
Incredulity Quotes

There are 949 quotes

"It's fantastic, unbelievable, it's literally beyond imagination."
"The inconceivability of it!... The inconceivability that monkeys like us are sitting on a fucking rock!"
"I don't even know what to say about this. Are we so idiotic as a society?"
"You can't make this up, Little Timmy, you can't write stories better than this."
"I cannot explain to y'all how ridiculous that really is."
"How the fuck are they getting shades already?"
"So-called Israelites we got children so he had to flee the planes with him called the super Marine Spitfire planes and they basically enhanced this image or video of them chasing a UFO Antarctica bro it's something you to believe it or not."
"I'm like, 'Are you guys insane?' He's free, no one's trying to sell tickets with him."
"You can't make this up, cannot make this up."
"I find it incomprehensible that the president would do something as inane as calling it a hoax."
"She's so, oh my God, just the audacity, I can't even."
"That just doesn't sound real, it sounds like a cartoon."
"This is absolutely incredible, monumental, insane!"
"Anyone got a free holiday completely free of charge? Oh my god you're kidding! No no no they're not joking."
"Why is this happening? Why would anyone, no matter how many guns he has available to him, want to do that in the first place?"
"The fact that you can't believe that Jews are capable of doing this doesn't mean that they're not capable of doing it it just means your this is an argument from incredulity."
"How can you not know this?" - "How can you not know this"
"You couldn't write something... This is just unbelievable."
"A billion dollars bro, stupid. That's insane."
"That was a crazy one. If you saw that in a movie or a video game today you'd say no way, no way that is far too far-fetched."
"For years he got away with it, but it's almost nonsensical as to how that occurred."
"Insane! Lucky, never seen. I know, that's mad."
"It's fucking unreal that I'm having to say that."
"Are you serious? Are you really that clueless?"
"If all this sounds bonkers, it's because it is."
"Maybe if it's so bizarre, it has to be true."
"It's almost like this larger than life, you couldn't make it up."
"That is ludicrous and Harry Kane's face says it all."
"You can't make this up, you cannot make this up."
"I said, are you out of your f***ing mind? I said you're completely crazy... You're going to cause riots in the streets."
"Why would anyone pick soup? What's wrong with you?"
"Especially that's like come on son that [ __ ] is crazy."
"I mean, come on, who the [ __ ]? Why are people so dumb?"
"You have got to look at some of these people and go no no honestly this is what this is how crazy it is."
"I genuinely don't understand how you could have missed this dynamic... what planet are you living on?"
"Oh man dude, it's just like you can't really make this stuff up."
"You can't make up stuff like this, it's just part of the mystique of Ed Wood."
"That is the most insane thing I've ever heard."
"I think if I actually told you what he did, you'd think that I was making this all up."
"Say what you will, but you could not have made this up."
"You can't make this stuff up, but you can't."
"The fact that she was so blatantly lying and making up the craziest stories is insane."
"This is crazier than reality could ever exist."
"That is just absolutely ridiculous, could you just picture that? Excuse me y'all, but that's the funniest crap I've ever heard in my life."
"Tell me what to do, that to me is absolutely crazy."
"It's absolutely crazy... you can't make this stuff up."
"There are literally no words to explain how insane this is."
"This is insane guys. It's actually incredible."
"Why would that guy feed another man's kids? You can't make this [__] up!"
"This is ridiculous, I don't even know what to say right now."
"This is the bizarre thing, okay, like I can't help but smile just because it's so frankly...yeah, it's hard to fathom."
"Even a [__] potato would retort and go bro that doesn't make sense."
"The fact that that even comes out of anyone's mouth and then they're not immediately like, 'wait the world's gone [__] crazy' makes me feel like I'm crazy."
"That's insane. Can we just talk about that for a sec?"
"This strange account of Stefan Maholick's experience is almost unbelievable."
"She's just still maintaining this incredulous kind of 'I knew nothing' stance."
"That's insane. That's insane, dude. That's nuts. How do you feel that way? I don't get it."
"Five billion dollars, completely tax-free, go. I don't know what to say, Crystal, I mean it's totally nuts."
"It is quite unfortunate that I'm this overpowered at this game. Why are you so good? That doesn't make any sense."
"Sounds too good to be true, how is that possible?"
"It's one of those things you wouldn't believe if it weren't actually true."
"You cannot make this up folks, you cannot make this up."
"A six-time NBA champion, it just doesn't make any sense."
"Tina Resh's story seems too bizarre to be true, though sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction."
"I cannot believe this is a way that people made money."
"What I'm about to tell you is so preposterous that you might even burst into laughter."
"Whoever doesn't like onions I do not understand how you guys are living."
"That's crazy that is actually insane."
"Oh, Kenyan Drake! A lateral heard 'round the world. Unbelievable!"
"It was the most unbelievable thing."
"I don't know how to explain from start to finish; it's incredible."
"She's almost fictional at this point."
"I fail to see how you fail to see that it's awesome."
"It's actually like so ridiculous that it doesn't even seem real."
"Oh my goodness, this is incredible."
"It's kind of crazy that something can be so popular and I've never heard of it."
"What the [expletive] is wrong with you, bro?"
"Every sentence gets more and more unbelievable."
"Magical, if you submitted the script to Hollywood, somebody would say no, that's too hokey, nobody would believe it."
"I think the word I would use is preposterous."
"No, of course not, because that's absolutely insane."
"I cannot impression on you enough how just ludicrous that is."
"I'm not going to lie, the fact that you die and you lose everything is a bit crazy."
"I can't believe this. I can't believe that this is like a real thing."
"This is unworldly stuff here, you know."
"Mature worms have been documented at 450m in length, dwarfing the Empire State Building."
"This right here, absolutely insane."
"It's just so insane to really think about this."
"He broke their record by 129 pounds, are we crazy?"
"It is a story that I don't think anyone would believe."
"It's shocking, right? Are you guys shocked yet?"
"That is absolutely insane right there."
"I can't believe it, that is incredible scenes."
"What mother would hear that and just put her feet up chilling in the desert?"
"I cannot believe it, this is incredible."
"This is insane levels of disrespect."
"Did he just say people touch grass?"
"I thought it was paraphrasing, he literally wants people to go touch grass."
"They're flying! Flying, that is insane!"
"It's just mind-boggling. It really is just absolutely mind-boggling."
"I just think it's hilarious that this movie exists in the first place you know what do I know."
"It's ridiculous! How in the hell did you get this for 750 pounds?"
"Woo, my gosh, he is, when he runs, let him run. You're good. Oh, he's beautiful. Look at him. W, dang, that was insane."
"What on Earth, that was incredible, that was amazing."
"Do you ever think they wink at each other like, 'You're [__] nuts'?"
"It's literally like a [ __ ] travesty show. Man, what the hell is going on, man?"
"Who doesn't like Mike Campbell's guitar playing? Are you out of your mind?"
"There is no question of that. Whoever would have dreamed of such a thing?"
"It's almost too good to be true, isn't it?"
"This is the best I have never seen this before."
"It's mindboggling, it's really mindboggling."
"There's been so much crazy ass stuff that's happened."
"That's incredible finesse. Are you kidding me?"
"He's unbelievable, man. It's...you, unbelievable."
"Lee almost faints from shock; 100 billion one was credited to him."
"The way he told the story, nobody comes up with something so abhorrent."
"The fact that somehow the world we live in, a world in a timeline where Christopher Nolan got to make all the movies we just named and then made this is just unfucking believable."
"I mean, what is going on here? Like, honestly?"
"Opportunities like this are insane."
"I do even know how this was possible. I just know this will be the thumbnail of the video."
"This is one of the damnest things I've seen in my life."
"Doubt of the real facts, as I must reveal them, is inevitable; yet if I suppressed what will seem extravagant and incredible there would be nothing left."
"That's just incredible, absolutely incredible."
"That is Bonkers, no other word for it."
"This is some next level [ __ ] that I've never seen in my life."
"...absolutely absurd what you get for the money."
"Look at the size of this washbasin, I mean, this is like unbelievable."
"It's insane. This is our government."
"I just felt like, 'Are you nuts?'"
"Man, oh my gosh. Like no, not like, I hope not."
"You will believe that pigs can fly when it comes to Topman."
"That's crazy how the dreas don't have it they literally don't have a bit man."
"To think that Andrew killed Gianni Versace was just about the most preposterous thing that anybody could ever tell you."
"Oh my God, dude. They're filming porn as a distress signal. That's really what the hell they came up with for this one."
"He lands it perfect. That's really, this is absolutely ridiculous, it is so crazy."
"These things are still just incredible to have and I have to pinch myself every now and then that they're right there."
"It's a book and you just... It's unbelievable."
"This stuff is just preposterous. It couldn't be so."
"Yeah, that was something incredible."
"Future Generations are going to look back at this time and they're going to say how the hell did they let this happen."
"I froze and looked at him like, are you serious?"
"What in the hell? Yeah, that definitely... definitely sounds like a Vince McMahon kind of thing."
"Wow, oh my word, that's incredible."
"This is probably the most amazing thing I've ever heard in my entire life."
"There are a lot of things happen in life that you'd never believe if you saw him in the movies or heard him on the radio."
"That's rare. That is rare. That's less than 10%. That is rare. No, that is rare. I am wild right now. This entire case is absurd."
"This [ __ ] movie, man. I'm telling you, this [ __ ] is different, playing with me. I'm a guy with a 40-foot wingspan just waltzed into the Guggenheim unnoticed. Hey, it's New York, everyone's got their thing."
"That's hilarious, man. Dude, you just like, you can't make this up, man."
"This is insane like this is incredible, it's a water park, it's everything."
"That's just ridiculous and amazing."
"That's one word to describe it. Crazy."
"If you were to try to make it up, you couldn't make it."
"Naruto casually tanking a shot that split the moon in half."
"It's mind-boggling, but it's happening."
"Ten years is such a long warranty so that is absolutely insane that they're offering that."
"He told me everything. It was so crazy I wouldn't have believed him."
"Guys, this story here is literally like something out of a movie."
"Can you imagine? 58 minutes of footage, how is that a thing?"
"I mean it's so crazy looking but yeah just amazing."
"Stories of volcanoes, soul-sucking machines, and an evil space Lord are a lot harder to swallow in comparison to parting the Red Sea."
"I might say it sounds like a lot of fish."
"It's just something you wouldn't believe, you know?"
"As if he did that just to be like, 'Look how mint I am.'"
"Are you completely out of your mind?"
"That's just insane to think about."
"It's absolutely insane to think about."
"More incredible than all else perhaps is the very fact that the thing occurred in 20th-century London."
"I'm just trying to figure out how the heck a water slide caught on fire."
"You're a madman, I can't believe you."
"How incredible that it was able to happen at all in the first place."
"It's crazy man these are some of the things that that I've witnessed like you can't make this up."
"Why would somebody make something like this?"
"I don't believe what I'm watching."
"I saw all six numbers match. But now, now I'm dreaming, like, 'Okay, this can't be real.'"
"This frog is just unreal. It's just unreal."
"It was just incredible it was hard to believe."
"I never saw one in real life, so you never saw one like nothing none ever really happened."
"I remember when I was happening, I was like, 'What the [ __ ]?'"
"You couldn't write this stuff honestly, amazing!"
"so we're just gonna have a good chuckle at them together okay because holy [ __ ] they make me laugh so hard and it baffles me every single time that people do this"
"There's no answer to the rhetorical question, 'Can you believe Brady's still doing this?'"
"Your [ __ ] family, that's insane."
"Are you kidding? Are you [__] kidding?"
"Oh my God that's awesome this is weird no it's so weird is it oh it is."
"I think this might be one of the crazier things."
"That's crazy if true big if true."
"Wow, you're kidding! I mean, right? Like that's going to happen."
"There are few things more annoying than to find one's positive convictions met with incredulity."
"There is absolutely no reason why this should work at all."
"Guy gets banned from his team's stadium for a year so he rents a crane. Okay, I need some more on this. A, is this real? B, what the hell did he get banned for? That's what I want to know."
"Unbelievable, no human could stack multimeters like this."
"Hugh Jackman playing old Robin Hood? I mean, come on, man, that's pretty incredible!"
"...let that sink in. That's crazy."
"It's mental this is absolutely mental."
"Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable."
"Look, it's the banana charot... 7 bucks a pound for a charot! What in the world, 7 bucks a pound?!"
"What just when you thought there couldn't be any more evil that could be invented."
"I can't believe you can hear that right."
"So that's like some [ __ ] out of a movie."
"Some of the stuff that's going on around here, if it was taking place in a movie, you wouldn't believe it."