
Forex Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"The foreign exchange or Forex market is the world's largest financial market."
"Investors use the Forex Market to speculate on changes in currency prices."
"Forex is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Forex will not make you rich in the next six months."
"There is no such thing as a 100 percent success strategy in forex."
"The key to Forex is to into a profitable strategy."
"Forex: the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume of five trillion."
"We give you an entire concept not only concept of a strategy but also go through and teach you how to create a trading plan a full trading plan which is exactly what you need in order to profit in the forex market."
"Each currency pair has a different amount that it's going to move per candle."
"What I'm gonna do right now is show you a strategy an actual entry technique using the ATR indicator to help you take advantage of false breakouts."
"We give you guys our predictions on where we think the market is going to go for the top 5 major pairs."
"Forex trading is full of opportunities... it is the largest and most liquid market in the world trading over five trillion dollars every day."
"Dollar Index moving towards the upside doesn't mean crypto can't rally."
"Last week I found the forex family live streams and I've learned more here than the paid courses."
"If the 15-minute candle on GJ closes above, then it's high probability to continue moving down."
"The difference between profit and loss is always going to be your knowledge of how to invest in the forex market."
"Knowledge is the powerful key to trading in the forex market."
"Forex trading is simple as long as you are willing to put in a little money and learn about exchange rates."
"Forex trading is all about having patience. Start small and grow your account step-by-step."
"Profitable forex investing takes time and patience. All those traders that you see making money on the market were novices on their first day."
"I had one of my biggest trades and I ended up eventually getting to a million dollars trading Forex."
"It's not a single spot over 10 Pips."
"It's all about just being okay with like what you're leaving with whether it's Pips or dollar amount I really feel like you should focus on the Pips."
"Forex is an investment vehicle here to grow your capital. Treat it as such."
"One of the recipes for success in forex is not having time for forex. Have something else that takes your day-to-day time."
"Stick to what has been here, what has been proven and tested. Stick to forex."
"Whatever forex gives you, be grateful for. Some people have never seen a withdrawal in this market before."
"We have cleared this area that was troubling us before. Next level target: 1.2400."
"...I just thought to myself maybe it was time for me to retire but guys you can never really leave this game i'm not gonna lie secure 50 million us dollars i'm gonna head back to qatar and see if we can go for something bigger maybe i might just become a billionaire from forex"
"...I consider the forex market my atm machine let me tell you those stories so there was one time I left because I was like everybody around me was just complaining like they're not really making that much money but I was making money yeah"
"...every time you open your computer you can always go in there and extract money only for the skill so get the scenes right the investors will come the riches who come the money will come"
"When I started, I was around 19 or 20. I clicked on a banner and there were these little guys running on etoro, which are the currencies. That's how I started with a game."
"I suggest that you get your foundational Knowledge from the Forex Mastery Program."
"The moment I discovered this approach to Forex, it actually changed my life game change. I was able to do things for myself, do things for my family."
"The value of the forex mastery program... this is the most realistic approach to the market."
"everything you know what I mean I'm not even in the Forex space and I'm like you know what everything that I know here you go."
"If we have a higher high, we have a higher low we should come and put in the higher high and put in a higher low to continue that Trend correct basic but that doesn't happen."
"...this green bar will really determine what's exactly going to happen next across board in Forex period the Euro USD sets the Precedence it sets the tone to everything."
"Forex Mastery students you know so you know that so this is a breakout retest continuation to the upside now this green bar is is like I said is what is going to decide what happens next okay."
"...the true essence of Forex Mastery okay very very important right and I wish you guys a very peaceful and profitable week ahead."
"Don't quit because really, that's the only reason people ain't successful in Forex is that they eventually quit."
"But with that being said let's catch some pips."
"Trading Forex it's not a get-rich-quick thing, it's an investment vehicle."
"The Forex Mastery Program is the true liberation of Forex Traders from Forex Brokers."
"Forex Traders are now more profitable than ever."
"The carry trade is a super interesting concept in currencies, one of the first I learned about."
"There are a lot more you can do in the forex space instead of doing fraud."
"I'm just against fraud, stop doing fraud and there are a lot more you can do in the forex space instead of doing fraud."
"Indicator-based strategies just don't work in the forex market."
"All right so this is a strategy I use myself in the forex market. I've been using it for, I believe like four years now, maybe more, actually more than that, probably five years now."
"The forex game is a game of probabilities."
"When I created the Forex Mastery program, I just wanted to put together a course and quickly put it out there to help as many people as I can."
"If indeed you want to stand the chance at succeeding in Forex, I suggest you do yourself, your future, and your bank account a favor and grab the Forex Mastery program."
"I'm not selling you guys any dreams, I tell you the reality because my main goal is to provide you what I wish I had when I just started in forex trading."
"There are standards in forex trading that you just need to follow and treat them the way they are."
"If the market breaks your structure, always wait for a retest."
"If you're looking for easy to trade strategies for Forex, then I think you're going to find this video useful."
"If you have any chance of making it in the Forex game, you must have rock-solid money management and rock-solid discipline."
"The ability to be able to use leverage is why people trade Forex."
"With the advent of artificial intelligence, you must be someone who is very adaptable to win in the Forex market."
"Managing my emotions is a huge part in forex trading."
"I pride myself in having some of the cleanest charts in Forex."
"All the things you learn on the forex mastery course, I'm happy that you guys are starting to see it play out in real life."
"Forex is actually a legal thing and everybody should be encouraged while at it, it's a career."
"Forex is not a scam; you can do it as a career."
"I believe Forex education should always be free."
"GU is the third most traded currency pair on the Forex market and it's known for its volatility and high liquidity."
"There's nothing in life that's easy money; money is hard to get, and Forex is no different."
"There's no such thing in forex as magic or free money."
"One of the most beautiful things about forex trading is if you do it right, you someday can get that great combination of money and time both."
"Forex is designed for you to have freedom and the ability to be able to do things that you want to do without having to worry about the money."
"I'm going to break down this Euro USD trade from a retail and smart money perspective."
"You need to have a personal passion in Forex."
"This is the power of Forex Mastery Program and top-down analysis, ladies and gentlemen."
"I managed to make $1,000 in just 15 minutes from trading the Forex Market."
"The foreign exchange market is one of the most influential markets in the world today."
"The London session is actually the most heavily traded part of the forex world clock."
"Seeing your profits, seeing money just dropping into your bank account, that's crazy. That's the power of Forex."
"Trading psychology is the most important thing in forex trading, even over money management."
"There is not a professional Forex trader alive that does not have their trading psychology at least in the top five percent of all traders out there."
"The FX market is a macro market driven by micro events."
"In Forex Trading, there's nothing like a loser; it's either you learn or you earn."
"Forex is one of the most highly scalable businesses."
"My listeners actually really, really care about becoming great forex traders."
"After 10 years of forex trading, I'm finally disclosing all of it."
"When it comes to news trading and fundamentals in Forex trading, there are different methods you can use to actually trade and make money."
"We made like seven percent in two months on one single pair."
"These setups are coming in at 75, 82, and 76 win rates which in forex is considered a very very good win rate."
"We have been able to go an extra mile to even use tools that you won't see anywhere on the internet to look for points of confluence."
"There are lots of very sophisticated algorithms available which can be used to better predict the forex market direction."
"The potential is unlimited; that's why I get so excited when I'm telling people about Forex."
"What I ended up with was a profitable Forex strategy which anybody can trade using the right parameters."
"Forex Trading is not gambling; it's all about chances and how you take them."
"The only smart money strategy that you will ever need to succeed in the FX market."
"It is one of the most popular and most well-known used indicators for forex trading."
"The greatest thing about forex trading is you can have both money and time in this business if you want to."
"Make yourself a better and better Forex trader every single week by listening to the things you don't always necessarily want to hear but the stuff you really need to hear."
"Being in the forex market consistently and learning consistently, you don't understand how valuable you are."
"Don't ever think that forex is something that is temporary; it is not."
"Hey traders, today we're going to be backtesting a forex news trading reversal strategy."
"I've been trading the forex market since late '99, early 2000."
"The Forex Gap trading strategy is what I used to make 231 Pips within two hours."
"It's excellent to start practicing and start learning, build your own strategies, practice trade management, and get started trading Forex."
"The spot market in FX takes a much bigger portion of the daily volume compared to futures."
"This is the root of forex trading really, in the way that we understand it, contract for differences."
"Have a nice lifestyle trading forex; this is why you are here, isn't it?"
"You just want an answer why did this particular pair go up or down and it's very important you know why because if that actual event is reversed you know how to trade it straight away."
"We have 50% of return on the Euro USD."
"The non-farm payroll is the biggest fundamental when it comes to forex trading."
"Currency conversion is one of the strong points of IB."
"When you're trading Forex with them, you're getting a rate that's right around the spot rate."
"Forex trading is not for those who love sleep; it is for those who want to make money."
"Forex absolutely changed my life."
"Forex changed my life, and if you don't know where you're headed in life right now, this could definitely be an avenue that changes your life 100%."