
Humans Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"The idea of there being a melding of two races, humans and extraterrestrials, to create a whole new species and a new era of understanding, is a very interesting idea."
"I think humans and technology will always be inseparable."
"Humans and dinosaurs are now going to be forced to coexist."
"Regular humans with heightened strength and senses is a game changer."
"Why do humans assume they're the smartest mammals... instead of wondering about the UAP?"
"Before I even tell you who I am I need to make sure that I'm, you know, presented well. I'm joking."
"He reveals his goal: the coexistence of demons and humans."
"Humans would have evolved differently from what we are like now. We'd probably be shorter and stockier since gravity is so strong."
"Humans, our last common ancestor was 6 million years ago with the chimps."
"I'm fascinated by humans, I'm fascinated by stories."
"Cats developed a special type of meow to communicate with humans."
"Humans have a wonderful opportunity to learn and conserve."
"Who is in control of AI? There are some humans there who hopefully have sense."
"The Avatar would always favor humans in any rift between them and the spirits."
"Given the rate at which animals like Yu are showing off their intelligence, they may just outsmart humans one day."
"Demons shouldn't underestimate humans."
"For the first time in my life, I was potentially being hunted by other humans."
"The humans had not only been monitoring the unas but had also been actively building a network of allies."
"We're a bit like chat GPT; we'd be really rubbish humans on our own because most of our cognition is embedded in society."
"There's just something about humans that we are drawn to story."
"Humans, not just as employees but as part of the ecology."
"...he was tragically killed by the humans that he had given up everything he had ever known to save."
"Humans don't just need a formula, they need to frame that in a broader narrative."
"There's a really deep question which is what is the role of humans in a world of advanced Robotics and AI."
"The humans would reign supreme as the undisputed Masters of the Stars."
"Creativity is a uniquely human spark that we can't touch, and yet AI on any creativity test we give it blows out humans in almost all measures of creativity that we have."
"Humans had something curious about them a work ethic not often found outside of Artisans."
"In this world, dragons are natural enemies of humans."
"Humans, when their backs are against the wall, survive. As a species. That's what we do."
"Stories are how humans understand the world."
"Humans are the perfect bioweapon because they're destroyers and colonizers, and they share a lot of DNA with Id's people, except they were stripped of any psychic abilities."
"It's not all about bleeding-edge technology. It's about humans and emotions, and we're flesh and bones after all."
"Humans had devised ingenious countermeasures against stronger races, crafting lethal weapons infused with magic."
"If I only had one compliment to give the humans it would be this: they are natural hunters."
"Would you let the humans go back home?"
"Humans are the only animals with chins."
"Humans are inherently social beings, and our connections with others play a critical role in our happiness and mental well-being."
"Humans love, love, love is one of the only acceptable forms of insanity."
"Humans change their environment, so we're more moldable to new environments."
"Humans are actually remarkable at long distances at speeds that make other animals gallop."
"Humans are actually remarkable in our capabilities."
"What distinguishes humans is sharing; we are actually social creatures."
"the humans with their history of overcoming adversity and their robust military technology saw an opportunity"
"Humans are designed to create futures."
"Humans are the scariest demons and the scariest things of all."
"Space-- it's never been closer for humans and machines."
"Perfect balance between cute animal, cute kid, and human."
"Maybe this time, gods and humans can learn to live in peace."
"People are finding new things all the time. That's what happens when you take a world full of enigma and flood it with naturally curious humans."
"Humans are complicated, and one of the things about that I wanted to write the book for was that, you know, we tend to think of trust as sort of like, you know, somebody's got integrity, right? You can believe what they say."
"It's made for humans, like [__] like that."
"Humans are a whole lot more terrifying than the zombies themselves."
"Humans are technologically precocious, experimenting and innovating frequently."
"It's about humans, architecture about heritage and culture, it's about the past and the future."
"A world of war mutants, and the humans who dare to help them."
"The function of all machines is to serve humans."
"You are like a fairy amongst a bunch of humans."
"Mutants rule and humans are no longer in control."
"Earth, their home world is a death world, but we never saw anything particularly dangerous there. The reason it was a death world was the humans themselves."
"God does his work through humans, and those humans make mistakes sometimes even while God is using them for his purposes."
"Can humans adapt to climate change?"
"Animals approximate Selfless Love, but humans truly understand it."
"Humans were created in the image of God or created just a little lower on the scale of creation from angels."
"We know that modern humans evolved in Africa and that there was this out of Africa exodus."
"One of the things that differs humans from all other animals is our desire to move technology forward."
"Humans were survivors and that meant I was in good company."
"Humans aren't monogamous. It's not in human nature."
"'In this new world, humans and hosts have a real chance at freedom.'"
"Humans are not creatures that they think alone."
"Many humans even doubt they exist at all, but their influence is clear to those who know where to look."
"Humans are such interesting creatures."
"Your number one priority is developing good humans."
"Let's show them what humans are really made of."
"Humans are not capable of predicting all possible outcomes into the future."
"Now what was really unusual is in this entire series, there's only ever been 13 humans shown, no adults or other kids."
"The worst mistake an animal can make is trusting humans."
"Humans are weird mammals obviously because of our culture."
"It's not machine alone or humans alone that is the best scenario for the future but the best scenario is machines and humans together."
"What could be happening in there now that for the first time animals and human beings were meeting on terms of equality?"
"Actually way better than humans, humans are ah."
"...the one who needs education is not the animal, it's the human."
"Sometime between 200 and 300,000 years we see the first skeletal evidence of things that look like modern humans."
"Between one and a half and seven percent of the modern human genome is unique to ourselves."
"The modern human brain is actually smaller than Neanderthal brains, but reorganized; they're different in quality as well as quantity."
"It's only anatomically modern humans that have this very slow development, probably related to something we don't see in other organisms, and that's childhood."
"I've been very focused on trying to understand humans."
"Modern humans have tremendous brain growth in the first four or five years of life."
"You're over one hundred thousand times more likely to be killed by humanity's deadliest foe, other humans, than you are to be killed by a shark."
"Humans are a very specialized hunter in the sense that they are targeting fat."
"It's just this unspoken bond between us and dogs."
"Humans have the largest prefrontal cortex compared to the rest of the brain than other animals."
"Humans as mysterious and inexplicable as any magic trick."
"The parallels that exist between dogs and humans is way more similar than it is disparate."
"You learn a lot of things about human beings."
"Koala fingerprints are virtually identical to that of humans."
"Human beings are not part of their diet."
"It's amazing what humans can do and that they can adapt."
"The inhabitants, they call themselves humans, are the craziest lot in the known galaxy, or the bravest, depending on how you look at it."
"Is it possible for humans and America's largest land carnivore to coexist?"
"Humans can be the creepiest thing we know."
"The humans have proven themselves true allies."
"That's why the rate of human abductions has risen dramatically recently."
"The humans had accomplished the impossible."
"Is consciousness unique to humans?"
"Elephant-human bond is a lifelong bond, strong bond, and if it falls apart, it becomes a real problem."
"Humans share about 50% of our DNA with bananas."
"...the neurochemistry of human beings and the neurochemistry of animals is absolutely staggering."
"Humans can be quite ingenious creatures sometimes."
"Out of all animals, humans are the best long-distance runners."
"Hemispheric specialization emerged after the split between chimpanzees and humans."
"We differ by 1%... but 20 million genetic changes does seem much."
"It's amazing how humans and chimpanzees are so much alike."
"Hanging around humans was highly beneficial for them, and you know how cats are."
"Getting close to humans has been a major bonus for cats."
"Paradolia is the propensity of humans to see agency and or faces where they aren't."
"Humans are incredibly social creatures."
"There is a very nice correlation between how materials behave and how humans behave in similar conditions."
"Ice Age humans were definitely productive."
"Ants have more biomass than humans."
"Humans are far more dangerous to them than they are to us."
"Humans and elves can live side by side."
"Elephants and humans, we are very similar in many aspects."
"Humans came along long after dinosaurs died out. They lived a long time ago, long before us."
"So we're all gonna live together, ghosts and humans, under the same roof?"
"It tells of a time when humans were plentiful, and walked upon ground that wasn't alive."
"All humans, whether they're born male or female, are born with mammary glands, milk ducts, that kind of thing."
"He declared that he would protect the humans because he needs their help."
"There is no trait that apes, the rest of the apes have, that we don't also have."
"Computer counts from 0, while humans are in a habit of counting from 1."
"...concerned for suffering of animals as well as humans."
"I wanted to make friends with humans too. Humans like you."
"We are surprisingly similar to mice."
"I think that's cool that cats only meow at humans."
"Humans and Neanderthals are close; we are very close relatives to one another."
"It is our curse as human beings to outlive our beloved feline friends."
"Oh humans, if they'd only remember this simple advice they stay safer."
"Lions have evolved with man, and they're very very in tune with what we look like."
"Humans are particularly good learners... we would like to design machines that are capable of doing this."
"Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute."
"Humans without microbes actually are not nearly as healthy as humans with microbes."
"Did you know human mammals have the longest infancy of all other creatures?"
"The lower thorax, however, appears less laterally flared than that of apes and more closely resembles the morphology found in humans."
"Now primates are fascinating, especially humans."
"It is simply not possible for humans to coexist with beings of that magnitude."
"I wonder what humans will look like in 3,000 years. Probably mainly bionic."
"It just goes to show that humans and wildlife, you know, in a certain way can co-exist."
"Humans have the responsibility to be smarter and be aware."
"Psychers are special humans with unique abilities."
"People are the only mammals who can cry."
"Horses are a lot more similar to people than you realize."
"They've learned to read the emotional life of humans."
"Humans are good at consuming, producing, and processing narratives or stories."
"A pack of humans can run down any animal on the planet."