
Crystal Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"This is my aura coated double terminated quartz... my favorite piece of crystal ever."
"Pink amethyst... known to help you look at things from a higher perspective."
"Do not underestimate the beauty of Crystal."
"If you don't know what to get me for a present, a crystal tree will fit the job."
"A defining film in the movies for dads who love crystal, this genre."
"When the people eventually recover from the landslide, Billy is shocked to see a crystal formation in front of his eyes."
"Grab an amethyst Crystal because I feel like amethyst Crystal is going to work magic for you."
"Ultimate poles were another type of crystal within this category, producing an elegant turquoise blade."
"The reason why you would want to cleanse your crystal is to get rid of any prior energy that is attached to it."
"I just feel like this crystal brought love into my life so I will treasure this for the rest of my life."
"Well-known inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla famously said, 'In a crystal we have clear evidence of the existence of a formative life principle. And though we cannot understand the life of a crystal, it is nonetheless a living being.'"
"What a random trio of finds. Love that crystal though."
"Crystal balls and crystal bowls are two of the most potent avenues for higher States Of Consciousness, their use in healing, activating creativity, foretelling the future, and balancing the human Energy System are timeless."
"So if there is something that you want to call into your life something that you want to draw in and create citrine is the stone to work with."
"Black tourmaline protects against negativity, negative spirits. This does look like there was some toxicity in this connection, 100%."
"To start off on the Crystal and channel, we're going to start off with a bang doing the DTF hack."
"Moldavite... seems to put out a field of protection around you."
"So a crystal is really just a hunk of rock used as a filter, uh whereas the oscillator is an amplifier, uh which puts that filter in its positive feedback path."
"When applied to a quartz crystal, mechanical stress deforms the crystal structure, causing a charge imbalance and generating a voltage."
"Brazilian Crystal Quartz: Naturally Polished Perfection."
"Kunzite is up there as one of my top favorite crystals because it's known to bring divine love into your life."
"Smoky quartz is a very gentle stone that helps clear negative emotions. It also helps healing emotional trauma as well as improving memory and opening your mind."
"This is one of the best terminated crystals. Perhaps best of species for terminated crystals. It almost doesn't exist."
"This is the finest example that we've seen of this mineral."
"This is a clear quartz which is a really good all-rounder crystal."
"Bloodstone is a grounding and purifying stone."
"I've been working with moldavite for three months and two days exactly, and I have to say there has been a huge change in my life."
"The glow from the crystal lit up the ground behind us."
"...the kyber crystal is indeed the beating heart of the weapon..."
"In a crystal, a certain aspect of the whole cosmos is reflected."
"The core of the Earth may be a single solid crystal."
"I felt like I scored with this crystal decanter for $2.99."
"Crystal holds far greater value than glass when it's like for like."
"That is a beautiful crystal if I have ever seen one."
"I really like that amethyst crystal, actually."
"Driven by his sense of purpose, reaches out and grabs hold of the crystal."
"The key to this possible Paradise is time, and it's given in the shape of crystal."
"Oh man, that's a nice crystal, very nice one."
"Oh wow, oh here comes your close-up on it, oh my gosh, unbelievable."
"The crystal on the Seamaster is superior, so much better, it is outstanding."
"When you hold a piece of leaded crystal up to the light and you turn it a little bit, you're gonna see tiny little rainbows within the crystal."
"Crystal glass will sparkle, especially the higher the lead content within the crystal."
"This could be the crystal of his life right here."
"American brilliant cut crystal is making a big comeback, and you will also see it reach its pinnacle the 100th year revival in 2025 and 26."
"This thing is just beautiful, it's just a beautiful piece of crystal."
"Moldavite, star-born stone of transformation."
"Wow, look at that crystal piece, that is so cool, they're beautiful."
"That's all crystal if you see those stalactites and stalagmites and helictites, it's pure crystal everywhere."
"Look at that thing, the whole thing is crystal."
"The crystal sphere in Jesus's left hand... the cintamani stone, the wish-fulfilling crystal sphere of Tibetan Buddhism."
"Clear quartz is called the universal crystal because of its many uses."
"Crystalline monstrous, that casts daylight."
"Wrapped Tree of Life on a crystal heart."
"A perfectly formed human skull made from crystal."
"The G crystal... harnesses bravery."
"Quartz is a crystal with piezoelectric properties."
"It's the most beautiful crystal ever."
"Citrine is meant to be a healing crystal used for positivity and optimism."
"The crystal acts based on emotions; it might be because of anger, fear, or even passion and curiosity."
"He discovers a fascinating crystal in his father's office."
"Let that crystal show you what it feels like to have that, to feel that, to experience that."
"It's a beautiful piece of crystal too."
"It looks like a super smoky crystal."
"We've got our fracturing of our crystal, we've got this bit that stays intact because we've frozen those parts of it, and now we're getting them flying around the place."
"Moldavite is a very powerful stone of transformation."
"We need to find this crystal, whatever it takes."
"The accuracy of the crystal determines how good the real-time is being maintained."
"Black taline is perhaps one of the most protective crystals in the world."
"Turmaline crystals possess a natural charge due to their piso electric and pyroelectric properties."
"This is a huge crystal in comparison to my hand, and it's really weighted and actually really beautiful as well."
"Rose quartz is known as the love crystal."
"Green calcite... I feel like it's relieving stress, relieving old baggage."