
Breast Cancer Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"So there certainly have been studies showing that, for example, women who eat more saturated fat after breast cancer diagnosis live significantly shorter and have greater recurrence."
"Weight loss reduces breast cancer risk."
"Estrogen on its own has actually been shown to be associated with a lower risk of breast cancer around 23% lower risk."
"Estrogen does not cause breast cancer, it might feed a pre-existing breast cancer."
"For each drink consumed daily, breast cancer risk goes up by seven percent in premenopausal women and 13 in post-menopausal women."
"For the five percent of breast cancers that have homologous recombination knocked out, this is going to be really great."
"Studies have shown that half of all breast cancer cases are preventable."
"Test for breast cancer must now be fully covered by insurance which includes Imaging tests and Diagnostic Imaging tests."
"Overall, the evidence suggests a lower risk of dairy consumption and breast cancer, particularly in premenopausal women, potentially mediated by estrogen receptor positive status."
"Consuming one serving of soy per day during childhood or teenage years may reduce the risk of developing breast cancer later in life."
"Observational studies suggest that soy consumption early in life is associated with a 25 to 50 percent reduction in breast cancer risk."
"Soy may reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence and actually may benefit women with breast cancer."
"I didn't choose metastatic breast cancer, not the exact type, not the specific mutation, but I did pick hope."
"I have breast cancer and I have support. I have information. I have advice."
"Her2 positive breast cancer is actually one of the better types of breast cancer to have."
"Being diagnosed with breast cancer changes everything, and it happens every single day."
"We know in breast cancer that diagnosing cancer earlier is completely linked to better outcomes so don't delay it especially if you feel something."
"Just because you breastfeed doesn't mean that you're gonna get or not get breast cancer."
"Hormone users who develop breast cancer have a reduced risk of dying of breast cancer."
"There are behaviors and dietary changes that can lead to a drop [in breast cancer risk], but I don't think there's enough out there in the literature to hang your hat on."
"Breast cancer can increase bone growth and weaken bones, but we can fight back by strengthening them."
"Thankfully we are living longer with breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, and so before when we didn't have so many treatments it didn't become an issue, but now, as people are living with breast cancer in the bone, you know, five, ten years..."
"About 40% of breast cancer patients with metastasis will only have bone metastasis."
"One in eight women in the U.S will get breast cancer at some point in their life."
"CDK4/6 inhibitors have become a staple in the management of metastatic breast cancer."
"It prevents the breast cancer recurrence and strengthens the bones."
"We now understand that ER-positive breast cancer is more reliant on cdk4/6, which is why it's more sensitive to this drug."
"The idea of genomic testing came from breast."
"DIM can offer protection against breast cancer by influencing estrogen metabolism."
"If you have metastatic breast cancer, the most important thing is remaining or increasing physical activity."
"It's been chronically understudied as a breast cancer subtype and more research is needed."
"There's really a critical need to understand response and resistance mechanisms to our current breast cancer hormonal therapies in order to develop better therapies for patients in the future."
"The Women's Health Initiative study... stopped early due to an increase in breast cancer risk."
"Women who exercise for 3 to 4 hours a week showed a 30 to 40% lower incidence of breast cancer over sedentary women."
"So of all these controllable, changeable risk factors that are proven in the science to affect breast cancer, we're talking diet, nutrition, alcohol, exercise as obesity."
"The Lancet authors made this chilling conclusion... about a million [breast cancers] would have been caused by menopausal hormone therapy use."
"His paper on breast cancer early detection had a lot of attention also in social media."
"The classic presentation of a malignant breast tumor: a hard, immovable, irregular mass."
"Orange Peel AKA Peau d'Orange is another potential finding in inflammatory breast cancer."
"Paget's disease of the breast is a rare condition associated with an underlying breast malignancy."
"Mammography is the best modality to detect breast cancer at an early stage."
"It's BA month, Breast Cancer BCA, Breast Cancer Awareness."
"It's very important to know the tumor subtypes in breast cancer because really your prognosis depends on that."
"The Cleopatra trial... showed 15 months improvement of overall survival in the patients who received Pertuzumab in addition to Trastuzumab."
"Together we could make the largest donation in history to help end breast cancer forever."
"Sulforaphane, a natural compound derived from broccoli and broccoli sprouts, is effective in inhibiting breast cancer stem cells."
"When you know early on you need chemotherapy for your breast cancer, there are distinct benefits to getting it before surgery."
"We want to remember those that have lost their fight as it pertains to breast cancer and also celebrate those of you that are still fighting."
"The overall goal is to detect a breast cancer before a woman has signs and symptoms of a breast cancer."
"We believe that breast cancer awareness is important all year."
"One in eight women in the country can expect to be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime."
"It's preventable to die; you don't have to die from breast cancer when you're 80."
"There were 68% fewer breast cancer cases in people receiving the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil versus the control group."
"There's a lower incidence of breast cancer in patients who have implants compared to those that don't."
"Breast cancer wasn't something that was talked about."
"Breast cancer awareness, get 'em checked ladies, get 'em checked."
"The older that the woman gets, the higher her chances are of getting breast cancer."
"One out of every eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer."
"The longer that you've lived on this earth, the higher your risk is of developing breast cancer."
"The correct answer is three: the client should practice breast self-examination monthly."
"Just within our lifetime we've seen this shift from... radical mastectomies as the standard to... lumpectomies."
"The cryoablation really falls under the general umbrella of... de-escalation in breast cancer treatment."
"There are ways that we can safely offer breast cancer patients less invasive treatments."
"We're dressed in pink this weekend supporting breast cancer awareness."
"We are raising funds again this year for the National Breast Cancer Foundation for the important work they do."
"Our study is the third population-based study to report no adverse effects of soy foods on breast cancer progress."
"Clinicians no longer need to advise against soy consumption for women diagnosed with breast cancer."
"Women, especially with breast cancer, especially estrogen receptor positive. But also there are studies showing in estrogen receptor negative patients that it also has benefit."
"Helping establish the Tiffany Henard Cares Foundation to help breast cancer patients."
"I love the month of October because it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month."