
Early Detection Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"A lot of times, things are called prevention when they're not prevention. Mammograms, breast self-exam, thermography, MRI, they're very often listed under prevention, and they actually have nothing to do with prevention whatsoever. They are early detection."
"The king's cancer was caught early, which will be reassuring to many."
"The three most important things for mitigating a potential Earth impact are to find them early, find them early, and find them early before they find us."
"I'm here with a clear message to other men, especially older men: get screened, get your regular checkups. Prostate cancer has a glass jaw. If your doctor can spot it, they can treat it and beat it."
"The earlier you catch it, the less likely you are to have these complications."
"If you catch it early, you can stop it before it progresses to these diseases."
"The key point is early detection to give that little nudge."
"People die of cancer because they catch it too late."
"This technology seems like it's going to really help Radiologists detect pancreatic cancer a lot sooner than previously been able to."
"Routine screenings and early detection give people a fighting chance."
"Early detection is most preventive, most treatable."
"The plague can be cured in over 90% of cases if caught early."
"High index of suspicion can save lives. Early treatment is key."
"Health information is powerful and medically, early detection helps in any disease."
"Information is power, and medically, early detection helps in any disease."
"If you catch prostate cancer early, there's a good chance that it can be successfully treated. So don't leave it to luck. Check your risk and find out what to do next at prostate cancer uk dot org slash risk check."
"Detecting signs of a bearing fault early can prevent catastrophic failure."
"Had we been doing that all along on a more frequent basis we may have been able to catch this infection really early on."
"Many people suffer from all kinds of brain dysfunction that is often occurring decades before they even get their first symptoms."
"If early detection were possible, patients who have tumors detected early can be cured surgically."
"The earlier you catch something the more options your doctors have to take care of it."
"Testicular cancer has a 97 percent survival rate if you catch it early."
"Early detection saved my mom's life when she beat cancer almost a decade ago."
"A big upside of artificial intelligence detecting cancer much earlier."
"Researchers developed a camera capable of detecting cancer cells very early in their development, inspired by the mantis shrimp's sophisticated eyesight."
"Alzheimer starts 15 or 20 years before with the plaque buildup so you can actually see what potentially will be what ultimately could happen."
"The fact we are able to detect early stage cancer."
"It's great news that she's young and we are catching this so, so, so early."
"I had it back in like beginning of February before, before COVID was popping."
"One of the earliest signs of Alzheimer's disease could be the loss of the sense of smell."
"Breast cancer screening is important for women of every age. Early detection saves lives. Together we can and will continue to work towards a brighter cancer-free future for all Canadian women."
"Early detection is key for this disease. The earlier it can be diagnosed, the longer your loved one will be able to maintain their independence and enjoy a fulfilling life."
"The longer we wait to identify a disorder, the harder it is to treat the disease."
"...seeing your eye doctor on a regular basis because if we can catch disease early we can treat it early and hopefully prevent any future eye disease."
"If step number one is don't get cancer, step number two is catching it as soon as possible."
"So at this point, I have become very intentional in regards to my conversation about pre-screening, doing your breast self-exams, getting your mammograms done because those measures can literally save your life with early detection."
"Pretty litter can change colors detecting possible underlying illnesses before urgent medical care is needed in your cat."
"...a simple blood test may be able to detect early signs of colorectal cancer."
"There's three things that are important: you have to find them early, you have to find them early, and you have to find them early."
"We know that the earlier glaucoma is caught, the more we can do to reduce the risk of people losing their sight."
"We need to detect diseases much earlier by developing new tools that can act as biosensing capabilities."
"Recognizing the early signs of liver damage is critical."
"Early detection of glaucoma is crucial to prevent irreversible vision loss."
"In many ways, this is preventive maintenance. You're finding something that's early and taking care of it before it can threaten your life."
"Every Cancer that gets treated at an early stage when compared to the same cancer being treated at a late stage... has a dramatically different survival profile."
"Our goal is to improve detection of clinically significant prostate cancers before they spread, so that they can be treated."
"There's no known prevention, so the focus is always early recognition and intervention."
"Early detection is key when it comes to kidney disease to avoid further complications."
"Some pregnancy tests can detect this hormone 6 days after implantation."
"The important thing is that if a liver cancer is found early, more effective treatment can be offered with a potential for cure."
"Getting diagnosed early is going to help save your life."
"Getting that checked early and getting a course of being able to treat that sooner than later is really important."
"Although I'm lucky that it was found at stage two, I ignored the signs for probably many months before I went to a doctor."
"I found out I was pregnant really early. I had no symptoms, I hadn't missed my period."
"As long as you've caught this early, there's a 95% chance that you'll come through this on skade."
"Male breast cancer is a thing, so I want everybody to be focused on their checks. Check for lumps, make sure you get your mammograms. We gotta spread awareness because early detection is super super important."
"Always with health it's better to catch things early than to leave it until it becomes a real problem."
"When we do early detection and early intervention, kids do better."
"Each time you go through something like this, you can identify a symptom a little earlier."
"Five-year survival is close to a hundred percent when prostate cancer is found early."
"The success rate, if we find it early, is you basically get to live your life as if you never had it."
"Okay, job done and thankfully because we caught that failure early it doesn't seem to have been any damage caused elsewhere on the board."
"The earlier the infection is identified, the easier it is to treat and prevent congenital syphilis in the baby."
"Early detection is very important."
"Alzheimer's disease starts in the brain 20 to 30 years before the first symptom of memory loss."
"If you catch it early there's 100% cure rate so almost 100% cure rate there's a practically 100% chance you'll be alive in 5 years."
"It's a good job that this has been detected. The name of the game with any form of cancer is early detection and early treatment."
"The earlier you catch it, in nearly all cases of cancer, the more treatable it's going to be, the less aggressive the treatment might have to be, and the likelihood of survival is increased."
"...maybe we can have a tool to identify these cases before significant neuronal loss has occurred."
"The end product of this research will be an affordable accurate blood test for early detection of colon cancer without colonoscopy."
"It's often said that early diagnosis is crucial to helping people live a happier, safer life."
"Early detection is key for better outcomes."
"Artificial intelligence that can detect heart defects in newborns is really important because pulmonary hypertension, if you can catch it early, if you can treat it early, then the prognosis is pretty good."
"It's really important to just know if you have got any form of breast cancer as early as possible."
"We are detecting cancers earlier and treatments are constantly evolving and improving."
"The earlier you catch them, the greater impact you can make on a patient's life."
"Liver cancer can certainly be cured if we catch the cancer early enough."
"Had she not had the problem that required the abdominal surgery, they would never have caught the cancer so early."
"The reason we're making progress with cancer and diabetes is early detection, not treatment."
"The good news is that with early detection and evidence-based intervention, we can transform outcomes."
"The analysis of trends can show changes in performance at really early stages."
"The vast majority of pancreatic cancer patients are detected at the stage they are incurable... but if you can discover this disease early, there are mechanisms to treat it."
"Screening is important, right? If you catch it early, you've got a better chance of being cured of the disease."
"We want to detect it early, so screenings like mammograms and pap smears are secondary prevention."
"Early detection means that you can get it quicker, maybe when it's in situ even would be ideal."
"Like anything in medicine, the earlier you catch something, the earlier you treat it, the better the success is going to be."
"The great thing about the newer generation assay is it can detect HIV infection much earlier than the previous assay."
"The earlier you find your melanoma, the better the survival."
"Finding it early and removing it is so important."
"Early detection is absolutely critical."
"Early recognition and diagnosis of metabolic disorders are crucial."
"When detected early, kidney cancer is usually curable."
"When Diabetes Type 1 is caught early, there is a better chance of managing it properly and preventing some of these complications."
"Avoid risky business, seek treatment early before cancer has had a chance to spread."
"Early detection can help prevent progression before it's too late."
"Most basal cell carcinomas, if detected early and treated, have a very good prognosis and are easily taken care of."
"The doctor said that Rob was lucky because he was diagnosed early and no permanent damage had been done."
"There's very little of any excuse to die from breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, or colon cancer now if you make use of the early detection tools we have."
"We are interested in trying to have a paradigm shift here where we are able to detect patients' disease early."
"If we diagnose everyone early, potentially we can prevent every single case of myeloma."
"If we find it, we can cure you; if we find you too late, we can't cure you."
"If a cow has milk fever and you catch it early, there's very very good chances of recovery and everything being fine."
"The goal is to catch the cancer as early as possible."
"Early detection is the key; we need to find infestations as early as possible because when we locate them early, they tend to be quite small, they can be remedied easily and relatively inexpensively."
"It's really an opportunity to detect early, increase survival, increase cure rates."
"If you find them when they're small, know what it is before you go to surgery, more likely that that's all that your pet is going to need."
"Employ advanced threat intelligence services and security monitoring to detect early signs of zero day attacks."
"Early detection could also save your life."
"Early detection leads to early treatment and ultimately better outcomes."
"Autism is something that people are born with. It's totally possible to detect signs of autism even when it's a baby who can't talk or express emotions."
"How do we pick up people in stage one or even stage two? That's far better than picking them up in stage three."
"The earlier you can catch things, the better."
"There is no actual way to prevent it, there are certainly things we do can screen early and if we catch cancers early we have a really good chance of curing them."
"Newborn hearing screening tests the baby's hearing; the heel prick screening, you're drawing blood and you're testing for a whole host of disorders."
"The overall goal is to detect a breast cancer before a woman has signs and symptoms of a breast cancer."
"We have ways that we can detect these changes in the brain before people have symptoms."
"Early detection, close monitoring are the keys to successful management."
"If you can prevent things or if you can try to detect things early, why not do it?"
"It's an early apoptosis of nanoparticle."
"Pet imaging can see cancer seven years before standard imaging."
"When we find cancers early, most patients are cured."
"We're diagnosing these cancers before they become cancerous and diagnosing them at an early stage where treatment is most successful."
"The survival rates increase dramatically if you catch it at earlier stages."
"Prostate cancer when it's diagnosed at an early stage is very curable."
"You must know that it is easy to kill a cancer when it has first started; that's why you have to detect it at the early stage."
"By using nanotechnology, we can go for early detection of cancer and protect the person from cancer death."
"Detected the cancer early and it would be fine, but the issue is that he waited and waited and waited."
"In the earliest stage lung cancer, patients can have five-year survivals upwards of on average about 80%."
"Catching this disease early is really critical."
"The best kind of protection is early detection."
"The key is to early recognition for the symptoms and signs that we talked about."
"The earlier we get them, the better. The earlier we recognize them, the better."
"Seeing the doctor regularly... early detection of diseases can be prevented."
"Secondary prevention is catching a disease before it causes damage or before the signs and symptoms begin."
"If you recognize tumor lysis syndrome in the ER, you may be able to catch a cancer and treat them aggressively and have them have a normal lifespan."
"An awesome project that can advance the field of medicine, biotechnology, and help us identify a variety of illnesses at much earlier stages."
"Early detection and intervention are key, so you're taking the right steps by addressing this now."
"The three most important aspects are find them early, find them early, and then find them early."
"We're doing some antibody studies... we've identified a signature that can help predict whether or not somebody has potentially COVID-19 infection even before they have symptoms."
"Cancer can be cured, you know, especially if we catch it early."
"The earlier we catch these invasive species, the more capable we are of controlling and eradicating them."
"The earlier stage you catch [cancer] at, the better prognosis you likely will have."
"The best way for us to treat any complications is to be able to detect them early."
"Anything's possible, I think the key is catching it early."
"So you can diagnose liver cancer at an early curable stage."