
Daily Quotes

There are 614 quotes

"Bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement."
"Imagine the ideal version of you and embody that every single day."
"Meditation is less about sitting down and closing your eyes. Do you meditate? Yeah, every day."
"Ask God to give you daily Direction when you seek God first seeking guidance every single day something happens your life will never be the same today God's."
"Every single day we've been dealing with some strange."
"At least once a day you both be able to do something for yourselves."
"Once per day you know have three or four different games going."
"Somebody should tell you I love you every day."
"Every day should be Valentine's Day, every day should be a day for lovers and love."
"Release your blessings in my life each and every passing day."
"I received by faith all the Miracles you have in store for me every day."
"Fresh every morning like one of those floral lays."
"A little each day may not give you a guaranteed future of everything that you want but it may provide you with what you need."
"I'm gonna remember you like forever every single morning when I open my eyes."
"You learn something new every day."
"Get after it every day, every single day."
"Every day you just need to get a little bit better than it was the day before."
"You alone are worthy of my adoration each and every day."
"You shouldn't wait for one day of the year to love yourself, love your partner, love your life; like, take it in every day."
"I am somebody that wants to change and grow every single day."
"Focus every single day on becoming marginally better at one of those skills."
"Like, each day, more and more, I feel like I've become more grounded."
"I'm in charge, but you know what? I gotta earn the respect every single day."
"The challenges everybody conquers on a daily basis"
"Here's the makeup look for today, I love it."
"I would be thrilled to drive this car every day."
"Count your blessings and be grateful for what you do have every day."
"I just want to be the best version of myself every day."
"Thank you so much for your awesome support daily. I am very grateful that you are here every single day."
"People may feel drawn to you on a daily basis, and they might feel this positive pure energy coming from you."
"if you're not earning every single day it's probably because you're not learning every single day"
"I'm still on the internet every day."
"I am able to fit all of my daily essentials and then some."
"Guys, that's I'm gonna call it good for the day here in Olympia."
"Happiness requires work every day."
"Purpose is about other people. Purpose is lived every single day."
"When you read the Bible every day you're building a reservoir of literally God's truth in God's word."
"Do something every day that moves you toward your most important goal."
"I struggle with self-destruction daily."
"Definitely very pleasant to be behind the wheel especially if you're daily driving this."
"Success isn't a distant Summit to be conquered, it's the ground you tread upon each day"
"Every day is a miracle, an adventure."
"Healing is not always super fancy and it's a day-to-day process."
"It's been a joy to be able to work on it every day."
"I love to wear lingerie every day."
"We just got to take that next step and really appreciate what it takes every single day, the commitment, the how not just what you work on but how you work on it."
"Self-love is the ultimate love, and you should celebrate that every day, every single day."
"Success is a daily thing, not a destination thing."
"...every day we have an opportunity to make our own art."
"I truly just about every single day."
"It's not about a short-term diet 30 days three months we got to wake up every day and make choices about the food that we make."
"... we just try to do what we need to do every day from a process standpoint to get better."
"It's just doing a little bit every day. It's consistency. It's a tiny step consistently every day, doing a small habit."
"It isn't working harder and it isn't being more disciplined and it isn't any of that crap that we think we have to be. It's just doing a little bit every day."
"I think a lot of owners are really going to appreciate this on a daily basis, you don't have to have the drama of the Z06, this might be the Corvette to get."
"Put an effort daily, whatever you wear, whatever you do with your hair, whatever you do for your makeup, put in effort daily."
"The decision is not one time, it's every single day."
"More great things coming tomorrow, I'm liking this daily vlog thing, hope to see you there."
"My skin gets better every damn day."
"Every day we eat a credit card's worth of plastics."
"I think you learn something every day."
"Each and every day is an opportunity to make yourselves better."
"Never belittle this prayer and I would highly recommend to try your best to be able to pray every single day."
"I practice gratefulness every day."
"This is the perfect daily sports car."
"We have to keep God's promises fresh in our minds every day."
"Your best each day is the best you can do."
"It's like live every day like it's your last."
"You have to feel gratitude every day for your new experience to occur."
"Vietnam never leaves you, and it comes back to you every day."
"Every day is going to have a separate giveaway portal."
"What's one action, small tiny action that you can do maybe on a daily basis that could take three or four or five minutes?"
"I am determined to be resurrected daily."
"This is not for my day-to-day cooking."
"Forgiveness is not a one and done. Forgiveness is a conscious decision that is daily."
"I focus on being the best person that I can be today and better than the day before."
"Democracy is something that happens on a daily basis and sometimes people forget that."
"Change like that can't happen in a day, but it can happen daily."
"I hope you guys enjoyed today's vlog, and I will see you guys tomorrow for vlogmas day 17. Bye guys, I love you."
"Every day there is £1,000 worth of cash up for grabs for our challengers."
"Inspiration is a muscle. You have to show up every single day and try something."
"It's got the perfect amount of power for a daily."
"I always say to myself, improve by one percent every day because if I can do that, yeah for a year, that's 365 progression."
"We do have more than 1,700 videos as a daily YouTube channel."
"I refer to it almost every single day and I always learn something new."
"Remember, every day is truly a blessed day."
"Hello friends and welcome to day four of vlogmas."
"We celebrate every day, everything that's on that day."
"I learned something every day every single day."
"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and then keep choosing it every day."
"I just want to have a laugh every day."
"Accepting Jesus is not something we do once, but something we do every day."
"Spiritual hygiene, you show up for every single day and you commit to it."
"Life has to be cherished every single day."
"It puts a smile on your face every day and all day."
"Everyone should practice general forgiveness every day as a matter of course."
"It's very challenging but every day you just want to get better."
"From now until the end of every day May five giveaways total so I love you guys a lot thanks for hanging out with me today and I'll see you all tomorrow for a new everyday video"
"Nutrition is something we do every single day."
"Welcome to Branch Together, the channel where we read and reflect on one chapter of the New Testament every day."
"If I didn't turn up for myself daily, I would crash."
"...learn something new every single day."
"The secret to winning: win every day."
"His reputation is on the line every day."
"...spread this positive message like we do on a daily basis."
"Finding things that recurred daily and making them two percent better because daily things that you do compound."
"Every single day she fights and she puts one foot in front of the other."
"Choosing to love someone every day for the rest of your life."
"Every day is like a life in fast forward."
"Every day has to be the best performance."
"You can learn something new every day."
"There's not a single day that I'm not grateful."
"It's my favorite bag ever since I got this bag I've been wearing it every single day when I tell you every single day I mean every single day."
"And with that, that was your daily dose."
"Thank you for inspiring me every day."
"Charlotte loved the fact that he taught her different naughty things to do and she did that every day with him."
"The willingness to receive the word with all diligence was specifically described as being daily examining the Scriptures to see where these things were."
"This butter chicken, oh my gosh, I can eat this every single day."
"Just every day to do one or two things that are like better for the environment."
"The way God shows up for me every single day."
"You're busy living every day, that's a personal Triumph."
"Daily find something that makes you laugh."
"Every day his mercies are new, every day."
"You deserve better. The fact that you know that, you need to remind yourself of that every single day."
"You take pride in what you do every day."
"Everyday revise the facts of life."
"May each and every day be a new Clean Slate for us to be a better person."
"Each day you have to be born again."
"I thank God every day for my family."
"The goal here is to simply have people that are legally allowed to carry in this country actually carry every single day."
"Every day is an Eid because you say."
"Every day is Rusev Day! Oh, they're waking up!"
"Everyday it's a chance to renew it."
"Every day is World compliment day here at the toast, literally."
"Inspire me every single day to show up."
"I'm here for you every single day."
"May you have abundant energy and strength every day."
"Thank you for the continued inspiration every day."
"Welcome to your daily Smash for Wednesday June 21st, 2023."
"Rachel then Smiles saying she wants to see both Eve and Zion every day."
"Try to be better every day, you know? And that sounds super cliche but it's at the core level."
"You are holy and your name is holy, and the holy ones praise you every day forever."
"This type of scent DNA is something you could wear every single day and really not get sick of it."
"My well-being is something that I negotiate with it every day."
"I'm just here every day for the Cozy Vibes."
"I feel like I can learn something every day with you guys, that's what amazes me."
"Small changes... establish the routine first by focusing on small actionable steps that you can take every single day."
"I didn't realize that soup of the day meant a fresh soup every day."
"God's love for you will be fresh and new every day."
"Every single day I feel fulfillment in what I do, work is a highlight for me."
"Look, you learned something new every day."
"For every day of your life, you must continue to believe in yourself."
"Live life happily every day even when you don't want to."
"Thank you so much, you guys make me so happy every single day."
"Every day I do want to be in a good mood because I feel like that affects my productivity."
"The act of doing this every day over the next few weeks is going to actually move you in the direction of ultimately becoming lighter and looser."
"A thousand dollars profit every single day."
"The fullness of the Holy Spirit is a daily experience."
"When you have a daily planner, then every single day your goals are in front of your eyes."
"You can find something daily that you stay optimistic about."
"Remember, learn something every day."
"Have some greens every single day."
"That's why every day we're back for more with your friends, The Backyardigans."
"I have a new dream every day, and it's energizing to me."
"We're trying to get this high tunnel where we have food to eat every day."
"I'm living a fulfilling life every day."
"Isn't it just heavenly to get to eat bread like this every day?"
"I love how it's just become like a daily Vlog."
"I photograph everything every day, so the pictures were already happening."
"Have fun, just a little every day."
"Honestly, I could eat this every day."
"Healthy choice every day that you can."
"Life is the journey of every day; every day is life."
"You deserve love every single day, in every little and big way."
"You've got to commit today, you've got to commit every day."
"Do better, let's take a step every day."
"Our love makes all things new every day."
"Every day is exciting in its own way."
"Every day there's something new that I can learn and something new that I can discover."
"These babies are growing healthy every single day."
"Every day is a day to say thank you for everything."
"It's truly a festival every single day, and I will be back."
"Everyone learns something new every day."
"Wonderful new opportunities come my way every day."
"Your mercies are fresh every morning."
"Encourage one another day after day, as long as it is called 'Today'."
"I learn a new thing from all of you nearly every single day."
"Every day you're learning something new."
"We all need to be reminded every day of who we truly are because we forget."
"I never take it for a second for granted that I do my hobby every single day because of this kit."
"Every day is a day of thanksgiving. Let's take the time to glorify the Lord today."
"I thank God every day; that's why I'm always grateful to God."
"Commit to do something every single day; that is the key to success."
"I'll have you on every day, man. You just wake me up and brighten my morning, brother."
"Made fresh daily by Mother Earth herself."
"It's fresh floral, just a beautiful perfume, daytime appropriate, could be worn every single day."
"Every day we're gonna learn something here, folks."
"I love what I do every single day."
"We have to work on our relationship every day."
"Every day is like a new challenge that you're taking on."