
Interface Quotes

There are 512 quotes

"The existential threat of AI is mitigated to some extent by having a high bandwidth brain-machine interface."
"Craigslist, people don't know about Craigslist, people like judge it by the interface."
"Your character is much bigger front and center right in the beginning and you'll have a backdrop of whatever act you're in, so that's all been streamlined. You can still play online or offline, but that flow has been improved."
"I hope they reconsider the WASD stuff after launch. It would just be a quality of life for a lot of players."
"Consciousness is beyond space-time. They've given us this interface that we have to plug into."
"Black Desert Online Mobile is not a red dot simulator."
"Opening a shop with an NPC brings up the shop window, but pressing escape on my keyboard doesn't close the shop window." - Josh
"Interfaces: When a class implements an interface, it promises to implement its methods, enhancing flexibility."
"You can connect your phone to your head unit and control phone directly by sharing the screen."
"Fallout 4's dialogue interface was so simplistic you didn't really know what to think literally you had no idea what your character was going to say until he or she said it."
"For the love of God can we get rid of these stupid bars and just show ping numbers."
"A really nice redesign of the interface itself."
"If you want to move around the different sections, it's really easy, it's actually just drag-and-drop."
"The Start menu is back! Access to the three most commonly used things in Windows."
"So now bootstrap should be enabled if we save and we go back reload and now you can see the fonts different and there's no padding on the sides and top here all right."
"Our score is displayed on the top left corner."
"The screen in this configuration is basically the home screen."
"You can name a chest at an anvil and the name will actually show up in the GUI."
"The package management here really shines when you get to the Software Center."
"These are a little bit refreshed and now show a nice route map along with all the ride stats which are reorganized a little bit."
"Now, if I click on 'Code Editor,' everything we've done visually is immediately converted directly into code."
"This button is incredibly important, you're going to use it all the time."
"It looks really cool but it also gets rid of a div bar."
"Reading switch data isn't very exciting but it does go to show how we can interface to a robot hardware using an Arduino and get that data to and from Rose."
"API design starts by getting the interfaces right."
"The overall interface has been revised to be more elegant."
"This is a relatively new interface, and it's awesome in the PowerApps space."
"So we're going to scroll down we've taken a look at these options here."
"With iOS 14, you have the ability to add widgets onto your screen."
"Evolution would favor us not to see the world as it truly is but to see it through an interface, a user interface, that would allow us to act more quickly."
"I think I actually prefer this over the dark mode."
"The screen in the car is one of the most dominant features of a Tesla."
"It's just so clean, okay, so overall super, super nice, and look now your user will look at that and be like, okay, I guess it's loading something."
"You can transform your home screen just by swiping across on the widgets."
"This is how our application looks now."
"This is the coolest interface to me. Whenever I have this thing running, I usually leave it on this, this interface to show people, you know, when they come over and that sort of thing."
"As you can see, my selected drum track now appears here at the bottom and this is all part of the same grid view."
"Configuring the port replicator is essential for the laptop to interface with the serial signature pad."
"...with a graphical home screen offering up 8 shortcuts to the included tools and features."
"Once again, only psychopaths use light mode."
"The interface for running through recipes is really great."
"Always, always, always have the properties panel somewhat available. Just know where it is and just know how to use it."
"I recommend you always, always, always have the properties panel somewhat available."
"This application now is a wysiwyg what you see is what you get way of building a model driven app."
"On a trackpad, you would click with one finger for a left click and two fingers for a secondary or right-click."
"I find screen tips really useful sometimes if I'm just looking at a particular icon I don't really know what it does but I can get an idea by reading the information in those screen tips."
"You might have options on the desktop version that you don't see on the workspace here."
"This is absolutely fantastic, this is a complete desktop interface."
"Da Vinci Resolve separates their workspaces into these different tabs below and each workspace by default just makes sense."
"The controls are here, they're just moved around a little bit. But you just kind of have to get used to it."
"Neuralink aims to link human brains directly to computers."
"Operating systems provide an interface to bridge the communication gap between the user and the computer, allowing you to interact with the computer in complex ways."
"So, if there's a positive outcome, it's not that we can take those measurements and reverse engineer the full theory of quantum gravity, but it's an interface that's really legit and exciting."
"...if you hold the home button you actually bring up a little menu on the screen there."
"I'm just going to turn off the visibility of this, and I think the submenu items are going to be on our messages."
"I do like these controls stuff here."
"The controls here are on the middle portion."
"Now you can adjust all of the settings per channel, per mic, and USB outputs directly on the road Caster Pro 2 screen."
"One of the key things... is this very close interface."
"Let's go to page number one and here first of all we have drive mode."
"Double-click anywhere to start typing."
"Now all that's left is some kind of control panel to go along with it."
"To go back to the main screen, swipe up."
"Abstraction represents an abstract layer which provides a simple interface for using functionalities."
"Lightroom CC differs from the classic version in its more simple interface."
"Now, before we start making any edits or organizing our photos, let's start by understanding the interface and what I like to call the culture of the program."
"Welcome, Red Ladybug user. I am your interface companion, Tiki."
"If you look at the navigator in the upper left-hand corner, you get a preview of what this looks like."
"Seriously, one of the best interfaces Sony has ever made."
"That's a visual indicator to the user."
"Now when I hit back you'll see that now the star is here and up here as well."
"This drag and drop interface to manage your site experience is pretty cool."
"A really nice interface where you can find things, where you can find your files."
"...the actual interface itself I think is A Cut Above stuff like the Kia hyai it just looks more modern more crisp."
"People are sometimes overengineering with interfaces, they are using them too much."
"It's going to be the modern interface which is so much better."
"Now this looks like a completely different home screen than what I originally started with."
"The home screen has been totally customized."
"Touring gets a larger 9-inch display that's crisp and colorful. The interface is laid out well and generally, the touch response is excellent."
"Let's talk about an image card, horizontal scroll, and auto layout."
"That is a look at your settings menu."
"I want to create like a space of interface, so that we can plug it back into the community as relevant as possible."
"The controls have got a better mixture of switches and buttons. It's not all just on the screen."
"Widgets, it's a beautiful interface."
"You just keep pressing right here."
"I love that they're actual buttons. A touch screen will never have the tactile feel of pressing a button."
"So let's take a quick look at what we've got. So we will move over and go to localhost and we will look at our admin interface."
"...the website is really user friendly."
"The ease of use, the user interface design philosophy of the Helix is outstanding... it's easy to understand and navigate."
"Toyota's new infotainment system has a very minimalist UI."
"If you hover over the mask then you can see which area it's affecting."
"I loaded it up, and I was greeted by something similar to the screensaver from Windows 95."
"Events are the lifeblood of any application with a graphical interface."
"OpenMediaVault provides you a really nice dashboard."
"If you are on the same network as your printer, you can connect to the Prusa Link web interface."
"So, let's take a look at the software itself. Now, on the surface, it seems quite complex. There are a lot of icons and things that you can select."
"For me, the Sony is my favorite because it gives you a more tactile experience."
"As you can see, our breakpoint is hit and a number of panels are opened up."
"Here's the home menu, your base menu."
"I hope you found this closer look at audio interface latency useful."
"By defining and implementing an interface, we avoid having to modify that switch statement in a way that can make things quickly very inconvenient for us."
"The repository pattern relies on hiding implementation details behind an interface, enabling easy switching between storage implementations."
"It is better to have many single-purpose interfaces than a single multi-purpose one."
"So, I prefer this one right here, I'm just gonna select it, and we get these on the side here with our different fields that we can just drag across."
"To be a loop, press gate so it's unlit and press loop so it's lit."
"Now we need to change our alternate color text."
"I can control almost every major feature from the touch screen interface, so it's extraordinarily intuitive."
"React is a JavaScript library not framework that's used to easily build and arrange user interfaces for web applications."
"Should you use a type or an interface? And the answer is, you can use whatever you like. Basically. As long as you're consistent, it doesn't really matter."
"We totally redesigned the desktop interface."
"The buttons argument is a number that specifies which buttons and icons appear in the message box."
"I think I prefer the old style. It's a bit more active navigation."
"Space and time are merely interface concepts. They're what we use to get by, but they're not the reality. The reality is something entirely outside space and time."
"An interface is just an interface. It's not the truth."
"I love your Windows interface analogy, and I think that's really powerful."
"...there is no interface on any other brand of sport watches that allow you to make as much with such efficiency."
"This is how the HEC-RAS interface looks."
"...once you have it set up you can just quickly toggle through these layouts up here at the top..."
"The map interface is great to just jump into and get a sense of where you are and what you need to know about."
"VIM gives me a language to express the changes that I want to make in the most concise, efficient, and easy-to-interface-with way that I've ever found."
"That's the interface in a nutshell. That was very high level, but I just wanted to give you guys a rundown of what each of these options are."
"Lazy Git is one of the most powerful interfaces out there."
"I like the fact that it actually speaks to me. I'm getting kind of sick of all these electronic devices with what I call the Captain Pike interface."
"An interface is more than just a function signature, an interface is what is the behavior, what are your preconditions, what is the time complexity."
"The paths dialog is located over here near the layers area."
"Good sign up and sign-in are often overlooked as a critical part of user flow."
"If you wanna change into a dark theme you could. And a lot of the setup here is just kind of the look and feel and I think that's important for your overall accessibility."
"The touchscreen infotainment system responds promptly to touch inputs."
"The start-stop button is this square button here on the center console that's right by the park button which is also the same shape."
"It's very easy for a user to, for instance, plot a graph. You don't have to remember a cryptic sequence of commands."
"Now moving to the left, I have got controls for that side of the screen."
"The user interface is very straightforward and easy to use."
"Asana's layout and interface are visually pleasing, injecting some fun and gamification into task completion."
"Airtable's vibrant interface and robust options make it a powerful tool for building project databases."
"It actually has a physical scroll wheel so it's not touch-based in any way, you actually had to move your finger which is so wild."
"The old aqua interface, yes. Oh that's another thing that's gonna be a huge throwback here."
"That was the Front Row interface. Yeah, the nice animations and everything. They just did a lot of fit and finish with this bad boy."
"...the tool that we're looking for is in the top left corner of the timeline and it looks like a little grid box."
"If you don't like it, you just can simply click and hold this button."
"In any EV, when I plug in, there's a screen that populates in the vehicle."
"The inlaid capacitive buttons respond to touch with haptic feedback."
"When CarPlay comes on, you actually only get that area there as CarPlay, and this remains as if you wanted to touch these Peugeot sort of infotainment areas."
"Swipe up to reveal more information."
"So don't be afraid of that menu key and again remember it's page specific with the with the menus."
"If you're just getting started, all of the information in the interface can be overwhelming. But once you get an understanding of how it works, it makes a lot more sense."
"boom here we go so we've got tab one and tab two inside of tab one we've got our label we've got our text field we've got our button that doesn't actually do anything but it looks good"
"It's like this is your panel, this is your display of buttons that you're going to need."
"The menu that Apple designed for picking what the action button does is so over the top and I love it."
"The home screen is very basic... there's no colors... the icons are very thin black and white... wireframe may not be the best option for today's standards."
"Don't forget to hit the button that looks like this."
"Chat GPT is just the interface to it, to the model."
"Now let's go over into our homepage and see what that looks like."
"Sporting Lamborghini's most recent digital interface borrowed a little bit from Audi."
"We need to change the text inside it to be recipe title."
"This is the website we have built, as you can see we have the title, we have the input, now we have a solid input, the button, and finally the result."
"As you can see the menu at the top... Finder is written here and these are the menu items of the finder."
"Interfacing directly with the brain would be the ultimate way to interact with technology."
"The only thing wrong with this is that all elements will look exactly the same. We need a way to know which element we're actually pointing at."
"The primary function of movement was arrow keys."
"Regardless of your feelings about the Windows 11 start menu, it's objectively true that Microsoft has simplified it quite a bit."
"This card is controlled by an application that runs in Amiga's Workbench, which is essentially the GUI operating system for the Amiga."
"It's a really ubiquitous interface, super handy for talking to small integrated circuits."
"Everything that I do goes through that interface."
"It depends on the developer, it is not necessary that value and the label or the visible text will be always the same but you got the idea."
"It makes a refreshing change to have all your controls done through actual physical controls."
"I never felt held back by the interface or the synth to reach the sound that I wanted."
"The interface on the X has been completely reworked in a way that makes it much more of an instrument with way more and smarter Hands-On controls compared to the original."
"When you're on your map screen, any of your map screens, you go to menu then you hit your layers."
"You're pushing buttons and you're moving things like that that aren't necessarily correlating with your movements."
"Hide actions like set default Mouse modifier for context to action from action list."
"...the interface is smooth and responsive too."
"This is what your screen looks like after you've connected and formatted an SD card."
"The Linux kernel is the core interface between a computer's hardware and its processes."
"Okay, now this particular panel inside of notifier doesn't explain them."
"When it comes to unit testing, it becomes extremely easy to test because since you depend on interfaces rather than concrete classes, you can always mock and have mock implementation and do unit testing really well."
"Toggle theme, it's now white. Toggle them again, it's now black."
"Once I put that interface in everything worked completely."
"So, what's nice about scikit-learn is that it has this common interface for classifiers."
"The user interface is so easy to use."
"It's got a pretty simple interface, very similar to Figma."
"So now, you can go to card column, you can go to conditional, and you want to disable this."
"...you can now see that we're viewing our application in dark mode."
"Just click on the edge of the display window to set the scale."
"It's like Harry Potter sorting a frame. A frame comes in, we look at the tag, and then we have the logical sub interface that matches that tag."
"So over here at the top, we have our typical menu: File, Edit."
"While the interface of DaVinci is user-friendly, it has a lot of features and tools that can be overwhelming for beginners."
"...a very nice indication of all of the features and functionality of your application just at a glance."
"...that's it welcome to your main menu."
"It's just a declaration; it's like a blank interface which says here's what an animal should look like."
"...maybe tell I wasn't too impressed with the app itself and the interface."
"Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly."
"So, my overall experience with the user interface is very positive and I really enjoyed working with it."
"...there's actually quite a lot of room for improvement in terms of interface and usability features."
"...I really like the hive OS interface, lots of good stuff in here to help you manage your miners."
"Remember, combo box selected items."
"Once I click that button, we will get a bunch of additional fields show up."
"This main screen is where we've got a guest or we can change individual users."
"A touch screen...just a really awesome feature."
"This touch screen runs everything."
"That's kind of a bad user experience. You don't want to just clear out what the person had typed in."