
System Quotes

There are 1783 quotes

"The craziest thing about America's system of tax returns."
"The whole system is a clown show, to put it mildly."
"The system is as corrupt as we fear, and people are even more wonderful than we hope."
"I'm not seeking perfection, I just want to improve the system."
"You're dealing with a terrible system that will shut you down if you try to do that."
"The basic difference between the Jamaica Labour Party and the People's National Party is that the People's National Party continues to fight the system, and the Jamaica Labour Party continues to embrace the system."
"We do not need new laws. We will work within the existing system and framework."
"It's important to know that... the system is rigged."
"Call me Wacky Balls McBeef, but this idea that change should exclusively come from within the system only works if that system also works."
"Hope you guys are enjoying it so far, pretty happy to have my sorting system in place."
"It's the worst system except for everything else."
"Erdogan is the result of our efforts, breaking the system that was designed against us."
"It is an absolute necessity to have some sort of inventory system like this."
"Each of these characters is fighting against a system... they're all raging against the machine and that context means everything."
"This is not a defect in the system. This is the system operating exactly as it was built to operate, exactly as it was intended to operate."
"The German education system was Universal, designed so that even the poorest could have access to knowledge and professional training."
"There's a better system in place for players to become a hero."
"This whole thing is so genius, the way this all works."
"It's much easier to just shame, attack, and shun, instead of addressing the overall system."
"I think that this is why we're advocating a process where we get one system that actually is over Unity closed loop."
"Come on, man, credit where credit is due and discredit where discredit is due."
"It's not the person that matters, what are we going to do as a community about the system?"
"The only boundaries are the ones that you get to establish top down... a system for chaos."
"The real way to overthrow the system is to transcend it, to say 'oh I'm not that person you made up'."
"It is imperative that we seek justice not only in the criminal system but also in our civil system."
"There's no other system that has worked as well as capitalism."
"The system is not rigged. If anything, the system is rigged for you to participate and succeed. Join the party..."
"They are heroes, they are legends. I love to see people beat the system."
"NO! It wasnt. Now you may be thinking: But Act Man, I think the req system is just fine the way it is! (Laughter) Youre funny! Do you honestly think the req system couldnt have been improved in any way? REALL?!"
"Dice has the makings of a progression system here."
"If you wanted to have a global governance system, wouldn't you have to have some kind of a global government ID system in place first?"
"Hollywood is a very legitimate and real magical system."
"Economics is a whole system that includes the environment."
"Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin's combat and integration of the job system are really the highlight."
"The system wants you to prove yourself that you deserve to be in this rank."
"Hopefully, we could see some change when it comes to the whole system reform."
"We're entering a whole new different system of doing things in the fifth dimensional earth."
"It was basically kind of like an 'Fu' to the system."
"It's all fun and games until you discover the pp system."
"One of the less visible but fundamental underlying pieces of technology is the new active stage system or active 2.0."
"It's part of that sort of criminality of the system that's been created when that's maybe the best option that's available to us right now."
"And the whole kit is designed to make this system feel really cool."
"We all still looked at by the system the same way."
"The challenge is to maintain sanity in the face of an insane system."
"We are one of the safest food supply systems."
"My mailbox system was able to keep me extremely organized. Definitely look into some mailboxes."
"Let's build a retirement system we can all rely on."
"It's so simple. If anyone's been to a hospital before, you understand how screwed up this system is."
"God is directly intervening from outside the system."
"It's not just about protecting President Trump, it's about protecting our system."
"When you walk in, you're gonna get a ticket. That's our system."
"That's another sign of going outside of that system."
"It pays to understand the system, to use it to your advantage."
"People are hungry for something else, and it's the system itself... that is keeping the people from being able to express their will."
"Black Clover's power system is my favorite. It's complex, interesting, and makes power scaling entertaining."
"I think they should make mythic plus more rewarding by giving it a badge system."
"Keep following the system that got you here."
"Racism is not a feeling, racism is not people not liking you, that's bigotry. Racism is a system of advantage and privilege."
"The answer is to try to fix the system to be more inclusive."
"We are all individual selves but also nodes of one system experiencing itself."
"They're creating an alternative economic system."
"Eclectic system that I can pretty much guarantee no one else will have."
"I feel like it is making a massive statement about the system."
"If we withdraw our consent from the system... that's how you break the system."
"Identity politics is often propped up against classical party politics due to the way both the US and the UK political systems operate."
"The procedural system does lend to replayability."
"Their whole role is to point out you know the foibles of the system right and so they're there to point out how the system is limited."
"Trump is a wrench in the system... represents a rejection of the whole system."
"Shaolin American Kenpo is a system devised and established by Grandmaster Remember Sword."
"They're pretty open now in telling us that we need a new system of morality."
"The founders wanted a system with checks and balances."
"This is likely would be one of the most impactful systems on a widespread scale that they've seen in a long time."
"Together we can shine the big beautiful spotlight of transparency and accountability back down upon that very system."
"He canceled the code, means the code's been canceled. We're not under that right, we're not under a system of rule-oriented performance."
"I've been really just very pleased with the building system so far."
"The resulting system, while a bit clunky, worked well enough."
"A system that would create the most prosperous country in the world."
"I feel like a kid in a candy store, and you should too because this system works every single time you do it."
"I am so excited to have this system in here."
"The world runs on debt, that's the point of the system that we currently have right now."
"We have a new generative age that is in front of us, and the way we are rewarding creators right now is broken."
"you're talking about the economy as a system with feedback"
"It's nice when the system works, right?"
"It's accountability within the system that we have established."
"The notion that the system rewards talent and hard work encourages the winners to consider their success their own doing, a measure of their virtue, and to look down upon those less fortunate than themselves."
"It's all about creating a system that works for you and where your financial position is in life."
"We're proving the system as we go here."
"I always believed in the system... but somehow the system failed me."
"Every trader out there who has a consistent track record of profitability and success has a system."
"What's important is they understand the system we play, they understand the intent, and they bring their own qualities into it."
"If you can't fight the system, make the system work in your favor."
"What I want, in other words, is a system that makes it easy to treat the planet well."
"With our system cleaned up and working as it should, it can now be sold on as an everyday PC or a light gaming system."
"Individual players don't win championships; it's the system that does."
"The fun thing about recognizing systemic issues is understanding that you cannot only attack the individual or the system; it must be both at the same time, all the time, every time."
"I'm really glad we can get the system back up and running again."
"This has been my complete productivity system."
"It's how the whole thing works together as a system that's even better than the sum of its parts."
"It's great system, it's like Lego for big kids."
"Get a system and stick with it... if you use the same systematic approach, you will not miss things."
"If you learn nothing else today, is get a system and stick with it."
"It's the worst system ever created, except for all the rest."
"It's now time to add in a little bit of surprise, the element of surprise and shock something that maybe shocks your own system, surprises you, or shocks others."
"We can't pay for individual services anymore."
"It's all systematic, man. This stuff is all planned."
"This is proof the military advancement system is broken."
"That was my Coming of Age moment where I realized the system was really not actually serving the purpose I wanted it to."
"The crown showcases people that are seemingly like you and me, made of flesh and blood, so human, yet they exist trapped within the system."
"The system was created, a second Awakening with infinite potential."
"Having a tidy tote means that when things aren't being set down on surfaces or on the ground, your house is just gonna feel tidier."
"The system worked, the checks and balance worked."
"The system of fake money, fake teachers, fake assets screws everybody."
"Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system."
"The way in which Klopp has nurtured those players and created a system in which they have flourished has been pretty spectacular."
"She was a good woman and even though she is the one that makes the decision to leave her condition untreated, it’s fear of poverty and a broken system that force her into the one decision that ultimately kills her."
"You become part of the system of compassion."
"I now feel that we are looking for a way to make an apology for the fact we built our system on genocide."
"I just love nothing more than feeling like I'm beating the system."
"If you shut down the growth of the system, it won't take very long for the system to become in a state of disrepair."
"The problem is that all of the other alternatives that are offered are actually harder than simply reforming the system that we're already working with."
"Quit your job and fire your boss, or quit school because you've been lied to. The system is broken."
"Capitalism is a system of exploitation."
"...this is all built into the system guys, I haven't booted a driver or anything, this is all built in, I mean you gotta admit that's pretty, pretty neat, I think it's neat, I think it's neat."
"You probably don't want to run your system as root all the time."
"You can't give good advice to anybody in our system without taking account of the other side because they're just going to, as you know, come in and knock you over."
"We got to have checks and balances."
"Occasionally there is a candidate who seems to be genuinely from the outside like Trump, like Farage, but he's been kept out so brilliantly in a sort of diabolical sense by our system."
"The systematic [ __ ] is not for the people."
"Naruto continues to exist and thrive in a system that would only destroy the next wave of children."
"The system is designed to create people like this."
"I think they're trolling you, like the system is designed for Warren Buffett in such a way that it runs on autopilot and yet that's still not enough."
"...one of the quietest we've built as well... this is a pretty slick little system for gaming."
"But I have no comparison over other things."
"Smith not neo is the anomaly in the system."
"...creating an elaborate lie was the only way to truly change the system."
"User account control really does make your system more secure."
"The point of the system is to make a system that's easy to program, has better graphics and sound, but still has limitations."
"Safety is not correctness. Safety's goal is to remove the undefined behavior, to provide a way to reason about the system when all potential outputs are known."
"The nation was about to find out how much of our system is norms and not laws."
"Elasticity is the ability of a system to automatically grow and shrink based on application demand."
"20 lb for the system right there."
"I've kind of lost faith in the system that we'd hoped it would come through."
"You cannot support a system that destroys people's bodies and brains like that you just can't."
"Both of these men were cogs in their respective systems, people who seek to make a difference assume the role of a hero with an altruistic motive but they quickly realize the truth that they're nothing more than pieces of a larger machine."
"Welcome back to the three-point rating system."
"A seriously clever yet surprisingly intuitive system."
"Winning isn't just luck, it's a system."
"Releasing a system for the sake of people while treating them with distain, it's not going to work out."
"It's about making the best of the situation you're in rather than expecting to change the entire system."
"This isn't a story about one man who corrupted a beautiful system, this is about a system that creates and encourages and pays apples that are exactly like Dan Schneider."
"Your system is only as good as its weakest link, and your job is to identify what that is."
"It's just another one that has made me lose my faith in the system."
"They won their war against the system mainly because it was stupid in the first place."
"...there's genuinely causal power at these higher levels of the system. All the causality doesn't just come from these low-level atoms bouncing around."
"A system is really a collection of all of these processes and technologies and people."
"It's not about saying, 'This guy's a good guy, this guy's a bad guy.' We have to look at the system."
"What most people don't realize is that when it comes to finances, you are playing a rigged system."
"The results you get is a reflection of the work you put in. You can't cheat the system and expect big returns."
"Because there's something at a really core level about what they figured out with that system that speaks to the human experience of life and all the things involved in it."
"My goal is to restore the trust in a system that may have not been built for you."
"The system is controlled by the guys that we fight on a daily basis."
"It's good to have a good organization system."
"Both these head coaches have staffs littered with alumni who continue to grow this system."
"Does this just take the flaws that are already present in the existing system and amplify those?"
"We're living in a time right now when a lot of people have come to the conclusion that there's a thumb on the scale and that the system is rigged."
"The system gave out information that 100 proximity points had been awarded."
"This is what fighting against the system looks like."
"We have a sickness care system, not a healthcare system."
"If power were really concentrated in monolithic, in a few hands, it would be hopeless to reform the system."
"Every system has a way to exploit it, and people certainly do every day in America."
"Don't waste our time fighting the system. Move forward into the Eternal."
"The system is built to favor those who have already got the most, and this is one of the most obvious examples of times when ordinary people have their faces rubbed in it."
"The final objective of any investigation is to improve the system."
"Hundreds of thousands of fathers in this country... broken by the child support system."
"The system either works so automate it and become a millionaire or the system only works when you choose how and when you'll follow and not follow it, making discretion the only thing that can make a system work."
"We have a sick care system... It makes hundreds of billions of dollars a year to manage symptoms and manage disease."
"This 7-day cycle is the basis for all calendar calculations in this system."
"When you blow out a system, right, the thought is, 'Well, I'm going to have air push all the water out.'"
"The whole system is broken, there's no question about that."
"You're not going to find true long-term success and consistency until you build that system."
"System D defines each one of those services as a unit."
"Develop this system and once you develop the system that works best for you, you're able to execute."
"Once you find a system that works for you, you're going to get the same results."
"It's easy at the end of the day but you got to understand and rely on your system."
"It's my last stop in the system 'cause I see what it's like and this, this ain't what nobody want really, you know you want freedom, that's what you want."
"Toosa will operate on a system called equitis... anyone would be able to build homes and sell them while the city retains ownership of the underlying land."
"Hell, even a lemonade stand will do because this is America and our healthcare system is a joke."
"If you want to change the IP address to your system, you need to change it here in the bridge."
"Wants to destroy the system from the inside out."
"I think it's a really good system as long as you're driving, even if it's not in perfect conditions."
"...now you've got all these different tags let's say this note four is actually a gardening note I can just slide it onto the gardening thing just like that."
"Just keep your system, no matter how good you're getting, barbering, you keep working the system."
"That is entropy. That is the system dying."
"You've dedicated your life to stopping crime. You see how it works. Good, normal people pushed and pulled, twisted and broken by a cruel system."
"I want to create a system that I think other states will want to emulate."
"If I could change anything the most fundamental thing I would do is bake it a more human system."
"If that's based off of a system, I guess it doesn't have to be. Generally, you want it to be. It's good that it is."
"Sometimes our medical system and the way it interacts with mental health is just like asinine."
"The truth is there is no dog killer, at least not how most might think. The whole system is killing dogs."
"The corruption is now so corrosive, right, the corruption is the system and yet it's destroying the system."