
Shaping Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"The prison has been holding you like Joseph. The prison has been shaping you, shifting, and filing you like nails, like a nail filer. That prison has been forming you and molding you into the political world, into Hollywood, into the sports arena."
"Every struggle you've encountered has shaped you for this very moment, my beloved child."
"To be cognizant in any way of that sheer sacrifice that your parents are having to go through to give you the opportunity to race, that must shape the driver you become."
"Everything that happens in life happens for a reason; it's there to shape you."
"We are shaped by our imperfections."
"I believe it's our decisions that shape our lives, that the life you live today is the result of specific key decisions that you made at some point in your life."
"Cheese will also continue to be shaped by the land, and the animals from which it came."
"We can't predict the future but we can shape it."
"Your life is shaped by your thoughts."
"...childhood matters... enormously shape who they are as an adult."
"We get to shape what the craft of creation of AI looks like."
"Outer reality shapes itself upon the model of your imagination."
"We are who we are because of things that have happened in our lives."
"The past events are able to continually contribute themselves to shaping the creative advance of nature."
"Tough times do more than show what kind of character we have; they shape and form our character."
"We're not shaped by the easy days, but by the times that challenge us."
"Cultivating a deeper sense of gratitude for the experiences that have shaped you."
"One of the primary jobs of a leader is to shape the world around you."
"At the end of all this, your nervous system is going to have been shaped in a new way."
"We are all historical beings. We exist in particular places in time and we are profoundly shaped by the world into which we're born, which is the product itself of history."
"That piece of advice stuck with me and shaped me into the person I am today."
"Their strife is what shaped the world into the beautiful place that it is today."
"You basically have as much control over how your psychedelic journey goes as you have control over how your life goes. You can shape it, gently steer it, but you don't get to pick it, not at all."
"...there is still something being cultivated, there is still something God is shaping and molding, and all that is required from you is to be patient."
"It shapes the very land it traverses."
"I feel like our life experiences do shape us."
"Everyone loves working the booty, right? These are the exercises that are gonna give you that shape."
"Not everyone has access to equipment or wants to use heavy weight. These are the exercises that are gonna give you that shape."
"Jews have done and continue to shape the world."
"Architects like Peter Eisenman quite literally do shape our world."
"Life experiences, which could include trauma and happiness, shape and mold the way people grow up to become."
"You are not shaped by the environment around you so much as you're shaped by your perception of the environment around you."
"It is the love that forms and shapes and molds a human being."
"Can your words shape something in the future?"
"As we create the future, as we engineer the future world, it's not here yet. We still have the chance to shape it and co-create it."
"...each choice we make shapes our world."
"The river has shaped life in Los Angeles."
"Speak life over yourself, it shapes how you're living."
"Listen, the world is going to be constantly trying to shape you into its image. The Bible calls us to constantly be living in a way that we are shaped in the image of our Savior."
"We shape behaviors through successive approximations and chain them together."
"Racism is shaping a world even today as we go in deeper into the 21st century."
"To help it get the shape, I'm using this wooden ball just to push down again, just to push it all out to all the edges."
"So we just continue reeling and wheeling and wheeling until the panel has enough shape in it."
"Now what I need to do is start bringing this into the shape of the cabochon."
"Our experiences shape the opportunities we're given."
"It's super imperative because you're shaping your entire life and your relationship with your children and your parents and your neighbors and your friends."
"You're literally able to shape what is going to happen next."
"Help shaping the future was something that the very best investors said again and again."
"Love is to recognize a lack but also it gives you it starts to shape you in your seeking and part of the trick of love I think is taking that lack and shaping it into receptivity, shaping it into sensitivity."
"No human is born evil; the only thing that shapes them is their environment and the physical and societal circumstances."
"Let us decide for ourselves what man is to be and make him into that, not on any ground of imagined value, but because we want him to be such."
"Our righteousness doesn't just call for an explanation, our righteousness actually also shapes our explanation."
"It's our job to give young people the belief and confidence that they can shape the world."
"You don't give up even when it seems hard because the beauty of staying in the presence of God, it begins to shape you."
"God works in various and even opposing ways, shaping both mountains and delicate flowers."
"He's molding you, he's making you somebody."
"We need to listen and decide how to shape the sound."
"Is this the prospect that we face, or through knowledge and understanding can we shape our future?"
"Change is inevitable, but with effort, you can shape that change."
"So you can start shaping the sound."
"This gives me a rough shape, I can kind of get it to how I want it to look, I can open up the branches a little bit, get rid of some of the excess."
"Fundamentally, my worldview has been shaped by my experiences."
"Mangle rules: shaping network traffic to fit your needs."
"It's not the events of our lives that shape us, but our beliefs as to what those events mean."
"The number one force that shapes your culture is your values."
"Your values will shape your culture."
"Every experience I've been through, everything I've seen, everything I've been through, whether it's suffering, whether it's joy, it's put me where I am in life now."
"Lex Luger, Southside, Mike Will made it, Sunny Digital, TM88, Honorable Ceno, Metro Boomin, and others were shaping the sound."
"The knife is forming the shape and the body of the spoon."
"These gloves take a literal pounding to soften and shape, and finally, we have a glove."
"It's a question of how do we shape the spaces in which we exist."
"Defining moments mold shape and direct our lives."
"...after buffing the nail that it kind of may round the corners off just a tiny bit and so to get that perfect shape just go in one last time."
"High school kids are a little different. You can mold them, you can shape them."
"Metals can be shaped and retain their strength."
"Those shops are what shaped me, you know, obviously built us, you know, we would go in there and watch skate videos all day."
"Conflict has essentially shaped the world that we have today, for better or worse."
"Think of the structure chain: bulk fermentation, pre-shaping, final shaping."
"A country's history is what shapes it and what has created it to be what it is today."
"We are shaped by the different demands of our times."
"Your world is shaped by the Word."
"It shapes our lives, futures, but we can shape it."
"Shape your own destiny, every destiny of the world."
"You're shaping the whole visual story associated with the brand."
"Those years of that shared experience... how did that shape us and form us into the people that we are now?"
"If man is shaped by environment, his environment must be made human."
"Everything is an influence and that's what shapes you."
"It's those things in our life that help make our story and help shape us."
"My losses, my failures, those more than anything are what have shaped me into who I am."
"It's very sturdy... you just have to do a little bit of shaping to it."
"There's a lot of ways to work a tree where you can get it to be what you want it to be."
"Uncertainty means that nothing is predetermined. Uncertainty means that the future is yours to shape with the force of your will, the force of your intellect, and the force of your compassion."
"This is something that is going to shape a lot of the work politically that we will do in the future."
"The landscape is actually shaped by the animals who live here."
"Boarding school... it shaped you to become what you are today."
"He's the Potter, you're the clay."
"It's a good idea to get a shape you like before you start doing too many details like this."
"Culture shapes them but each individual encounter or dialogue shapes the culture."
"You have the most control over the future; you can shape the most with your future."
"The crop tool can help to give your picture that perfect shape for printing."
"Alternating branch structure is key to achieving the desired shape and density in bonsai."
"It's the shaping that you do a lot of times that creates the design."
"The hood stitches come together on the needle, and then there's some shaping that happens in the hood."
"We use a little magic to make them take the right shape."
"First we shape the cities, but then certainly the city shapes our way of living."
"To give our octopus a great character and shape, we're going to curl the legs around some dowels or old paint brushes."
"These people shaped a new future for their families and their communities."
"It's almost like an octopus tentacle; it plays a huge role in shaping your whole face."
"Round eight is a really important round as in this round we're going to be adding in the shape of our cardigan."
"The Potter knows exactly how much pressure to apply to shape and mold the clay."
"You were born of this stuff, molded by it."
"Plastic material is melted with the application of heat and extruded through the die into the desired shape."
"That's starting to look really good, and the top of the hat is starting to take shape now."
"Shaping is what makes music sound musical."
"I'm going to round that out a little bit and get a nice shape going."
"I'm just trying to heat the edge and have it droop down."
"These increases that we made here, they've actually created a little curve which is what you want for the neckline of the actual little top."
"We are all shaped by the events that have taken place in our lives."
"It's developing as a bonsai, so today I've got to tackle the top."
"Iron sharpens iron, and when you have iron and you clash it and you bang it, then you shape it into something that can be useful."
"Every challenge you face is but a divine chisel, skillfully crafting you into the cornerstone of your destiny."
"The final behavior in a shaping procedure is a terminal behavior."
"Investing in a trimmer will allow you to shape your beard and help you to best complement your face shape."
"For at our best, this nation has never feared the future. We've shaped the future."
"Hold firm in the belief that the trials you face are shaping you for something greater, something beautiful and profound."
"Let these experiences shape you but not define you."
"Your current setbacks are shaping you for a meaningful, resilient, and enduring comeback."
"These difficulties you're navigating aren't there to break you; they're shaping you into a person who can handle the blessings and responsibilities that are yet to come."
"You want to stuff and shape as you go. So we want him to be a nice fat circle."
"You are the Potter; we're the clay."