
Chatbot Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The analytic step... summary of all the conversations... you can use this to optimize your chatbot."
"You can create an AI chatbot or voice agent just through prompts."
"Imagine if you had a chatbot on steroids on your website, user engagement would go through the roof."
"So get ready folks, we are going to create a chatbot for Rocky Bay."
"A chatbot would just go 'whatever, sorry about that, I'm too busy making a porno with Marilyn Monroe and JFK to worry about your feelings.'"
"What is a chatbot? Yeah, I mean basically it's a program, maybe it's AI, but maybe it's not, and it simulates text or voice interactions."
"Chatbot is smart. It is remembering the context."
"In the same way that we as humans respond to messages that people send us, then we would like the chat bot to also produce an output that generates text."
"What can I say, I'm impressed with what chat GPT did."
"Let's build out a simple multi-turn conversation chatbot using React for the front end and Node.js for the back end."
"To build a chat bot, you need to provide a custom knowledge context and examples of interaction between a user and a chat bot to guide the model to provide the responses you're looking for."
"Imagine you own a store and have an inventory of loads of different items. You can build a chatbot that will essentially look through all of your inventory, tell you exactly how many items you have, and even search for similar items."
"I use chat gbt to find out what are best selling niches."
"OpenAI has made input and the chat interaction with the chatbot persistent and infinitely long."
"You can get it done within the next half an hour using chat GPT."
"An AI-powered chatbot that helps people improve their relationships."
"I'm really impressed at what chat GPT can do with this notable plug-in."
"By the end of this video, you guys are going to be a pro using chat GPT."
"Writing a really great prompt for a chatbot Persona is an amazingly high leverage skill."
"There's a need to define a chat template if you want to use your large language model as a chatbot."
"Let's see how to create a chatbot using Python and Django. Let's get started."
"Congratulations, Django worked successfully, but we are not here to create just a Django basic app; we are here to create a chatbot app."
"Chatbot created using OpenAI API."
"This is a good way to get started in chat GPT."
"This world's smartest chatbot is not only free but it's blowing people's minds."
"Chat GPT is basically a chatbot that uses a powerful language model to generate responses to things you say."
"Chat GPT, a very brilliant model, actually a chatbot developed and trained by OpenAI."
"This API endpoint is useful for tasks like chatbot responses, content generation, and more."
"It is possible to run a pretty good chat GPT equivalent on your laptop."
"Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence-based chatbot that allows you to interact with the brain that is the artificial intelligence via a series of text prompts."
"Luna is a lot better at utilizing the chat GPT function."
"97% of business owners believe that chat GPT will help with their businesses."
"Hey Chat, you're cute, the cutest."
"In this video, we are going to create a GPT chatbot that will answer questions based on our website."
"This is just the power of chat GPT."
"As an immigrant in Netherlands, I have decided to build my chatbot based on data about immigration from the official website."
"We will also use the prompt template that will allow us to influence how our chatbot answers the questions."
"Chat GPT is a free AI chat tool and it's really handy for all sorts of stuff."
"You will also be able to feed your chatbot some documentation so that if the user has any specific inquiries about your Airbnb, it will be able to answer them without a problem."
"Hello, I'm EDC Bot. How may I help you?"
"Hey guys, what's going on? So in today's video, I'm going to be teaching you how to build your very own chat bot."
"What do we need for a chatbot server? We need a system for taking in human chat natural language and responding back with natural language."
"The core bread-and-butter of what we need for a chatbot is to look at the grammar structure of a sentence."
"A chatbot can keep a lot more natural conversation flow which ensures way better user experience."
"The bot will be able to handle a lot more interesting and different conversations."