already open and ready to go."
"You guys are not going to believe how many groceries I got today for under $200."
"There's nothing like starting a new week with a fresh set of groceries."
"We've got a bag of sweet potatoes, this is also for my salad."
"We will not be going to the grocery store for a while."
"We always get eggs and almond milk from Costco. It is the best price by far."
"Now I know to buy my groceries ahead of time."
"Let's take a look at what I've bought for this week and then stay tuned to the end for the meal plan."
"There is nothing more convenient than having your groceries delivered right to your doorstep."
"We're sharing all of the things that we love about Trader Joe's, sharing the things that we buy as a family of seven."
"You need to budget how much you're going to spend each month or each week on groceries."
"This is an extreme emergency grocery budget when you only have so much money to feed your family on."
"It's a new week which means it's time for another grocery haul."
"I find that groceries in London are cheaper than in Canada."
"This is literally my favorite thing from Trader Joe's."
"Let's discuss some massive price increases that we're seeing in the grocery stores."
"Welcome to this mama's house. Today, I'm going to share all of the details about how my large family shops in bulk for groceries."
"We got limes, baby carrots, honey butter, black bean Doritos..."
"It's going to be a nice sunny day, we're going to get home, get our groceries unloaded, and then probably a pool day today."
"I like to stick to about $100 per family member for groceries. That breaks down to about $25 a week."
"It saved our grocery budget a ton."
"When you don't buy processed foods, your grocery bill is drastically reduced."
"I put the vegetables that I am likely to forget about at eye level in my refrigerator."
"It saves so much money on eating out and just in general, vacation money is saved when you get groceries."
"Trying to limit our food waste is a way to save money on our grocery bill."
"I'm really proud of myself for how good I've been doing with staying on my grocery budget."
"It really keeps your produce fresher for longer."