
Overwhelmed Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"Okay, time to learn web development. Let me just pull up the Odin Project. That's what people told me to use and oh my gosh, do I really need to know this? It's huge! I can't possibly learn that much."
"My brain is melting, dude! I can't find it, I can't fight anywhere, I literally can't!"
"I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world."
"Oh, I'm overwhelmed here, you know, it's like that, I mean, you've got a drone and I've got all these sweets, personal gifts, t-shirts, messages, all sorts of stuff, and I appreciate every single one of them, guys."
"I'm just speechless, we're all losing our minds here."
"What I see can be overwhelming. What I hear can be so depressing. But when my heart is overwhelmed, remind me of what you said in your word."
"My brain feels like there's gravy on it right now."
"She's blessed, overwhelmed, and more grateful than I have ever felt in my life."
"So many nominations, I don't think I have time to go over my feelings on every single track."
"There's too much data; it's going to take too long. Wait, we passed a row of escape pods."
"I'm just feeling very overwhelmed and very stressed right now."
"This whole thing is deep, I'm at a loss for words right now."
"Absolute Peak twitch chat puked out, I'm all worm holy moly."
"That is amazing, I literally can't even right now. I can't even worse than a teenage girl at Starbucks."
"It's just [ __ ] depressing at times, unfortunately, I had to step right back into it."
"This is like a choose-your-own-adventure gift guide. There's a lot of stuff, just a lot of stuff on the table next to me. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed."
"I thought it was going to go for like I thought it might go for a snow while being awake that that's sort of the level that this kid was on right now I couldn't keep up with him."
"I'm not crying, I'm just a little overwhelmed at how happy I am."
"Venom didn't know what to expect and I was bowled over."
"This is a huge mistake, okay? We are in over our heads right now."
"So many layers of inception that I think my brain just exploded."
"I'm awesome, I'm having a hard time keeping up with how much is going on."
"I'm just blown away yeah like hold holy [ __ ] wow I did not expect that much yeah yeah."
"This all, all of this is just... overwhelming."
"Yo, 18K damage, 27k damage, oh everything's after me though!"
"Honestly at this point I think it would be easier for me to tell you what I don't have rather than what I do have."
"I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I love it. I'm happy right now."
"I feel overwhelmed and in my head if I didn't forget anything I'd be doing great."
"Flex may be biting off more than he can chew."
"Wow I'm so overwhelmed this looks so good."
"I felt like I was emotionally drowning."
"Everything else just shut down in my head."
"There's a Pisces that's been overwhelmed, holding back. They're either about to ask you out or try to get closer to you."
"I'm a mess, but we're multitasking here."
"I don't know what to say right now I am blown away."
"For the love of Pete, oh my god, my knees are shaking."
"I'm just overwhelmed by your reception."
"I'm overwhelmed, I'm absolutely overwhelmed."
"Oh, I can't handle all this sweetness!"
"I was bowled over by that, it never for a moment seemed possible to me."
"That is so good, that's done me in, that's done me in."
"I went down to the border... I talk to the ranchers, the citizens, and they tell me every single day that we are overwhelmed."
"They felt like a rumination cycle, overwhelmed, and unable to decide what to do."
"Chance Western groans, not pleased but not stopping it either. I imagine that he's overwhelmed with all that's happening. It's fine, we can handle a little boy for a couple of hours," I say.
"I'm so overwhelmed, holy [__] like I'm I didn't know the rabbit hole went this deep, bro."
"Overjoyed, not knowing where to start."
"You're gonna feel overwhelmed why? Because you finally found a certain balance in your life."
"I'm a little overwhelmed, I have a lot to think about."
"I can't keep up, it's too much for my tiny little brain."
"I'm just so overwhelmed by all the love and support from you guys."
"I'm a bit overwhelmed with the selection you have, such varied taste, it's like is there anything you don't love?"
"I'm just, like, kind of overwhelmed right now."
"I'm actually feeling so overwhelmed right now and like thankful because like this is so crazy."
"I don't even know what to say, I'm just speechless."
"I'm a homeowner. It's nuts. I don't know what to think. I'm overwhelmed."
"But I'll definitely try it again because they have a real big menu. I'd like to try a lot of those things. I was overwhelmed by the menu. The biggest menu I think I've seen."
"I just feel overwhelmed. Like I can't pinpoint any particular emotion and just feel overwhelmed."
"I'm very overwhelmed. I'm so freaking excited."
"I'm just overwhelmed with emotions."
"It's hard to describe, just overwhelmed and happy."
"The site was overwhelmed, like a server or a barista at Starbucks being flooded with orders."
"I am happy to be overwhelmed by you."
"I'm totally overwhelmed and excited."
"I just can't handle the cuteness."
"Thank you so much. I couldn't believe how many of you watched that video and commented on that video so thank you so so much. It honestly blew me away, and I'm really really really grateful for the support."
"At the very beginning I got a [ __ ] ton of emails all at once and I was like oh my god what is happening?"
"I'm so overwheled in the best way possible right now."
"I'm really just so impressed and blown away right now."
"It all becomes a bit overwhelming, so I try not to think about that too much!"
"I'm kind of speechless to be honest."
"I'm so overwhelmed. I'm so overwhelmed, my brain is going to explode."
"I was overwhelmed with excitement."
"Overwhelmed Mickey dropped the knife."
"Nice for those in need, overwhelmed."
"I was choked up, I could not speak."
"I'm not happy. I felt overwhelmed. I felt bombarded."
"I had no idea. I was always caught off guard by the demands, the meetings, the expectations."
"This is one of the places that you get to in your overwhelmed."
"I appreciate all of you who commented and all those who sent me messages. Apologies for not responding personally to everyone but was a bit overwhelmed."
"Sometimes you feel overwhelmed and sometimes you need to cry, but I need to take care of myself, that's for sure."
"I was all over the place, like I feel like I vlogged a wee bit but yeah, I was just about really overwhelmed with everything."
"Overall, I will say I was entirely overwhelmed and pleasantly surprised."
"I didn't listen to any music, I could not, I was saturated."
"I'm greatly appreciative man, thank you guys so much, I'm overwhelmed with emotion."
"Thank you everyone, we've been absolutely overwhelmed by that."
"It's just been incredible. I've just been overwhelmed by the support and the generosity."
"We got temporarily perhaps have been overwhelmed on that front."
"So grateful, excited, happy, and overwhelmed and a little intimidated all at the same time, yes, there's a lot of emotions there, there's a lot."
"I don't even know what to say, I'm just like, oh my God."
"I love my job but I feel like I've been swamped lately."
"We love you guys so, so much, man. Honestly."
"I'm telling you now, guys, this is so, I'm just, I'm overwhelmed by with woo, yes."
"I can't even handle this polish, it's so beautiful."
"I gently just want to be nice but I feel a lot for like, woah that's a lot."
"I'm overwhelmed and like, um, I'm doing a whole video on these hair extensions."
"I'm speaking from the heart right now so I might be stumbling around but I come overwhelmed by the love and the kindness so thank you."
"I'm overwhelmed, I'm very emotional."
"Absolutely overwhelmed right now with emotion"
"I run that company now, and I am overwhelmed dude."
"It literally blew me out of the water."
"I think my family will be a little bit overwhelmed, but I think I nailed the budget."
"I got so much stuff that I'm so excited about, like I don't even know where to start."
"You're overwhelmed, so am I. I am overwhelmed with emotion right now."
"...and it was the craziest most surreal moment of my life and I was just crying and crying and crying and crying and just so overwhelmed but I didn't ask any questions..."
"I don't think we're all a bit overwhelmed over the whole thing."
"Everything's too much in my house right now."
"I'm overwhelmed by how kind all of you are."
"I'm overwhelmed, thank you everybody, I can't believe it, I can't believe any of it."
"I'm overwhelmed. People are too nice."
"I can't believe this. I'm so overwhelmed."
"I can't, I can't believe it. So many returning characters of loveliness and I love it. Okay, okay, okay, okay, my heart. Okay, okay, we're doing it, we're doing it. Okay, uh-oh."
"Oh god, I feel like I'm drowning."
"If I laugh, I'll be happy. I mean, I am happy. I'm just also overwhelmed."
"An overwhelmed mind just says that's not for me."
"I just really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart... I'm feeling so overwhelmed... I'm just trying to learn as much as I can from as many different sides as I can."
"I was just overwhelmed by it. I didn't know I wanted to do it. I just wanted to listen to it."
"I'm absolutely speechless right now."
"I'm actually so overwhelmed thank you so so much."
"This felt like he was swallowed by his own mana."
"Now, he's back. He knows people care about him, and I think it just overwhelmed him all of a sudden."
"I just feel so spoiled and lucky and just overwhelmed with these goodies."
"I actually feel so overwhelmed by this room, oh my gosh, I actually feel so spoiled."
"Wow guys, I'm so overwhelmed right now. I don't really know what I'm looking at but I would say this is the largest haul I've ever had. I love it so yeah thank you."
"Mothers may feel overwhelmed when they have no support system."
"It's not often I'm overwhelmed by something, but here I am a bit, to be honest with you."
"I'm very overwhelmed by a project that doesn't have to be perfect."
"I thought this one was so beautiful. I ended up just getting geraniums. I got overwhelmed. I think I can't wrap my head around what I want to add."
"I had woken up from my slumber, and I went to school to print out some of my papers from my new semester, and you know, just the casual normal freak out, or overwhelmed when you see everything."
"Absolutely blown away, to be honest."
"We're all just overwhelmed by what you have pulled together here."
"I just feel like I've been so busy recently that I haven't been able to catch my breath."
"I'm being stretched so thin I don't know if I can do this anymore."
"I could honestly cry with just how happy I feel."
"I think I've bitten off more than I can chew."
"There's too much stuff there, bro."
"I'm getting smooshed by a lot of stuff now."
"I'm just overwhelmed. It's been a long time coming."
"The cuteness is I can't deal with all that."
"To say I'm overwhelmed is an understatement. I'm very grateful, of course, did not expect this much yarn."
"The public health service was overwhelmed."
"I'm feeling so grateful and so overwhelmed right now."
"There's just so much sauce, like what do you want me to do?"
"It was a lot. Definitely wanted to cry."
"Merry Christmas. I don't even know what to say. I'm just completely overwhelmed."
"The release of emotions, I can't, I can't."
"The open firmament above me, the prospect of the adjacent fields, with the sight of thousands, some in coaches, some on horseback, and some in the trees, and at times all affected and in tears, was almost too much for, and quite overcame me."
"That's absolutely wonderful, just overwhelmed, really."
"Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me ... my heart within me is desolate."
"I was actually quite overwhelmed the whole time while I was listening to this because there are so many layers, so many rhythmic things going on."
"A lot is weighing heavily on my heart and in my head, and the pressure is kind of getting to me."
"I was so grateful, right, but it was just very overwhelming."
"I'm overwhelmed and feel extremely grateful in a way I cannot express."
"The amount of nice messages I've received is kind of overwhelming."
"I am overwhelmed. Who knew that meeting Santa would actually feel that special?"
"It's unbelievable, I can't thank everybody enough."
"I need a break. I don't know about y'all, but lately I feel overwhelmed."
"When my heart was overwhelmed within me, You, O Lord, knew my path."
"I literally cannot believe this, I just welled up as soon as I stepped out here."
"I definitely do feel like sometimes the world crashes down on me a little too much."
"There's too much beauty, I got memorized. I forgot my own name."
"I can't even keep up with my laundry."
"Excited, I really don't know how to put this into words. This has all been just too much to handle. I can hear my heartbeat."
"So much to do, so much to see, that I didn't even know where to start."
"I have approximately 30,000 tabs open in my brain at all times."
"Hi Rachel, I have lost control of the day."
"I'm literally feeling so overwhelmed but like so excited, my family has literally been amazing."
"I'm so excited, you guys, so grateful, overwhelmed literally with gratitude."
"I am honestly blown away with the response to this collection."
"We've been blown away by the response; it's absolutely crazy."
"The weight of that much information dazzled her."
"I'm overwhelmed honestly, I cried earlier."
"Honestly, I am so overwhelmed by what I've just experienced; it's like a real clinical first for me, and it's just fun."
"I'm just kind of feeling a little bit overwhelmed."
"I've got so darn much on my mind."
"You know when you have so many things to do that you don't know where to start?"
"They see a future with you and that's really scary and that really overwhelmed them."
"It made me feel so small, and I cried."
"I'm definitely feeling a little bit overwhelmed, definitely feeling really excited as well."
"I just feel so overwhelmed and blessed and like, I just want to thank all of you for watching my videos."
"I'm very overwhelmed and thankful for all of your comments and messages."
"I think I got it, yeah, I think I wish husband was here too because this is too much for me."
"I'm so overwhelmed with everything and then with my channel, everything right back from the past 10 months, my grandmother, everything is still sitting at me and I need to just go away and fresh start."
"I'm just out of breath from life."
"I'm a little overwhelmed right now, but I know I'm gonna be okay."
"You've got a lot on your plate, don't you?"
"I'm so excited, I literally don't know what to do or say."
"I found myself feeling very overwhelmed with work, I was pretty much devastated, I was heartbroken."
"I'm so overwhelmed with the amount of love and messages."
"You know how sometimes like everything around you is moving faster than what you can keep up? That's how I feel."
"I get overwhelmed with gratitude because of all that He's done for me."
"The amount of love that you guys give me I can barely even handle it, and I can't even put my gratitude into words."
"I'm a little overwhelmed right now, I just... I don't know what to say, like I just, this has been an incredible adventure."
"I'm blown away. Beyond. I don't even know what to say."
"Being so overwhelmed with such a power of God that you can't even sustain it through your physical body."
"I want to sing and cry at the same time, my heart is so full that it's overflowing."
"He's possessed. I can't handle him."
"I was overwhelmed. I was immature and everything was happening too fast, and I needed to escape before I forgot all the things I'd planned to do."
"Drowning dreams might have to do with feeling powerless or overwhelmed."
"While I am overwhelmed with the change, I'm happy."
"This week is not letting anyone rest, first Taylor Swift, then Twitter, and now... now I just found out about this."