
Daring Quotes

There are 503 quotes

"Going around the world, finding people who dare to dream against all odds, against their circumstances, against where they come from, and they just dare to do what everyone around them says is impossible."
"If I'm going to go out, it needs to be in a spectacular blaze of glory."
"Kerry Hart shook the foundations of FMX by attempting a backflip."
"Film your friends doing scary things to become SpookTube famous."
"Dalia's not like other girls. She's a little crazy, a little dangerous."
"Cooking is about being adventurous and having the confidence to go off piste and being a little bit more daring."
"Day one we dare and I'm down a rabbit hole see y'all niggas got me shit here we fucking go fearless let's go."
"What a baller move that is, one of the most gangster-ass things you'll ever do in your life."
"Let's get weird, let's do some shit that other people probably aren't gonna do."
"If we've got nothing else to lose, might as well jump."
"On New Year's Eve 1967, Knievel attempted his greatest feat yet: a 141-foot jump over the iconic fountains at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas. ABC wouldn't broadcast it live, hence Knievel had to fund the filming himself."
"Every day is a new opportunity to be a more daring version of yourself."
"I am giving them straight up Sharon Needles fierceness fashion forward to the dark side I think she's opening a can of worms if you ask me touch all of this Octopussy honey."
"I've decided to do something about this myself and sneak a modern painting into the most secure, most respected, and most famous gallery in the world."
"Keep it up, you big bitch. Just you keep it up. Call me a child one more time, I dare you. I double dare you."
"Who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, or who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails daringly."
"The fact that he was able to do that high wire rack with both of these things I think is incredible."
"Life imitating art right now you know I mean we talked about Columbus you got some men just sail toward the horizon you know there be dragons don't care there's discoveries to be made."
"It was not for the timid, let's put it that way."
"Until next time, don't try the cinnamon challenge unless you're solid like us, brother."
"That pilot that blows up the Star Destroyer's shield generator and then flies through the flames and dives back over the other side."
"I'll do the hot ones challenge you son of a [ __ ]."
"It's the old 'hold my beer, watch this' - hey, I dare you to do this kind of thing."
"Surfing in a tsunami, this is beyond human, this is like alien stuff."
"He crossed 10 lanes of traffic in the middle of a highway to tell you this, I had to cross 10 lanes, but I've been thinking about your offer, let's talk."
"In the final turn of a 500-lap race, Ross, who was in 10th place, decided to try something truly mad, 'wall-riding'."
"This is Icarus turning 90 degrees, looking at the sun, and playing chicken with it."
"Live your dream, dream to the fullest. Go out and do things that people think are crazy."
"The crazy ones are the ones that go on and actually do it."
"It's just a ballsy ass thing to take this role."
"We're gonna go balls out, we're gonna go balls deep in this one, my friends."
"I vote for myself. I vote for me to get killed."
"Riverdale was braver than any of those shows by literally going the ship Wars they're all gonna date each other."
"Life is about being bold and daring, and strength."
"This publishing line served as the home for some of Marvel's most daring reimaginings."
"Henry Morgan's daring, borderline reckless raids became the stuff of legend."
"Can you think of anything more iconically Los Angeles than doing donuts in a stolen Mustang on Hollywood Boulevard?"
"If you've got the balls to take a police car, you are built differently."
"We can change the world, we can if we dare to create, if we dare to open our minds."
"I do like danger, and I do eat tension for breakfast."
"Daring and audacious, I am uncompromising."
"Dare to taste the unknown, let it seduce your spirit awake."
"You've got to be kidding me, all the way off the top of the building!"
"He likes to dare the opponent the whole time."
"Hey, you wanna see me eat some fire?"
"Maybe Grant Taylor rolling into this crazy Bridge like hours before a flight in Chile. Damn epic, GT!"
"Carrie Hart just did a backflip that is impressive"
"One of the most daring maneuvers of the race, diving down the inside."
"America is about to do some gangster [ __ ] you best believe we're going to designate somebody to stand in the corner with the camera and yell world star while we do it"
"This ain't flying, this is falling with style to infinity and beyond."
"I'm a risk-taker. Would you have stopped?"
"Are you going to be a wuss and not jump into the pool like a Savage?"
"Be daring to be different, daring to be unique, because your uniqueness is your gift to the world."
"Even a person with tons of great skill wouldn't dare to touch this."
"Are you willing to lean to the edge?"
"So it's the name of the game though, right? Pushing it right to the brink of failure and over the edge."
"You're afraid you won't watch the next one I dare you you're not subscribed 40% of the audience isn't subscrib [ __ ] cowards cowards your peasant."
"Take a swan dive off the roof of the building."
"It's daring it's joyful it's cheerful it's a happy space."
"It's a daring plan, perhaps the most audacious in the history of the galaxy."
"Be daring, know your worth, you know? Somebody smarter than me told me that."
"As the virus attack occurred, Gallian made one of his most daring decisions in his long and lonely life."
"Are you daring? An elevation: making the conscious decision to raise your vibration of love."
"There's a time for daring and there's a time for caution and a wise man understands which is called for."
"You guys want to go big, let's go big right ahead."
"What these guys were doing was just absolutely completely insane."
"It is mercy which gave me belief, hope, and sufficient daring to not resist the spirit of the depths, but to utter his word."
"The fact that he took a whole bite out of an onion, Jim Carrey, you are a mad lad."
"This is one of the most daring roles to date that he has taken."
"They'd pulled off an audacious crime."
"You got to have balls to do something like that."
"This movie is daring you to truly watch it right out of the gate and for now it's kind of annoying how in my face this thing is but eventually I'll probably be taken."
"He was up in the courthouse in the old courthouse for trial and they put him in the waiting room and while he was in there he pushed the window up and jumped out the second-store window and escaped."
"I should slam somebody through a table. It just makes sense if it fits the brand. I don't give a [ __ ] if it's cool or not, I'm gonna do it."
"That's my biggest compliment to the Snyder as a whole: it dared to be different."
"Red Bull doesn't do some crazy stunts."
"We are about to do the ballsiest thing any of us have ever done before."
"Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost embodies everything I want from a Scooby-Doo animated film. A movie that respectfully captures the spirit of the cartoon but also takes the franchise in a daring new direction."
"I play in traffic so I can get hit."
"A very daring scene happens, the baby monkey jumps up and still can't escape the leopard's claws."
"Why not be ridiculous, you know? Why not?"
"You're always doing things that are always, like, they're always trying some new adventure."
"Why not climb down from there and kiss me?"
"A lot of people have taste but they don't have the daring to be creative."
"This one I've basically called how is this not a movie yet uh which is the uh incredibly daring theft of coffee from French Guiana that started the Brazilian yes coffee boom that today rules the coffee World."
"Tonight, you're going to discover how I became rich, by daring to do what other people consider impossible."
"It was a very daring idea at the time. There had not been a comic book movie prior to 'Superman'."
"They must be daring enough to overcome their fears and dive into the wild waves."
"I knew once I jumped that fence they were never gonna catch me, yeah, not on foot."
"They're fearless, entering heavily armed military bases, crossing four-lane highways in broad daylight."
"You're a risk taker. You came here to play."
"It was the only one we could find who was crazy enough to do it."
"You want to get nuts? Come on, let's get nuts!"
"Not every idea they pioneered was successful, but at least they dared to try."
"It's just too much fun to drop a full-size car. It's crazy!"
"Dare to be different and have that mentality where you go for it. If I fall flat on my face, so be it, but at least I've tried it."
"Just when you think the peak of audacity has been reached, now there's a height, there's a higher peak. Just when you think the limit of cheek has been achieved, no, no, a new limit gets created."
"Courage and daring are coursing through you."
"Do something that you think is unthinkable and just dare to think it."
"It's a story of like somebody that was really just daring like he didn't give a [__] and he was just like I'm just going to do this and talk about it and just whatever happens is is what's going to happen."
"Ali dared him to hit him even harder."
"It is better to be adventurous than cautious because Fortune is a woman and if you wish to keep her under, it is necessary to beat and ill-use her."
"It was a daring ask, it was a big ask."
"I'm going to do something so bad it'll go down in history."
"What was amazing about him too is that he would do these ridiculous stunts and video projects and things and stuff that you think wow he's, you know, he's crazy in that sense and then he was the most stable dude, yeah, because he was calculated."
"It's what skateboarders do: jumping down big ass stairs, flipping their board, and landing on it flawlessly."
"To this day in a wrestling match when he scaled the cage, he walked across the top beam of the cage had nothing to hold on to, hands-free trying to balance himself."
"That looking back was one of the wildest things I ever done in my life."
"I'm being brave. I'm being bold. I'm being daring."
"Doing such a bold act in broad daylight, that takes some serious nerve."
"I'm making the jump. It's legendary."
"Success is never the critic's. It's the person that's in the ring, pushing record, making mistakes, but daring greatly in the process and actually building something."
"You think I don't like that? Take off all my clothes and run through this park for two minutes."
"Dare to assume, and your feeling of certainty will bring it to pass."
"Don't miss your chance to go wide open and Yeet yourself into the sun."
"Most players just don't have the cojones to pull off something like that."
"I was that which others did not want to be, I went where others feared to go and did what others failed to do."
"Do whatever is the craziest idea that you can think of. Don't think of any limits."
"How fast your car can go is not relevant. It's sort of how fast you dare drive it."
"I dare you because they they'll know that I sent you anyway."
"The act of daring reshapes not just our experiences, but our very essence."
"I think I could do that, I think I could do that, do my own stunts now that I'm a carnivore."
"I challenge you to break from the mold and crust of mediocrity and to be a human being that dares."
"It was crazy, but I'm doing this to demonstrate."
"Everything you just push the envelope on the double tail drop in that 360."
"Damn, the confidence he has when he's talking about a jump."
"That is one hell of a ballsy plan for Lector to attempt."
"Be daring, it's kind of like food, if you don't try something like a different flavor, a different cuisine, you never know if you're gonna like it."
"He was one of the most daring and at the same time most successful Hunters of his day."
"I feel a little crazy for doing it."
"So he goes up to, he's got this stunt guy for years apparently, and he says, 'I want to run down the building,' and the guy goes, 'You can't.' He goes, 'Thank you.' And he goes, 'So what do you do?' He goes, 'Well, I got another stunt guy, and he ran down the building.'"
"This daring attack was not without risk."
"Opulence and abundance are not reserved for a select few, they are available to anyone who dares to embrace them."
"Tom does Things No Ordinary man would ever dream of attempting."
"Our dreams should still be bold and daring."
"Literally living life on the edge."
"Oh, I love that you live right on the edge. You know, if you don't live on the edge, then you don't dream. Risk, no reward."
"For her 80th birthday, she jumped off this dock that's like 35 feet off the ocean."
"Somebody is taking a major risk to try and do something."
"Question everything. Stay dangerous."
"Best trick: anything goes, gnarliest wins."
"This is the true definition of an actor's actor, someone who consistently gives daring and brilliant performances."
"It's the ones that dare that achieve greatness."
"Ultimately you are a bold and daring psychological leader and pioneer."
"Just remember eagles eat pigeons. Uh so I mean I just think you you you you have to be original you have to be authentic and you have to be daring."
"Success: Be original, be authentic, and then be daring."
"A spectacular flying leap onto the back of a moving vehicle."
"Jump off the ledge. Otherwise, you'll never get there."
"He was like, 'Put it on a plate and walk away.' I wouldn't blame you for it. Oh, you ate it? Yeah, just that would be a G Chad move, and I would be impressed, really."
"We're going to be click-baiting eating a coyote."
"He literally took a car over the mountains in Costa Rica into Panama."
"If you're giving us a blank check, consider it crazy, go crazy."
"If you feel wild though, eat the Reaper Wing. I double dog, triple dog dare you to come out and try this."
"Nobody ever said that I never took risks."
"Alone and unaided, this absolute madman of a Freecss attempted to circle the entire known world."
"He picked the lock on the cell door, stole the deputy's horse, and rode off."
"You have to dare to kind of just throw it out there and just do it."
"Dare to try, to listen, to work together, and don't be afraid in life to make mistakes."
"It sounded great and it was incredibly ballsy."
"We're risking it for the biscuit today."
"Those guys have balls, man. They run up on the biggest ships."
"For a tale about Trazyn the Infinite would be replete without the inclusion of his most daring and dangerous of heists…"
"Dare I say it, the perfect crime."
"Just jump in, bro, just go! There's no way!"
"I can't believe they literally stole enemy aircraft and got out of there, dude."
"He's actually riding that bareback."
"Are you daring? Are you more conservative, more traditional?"
"If someone is wearing stiletto, I consider them to be more daring, more outgoing."
"That sketch was like, 'Oh, they'll never let us do this.'"
"This guy really just went for a swim with the Meg twice in the span of half an hour and lived to tell the tale. What a Chad!"
"Even if that means you catch it in your mouth, you're still cool."
"I like seeing the people who just get buck like uh, Pedro Delfino, he's probably one of my favorite skaters to watch because he's just going for it you know, he's doing the most [ __ ] up [ __ ]."
"She's got so much so much guts to do these kind of moves."
"Launching a flaming car off of a ramp in reverse."
"Try something, risk it, take a risk with it."
"What's the freakiest thing you've ever done?"
"The moral that can be learned from this movie is to keep daring to do what we want."
"for a senior prank a group of guys somehow snuck into the school cafeteria during off hours and put pieces of dead deer above the ceiling tiles without anyone catching them"
"Some of his famed acts included doing push-ups on the side of a skyscraper, walking along rooftops and hanging from high-rise buildings."
"Dare to be trivial. Test really stupid small things."
"I just did the most bad boy thing ever."
"You're always pushing the envelope."
"This new beginning involves you being more daring and dangerous, but not in a reckless way."
"You gotta actually taste it. Do it. Do it!"
"Sometimes, the most audacious dreams are the ones worth chasing."
"Courage is the real driving force in human affairs, and that every worthwhile action comes of some man daring what others fear to attempt."
"Fashion is always pushing the limits and creating daring imagery."
"You have to ride it like you stole it."
"In a daring move, the surviving Imperial spacecraft launched harassing strikes against the black Legion Fleet."
"He did it, he had a big big balls."
"Keke could drive a car on the ragged edge."
"That's just about the gutsiest joke i think you could make in the universe."
"She had managed to climb through the ducts from the third floor all the way down to the section of duct that was between the first floor and the second floor."
"It was his fearlessness and daring do that propelled him on a pure and perfect demonstration of his swashbuckling racing style."
"It was a bold and calculated move."
"Nicknamed Hunt the Shunt for his many hair-raising escapades."
"I dare you to do what God asks you to do."
"Lee was daring, ever aggressive, born to make the attack."
"It's a daring move fraught with danger."
"I must do it. Go for a ride down the epic, somewhat sketchy, ancient-looking concrete dinosaur slide."