
Grammar Quotes

There are 649 quotes

"It's grammatically incorrect. You say Tom and I, not me and him."
"Memorizing grammar and vocabulary doesn't lead to intuitive language ability; it leads to language acquisition through understanding."
"It’s commonly agreed that an auxlang’s grammar should be simple, elegant, and consistent."
"The right order is to put the adjectives before the noun."
"Persistent grammar mistakes are really bad amateur mistakes and will get in the way of reading."
"Grammar is important, but it's limited. It can be useful, but it's not the whole thing." - Stephen Krashen
"State attorneys general...believe me I know being a teenage grammar nerd is something from which it is difficult to recover."
"Grammar is not racist. Grammar is not in any kind of way just geared towards whites."
"Just take the clause out of the sentence. Is the meaning the same?"
"Not only is this song a funny lecture on how people misuse grammar, it also provides several grammatical lessons, all to the tune of Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines'."
"People will tell you you need to learn grammar, and this and that. You don't."
"Compound nouns can be single, hyphenated, or separate words."
"Most of the time, you can measure uncountable nouns."
"Compound nouns are made up of two different words."
"Singular 'they' pronouns are grammatically correct. Do you think that you can choose to not respect something that is in the English language as a professor--as an academic--"
"Singular they is a great example of a place where we should look back at history to understand the current moment."
"Writing is powerful - it helps you practice grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure."
"Reading helps to improve sentence structure and grammar. Yes, it does."
"With enough time, it works and you get the grammar."
"Grammar is important and should be respected."
"But as American writer, Robert Brault once quipped, 'Do not be surprised when those who ignore the rules of grammar, also ignore the law.'"
"Good grammar isn't just a way to sound professional or feel morally superior in all of those Facebook debates."
"Because otherwise you end up with questions like, 'Have you eaten, grandma?' The difference between being courteous to your grandmother, and trying to be a bloodthirsty cannibal."
"The present perfect tense: I've just come. Have you ever been there? He's already gone. I've never seen them. I haven't finished yet."
"It's very important to understand when to use it, and I'm going to look at the five most common situations or contexts when the present perfect is necessary."
"An action begun in the past and that continues in the present."
"Let's talk about not just what an adjective clause is, but why we use it."
"Sometimes you want to use these adjective clauses to make your writing less repetitive, to clean it up, make it a little bit smoother."
"Adjective clauses are dependent and therefore you would change that period to a comma."
"These are complex sentences because you've got at least two clauses, one independent and one of them is dependent."
"Either they're just straight up transphobic, they say there's no science behind it, or they say it's not grammatically correct."
"Improving your grammar and sentence structure will be good for the rest of your life."
"I cannot call you they them. I know I talk about hey, you've got to be polite and [__], but that's not grammatically correct."
"Speaking in tenses is not that difficult in Spanish if you find common factors."
"Conditionals can be quite cool really, you can tweak and you can change them to help add extra layers of meaning in your sentence."
"The best way to become familiar with conditional sentences is to start writing them and to start experimenting with them."
"They constantly correct people's grammar. Okay, I mean, some of us need it, so yeah."
"Despite and in spite of are exactly the same so you can use them interchangeably."
"some of the best fix have literally the most garbage grammar and spelling I will continue to stand by that and no one can change my mind."
"I'll help you with any vocabulary and grammar questions."
"Grammar and language does evolve over time, but it evolves according to a coherent set of rules and standards. What we're talking about here is devolution, not evolution."
"Just like the gender of the noun impacts exactly how we say 'the' and similar words."
"English is just easier, you know, because you don't have to have two versions of every word, like the masculine version and the feminine version."
"Verbs are the matter of a sentence. Without a verb, can you say a sentence? Yo ana what? There's something missing, an action."
"One like equals one believe that doesn't make any sense whatsoever no grammar and any sort of exotic gaming video ever though so I mean it's not really that surprising to be completely honest."
"What we've just learned by doing is how to find the subject in a subject verb agreement problem."
"Grammar is very complicated, yes I know, but it's exciting because grammar rules don't change."
"I'm much more on the side of proper grammar when I see it written. But for in a vernacular, when we're speaking, I could care less."
"In grammar, when things disagree, you've got problems."
"The semicolon shows a relationship between two sentences; two independent clauses that each can stand on its own."
"Think of a semicolon as a combination of a period and a comma; it makes the pause shorter, like a long sentence."
"The colon is used to introduce a list; it prepares the reader for what's coming."
"Emphasis, that's really all it is; the colon is a little bit stronger, while the semicolon shows a direct relationship."
"Use a semicolon to show the relationship; use the colon to introduce a list or define something clearly."
"Let's eat grandma. Let's eat, grandma."
"Grammar is the greatest joy in life, don't you find?"
"That shift going from simple past to past continuous."
"If you want to quickly acquire knowledge, then learn good grammar and learn logic."
"Film speaks a language and therefore has a grammar that is incomprehensible to the cinematic illiterate."
"Subject-verb agreement is something you should look through as you go through your writing."
"Think about those time words... they are indicators as to which verb tense you should be using."
"Effect with an 'e' is a noun, so that is what we need there, a negative effect."
"Grammar is acquired the exact same way that everything else is acquired in a language, which is through comprehensible messages."
"Focusing on building your vocabulary, taking grammar step by step, and just taking what you need to be able to speak."
"In languages, patterns for language rules are helpfully described using the notion of verbs, objects, and the order between them."
"Grammarly is a tool that checks your writing for you."
"Grammar means the system in the language of how words are formed and how sentences are put together."
"Grammar's hilarious, are you a hundred?"
"I want you so bad... actually, it's badly."
"Corpora help develop grammar profiles for specific learner groups."
"So, it's really when you understand the sentence that you piece together what's going on in the sentence - the different components, so the vocab and the grammar."
"'Perfecting grammar...if you solve every single grammar question correctly 100 percent of the time, getting 700 and above on the English section will be very easy. It will be like a piece of cake just trust me on this one.'"
"English forms questions with the verb 'do', and this is extremely rare cross-linguistically."
"For writing, it's helpful to know how to use proper grammar."
"Future perfect tense: By this time next year, I will have graduated from college."
"Conditional tense: If it rained, we would have stayed indoors."
"By understanding when and how to use subjunctives, you can effectively convey hypothetical situations, wishes, recommendations, and emotions in your writing."
"It's important to study and understand these rules in order to improve writing skills and achieve a higher score on the SAT writing section."
"His goal was to come up with a set of rules — a grammar — that can generate all the sentences of a language, and that won’t overgenerate with weird stuff."
"Hebrew has words for silver, for disc, for round, for window, okay? All you gotta do is buy a Hebrew grammar and look at the index."
"We use this less commonly than we use the positive form. We use this to talk about something that's maybe regular or an expected action that for some reason we are not doing now."
"Russian seems like it would be harder than Spanish because you have to learn there's that crazy alphabet it's so different and the grammar so different I don't know anything about it."
"We cannot use 'to' here because we're not showing motion of some kind."
"We use check as a verb to refer to confirming that something is correct."
"Remember that contractions are not casual or lazy, they are essential."
"The dot over a lowercase i and J is called a tittle."
"The correct answer to all of these are the ones that don't include 'the.' That's right, the word 'the' has created a lot of confusion and debate among fans of many bands."
"Try to find a set of rules and principles from which you can mechanically derive the structures of the infinite number of expressions of the language."
"I'm all chips in on the Oxford comma."
"Another way is to just deliberately use new words or grammar that you've learned as much as possible and that's why I a like my grammar books so much because that is deliberate practice"
"Grammar is patterns, and extensive reading is one of the best ways to acquire grammar."
"One important rule you have to remember with 'estar' in the past is that it's used for things done in the past that stayed in the past."
"The verb 'p' in Spanish is a universal tool, shaping the foundation of countless sentences."
"To go, or 'ir' in Spanish, bridges present and future actions in its unique syntax."
"The verb 'gustar' in Spanish uses indirect object pronouns to specify who is being pleased by what."
"The most useful cases to use in the conditional are in questions like 'Would you go with me?' and you can reply with 'Yes, I would go with you.'"
"The child picks up the language by ear and then afterwards goes to school and is amazed and horrified to discover that this language has grammar."
"Please use Grammarly, provide any feedback that you might have."
"Language learning being a fun experience as opposed to drilling grammar."
"An independent clause is basically the same thing as a simple sentence: it's one subject and one verb."
"Universal grammar is a traditional term but it's been reinterpreted in a new framework in the framework that was developed in the 1950s it became understood as the theory of the genetic basis for the language faculty."
"Grammar is an easy place to improve your SAT score because it's very very predictable."
"If it's happening in the past, stay in the past tense."
"These people are willing to pay other people to know the difference between there, there, and there so that they don't have to."
"You use 'who' to refer to the subject of a sentence and 'whom' to refer to the object of a verb or preposition."
"I considered myself a leftist. I wanted my students to comprehend how grammar could actually be a big issue in our society."
"The question isn't just did he do it anymore, it's now did he done it."
"We use 'to find' with an adjective to describe the way that we perceive someone or something."
"Grammar does matter. I don't think it's the most important thing when it comes to an essay, but if you have a lot of mistakes and they're very apparent, it'll make it so the reader or the grader starts to knock off points."
"Did you know that only 5 verb tenses make up over 96% of a native speaker's vocabulary?"
"...most English speakers have never learned very much about English itself. And, um, because in our school system, we don't study...I think it's shocking for many of my Italian students to hear that, yeah, I never studied grammar in my school in the US."
"Perhaps it is strong, but it's not like a geese. Goose, geese, different, are they plural?"
"You'll be amazed at what you can do with Grammarly."
"Number eight: Apostrophes can be used to show that letters are missing from a word."
"If you're debating someone, you better have proper grammar or you can kiss your point goodbye."
"Your brain has already created some patterns using in, on, and at."
"The most powerful punctuation mark in existence: the Demi colon."
"I bet you that image I painted of the kid running into the fridge on a hot day and pouring a glass of milk is more white trash than the demographic of people not using an apostrophe to contract 'we are'."
"Ending sentences with prepositions."
"The English grammar is governed by rules that are almost mathematical in their strictness."
"Cacti is plural of cactus, deer or deers?"
"Now it's not always verbs doing words, it's not always adjectives describing words, often it can also be nouns too."
"...we're always looking for ways to improve our writing here at Linus Media Group, but with our pace of production, there's very little time to check for errors in grammar or tone. And you should know that's where Grammarly Go comes in."
"Make sure to review how to make questions by looking at who, what, where, why, when, how much, and so on."
"Wait a minute, I thought singular was singular and plural is plural, not according to these rules."
"You're going to learn grammar with my course, but you're going to learn it in a natural way, the same way that babies and kids learn."
"Proper nouns are people, places, or things that have specific names or titles."
Remember, nouns that end with an "s," like "bus" or "boss," are made plural by adding an "es" at the end.
"This is actually correct. The hyphen between 'off' and 'campus' describes that these two words are working together in a compound adjective to describe 'apartments'."
"There are four types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory."
"A noun is a person, place, or thing. Pronouns are words that replace nouns in a sentence."
"A phrase is a group of two or more words that acts as a single part of speech in a sentence."
"Effect versus affect: effect is a result, affect is to influence."
"In construction grammar, you don’t have constraints as there is no X-bar theory."
"You always have to separate each one by, by a comma, except until you move on to the next, to the next clause, this is called a clause."
"What is the past tense of the word sit? Sat."
"We're going to follow the rules of grammar, interpret in light of the facts of history, and that will bring us to a literal interpretation of Scripture."
"As you study your Bible grammatically, the immediate context will be important."
"Grammar's always been sort of a big thing for me. I like words. I like stringing words together in a fashion that's enjoyable."
"Being eisenhower, eisenhower. Ich bin deutscherin, but I'm not even sure if that's the correct grammar."
"Which of the following greetings is written correctly? 'Dear Mr. Goodwin:'"
"When you see 'therefore' or 'however' in the middle of a sentence like this, you're going to want the semicolon and then the subordinating conjunction."
"Mixed conditionals allow us to demonstrate that they allow us to transition through time or connect those past decisions with something that is happening in the moment or something that could happen."
"Phrasal verbs are notoriously difficult to understand from a grammatical point of view."
"Grammar preserves a type of integrity in a language and it also teaches us that there are rules that we need to abide by in order for there to be rational structures and meanings in our sentences."
"Functional grammar terms offer more precision and simplicity in explaining language."
"Reading is a great way to improve your grammar skills. The more you read, the more exposure you have to correct grammar."
"That's what it's all about, in order to practice your skills and actually talk about why the grammar is the way it is."
"Grammar is basically talking about the structure of language. We need to use the appropriate grammar to communicate clearly so that we all understand each other."
"Adjectives describe a noun, a person, place, or thing."
"There is never one occasion, not one, where they are referred to in the gender of feminine, nor are they ever referred to in the neuter gender."
"Buffalo can be a noun, a verb, and an adjective."
"Your passive vocabulary, you know, it's pretty easy. But the point is, not to just study some grammar rules. It's to really understand what's happening."
"...it's essential so that's an example of how you keep some grammar notes."
"The copula basically glues the predicate and the subject together."
"My biggest complaint is people not bothering to do a quick spell check or even grammar check. It's so not hard."
"Use tools like grammarly, they are very, very good."
"It is not happening with them a little bit, it's- is."
"With time travel, verb tenses as we know them stop making sense."
"Are you, with all of your grammatical knowledge, are you doing the best for the Lord with what you have?"
"But if you heard something in the passive, there you are quite confident that okay, I can also use this in the active construction."
"Prescriptive grammar consists of either old descriptions of the language which someone is trying to preserve or they consist of made up guidelines that someone has for how you should speak."
"I'm going to teach you how to use it's called grammar."
"Bertrand Russell said if I know the grammar of the language and I know the meaning of the individual words in a sentence and they don't violate the grammar, then I know what the sentence means."
"Learning how to use the language, learning the sounds, because if you do all this without these sounds how do you think the language would come up?"
"So, that's what I'm going to teach you, it's all grammar."
"Use semicolons to separate independent clauses or items in a series."
"Use commas to separate items in a series or after introductory phrases."
"Use colons to introduce lists or separate clauses when the second explains the first."
"Syntax is probably the biggest Gap in our knowledge of protonaurus as it is in fact with Gothic."
"After 'to,' the verb will be in simple form."
"If a sentence starts with a blank, it will be followed by an 'ing.'"
"And there is no piece of punctuation more emblematic of my suffering than the semi-colon."
"All that can happen just for one grammar."
"Do you see the difference between 'a few' and 'few'? Do you see the difference in meaning?"
"The teacher helps students combine several sentences into a complex sentence to strengthen their ability to comprehend and write complex sentences."
"The fact they can never string together a proper sentence with good grammar or correct spelling...it almost makes me think it's a fan trolling."
"The grammar is pretty straightforward. Vocabulary building once you have characters is pretty straightforward."
"Common singular and common plural are used in Hebrew."
"Subject-verb agreement means that your subject and verb must match or agree in number."
"The simple past talks about something which has already happened, obviously, but has definitely ended or is no longer true."
"The 'past continuous' is slightly different, it's used to describe an ongoing event, but one which was interrupted."
"English words do not end in v or U."
"The point is to understand the grammar but not necessarily to study it if that makes sense."
"Abstract nouns... often lack the article and yet are definite."
"Fluency comes from understanding each of these individual words and phrases and grammar points."
"Happy New Year or Happy New Year's? I add s's to everything."
"Love is in the air, it's happening, but - big but - and this is where grammar comes in."
"Punctuation, punctuation, when there's a comma you should pause for a beat."
"Meaning is determining grammar, now that's important."
"Meaning has to do with what your brain is doing, that is, grammar is going to turn out that it has everything to do with how you understand things in the world with your brain."
"First, let's talk about how to use the structure as adjectives."
"When positive form you're using these structure, when two things are equal."
"Explanation has to proceed at two levels: a generative grammar is a theory that seeks to explain the properties of the i language possessed by an individual language user."
"Nothing would make me more happier."
"Punctuation can literally save lives."
"Every tense included in one situation."
"Inversion is like an exclamation point. When you need it, you need it!"
"We often use present perfect to talk about something that happened in the past but is important right now."
"Commas are used to connect complete sentences and independent or dependent clauses, a comma is needed here because the phrase 'the unbalanced compounds created by cellular processes that can harm the body' is defining what free radicals are in the previous sentence."