
Grandeur Quotes

There are 1457 quotes

"Yes, there is grandeur in this view of life, and even a kind of grandeur in nature's serene indifference to the suffering that inexorably follows in the wake of its guiding principle, survival of the fittest."
"Cleopatra, as a Ptolemy, has a built-in sense of grandeur."
"The Biltmore Estate, a magnificent architectural marvel, is a true testament to grandeur and elegance."
"The magnificence extends beyond the mansion, with Friedrich Law Olmsted designing the surrounding 125,000 acres of parks, gardens, and landscapes."
"Let's make it grand even for those who have died."
"Echo the grandeur and wonder of space itself."
"The lavish ceremony at St. Nicholas Cathedral was attended by the likes of Ava Gardner, David Niven, Gloria Swanson, Cary Grant, and the Aga Khan."
"Joshua defeated 31 Nephilim Kings... the greatest battle ever fought in supposed millennia."
"There's nothing good about being grand without God."
"Super Mario Galaxy released with everything feeling so grand and epic, this was the magnum opus for 3D Mario."
"Such a magnificent and imposing structure as St. Peter's would be incomplete without a grandiose esplanade to welcome those taking in its splendour."
"Novelty, grandeur, and magnificence are present in every work of architecture that belongs to the Renaissance period."
"The greatest empire the world had ever seen."
"This is very representative of the Norman style architecture... it would be a king-sized castle for the 11th century... I really would love to have it."
"The scale of the vision is breathtaking. No one did it like Louis."
"When I think of the monument, nothing could be more fitting than Lord Cobham a hundred feet in the air surveying all this magnificence he created."
"What a Wonder it is so Grand, so solemn, so vast and yet so delicate, so airy, So Graceful."
"It's grand, it's awe-inducing, it's triumphant."
"The sight of all this pomp and pageantry was awe-inspiring."
"It has all the splendor and spectacle of ancient Rome."
"It feels Grand and epic and something almost out of a movie."
"One of the largest canyon in the world really has to be seen to be properly appreciated."
"It helps stimulate the grandeur of the gym battles."
"The Great Sphinx of Giza: one of the largest statues in the world."
"I am now a mighty king. Oh, look at my cape! Oh yes, and that crown!"
"Build a glorious Empire out of blood and marble."
"At last the mighty task is done, resplendent in the western sun."
"Look at the scale of this, look at just the positioning, the immersion, the epicness of it all is just fantastic."
"Tut's tomb was a colossal supernatural suitcase."
"I felt powerful, magnificent, like my spirit was huge."
"The oppressive grandeur of the occasion, the sheer immensity of this old place, even now one feels the weight of the fabric, the stone, the history upon you, pressing down."
"A story can be grand if you tell it the right way."
"Dialogue 2: 'Wow, what a splendid design it is. Sydney Opera House is one of the biggest buildings on the earth.'"
"Life is mysterious, life is grand, life is magnificent, life is full of mystery."
"We toss around the word epic a lot but I think you can see this is pretty epic."
"Let's take one more final tour of the biggest raft city ever!"
"Our story is like the greatest story ever told."
"The seven ancient wonders are a great example of how people build to impress, build to a scale which seems almost incredible."
"The grandeur of something has nothing to do with its physical size. Grandeur is about how much of yourself you inject into the simple little world that you live in."
"Louis XIV firmly believed that Versailles and his beautiful gardens were a perfect representation of his power, wealth, and strength."
"I think you can't help but be impressed by the sheer magnitude of that."
"A theatrical battle that could put even the Trojan Wars to shame."
"The dining room is big, expansive, enormous, humongous... It really does feel like you've been lifted up into space."
"I think with pop, a big part of pop is epic scale and escapism and fantasy, and people kind of want big, you know?"
"There are few places within the Imperium which could compare to the magnitude of their home."
"Everything about this album just feels so much larger than life."
"This freestanding tub actually has a slab of marble that is raised up from the ground so when you walk up to this space it kind of feels like you're walking up to your very own throne."
"There's a feeling of being in a 300 year old place that is so Grand and amazing."
"Stepping into this train station is a real sense of occasion."
"It really makes us feel grand and really looks like a castle."
"Highest mountain in the range and what a range."
"It's a breathtaking sight that gives the illusion of the mighty Pacific Ocean being swallowed by the Earth itself."
"Can you imagine the principality of Monaco? Well, this is a property the size of 39 principalities of Monaco."
"It's not a country house, not a Dutch, not a resident. This is a whole city or rather a kingdom."
"Nothing is going to outshine this huge, epic event."
"I am drop dead Royal, I am drop dead Cosmic."
"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present the sky."
"The temple represents something you go into to meet something grander."
"The greatness of New York is perhaps most spectacularly seen in its buildings."
"I'm going to build the biggest, best White House of all time."
"My identity is tied to the king of the universe."
"It's magnificent, it's glorious, it's huge, it's beautiful."
"This is truly one of a kind... it gives you that sense of grandeur and drama from the moment you walk in."
"The golden statue was erected in their honor. It was so huge, tremendous."
"I am your lord, I am your god, look what I can do."
"The time of glory on Earth, the time of glory the world's never seen before."
"It's such a monumental, grand film that is an essential watch."
"When you dwell on the grandeur of God, it inevitably makes your minds more advanced and artistic."
"A celebration of Superman's more bombastic and larger than life elements."
"What an amazing entryway this home has."
"What a ginormous house. This is my royal palace."
"...an extraordinary expression of monumentalism."
"She is amazed at how grand the manner is."
"The Temple of Hercules was one of the largest temples ever built by human hands."
"This is perhaps 17's biggest, high budget, insane music video I have seen."
"It's the culmination of this grand story that we've all been a part of."
"What makes Grand Canyon grand is really its width and all the layers of rock that are exposed."
"I mean, there really aren't any words to describe how magnificent Blenheim Palace is."
"The banqueting hall is astounding."
"What's really fascinating about this castle is how imposing and grand it looks."
"Pomp and Circumstance. What a song."
"It's such a monumental, grand film that is an essential watch, trust me."
"The most stupendous two-night WrestleMania in history."
"The emperor gave the two men carte blanche over the design and cost of the building on two conditions: the church should be of unparalleled magnificence, and it should be constructed in the shortest time possible."
"The office building had a grand entryway, the vaulted ceilings were gilded in gold and silver."
"Welcome to the Sterritt House, the grand dame, a pivotal Victorian home in Port Townsend."
"This is the most epic place I have ever been to in my life."
"This is a magnificent Royal Palace."
"He was very awe-inspiring when you saw him, monumental, grand in nature."
"And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire."
"This long sweeping driveway gradually reveals the magnificent house at the end."
"Who says living small can't be grand?"
"Wow, they look so massive, they look really spectacular."
"It's the biggest thing that's ever been done with water since Noah made the flood look foolish."
"We are officially in the Louvre, which is literally solely for us."
"This is the most magnificent suite."
"Eckl Stone's property suitably titled The Manor transcends celebrity dwellings establishing itself as one of the most audaciously luxurious residences on the planet."
"That's quite the yacht, quite the ship, let's be honest."
"It's beautiful and imposing, Mount Aetna."
"If you are going to do it, you may as well do it on the grandest stage of them all."
"This is an incredible pool room, guys."
"What an incredible place, 19,000 Square ft, this is by definition a mega mansion."
"Colossal testament to Egypt's golden age."
"The wingspan is incredibly huge for a deluxe and on a stand, it looks epic."
"Is this a freaking castle? Am I a queen or a princess?"
"The arena was the most breathtaking place imaginable."
"It's so tall, it's like out of a hotel or something."
"The most striking aspects of the cinematography is how intimate and human it feels while paradoxically looking huge in scope and spectacle."
"Epic means epic, but that's just in my definition books."
"Marveling at the grandeur of the mansion, she exclaims, 'Wow!'"
"This mansion is noteworthy in its own right. Visitors were ushered into a grand parlor with striking detail worked into the walls. It was the room you can tell was designed to impress your visitors."
"I'm always doing something Grand."
"I like boldness and I like grand gesture."
"These are the most opulent, flamboyant, and innovative Royal residences around the world."
"It doesn't get much bigger than this."
"The mansion's heart was surrounded by spaces that beckoned for gatherings."
"...Henry was determined to impress the tournament ground itself was the size of a small town as well as the combat Arenas there were hundreds of tents and Marquees fully fitted with apartments and Chambers for their Royal residents."
"...Monumental cities with intricate temples plazas aqueducts roads and pyramids."
"This is one of the most grand offices I've ever been in."
"...and then he was like the biggest cruise ship in the world and I was like yeah I was like oh yeah we are..."
"When Godzilla comes on screen, it's always something grandiose, like it's just this beautiful visual to behold."
"...even in all that grandeur, the show doesn't forget what it's about."
"How stunning, wow what a grand space ceiling Heights in here incredible."
"JBL's transformation included a Champion's entrance with a long white limousine, a grandiose theme, and a hood adorned with bullhorns, flaunting his immense wealth."
"Bray Wyatt's entrance was as majestic as it was menacing, first announcing 'We're here' and blowing out a lantern."
"Hotel Abraj Kai, a remarkable testament to perfection, has etched its name in the annals of history as the world's largest hotel with an astounding 10,000 rooms, earning a coveted spot in the Guinness Book of World Records."
"The decor in the Palace of the Sun was unlike anything Alvarax had ever seen."
"This is a nice option to have in any living room where you can just but it's grand it goes all the way to the ceiling."
"...this one it is so grandiose inside just the amount of just cool things happening the ceilings everything you're absolutely going to love."
"This feels like really big and epic."
"She was the largest, most luxurious ocean liner ever to sail the seas."
"These trees defy conventional Botanical Norms with their towering height, umbrella-like canopy, and an age that Rivals ancient legends."
"The great Banyan tree is an ecosystem in itself, a testament to Nature's grandeur and resilience."
"it's unbelievable it's fasinating I didn't think that it would be so Grand so Grand"
"Its Grandeur and wonder are unlike anything else we know."
"spectacular geological rock formations"
"An almost unbelievable retail and entertainment space."
"Just imagine how grand this was when it was lived in. It's like a royalty's home."
"But first, we're gonna keep looking at this grand foyer here, which is just absolutely amazing."
"It was no mere prettiness of single trees, but something masked and mountainous."
"We live in an immense universe. It was grand in scope beyond our wildest imaginations, galaxies in every direction."
"She's here to finish her career with a big-ass bang."
"This opera house as a whole is just stunning."
"This event really is WrestleMania XXX part two."
"This feels like the story of biblical proportions."
"The largest room in the king's quarters is the ballroom"
"The Capitol building which was really impressive."
"It's massively epic in terms of scale and scope."
"This the grandest of all, the Natural History Museum."
"Sofi Stadium nestled in the heart of Inglewood, California, represents a pinnacle of architectural grandeur."
"You've got 360 views of not only the city but the surrounding mountains and it just feels so grand being this high up."
"The Great Hall spans an enormous 20972 ft² with a 219 ft long barrel vaulted Skylight."
"In a universe whose grandeur was a revelation even to the astronomers familiar as they were with the magnitudes and multitudes of suns, nebulae, and galaxies."
"Immerse yourself in its Rich history and experience the Splendor of medieval grandeur."
"A sprawling 35,000 square ft architectural Marvel."
"It really makes for such a grand entrance."
"The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque can house more than 41,000 worshippers and is made of rare white marble."
"Marvel at the spectacular spectacle of the Rockwell class, tremble before its Majesty."
"I tried to get the opening scene to be you riding in on an elephant. How dope would that be?"
"The day of the wedding was a truly magnificent spectacle."
"One of the grandest projects we've ever designed."
"This is a staggering room. Can we see some more?"
"Morning Palace of Justice: Prepare to be captivated by the grandeur."
"The sheer lavishness and size immediately leave visitors struck with jaws stuck to the glittering floor."
"The palace was designed to be Phillip's Versailles, to help establish a new dynasty, the Bourbons, and it's big, over 2,000 rooms."
"It has a foyer the size of most people's homes."
"Leal Royale is a modern-day Palace in every sense of the word."
"Your heart is as grand as this room."
"There will be an outpouring of majesty the likes of which the world has never seen."
"The salar de Uyuni is a testament to Nature's Grandeur and its capacity for creating Landscapes of surreal Beauty."
"It's built for the big screen. It's built for the cinema exactly. It's a spectacle."
"Yes, I think it is more mind-blowing maybe because of the size of the rocks everything's so gigantic even here."
"Royal weddings are usually Grand Affairs it's the little details Brides pick up on and that Trends are made of."
"It's going to be epic, it's going to be fantastic."
"The palace practically glowed with silver, gold, and gemstones forged from the depths of the Earth."
"In everything that you do, remember to do it big."
"It describes it as a palatial setting and I think that that's so true, it's just so Grand and gorgeous."
"Buckingham Palace, one of the biggest mansions in the world, has a rich and fascinating history that dates back centuries."
"This film loves to use wide shots and I mean, why wouldn't they? Everything in this film is huge which makes this film feel grander."
"Using some of the most impressive camera angles here makes this film grander in scope."
"Imagine stepping into the grand foyer greeted by a double height staircase that takes your breath away."
"Welcome to Galleria Virtuosa, the life and soul of this magnificent ship."
"The sheer scale of the site is astounding."
"The Giant Sequoia stands as one of the most majestic and inspiring tree species on Earth."
"This is grand entrance fashionably late as always. The hour of Awakening has arrived. Oh my God, he's going to do that whole [ __ ]!"
"The forest had a way of making you feel small, its towering trees and vast expanse reminding you of Nature's grandeur."
"The Fair itself was a monument to extravagance, building after building constructed to display to the world how far America had advanced."
"There's a certain fascination to the double-height room, with its towering arches and ancient pillars."
"Wow, it's grand and it's beautiful and everything is shiny."
"It was like a parade, a parade for a king."
"...the Grandeur and the Splendor of the canyon is worth all that risk."
"A moment of absolute grandeur where nothing and no one can take you down."
"It sounds pretty epic and legendary."
"Their Kingdoms are simply incomparable."
"This Majestic Mansion has history, style, and space in abundance."
"Are you serious? I would like to present to you the grand entrance of Amir."
"Chantilly is ready to entertain and dazzle the greatest kings of Europe."
"Aside from the science, the images captured reveal to us the beauty and power of this our nearest star in all its grandeur."
"This place is awesome, isn't it? Impressive. It's a huge museum."