
Assembly Quotes

There are 1153 quotes

"Instead of being repressed, the right of people to assemble together must now be fully respected."
"Oh my gosh, it's so cute when it's all put together."
"Just use four layers. Four layer PCBs are very easy to get assembled these days."
"It ships in like folded onto like one thing but you can break it out and then like add the thing and it's like twice as big as they would be able to actually ship it."
"Our country was founded upon basic principles and rights, and chief among them is the right of free speech and the right to assemble peaceably."
"Vehicle creation option... assemble various parts..."
"Looks bloody hectic. Um, now it's time to put on arguably one of the parts I'm most excited about."
"Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly."
"If you piece them together, it would be something mind-blowing."
"This is by far the most screws I've had to screw in."
"Alright, there we go, we have built ourselves an IKEA bed, an IKEA bunk bed."
"Very important... to make sure that you get rid of all the extra standoffs so you don't damage your board."
"Look at this gorgeous thing, now we have the top to it. It's right there, it needs to be screwed in, but look at this gorgeous table."
"Assembling this entire base took all of 15 minutes in real time."
"That's it, that's plugged in, very very chill today it is."
"Even a beginner would have no trouble assembling this kit."
"It's very easy to make a mistake and put something on upside down or backwards so just be patient and take your time."
"Last thing we gotta do here is put this upper axle plate in place."
"A lot of what we're doing now is adjusting the gun at the assembly level."
"Now that you've seen each of the parts and learned about why I picked them, I'm now going to show you how to put everything together."
"We're gonna lovingly place all the pieces in here so it's going to look absolutely fantastic at the end."
"Put it all together, you've got something that you're going to love."
"People should be allowed the right to assemble and to peacefully protest."
"Just an all-around, uh, stellar job by all involved."
"The welds on this thing are really clean. Comes with some nuts and bolts and it's basically a jigsaw puzzle."
"Freedom of assembly is a constitutional right in Hong Kong."
"It's just got a tapered head screw, if you leave that screw out now you don't have to take the top panel off to get into the side panel."
"Putting a fresh motor together...such a satisfying process."
"All the limbs do attach to the torso so why wouldn't you start with that."
"I experienced very little frustration throughout the assembly process."
"So all the hard stuff is done and now I just have to finish cutting the rest on the table before I can assemble it all."
"It's Lego, you put it together and then suddenly you look amazing."
"Attention to detail during assembly is essential."
"We're making great progress on this truck, it's painted, it's assembled, and it's looking good."
"Things are moving quick. The engine is on a separate frame as you can see on the bottom, and we've got to lower the car down onto that frame and then we can start putting the bolts in."
"It's time to put this thing together and play some classic DOS games!"
"Legislative power in Novgorod was controlled by the veche, a form of public assembly consisting of nobles, clergy, merchants, and commoners."
"Form feet and legs; form arms and body; and I'll form the head."
"The song has been sung. The time is upon us. We must convene the Brethren Court."
"That's the PC complete; we're now ready to flip the power switch and see if we get a boot screen."
"Everyone is assembling their own pizza."
"We finally, two hours later, finished building this high chair."
"It was super easy to put together."
"All the materials used are pretty nice; yes, okay, they're not premium materials, but I think they get away with it because it's all put together in a nice package."
"The strength of an airplane is not in the individual components, it's in the total assembly."
"The secret here is to put this on, then you put the silver ring, and then you put the nut, and you put that under compression."
"The best part about this, you can bolt these things together and make that kind of power without any problem at all."
"Let's hook up the switch later on, you know, less wires, better when the circuit board is flopping around like this."
"I just put this cabinet together in a matter of a couple of minutes."
"My chair's instructions recommend using the box for support while building."
"Now that I've got the camshaft installed, it's time for me to start reassembling this motor."
"I didn't get the screw in the hole. No screws, definitely did not screw with confidence."
"Screwing with confidence. I'm confident that's in the hole."
"Final checks and then I usually glued in place with some tami extra thin cement and there we go."
"Normally kit cars are a bunch of mismatched parts all thrown in a box and you have to figure out how to assemble it all but not here."
"...I assembled the head and glued it into place."
"Now the final placement of the saddle, is that just by friction and tension of the wood slot, and then does hold it? Yeah, yeah, I mean, they can come out very easily once the strings are off."
"Everybody chill and then he would help us assemble it."
"Out of the box, I have no way of putting the side panel on."
"We're gonna try to pull this thing out if possible."
"I'm very proud of that shelf, but Daddy, it's all wobbly."
"Leave it to me, Daddy Pig. I quite enjoy putting these things together."
"So with all of those chips in place let's cross our fingers and power on the machine for the first time."
"More than half of all A320 family aircraft in the world are assembled in Fin and Vera."
"The shifter drum assembly must first locate the recesses machined into the mounting holes of the pillar block."
"...and it did have the front or the rear sight already attached if you get a tnte sales upper receiver that's stripped it will not come with the Ford assist and the and the site so you got to have that installed..."
"...if you're looking for parts and you want to be able to build this out exactly how I have it go check out the description and you can find all the parts..."
"okay all that is left now is to reassemble everything and we're good to go"
"It's super fast to put up, it literally just slots in."
"This was really easy to put together and I think it's definitely really unique."
"So what you see right here is what's going to make up this battery build."
"Trend zipbolt: speeding up furniture assembly."
"It was so much easier to put together than I thought it was going to be and it was actually kind of fun."
"Every piece of this figure is held together with these hard plastic rubber band things and basically you just invert it like you kind of just fold it inside out."
"200 individual components. 200 parts."
"Electric truly believes that it's not the customer's responsibility to assemble their electric bike so this comes virtually fully assembled to your door."
"I think like I'm just gonna invite other activists maybe like to join me so I can give like a tutorial on really how to best exercise your first amendment rights and redress your Grievances and peaceably assemble you know the people have that right."
"...once it's installed in the engine it can't come apart."
"I also think that if a group of people from like different places and ages had to assemble this same drawer and it was like a contest, I would 100% place last. I don't think the store is the best."
"I think somebody created this when they put it together."
"A finished truck comes off the line every 60 seconds."
"This does need to be mounted outside as it is."
"...so that removes the entire probe assembly isn't that nice."
"So let's go ahead and start our reassembly."
"...assembly time... took me about realistically about an hour and a half to two hours... instructions were super easy to follow."
"...this is the final thing in the box, we have our base of the machine."
"We have to assemble the Pop-Tart gingerbread houses because if they you assemble them the day before then you can decorate them without them falling apart."
"This is the kind of movie where the answer is clearly no not at all this is just something that was quickly assembled to capitalize on a title and you can get some money in to make something they actually want to make."
"They snap into that which snaps into that thing like so."
"...the problem is when you pull this plastic cover up to reveal like the rag joint it all the way into the box."
"The entire assembly took me just over 17 minutes."
"This will eventually have to go into the motherboard."
"The wreckage from Stockport was taken inside the hangar and reassembled."
"Everything on here so far has been held on with a different nut and washer and bolt combo. They're all different size washers, all different size bolts, all different size nuts."
"Ikea furniture... it's not hard, but every once in a while, it's like you just cannot figure it out. Something simple."
"Now let's get these models off the little plastic cups holding them."
"Just like the front and the back you're going to have two of these little screws."
"Once that aft deck section is dry, we can slide it into place on the ship and secure it in place with a bit of cement."
"Whenever I start a new kit, I try and build as many sub assemblies as I can manage at first. This makes it more efficient to Prime and paint rather than following the instructions entirely step by step."
"The resin ones are definitely faster to go together because the pins are ready to go, no glue required."
"And there we are, that is fully assembled, let's do a little bit of cleanup here."
"It prints at a max speed of 500 millimeters per second. The printer itself came packaged really well, everything is snug in its place, and the assembly instructions are very straightforward."
"You just need it on there, it's just a threaded connection."
"I put this together. You're gonna think I'm a fuck-up. No, I didn't. It was bad. No, no, that's true. People know that when I put things together it [ __ ] goes well."
"This kit went together really well."
"...if you're okay doing a little bit of assembly yourself, this is definitely the way to go in terms of price."
"That pretty much locks this outrigger in where it needs to be."
"So now that we have it in place I can go ahead and put the springs on."
"Now the individual hoop supports are installed on both sides of the beds."
"Now with the surface still clean take the valve cover and slide it right over."
"Once we have these resonators in place where they go it's a tack weld process, one two three four one two three."
"Let's finish up this and then we'll Mount up the throttle body as well."
"The motor's bolted in, the tranny's bolted in, drive caps bolted on. We get this thing running, we can drive it with, you know, some minor things like brakes and clutch and stuff like that but other than that, we'll be able to drive it."
"This is crazy. This feels like IKEA furniture."
"Now it's time to install the caliber retainer little brackets."
"We're just finishing putting these together."
"Before this, cars were assembled like a family dinner with everyone pitching in here and there until the dish was ready."
"I put together the jack and the back plate were way more weight than this lathe was intended to spin."
"...all the pieces to make this machine the way I'm going to... I think is it the last day or the day before the day before the day before, so there's the pivot going to the yam Square pivot there, there's two there, there's... there's one with one hole in."
"Whenever you work on an assembly if you can, give the unit a try. Don't get too far ahead of yourself. If you've got a problem, you know where it is."
"To attach the slides to the drawer, go ahead and set that drawer on a flat reference surface."
"These will be ports for the wing pieces."
"In this video, I'm going to be setting up this new desk and putting everything together."
"We're going to lay them out on the floor in the order they're going to go back together."
"So I've just done those Loosely cuz I still want to be able to move them around to get bolts to line up easily as they come into the car."
"It's kind of idiot proof on how it goes back together."
"Super easy process bolting everything on super easy."
"...the direction have you do... and peg it in and then you have this kind of giant super gun."
"So now all this intake stuff can go on for the final time get it all properly bolted on."
"Make sure you test fit everything before you glue them."
"Installation is opposite of disassembly."
"I'm gonna hand this up, and it also comes with this, so you just basically put these at the bottom."
"We are now nearing the point where we can put our grease back in start putting everything back together."
"...but we got to torque that and then we can go through and put the rest of the axle together."
"That starter was an absolute tragedy to get together."
"Slide that on, lock it in place. You've got just a tiny bit of wobble."
"...just find some way to bolt it on and secure it. But take a look at the brackets. This is another accessory that, uh, you see those two holes that are right down here, okay? You've got two holes in here."
"This piece fits into the structure we built earlier."
"This is the last time you're going to see the cam gears. Now we can put the side cover on there and the new valve cover."
"...that's what we want and then we'll take our stainless steel feed ramp all polished up we'll drop it right in on that little lip right there."
"By now assembly was happening all around the world."
"You'll be relatively quick on getting this down there are dowel pins to help you guide this on with so what I'll do is look down through that hole on both sides and use that to guide the pan down. You want to hit the dowels first, and then you're good to go."
"So at this point, don't spin the crankshaft, don't move anything. We need to put the cap on."
"Make sure it's not galling anything, make sure it's nice and square, go really slow and make sure that it is lined up perfectly on the crankshaft."
"It took about an hour I think for the two of us to put it together connect everything get everything going the way it needed to go gray skull moving out of the side here."
"Now I could put this together with some taparoos and a bunch of clamps."
"This is not something that's going to happen just by threading some screws in."
"This megaphone subassembly is now ready for the main circuit board."
"You'll simply remove this black tab on the very end and a pin will lock into place on one of the holes in the rails."
"Bambula does make a very very good documentary on bambula wikii it basically cover every single part assemble and disassemble in general case you very much don't need to take it AP beside those simple regular menu things as I mentioned earlier."
"And now we just slide that right back into the box."
"So after we get the seal press back in, we have a dust cap, we want to put that on and then we're ready to put the snap ring back into place."
"Every time we assemble something it's like a little trophy I did that I built that and this is the allen key to prove it I was going to inscribe it I assembled this helmsman sideways 1998."
"These really don't work until you put the housing together."
"The entire sword can be assembled with just one pin."
"Assembling the device is quick and easy as the parts simply click right into place."
"So now all we got to do is attach that to that."
"It looks so beautiful once it's all put together."
"So that's one piston in and the conrod bolts lightly done up."
"...if you just take that screw out of the front panel, slide this up and outward, you're gonna see that all of that I/O that we were talking about is actually just connected to that panel."
"We're going to put it on together now."
"By this stage, I was quite excited about the final assembly folding the tank body around the chassis."
"You just cut the stainless steel strip to length, slide it back in, put the other end cap on, Bob's your uncle: shortened magnetic scale."
"The NR200P Max is probably the easiest small form factor case to build in that I've ever built in."
"All right I have all the protective sleeves back on. Let's go ahead and click this guy on."
"The M1 Evo does come flat packed and it does have a pretty involved process."
"...we have all the hot swaps soldered on we have the battery connector right here the power switch and then the actual reset button..."
"That's the mounting plate when you get it isn't it you unscrew that it's actually on there so presumably that's how they want you to do it."
"I'm assembling it myself and turns out that unlike IKEA furniture. It doesn't f***ing come with a manual."
"Some of these screws have pointed ends instead of flat ends, and you definitely don't want to put those into the motherboard."
"But let's grab our 12 core CPU open up our slot as always and then drop this into place."
"The horizontal tail surfaces are then added to the tail with the correct rudder part."
"The final thing to then do before assembling the wings, tail, and fuselage together was to create the long wiring extensions for the elevator and rudder."
"So the thing with this is to be very very careful not to disturb the cylinder assembly and the cross heads because if they come out you've got to thread them back in again."
"To get it together, you have to do what we call a pre-assembly."
"But I didn't glue anything just yet because first I needed to work on the Storm Bolter."
"The whole point of this country is freedom of assembly and freedom of speech."
"Looks like we're attaching our pair of veins to the side here. This is, um, I forget the name of that gun, the Chicago piano thing, right? I think that's what they are."
"The church is not the result of brilliant leadership. The church is the assembly of those called by God."
"Feel free to skip the assembly section, but I'm going to give you some tips on how to go about building these models."
"With all the strips up to the GPU, I set in the power supply and began figuring out where the next strips would sit."
"That gives us a nice neat joint then which can join the next piece of track onto to complete the circuit."
"These casings are usually set up real nice to just slide onto the horn, super easy in one shot, just like that, perfect."
"The goal of Christ's work was to create a new assembly for the worship of God."
"The final part of this Droid assembly..."
"It'll stop them from moving around when we discharge. It'll be a nice solid assembly."
"This [ __ ] was assembled in Brampton."
"This is one of my favorite ones. Some assembly required."
"Remove those screws all the way completely."
"Once you think it's tight, flip it up and then just tighten this screw back in."
"Make sure to align the holes again."
"Always look for those locating pins for your rings."
"All those high quality bits just went on, lined up perfectly."
"We have got the head on and it is torqued down."
"I'll probably start assembling the front of the engine here: the timing, and the water pump, and the oil pump."
"It is now sitting on our airframe fixture where we will outfit it with the mast assembly, the mast tube, our reduction or upper reduction mount, and our fuel tank."
"It's like they say, if you have any extra parts left over after you build something, you probably forgot to put something together."
"Once you have it assembled, then you can add engine oil. We chose to put a break-in oil in our tractor to start with, and we'll follow the proper break-in procedure."
"It's so small it's so lightweight and i can assemble this in like a minute."
"Let's put this all into place, sliding it in. Look at that."