
Guitar Quotes

There are 2092 quotes

"Every time that you walk in the room, you know, and it had this great guitar lick, one of those all-time historic rock guitar lines."
"I've been waiting to make a beginner guitar course for years and years and years, ever since I was a guitar teacher back in the mid '90s."
"Steve, you are, are you playing your guitar? I am. I actually started getting back into shape on my guitar."
"Dimebag is easily one of the most influential and important guitar players who have ever graced Rock and metal."
"Travis picking is when you have a constant baseline with your thumb and then you have some melody notes or accompaniment on top."
"Jimi Hendrix: popular music's most influential electric guitar figure."
"Stanley Jordan is the Michael Jordan of guitar."
"They make fantastic guitars at a great value."
"Definitely one of the best guitar players that have ever walked this Earth."
"The riff that made me want to play guitar was probably 'Enter Sandman.'"
"The first riff I heard that made me want to play guitar was probably 'Enter Sandman.'"
"Master of Puppets is a metal masterpiece, a straight up bravado of cascading guitars."
"Guitar playing is something that I love and I want people to continue to enjoy it."
"This is the prettiest, probably the prettiest acoustic I've ever seen, the double dub."
"Songs have guitars in them and they speak to you."
"Amps don't just make the guitar louder, they change how the guitar sounds."
"Make sure that the guitar you get will inspire you to play it and practice on it."
"Your first guitar won't be your last guitar."
"The first thing I'd like to say is that this strat plays so clean, like it is so good."
"I think the absolute high point of this Fender Custom strat is the tone, it's just unbeatable."
"This guitar, it was like on the verge of tears looking at it... It's become my number one guitar."
"It speaks to me on a very high level which is really important when I play a guitar."
"That rocks, first of all... just the slightly out of tune bends, his guitar playing is so unique and awesome."
"They softened The Edge on the new seas, thinned the body, and softened the edge of the Volute cut."
"The Legend of Zelda medley... wonderful plucky guitar doing its fancy works that just work phenomenally well for smashing its gameplay."
"I like loud guitar loud heavy guitar so whatever context I'm putting it in is cool."
"It's impossible to really imagine where modern guitar and modern music would be without Eddie Van Halen."
"Eric Clapton is, by common consent, the greatest living exponent of the electric guitar."
"David Gilmore was a prodigious Talent on guitar and Beyond..."
"For me the perfect PAF tone has always been the big 3d richness of a humbucker with almost single coil clarity."
"Master of Puppets is a thrash metal masterpiece, a benchmark for young guitarists playing their trade in garages and rehearsal spaces around the world."
"I want you to feel confident with that under your fingers before you move on to the next bit."
"The Vintage Modified 72 Tele Thinline is a really good guitar."
"It's the one guitar of my collection that I couldn't live without."
"His fingers were trailing behind on the second string, creating a fifth interval up high."
"Back in our era, the guitar was always part of a greater concept. It was part of the song, and that's why this is so good. The guitar solos are some of the best in history because they function. They're part of a great song."
"It's definitely a pretty clean example of a 1976 Stratocaster."
"Check the neck plate - it should say Fender on it."
"But if you look at what he did to music with his guitar and his songwriting and his singing it's pretty amazing."
"It's going to give your guitar a totally custom look if you're looking for something a little bit out of the ordinary."
"There is no disputing that this is a very iconic guitar."
"David Gilmore's solo guitar work alone is to die for."
"The riff that made me want to play... was Taxman by The Beatles."
"This guitar is a work of art, pure and simple."
"It's absolutely perfect, and it's eight pounds six ounces."
"There's something dope about a guitar solo even if you don't like rock music or something."
"Every guitar has flaws, there's no exception at any price point."
"That was a game changer, it changed the whole culture and the whole culture of guitars too."
"That's Eddie and Alan Holdsworth, I mean, that's two iconic guitar players playing together, jamming together."
"I started playing guitar and I was influenced obviously by Eddie Van Halen."
"It's a beautiful tone, every string, every note from low E to the high E."
"To me, the guitar is the most expressive instrument because you can bend those strings and you get in between the notes."
"There's a powerful current that I feel flowing through me when I play the guitar."
"I believe that each guitar just has something locked in it that you just want to get out."
"When you strap on the guitar, you can do magic."
"He used the full sonic spectrum of the guitar really, really well."
"It's flashy and sounds cool but overall it's more of a rhythmic thing than needing to be a good guitar player to know how to do it."
"I'm so not a confident, comfortable guitar player to just sit in front of people, which is so weird because it's my job."
"Modern technology achieving a more precision-crafted guitar."
"I taught myself how to play guitar when I was in Middle School."
"That's going to be a great sounding guitar because somebody has played the hell out of it."
"It's the best couch guitar 'cause it's just loud enough that you can hear it without having to plug it into an amp."
"It's a little guitar that sounds like a big guitar, how did they do that?"
"He's the reason why I started playing the guitar."
"It is by far the most versatile, best all-around guitar I think ever made."
"There is nothing about this guitar that you can make better."
"It's the best solo boost pedal of all time."
"That extra mid-range bump, you just turn the guitar to the amp just a little bit, you get the perfect octave up, controllable feedback."
"It's like putting your guitar in IMAX."
"This is the best sounding guitar pedal ever made, in my humble opinion."
"Led Zeppelin was known for their strong guitar-focused sound and are considered pioneers of hard rock and heavy metal."
"The beauty of guitar riff is the power that it can have to instantly grab the listener."
"At this point in time I do like to try to keep my grubby hands off the guitar as much as possible."
"It's such a huge moment when tuners go onto a guitar."
"We're going to dress all these frets, with the exception of the first fret."
"Sultans of Swing has some of the best guitar riffs ever."
"The 1959 Les Paul, arguably the most iconic electric guitar."
"You just need to push a little bit of mids on that, just a tiny bit, and your acoustic guitar will just move forward."
"Spending time practicing your guitar unplugged will have huge benefits for your guitar technique, specifically for your picking."
"You want to move in as straight of a line as possible with the pick, making your technique as efficient as it can be."
"Most guitar players are not able to stay relaxed when they anchor the fingers they're not holding the pick on the body of the guitar."
"Muting string noise and keeping your playing cleaner is easier when you're not anchoring your fingers on the body of the guitar."
"Moly guitar players will not be able to play fast, cleanly, and accurately by anchoring their fingers on the body of the guitar."
"He's slicing through planets with his guitar playing. I'm like, 'Some brain disorder? What have I got?'"
"It's just it's like learning how to play guitar it's the same technique you do want to learn how to play Sweet Home Alabama or whatever uh just to do it with sound."
"Jimmy Hendricks did things on a guitar that a lot of people never thought were possible."
"That was like a legendary, right? Everybody, it was probably one of the very first YouTube guitar videos."
"I haven't played guitar for three weeks. I honestly don't remember staying away from my main source of creation for so long."
"Aging does not make a guitar function any better, but if I can age elements of the guitar, especially the finish and the wood, then I feel like you may get Sonic benefits out of it."
"Mike Dawes is one of the finest acoustic guitar players in the world. He's one of the finest I've ever heard. As a matter of fact, I can't think of anyone better than Mike."
"If you flip a Martin guitar over, that's almost what you want to see, isn't it? Just that sort of hyper-traditional."
"I think I bought this guitar back in the '80s."
"Love this Trini, I love the Bigsby."
"Combining badass groove pockets with dual guitar harmonies and incredible solos."
"That's amazing and there you have it thanks so much for watching my video little historical video on the Eddie Van Halen music man signature Model Guitar just a really really cool piece of rock and roll guitar history of Van Halen history."
"...some guitar companies resort to using particle board or MDF instead of a solid wood guitar body."
"So, here we see this gentleman is installing some Takamine branded go-to machines. Right now, he's screwed him into the back of the headstock and now he's attaching the nuts and the washers to finish it off."
"Now the final placement of the saddle, is that just by friction and tension of the wood slot, and then does hold it? Yeah, yeah, I mean, they can come out very easily once the strings are off."
"A channel-bound neck which makes playing on this Telly something special."
"...as a guitar player I have to say turn up the juice."
"When you put covers on them, it changes the tone of the pickups."
"A lot of people think that when they're playing leads up here at the top of the fretboard, that with a set neck guitar the body joint kind of gets in your way. Not so with this one."
"You want to get the triangle piece pointed towards the bridge on a right-handed guitar, that's just for polarity reasons, not a scientist, but that's the reason for it."
"It's a lovely guitar ballad with gorgeous twin guitar solos that run counter to the melody."
"Eddie was able to absorb all the incredible guitarists that came before him and add his own ideas to his guitar playing constantly."
"You can't make this guitar sound small. Nothing about this guitar is wrong. It's a Cadillac, and I just love the wear on it."
"The guitar parts are really good, really accurate and exciting."
"What if you wanted then to just dump in a heavier lead guitar?"
"The guitar does set the whole scene for his voice to overlay over on top, it kind of sets the scene to also point out different sections of the song and connect with the lyrics."
"He writes really good guitar parts, I think they're very elaborate and they also really drive the storytelling."
"This guitar is pretty bare bones it's very utilitarian it's literally just a cutting board with a neck."
"What makes a Toby riff? Endurance with your pinky over and over again."
"...I think in a lot of ways they really set the stage for the new generation of guitar-focused bands..."
"I think it's a number one so far in my opinion, um, but because it's got more of this sort of warm beautiful sort of full fat sort of bluy kind of tone."
"I think this is a more affordable guitar but I think, however, done it and set it up, I think it plays really nicely so if this is an affordable guitar this is good value for money, I don't know what, but that's what I think."
"Phrases that work with an upstroke escape motion are those where the final note on the string is an upstroke."
"It's common, it's easy, it's the picking motion used by great players like Mike Stern, Myka Trisko, and of course the great Eric Johnson."
"We want a picking motion to actually move in such a way that upstrokes leave the plane of the strings."
"...how much better would it be if I put a different trim system and some different pickups in there?"
"The answer has to do with something called guitar technique schemas."
"If you want to know more about building guitar speed, especially after you get the basic positioning in place and you've got your tension control in place, what do you do?"
"...there's kind of like this instant tactile response...it's almost like you're getting an instant response from the guitar back into your fingers."
"This is straight wood with strings and pickup slapped in raw Workhorse Vibes...it's more along the lines of what makes a lot of my favorites from the S2 line or even some of my favorite Les Pauls like the old tributes in studio faded so appealing."
"It's very much its own thing its own unique hybrid...objectively it's just an awesome reasonably priced guitar."
"thank you so much for coming up for nerding out about guitar Gear with me that was so so awesome that's like the whole reason I started the channel to find fellow people to nerd out about guitars with"
"You can Master the guitar much faster than you might think."
"Once you really understand and can see that the fretboard is just this interlaced pattern of the chromatic scale and the circle of fifths combined, you can really play anything."
"I would be way further ahead as a guitarist if my first teachers knew to teach this stuff but they really didn't. It's not their fault, they're just people. Didn't know these things that I'm going to talk about today."
"$1299 for this guitar with a hard shell case... you're getting a really, really high amount of quality here."
"Guitar number five is the penser Mark 1 designed on a napkin but destined to become an icon."
"Mark Knopfler is recognized as a guitar virtuoso, ranked by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the greatest players of all time."
"They're a gritty mean guitar anyway, you know, more so than a Telecaster or an Esquire."
"This is my number one of all my guitars I've ever owned."
"This one just has it, I searched for many many years."
"This guitar, if I had one desert island kind of riding guitar it would be this one."
"I've written some of my most songs resting on this guitar."
"Don't you ever play guitar with your teeth again, you mother." - Little Richard
"It's about a symbiotic relationship between the guitar and the amp."
"A guitar can change somebody's life."
"Guys, oh, I love guitar sounding here."
"This is as close as most of us are going to get to playing and owning a vintage Strat."
"This is probably my favorite neck out of any current Fender production guitar."
"Strumming is extremely important for guitars."
"Sometimes I feel like there's something magical about guitar that kind of feels like you're up to no good in the best way."
"I was somewhat in demand as a guitarist. I had to be around were all like George Harrison, Eric Clapton, Dave Mason, very heavy positions in the rock field."
"Before Hendrix came onto the London scene, its inarguable guitar hero was Cream’s Eric Clapton."
"I don't know why, I've just tried playing like Stratocasters and stuff that are more kind of front-loaded with material and it just looks weird to me."
"You can build a really good playing inexpensive guitar right off the rack."
"I mean I just remember being completely mesmerized by by the guitar."
"It's a great sounding guitar. It does all the things."
"People need to stop hating on the reverse Flying V, you've just never actually tried one."
"It's one of my favorite things about being a guitar player whether you're getting your overdrive from an amp or from a pedal or a series of pedals stacked together."
"He has ferocious technique, but so do lots of other people who are cataclysmically dull. The extent to which he communicates his personality and emotional nuance, I don't think any other guitar player has as wide an emotional range."
"Jimmy is the most ambitious guitarist."
"There were guitar players weeping, they had to mop the floor up. He was piling it on solo after solo."
"Let's do it. Let's upgrade some viewers' guitars."
"The only mistake today that you can make is not buying this guitar."
"The beat-up Stratocaster ended up being Stevie Ray's number one guitar throughout his entire career."
"Emily's deciding to learn how to play the guitar right now. She will learn by the end of the trip, that's her goal."
"Lennon bought the 325 late in 1960."
"Lennon's use of the 325 no doubt saved the model from extinction."
"John Lennon decided to have his 325 painted black."
"The biggest selling guitar of 2022."
"Slowly but surely after a decade of irrelevance, the guitar solo has started to peek its head into the cultural conversation once more."
"Learning how to play scales linearly like this is a great way to break out of boxes on the guitar and learn how to connect other positions on the neck."
"There's no wrong way to play the guitar and there's no reason that you have to push yourself or try to break out of the place that you are in."
"Every guitar player that I respect and look up to understands that a great guitar is the sum of all of its parts."
"...this is maybe the best guitar i've ever owned in my entire life."
"It's the red special and there isn't anything else like it."
"The reality is, every guitar player spends way more on their guitars than they do on their amps and pedals."
"The guitars are like really up front and they are the stars of the show."
"There's just nobody like them. Fast speed of light guitar work and heavy riffs."
"So all of these different elements come together to create what is in my opinion one of the best electric guitar sounds out there."
"If you're interested in learning more about tone and how to get great guitar tone i made a video course dedicated specifically to that it's called the tone course."
"This little collection of weak magnets copper wire and plastic has been the weapon of choice for countless guitar heroes from the late 50s on through today."
"The sign of a well-made guitar is how easily and how well you can set it up. So far, so good."
"I mean, these guys basically taught the rest of us how to play guitar."
"This guitar wasn't owned by anybody famous, but because of what it is, we insured it at $500,000."
"The G string doesn't need to be held down as far as the B string and the B string doesn't need to be held down as far as the high E."
"This guitar feels the best and the most inspiring to play out of all of these different Telecasters."
"There's literally nothing about this guitar that I would change."
"The sound of p90s is to me an essential sound of rock music and they're incredibly versatile."
"If you're just looking for a guitar to play not as an investment, then where's that best place to put your hard-earned cash to get that best value for money?"
"Harrison said if ID had my way the Strat would have been my first guitar."
"That's the smell of a brand new Martin guitar when you open the case. Unbeatable."
"There's nothing quite like it. That moment when you first hear the voice of a brand new guitar."
The first time I heard Van Halen, I was like, "Wow, no one plays guitar like this guy."
"It ticks all the boxes, it looks like a Les Paul, it feels like a Les Paul, most importantly it sounds like a Les Paul."
"What you do when you play the guitar and when you connect with music is you have a consciousness that's on a different level."
"If you have a whammy bar tremolo bar on your guitar it's fun to just hold out a note."
"Don't forget to work on your left hand's ability to really go crazy with hammer-ons and pull-offs."
"Those are my Eddie Van Halen techniques for you."
"What's your first guitar? Do you still have it? Do you still play it? Have you done any mods?"
"Stick with me, we're going to do a few other things like dyeing the fretboard and also swapping out those pickups."
"This is arguably the perfect Strat for probably the greatest number of people."
"I think it's fascinating that we tend to gravitate to the guitars of our heroes when really we should be looking at their entire rig if we want to emulate those tones."
"The tube screamer found its unique voice in a limitation."
"Extra features like... coil splitting."
"...your job as a consumer of guitars is to let the guitar tell you if you like how it sounds or not."
"Create a balanced Level Playing Field so that no matter what effect you turn on, you're playing your guitar the same way."