
Side Effects Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"If technology is a drug, then what precisely are the side effects?"
"Taking 100 milligrams or more of zinc for some people is going to cause some gastric distress if you take it on an empty stomach."
"CBD has virtually no side effects that we know of right now. It's not psychoactive. It has no addictive potential."
"We need to be able to be aware of whether or not there are side effects."
"The misuse of these drugs can have devastating side effects."
"The only side effect of the protocol was improved health."
"Side effects can be really, really awful to deal with, which is a major reason why a lot of people are really adverse to taking their medication."
"Vitamin C is supposed to prevent capillary breakage...but if you take it synthetic, you actually cause that bleeding."
"Traditional medicine doesn't really have a lot of great treatments except ones that are extremely expensive and often come with very significant side effects."
"Methylene blue is a fantastic way to support energy production... you don't have the side effects."
"The side effects of the vaccine seem to be incredibly negligible compared to the actual effects of COVID-19."
"FDA warns puberty blocker may cause brain swelling vision loss in children."
"I think at that point err on the side of caution and not pumping... full of estrogen which we know has these negative ramifications, incredibly negative side effects."
"The Parlor Room in Vault City offers synthetic alcohol Z with amusing side effects."
"There's a chance um what about the side effects well they can be mild to practically non-existent or they can be pretty darn awful"
"The heavy medication that he was prescribed to counter it."
"I've started to think about it this way which is when one recommends an intervention one has to think very carefully about the side effects."
"The goal of this is vaccines like any other drug they often have tremendous potential for benefit and they often have real side effects you got to take seriously."
"Unfortunately, it also comes with a slew of adverse effects including death."
"Just as it's not the anesthetics that heal a person who undergoes surgery, the surgery is what causes real change. While the anesthetics come with the surgery, God's presence causes change, while being slain in the spirit is simply a side effect."
"Ganciclovir and acyclovir have been shown to increase the risk of TTP, while acyclovir can also cause nephrotoxicity."
"Every medicine has a side effect, even a vaccine is a medicine."
"Side effects of ACE inhibitors and ARBs... angioedema."
"Different people have different symptoms or side effects of medications; that's just how our bodies work."
"Again, compare this to alternative medicine practitioners, who rarely discuss the possible side effects of therapies they deliver, and who might exaggerate the benefits with a confidence that scientifically-guided practitioners simply cannot give."
"The biggest side effect that comes from using these topical retinoids and retinols is dryness, irritation, and peeling of the skin."
"The shots themselves don't even hurt... Literally the first shot though I was super fatigued."
"You can have all these benefits with no side effects whatsoever."
"Man's tongue turned green and hairy due to rare reaction to cigarettes."
"Drug history: having a list of all medications is really important; they all come with side effects."
"A small percentage of people have side effects and I was really, really scared."
"Maybe you lose more weight faster because it might make you a little sick."
"Medium-chain triglyceride oh an unintended placebo with unexpected adverse effects."
"They quickly found out that they could interbreed with them resulting in no harmful side effects."
"It seems that side effects at least based on the currently available data from vaccines are extremely rare."
"It was very androgenic and I definitely experienced additional progression of my androgenic alopecia during that time frame."
"Placebos are safe, cheap, and don't have rare side effects."
"We're going to work to hold these manufacturers accountable for this MRNA because they said there were no side effects and we know that there have been a lot."
"Low dose is a trend, I don't get all those crappy unwanted side effects."
"Functional programming is about side-effects mostly avoiding them unlike this dude so functional method is pure and pure methods or pure functions as opposed to impure will avoid sound effects kind of like an agent."
"Impure function does not produce the same output for the same input due to side effects."
"So there's another 96 percent of people out there who use them and never have those side effects."
"It's crazy the rules tend to follow the money Europeans might actually need a pill for the headache all those ads give them may cause drowsiness loose evil and telepathic powers and a violent hatred of cheese."
"SCP-999 is a beacon of pure happiness, and the aerosolized chemical emitted by SCP-230 - also known as The Gayest Man Alive - does undeniably also give pleasurable sensations to people, at the cost of long-term harm."
"I'm sorry if I seem a bit weird, I had a kombucha and I think it said extra fermentation to it."
"Notable side effect of ADHD: forgetting to eat."
"Could antidepressants be causing paranoia?"
"I feel like birth control took all my energy, all my will to live."
"I'm still a little weird on the cold medication."
"Berberine might slow blood clotting. Taking berberine along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding."
"It's like a natural anti-depressant without all the side effects."
"Treatment with levothyroxine creates a situation in which there's a relative deficiency of T3."
"We want to make sure that you're treated in a fashion where you're happy with the treatment and hopefully not suffering from side effects."
"More people get a better response with fewer side effects with methamphetamine than with any other medication we've found."
"So yes, ADHD medicine does improve focus, except when it makes you so crazy that focus isn't even a biological possibility."
"CBD is effective and has little to no side effects."
"Side effects matter, right? Does it make you feel powerful and strong? It makes me feel powerful and strong!"
"You get all these side effects. It's almost anything shameful to talk about, Right? Your body is crumbling."
"Fatigue is one of the side effects of steroids in the sense of tapering."
"Psychotropic drugs mask or ameliorate symptoms and have severe potentially deadly long-term side effects. These drugs don't cure anything, they mask symptoms or they ameliorate symptoms and they lessen the symptoms but they do not cure anything."
"Bananas have several odd side effects. If eaten sideways, they may cause victims to smile or frown uncontrollably."
"The only issue with this particular target gprc5d, it's also on hair cells and on fingernail or toenail cells."
"I was already tracking this as a side effect of tracking my much more useful metric."
"Vas constriction is a side effect of magnesium deficiency."
"The longer you're on Prolia, the harder it is to avoid that rebound."
"Viagra was developed to be a blood pressure medication. They started noticing that everyone was getting erections in the trial."
"If somebody says 'I can't stand the side effects,' they're maybe in their 50s or even younger."
"Side effects of nifedipine are like nitrate side effects, and side effects of verapamil are like beta blockers."
"The irony is of course when people worry about testosterone levels when you using Finasteride, your testosterone is going up because it's not moving across to being DHT."
"I took three antibiotics twice a day for two years straight let me repeat that I took three antibiotics twice a day for two years do you have any idea what that does to your body."
"For every one person that they're saving from COVID, there are a hundred people getting myocarditis."
"The other side effects that are really clear and most of us are familiar with are the red skin, the hyperpigmentation, the itchiness, the scaly skin, a little bit of crepiness, all of those things we associate with lash rooms with prostaglandins."
"You can get withdrawal unfortunately not just for the narcotic component of this but also from the antidepressant or the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor activity of the medication."
"Antidepressants can contribute to difficulty concentrating, fatigue, anxiety, and restlessness."
"...if taking accutane could have gotten rid of that risk from the acne portion that would have been worth the dryness the itching the pain the bleeding lips all of that stuff right."
"Now as the focus of this these series is to look at you know uh side effects and toxicity of of medicines um the tzds have had their problems um the main group of people we would not use the tzds in are people with heart failure."
"Drugs get killed because they will have an adverse side effect on a small population."
"You won't see a lot of women getting super aggressive on their second shot here."
"You do not want permanent deepening of your voice, permanent enlargement of the clitoris, or balding or scarring from acne."
"Everything about it was perfect. The only side effect was constant itching, but it felt great to scratch it."
"The symptoms people were describing like the anxiety, the depression, the feeling of not wanting to do anything, thinking they were a dud, falling asleep after taking their Adderall, which is such a weird thing."
"Taking these medicines that we have are not easy, you know there's sedation, there's weight gain, all kinds of problems."
"Using the lowest dose that's possible to control your seizures is certainly also going to help with minimizing side effects."
"One of the major concerns for cancer patients is side effects, but with immunotherapy, they're very mild and reversible."
"All things that are magical do not come as goals, they come as side effects."
"Oh my God, is that when my ears are bleeding? How many doses have you taken?"
"The challenge is that oftentimes the medications come with pretty heavy side effects for a lot of people."
"Overconsumption of caffeine can lead to adverse effects such as nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, and headache."
"It's pretty wonderful that we can give curative treatment with maybe just some transient tiredness or maybe one or two days of low-grade nausea and you're done."
"The main side effects of eating red meat: a healthy libido, good fertility, good skin."
"With the goal and intent of saving you the side effects of therapy."
"Not all antidepressants are the same, and based on their mechanism of action, their profile, tolerability, side effect profile, and efficacy profiles are also different."
"So you may find out much more information about how safe is it and what are common side effects that people have with the medication from studying it in thousands compared to studying it in hundreds."
"Not all reactions not all side effects are the same some are actually an indication that they're working others are an indication that you should modify the protocol."
"...you don't see the GI side-effects, you don't see the bloating diarrhea gastroesophageal reflux disease, the ANA by testing like AAS are usually negative, there's no lung disease, no scarring in the lungs and it doesn't cause any increased mortality."
"The good thing about TRT and its associated side effects are they're very easy to monitor and they're actually very easy to intervene in."
"I have seen it used in patients with good results with virtually no side effects."
"Aripiprazole: an important option with a favorable side effect profile for various psychiatric conditions."
"Warfarin induced skin necrosis was discussed in the previous video."
"Beta alanine also very little side effects."
"Remember one of the main side effects of olanzapine is somnolence so if you take something like a benzodiazepine that will induce somnolence or even drink alcohol or any substance that can also induce somnolence that effect is going to be more enhanced."
"... I know when I have side effects each week I actually welcome it I'm like because I know I'm going to lose another pound or two."
"Problem is if you drink too much caffeine at a certain point it upsets your stomach, it just does. A lot of us, the hardcore caffeine, uh, we understand this is just a problem."
"One simple thing like that can make the difference... between a person's being able to use these medicines successfully and their feeling like it's messing them up."
"The first generation of antipsychotics are super effective in treating symptoms associated with psychiatric conditions, however, they carry a high risk for serious adverse effects called extrapyramidal symptoms."
"Extrapyramidal symptoms are a group of movement disorders that result from the effects of antipsychotic drugs on the central nervous system."
"For any of these therapies, any side effects you have, it makes sense to notice what triggers them."
"All three classes of these drugs have side effects. Placebos have side effects so of course active drugs will have side effects as well."
"...most prescription drugs... have much worse side effects..."
"I feel like I do have a few side effects."
"There may be some kinds of treatments where the side effects of whatever medication you're taking are intolerable."
"We will continue to get better and better treatments with far less side effects."
"Past cases of people injecting magic mushrooms describe nausea, vomiting, fevers, muscle pain and headaches— enough pain for them to check in to the emergency room."
"I feel like I can start to wear off the crazy side effects, I mean like feeling sick and having a headache and being exhausted."
"I don't know that any of those side effects are horrible why would you take that that's illegal in Britain."
"By watching these videos you may be better able to anticipate and prepare for some of the rare side effects that can happen."
"These medicines are real. They're real medicines. They are medicines with side effects, and that should be important for every patient and every advocate to know too."
"Your medical team will always try to minimize the side effects and actually maximize your quality of life."
"You tend to grab it. I take tablets for the heart operation that I had."
"I have to look this up on Wikipedia and it says that some of the side effects of overdosing on the active ingredient in nutmeg may include convulsions, palpitations, nausea, dehydration, body pain, delirium, anxiety, confusion, headaches. It doesn't sound great, you know?"
"With marijuana being legal in so many parts of North America now, it's raised a lot of concerns about side effects like hallucinations and short-term memory loss. And I could tell you as someone who's used marijuana, those aren't side effects. Those are the effects."
"Sometimes when we remove the stop signal for our immune cells to kill cancer cells, we can also remove the stop signal for normal healthy cells as well."
"Fatigue is a difficult aspect of many of the treatments including hormonal therapy and chemotherapy."
"Hair loss is not very common, so that's at least one aspect of good news that's related to this type of chemotherapy."
"Doctors say they're confident they've eliminated most of the side effects."
"Your body is slowly healing but it's doing it without any side effects."
"If I'm taking something for asthma, I don't need the side effect to be shortness of breath."
"Treatment aims not only for cure but also to prolong life and increase the quality of life while minimizing side effects."
"Late side effects of radiation can include radiation necrosis, hearing loss, and cognitive decline."
"Late side effects of radiation can include hearing loss, cognitive decline, and radiation necrosis."
"Radiation therapy for brain tumors aims to minimize side effects while effectively treating the tumor."
"The fewer drugs you get somebody on the less chance there is of having a side effect."
"The sweet spot is based on how much of the side effect you're willing to tolerate for how much weight gain it'll give you."
"Be prepared to adjust the dose because there's a lot of individual variation in response and in individual variation and side effects."
"Be really careful when you use antipsychotics."
"Antidepressants change your brain to need them. They tend to block all emotion."
"Serotonin antidepressants interfere with sexual function."
"...clinical response rate similar to the best antidepressants without any of those side effects..."
"We're not anti-pharma, we're anti-side effect."
"She did not like taking medication she didn't like the side effects of the medication weight gain."
"Hydrocortisone therapy can lead to sodium retention and potassium excretion, which can result in hypokalemia, which is a life-threatening condition."
"Corticosteroids can cause insulin resistance and weight gain."
"Acetylcholine is the one we most commonly use, and that can actually provoke the coronary artery vasospasm."
"When a medication stays in a person's body for too long, it can create negative consequences."
"But by two weeks to a month, those initial side effects if you will, or adaptations, will disappear."
"There is no such thing as a medication that has zero potential side-effects."
"I've never heard that side effect before."
"Pain medication should be used with caution, especially opioids, to avoid respiratory depression."
"When someone has too much atropine action on the eyes right people are too much dilated and ciliaris is too much relaxed right can he focus on the near objects knows all the VN is blurred so one way to remember that side effect is that person is blind as bad."
"It can only take one dose sometimes that's all that it takes for us to see these horrible side effects, and I don't want that to be your pet."
"It's a no-brainer to make the switch if you can get better results and less side effects."
"The only side effects are our good ones."
"Overall, it's not just that. There's so many other side effects of it, which is fantastic to say."
"Purging is a side effect of retinoids."
"We have intended effect the reason why we're giving a medication but there are some undesired side effects."
"Aside from increasing your risk of stroke, increasing your risk of kidney damage, non-oral anti-inflammatories can also interfere with vitamins and minerals."
"The reality is, if people are on birth control, there are major side effects. It's increasing your risk of autoimmune disease."
"...I actually did have weird side effects with the epidural with James I remember half of my body got so numb..."
"The more we can eliminate side effects from code, the more we can increase the code's predictability."
"Instead of actually calling other side effectful functions in your code... this function itself doesn't do those things."
"The medication helped her with her creativity but in the end, they showed no, she doesn't need the medication to be creative."
"You may notice that just a little word about side effects, one in four patients experience some side effects, similar to PMS symptoms."
"These National Anthem pills have got very, very nasty side effects."
"Peptides have almost no negative effects."
"Large doses of Vitamin C supplements might cause diarrhea."
"Many anti-malarial drugs can do way more than just cause strange dreams."
"Statins increase the risk of diabetes."
"Statins also increase insulin resistance."
"If you know the mechanism of action of these medications, then you can kind of derive what the side effects are going to be."
"...reasonable people are willing to take the medicine if there are side effects."
"Just like if a medicine was to have side effects, it is responsible for a doctor to draw attention to those side effects. You will still take the medicine because the illness is so important that you're willing to pay that cost."
"After a man develops a car that runs on fertilizer, one or two side effects emerge."
"Remember that while black seed oil has numerous health benefits, it is also potent and can cause side effects in large doses."
"Vaccines tend to have very few side effects and some evidence suggests that some vaccines can prolong the time to recurrence or even prevent the recurrence from happening in the first place."
"A function should have no unexpected or unintentional side-effects."
"We always want to make sure that the benefits of the medicine or the therapy outweigh the side effects of the medicine."
"Treatments have side effects, treatments have cost, and so we really have to be convinced that the data is overwhelmingly convincingly there."
"It's concerning that associated harmful side effects are often unrecognized by consumers."
"If you want to start exploring how you can build your whole application in a functional style, then you need a library that allows you to take side effects... and model that as pure values."
"We have not affected efficacy, but we've markedly reduced the incidence of CRS."
"You can even use trigger conditions and some of the side effects of those to help to report out on what your process is doing."
"I overall am absolutely thrilled and I just I have no side effects."
"We see no side effects from drugs that act on CB2 alone."
"The side effects of chemotherapy are generally mild, self-limited, managed with medications or behavioral changes; severe side effects are very rare."
"Sodd patients report being less frequently bothered by their side effects."
"It's just a side effect of being away from each other so long."
"A clinical study revealed that 69 percent of the drugs have anywhere between 10 to 100 different side effects."
"We call those side effects, but we also know in functional and integrative medicine that we can achieve the same thing when we encourage people to eat a diverse array of plant-based colorful foods."
"Medical marijuana seems to work very well to help with pain and with less side effects than opioids."
"The whole premise of focal therapy is that if we target the dominant tumor, we can really minimize the side effects."
"Everything is total, deterministic, and free of side effects."
"IO behaves in a lot of ways like a future... but it also has this way of delaying a side effect until it's evaluated at the end of the world."
"If having a sore arm is the extent of my side effects, then that is fine."
"A major side effect of kindness is happiness."
"We're really trying our best to pick the one that minimizes the side effects because we understand and what we're trying to do is again having people thrive and live as well as they possibly can."
"Thinking of people holistically in the whole picture is important and thinking about side effects and what can happen if someone doesn't examine the root cause is important."
"Public policies are mostly a reflection of the electorate's beliefs and accordingly it too often ignores side-effects."
"The only downside, my ears popped beyond belief, and I'm still like half deaf."
"Capitalism has some side effects, but everything has side effects."
"But we do have to deal with the side effects of our comfort: long-term physical and mental health problems."