
Impunity Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"This must be a turning point; an end to oligarch impunity."
"I feel like you already got away with it people still love you and you kind of just let it go right over and you kind of left unfazed which is great for you."
"We act with impunity; the United States backs us. What difference can it possibly make?" - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"You can get away with anything if you're invisible."
"How can a law enforcement agency have a formal policy that allows officers to break the law with impunity and expect everyone else to follow it?"
"Impunity and lack of accountability can prompt individuals who may be inclined towards criminal activity into acting upon those repressed impulses."
"Powerful people with powerful allies can commit serious crimes in high office without consequence."
"He was able to get away with this for so long because of wealth and corruption and a sense of impunity."
"The men who destroyed their own companies walked away with their fortunes intact."
"If we allow him to get away with this with complete impunity, then we will have set a new standard."
"It's the beginning of the end of impunity for the crime of aggression."
"How did Diddy get away with this for so long?"
"Nobody on the face of the Earth could commit the crimes that Donald Trump has committed and get away with it the way that he has."
"How is he able to constantly get away with this [ __ ]?"
"The absolute impunity which the United States ascribes to itself in foreign affairs is a 100 bipartisan consensus."
"It really sends the message going forward that I can now engage in that behavior with impunity. But here's the rub, don't try that if you're black or brown."
"There are people in very top positions in this country who are able to act as if they're above the law and get away with it time and time again."
"Ken Mcelroy got away with just about every crime he ever committed."
"It's about getting away with it. That's what kicks and rocks their boats."
"The only way to account for this is overweening arrogance and a feeling of impunity."
"Possessing overwhelming strength can make a person get away with anything."
"A murderer literally got away with murder."
"In this dark night of violence and terror that we have experienced for more than a decade... impunity, the total absence of the rule of law, has allowed a system of terror and death as a form of government to come into effect in our states."
"I mean, you talk about getting away with murder, man."
"The island was lawless; Epstein could do whatever he wanted."
"I killed him, and there's nothing you can do to me, Judge. Nothing."
"Impunity encourages further evil acts."
"With arrests rare and recovering money practically unheard of, romance scammers operate with near impunity."
"Justice is doing whatever you want, getting away with it. No, justice is the expression that I know was on your face right now."
"Restivo is somebody who's used to getting away with his crimes... he's never had to face any consequences for his actions so he's got no reason to believe that things are going to change, so he's just going to carry on regardless."
"US president today or for the last 20 years could conceivably do what Kennedy could do with total impunity 40 years ago."
"The scam netted Aspinall millions and he apparently got away scot-free."
"The SBS were completely untouched by the law."
"I think this guy just literally got away with murder."
"He literally got away with murder."
"There are no consequences, no penalty, no punishment."
"You can't get away with murder. I rather think I could."
"Anybody can say whatever they want with impunity on the internet."
"he was a man who got away with it for a very long time"
"They're operating with impunity like nobody can touch them."
"It's allowing them to get away with murder."
"Powerful people assume they can get away with [ __ ] and they're usually right."
"Complete and utter impunity, scary to think about."
"Peter is proof that when an extremely wealthy person is corrupt, they can get away with just about anything."
"HSBC is no longer just too big to jail."
"I guess I can tell this story many years later because I can't get in trouble for it now."
"A former president would be free to commit all manner of crimes with impunity."
"No one, not one person, was ever punished... for their role in 60 murders and a violent coup."
"Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity."
"The government generally did not take adequate steps to prosecute or punish officials who committed abuse resulting in a climate of impunity."
"What international criminal law establishes is two important things: ending impunity and establishing individual criminal responsibility."
"We're kids, man. We'll get away with anything."