
Anomalies Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"SCP-292 is a 60-second brass hourglass. When all its sand is at the bottom and SCP-292 is flipped over, only two outcomes have ever been observed."
"The nature of the anomaly: teleportation, instant travel between two locations without crossing the intervening space."
"This is the Internet Anomalies file. It's basically a chart that outlines many different abnormal and weird things from around the internet."
"There is something strange going on out there."
"Once you dig deep enough into the subject, there is a kernel of weirdness hidden amongst the fluff that characterizes the UFO phenomenon."
"It's crazy, so look, you not UFOs, the sky trumpets, man, what on Earth is this all about? It is the freakiest thing that I've heard."
"I have begun to accept that some things about my town just aren't normal."
"It is an existential fact that we are anomalies in our universe... the most existential question at the heart of my research is not if we are queer, but why we are queer."
"The really weird stuff really happens and we have to come up with a bigger science to incorporate that really weird stuff."
"There are lessons you're going to catch time and time again, all sorts of anomalies that make you question just what's going on."
"The car audio disappears sometimes; it's like they run on electric engines."
"Let's be grateful for that because we're bringing you a video filled with crazy footage. From the unlikely car thieves to this secret reason your baggage always shows up damaged. Here's 20 weird things caught on security cameras and CCTV."
"The readings are off the charts, I'd say we're definitely in vortex territory."
"Secure, Contain, Protect. It's the task of the foundation to contain anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena."
"The water from SCP-242 left in the barrel evaporated as normal, leaving behind no residue or any indicator as to why taking the water out of the pool made it safer to drink than the same water in the pool."
"SCP-403 is a seemingly ordinary lighter with a catch: it exponentially increases its explosive reaction if it's lit several times in a short period of time."
"The nature of world-changing anomalies means that the foundation likely has no idea how they really started or what came before them."
"Now is a good time to point out that the Department of Abnormalities is a part of the wider Cactus Verse."
"Evidence of special burials and reverence for those with six fingers and six toes among ancient cultures."
"Science makes progress by paying attention to anomalies, to things that do not quite line up with what you expected, rather than ridiculing those anomalies and ignoring them."
"Bar and collaborators actually spotted some anomalies in the arrival time of the Pulses from pulsar j514 42e."
"We are part of another planet. That's why when you dig into this planet millions of years in the past, layers down, you discover anomalies that shouldn't be there."
"The Haunting, the Bigfoot, the Gremlins running around in packs, it kind of just seems odd that all of these things were happening at once."
"SCP-001 resumed its full effects on Earth in November of 2016, resulting in anomalies going haywire across the globe, foundation facilities becoming overrun, and stars blinking out of the sky."
"Anomalies you hear them before you see them."
"We should not only look for the things we know, we should also look for things that don't fit into the data, that look different, that look anomalous."
"Charles Fort is an American writer and researcher... documenting scientific anomalies..."
"Beware of anomalies as you're going about town."
"Space is not what we think it is, our visitors can ping into our material airspace just like that."
"The kowloon walled city: one of history's greatest anomalies."
"Some of you may be moving on. I feel as though you could be getting attention from other people because you're very much in this empress energy."
"When you see things that are anomalies that don't make a lot of sense, that's where you need to pay attention."
"That's really compelling evidence that at least something was observed, right? It was not a glitch or anything."
"I'm not saying Trump is correct, I'm not saying that Joe Biden won, I am saying that there are certainly more than enough anomalies being brought up that freak people out."
"There's strangeness on that day." - Acknowledges anomalies and unanswered questions surrounding 9/11.
"Electronics go awry whenever Sasquatch is involved."
"Finding fossilized remains in ancient rock is one thing but how about a hundred million year old screw that isn't even from this planet?"
"If there's more votes than voters... then you got pretty good evidence."
"A lot of anomalies didn't make sense with the quote-unquote official story of the Earth."
"Stars have a life cycle... but this is not true for all stars as scientists have recently encountered stars that died but suddenly came back to life just like zombies."
"Halo is the most weird anomaly-esque esport that's ever lived. Because there has never been any esport in any [__] world or dimension where it's plagued and filled with brothers and twin brothers."
"Polymelia - multi-limbed humans are very much a real thing."
"YouTube channel with no videos has the most subscribers."
"There have been numerous cases of humans having deformities or eccentric genes that cause them to look like animals."
"Some massively strange stuff occurs whenever these specific rules are broken in relation to SCP 4000."
"I realized that something was unorthodox about the wildlife."
"This was another parallel universe shift which may have some sort of relation to the Cloud City phenomena."
"It was applying those basic tools to some of the anomalies in the stories we tell from out of the Bible that signaled to me there was another layer of story in our familiar texts."
"Oftentimes these are mostly mundane, however, if you do a bit of digging, you'll find some that stand anomalous, abandoned, and forever embedded within the corner they carved online."
"But where this theory really shines is in explaining why Peters powers come back."
"What a fight, Justin Gaichi and Michael Chandler now connected forever."
"Something truly is a miss to witness this many odd behaviors in one day decades watcher Halina."
"This is something that was spooking these NASA Pilots."
"Every Mission it seems like there was some kind of anomalous activity being reported by the astronauts."
"Anomalies are things that typically show something that may warrant investigation."
"I could see records that were appearing that somehow seemed to come from thin air."
"That it pretty much defied the laws of physics."
"I've lived here for so many years and for some reason my fingerprint isn't in the system."
"It's a bug Minecraft block, right? But like, what exactly happened here?"
"It's called that because you can have multiple anomalies."
"Look at how it's traded sideways and gone down but everybody's buying. The only explanation for that is synthetic shares."
"The pattern clearly shows nothing we should expect from natural geomorphological formations found in nature."
"The SCP Foundation does their best to live up to their famous namesake: They secure and contain anomalies and monsters from all around the world."
"Texas been having some strange stuff going on."
"The SCP Foundation's most famous anomalies are legendary."
"Who is Dr. Jack Bright? For starters, he's a decorated researcher of anomalies for the SCP Foundation."
"In order to explain these particular kinds of anomalies, we're talking about particles with hundreds or maybe thousands of GeV."
"The might of today's SCPs is nothing short of legendary."
"...there will always be exceptions and unlike the other entries on the list for once it has nothing to do with health concerns."
"...if those stories aren't enough to show you that something weird is most definitely going on in Alaska then I want to hit you with some of the hard data because these facts are an anomaly in and of themselves."
"Ice floats on water—an utterly bizarre property."
"The absence of a mint mark on a coin that should have one is an anomaly."
"As much as I can tell you is that one of our subsurface Atlantic Research stations had started sending strange messages."
"You put together a collection of these subtle anomalies and you begin to get something that will predict pretty well."
"And you know, there seems to be someone there, seems to be a bigger shadowy presence behind all of this that knows about all of this. Now, you know, they have a record of these anomalies or these time traveling incidents or these anomalies caused by time traveling incidents."
"Glitches in The Matrix are strange visual anomalies that make you scratch your head, did I really just see that, did that actually happen?"
"Now, of course, we've noticed irregular-shaped ones. In fact, many of you will have seen my video on giant petrified trees that are, in fact, concretions. So, we get these irregular ones too, and they can be really crazy-looking."
"A glitch in The Matrix isn't simply photos, videos, and GIFs; it's a vast collection of fascinating stories and experiences people have lived through or seen with their own eyes."
"From classified testing facilities to training camps, strange anomalies, and strategic installations."
"So, whatever happened here, the sons of God and the daughters of men gave birth to something unnatural, not normal."
"SCP-149, the mosquito, is nothing compared to a regular one."
"Anomalies in cosmological data serve as the intriguing puzzles that challenge the bedrock of existing theories, compelling the scientific community to reassess fundamental understandings of the universe's mechanics."
"Anomalies lead to great breakthroughs."
"Every single day things happen all around the world that defy conventional explanations."
"Multitudes of people like you and me have witnessed things like this: apparitions, glitches, things that just don't make sense."
"The ranch has been nicknamed the UFO Ranch because of its 50-year history of odd events."
"Not every day a decade-long plan to apprehend multi-dimensional anomalies pans out so successfully."
"But SCP-294 stubbornly provided, even if the liquids would melt through the researchers’ throats like a knife through butter."
"Voyager very quickly became infamous for stories involving anomalies."
"Strange occurrences like extreme temperature shifts, drastic changes in energy, and even the sound of children running through the halls."
"It's a small, flat country in Europe, but has some weird anomalies in the Caribbean, super interesting stuff."
"There are certain situations where you don't care about the average Behavior you care about aberant behaviors."
"Sometimes the terror of these anomalies pales in comparison to scps that can bring one person's world crashing down around them."
"With the amount of research that must be done within the SCP Foundation, including tests on all the various anomalies currently in containment, it is only natural for Foundation staff to include some of the greatest scientific minds in the multiverse."
"There are perhaps only a handful of anomalies that not only will not harm you, but will actively enrich your life by getting to spend time with them."
"One of the things that we're seeing that is absolutely crazy are entire houses incinerated, burn to the ground while trees surrounding them are completely left intact, untouched."
"It's free of anomalies and it predicts not only the existence of gravity but the existence of other gauge forces."
"Visitors have reported unexplained rashes, nausea, and feeling anxiety when entering this mysterious Zone."
"Space exploration, while a testament to human ingenuity, has not been without its share of mysteries and unexplained anomalies."
"These bizarre holes were discovered during a series of ocean explorations."
"Groups of interest, the foundation isn't the only fish in the anomalous sea. Other organizations, collectives, and groups exist that utilize or create paranormal phenomena for their own purposes."
"These anomalies, whatever they are, they're beyond our current scientific understanding," General Zorx nodded in agreement.
"There are still many things on our planet that seemingly defy the very laws of physics."
"Some of them were pretty blatant, some of them were continuity errors and some of them were just kind of weird."
"Nobody believes me because the sky is not supposed to have regular irregularities like that."
"And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives."
"These powerful devices are used to contain reality-warping anomalies and prevent them from bending the fabric of our universe to their whims."
"Personal effects going missing only to turn up later in odd places, strange malfunctions with animatronics and rides."
"SCP 3930 is the absolute global epicenter of pattern screamers."
"Yeah, we would like more observational experiment with clues, we would like, yeah, we want to find something weird that we can't explain with our current models, that would be nice."
"I've talked about a lot of anomalous events on this channel. I've talked about events as deadly and devastating as Joplin and I've talked about the 2011 outbreak but this is almost unreal."
"So, what was the reason for these anomalies? Well, it just so happened that a postdoc working in my group had spotted some similar anomalies just a few months earlier and figured out what they were."
"Unusual events are things we're systematically bad at perceiving."
"There's Bigfoot sightings, UFO sightings, time loops."
"There's a lot of weird stuff going on."
"It's really from these anomalies and from these unusual observations of strange phenomena that at first don't make sense that we're actually going to learn more about the universe and potentially figure out what exactly is going on."
"The game of this stature, I should say, you always have you know these anomalies that pop up you know where guys don't perform well and all of a sudden they play lights out."
"Their job is simple: to travel back in time and erase small anomalies that are going to alter the future in a bad way."
"I need your help to spread the word about the lesser-known anomalies."
"Finding things that he describes as glitches in The Matrix."
"Whenever stuff would happen, if they happen to be measuring radio frequencies, they would get a clear spike at the 1.6 gigahertz signal."
"If normal ocean life is this terrifying and explanation-defying, what kinds of anomalies could the oceans we swim and fish in be playing host to?"
"Weird things have been going on here in Yellowstone."
"There might be fifteen thousand legitimate sightings of truly anomalous activity in our atmosphere just in North America every year."
"The most important thing to be confident about the diagnosis of a dermoid cyst is these are developmental anomalies."
"I'm an investigator, my dear. Fields of expertise: the occult, anomalous phenomena, and such like."
"Anomalies not only in the sky but also in potential underground activities suggest a phenomenon far beyond conventional understanding."
"We've heard anomalous sounds, knocks, and even strange unexplained light."
"Extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies."
"Normalization is about getting rid of the update anomalies that you may have."
"Anomalies have the power to drive new discoveries, new directions of research."
"I get excited when I see something that doesn't fit, like anomalies, and I collect the anomalies my whole life."
"Cooper is the ghost or gravitational anomaly trying to communicate with Murph through time."
"Imagine unearthing a 400-year-old tomb and finding a Swiss watch."
"I've experienced what you could call glitches in the matrix throughout my whole life."
"Weird stuff happens out there all the time."
"This will enable you to see where you've got anomalies in your system and dive deep and find out what's actually going on."
"...modern hikers have reported that the mystery triangle in the area also has caused phenomena like compasses and GPS systems to not work."
"Outliers are a common occurrence within many data sets."
"If you look at Mount Shasta, there's very clearly something off about it, and people that go up there find strange things all the time."
"The Foundation continues to keep an eye on the creature and the ecosystem of the anomalous marine life that live on the Bass Strait."
"...as a park ranger, you become immune to many weird things."
"Some very simple observables... have a strange property."
"We often make discoveries when we find anomalies, things that do not line up with what we expected."
"The interior of the mine is subject to irregular spatial and temporal anomalies, as well as the presence of unknown entities believed to be connected to the 1944 incident."
"There's an entire universe out there and that just means discoveries are about to be made when you start seeing anomalies."
"Strange anomalies have been found in Egypt, all detected by Google Earth using satellite images."
"Many of them are man-made but there are some anomalies, there are ones that no one claims to have made them."
"I think that we can agree that over time, especially these last five years, there's been some really weird things going on in the sky."
"It's always a good idea to check when you see something very strange in your data."
"Nanny cams are increasingly picking up weird, unexplained anomalies."
"Stella has been capturing bizarre images on film most prominently was that of the clock-like light formations."
"Loss of ships, loss of compass readings, and strange objects flying out of the water."
"The fundamental skill that a scientist has to have in working with a research program is to be able to deal with these anomalies in a way that is constructive or productive."
"One is an anomaly, two is a curiosity, and three is a pattern."
"The goal with radiation detection for UAP research is a strange blip that is statistically anomalous above natural background."
"There are large gaps in our understanding and there are significant anomalies in our fundamental physical theories."
"Here on Earth, we have rains, snowfall, hail; at worst, precipitations might take the form of fish or toads."
"Design a schema that does not suffer insert, modify, delete anomalies."
"If there really was an opened gate for anomalies, then all the void that was in the universe became part of it."
"...when there's an anomaly seldom reported yet often enough to take notice of, it can't be ignored and often adds to the complexity of the subject."
"When weird stuff is happening, I'd like to talk about weird stuff."
"It causes the chronotons to go off the charts."
"Anomalies are in basic terms cracks in our reality in which the laws of physics become mere suggestions."
"Artifacts are anomalous objects or formations that possess certain abilities and characteristics."
"The quantum version of that... shows some strange features in this data."
"Time and time again we were coming up with these mystery objects performing in a way that defies logic."
"Space was a strange place, anomalies happening, and right now, anomaly what's happening."
"We treat the critical incidences affecting young children as anomalies."
"Anomalies are so often the engine of discovery."
"Normalization is the process by which we remove anomalies from our design."
"There were essays on space-time anomalies, glitches in reality, and apparent pictures of alternate dimensions."
"I want the anomalies, give me the things that don't make sense."