
Forgetfulness Quotes

There are 1081 quotes

"Hit a certain age, you start wandering into rooms and forgetting why you went in. What am I doing in the shower holding a pot roast?"
"In the rush to get everything ready, the original reason for celebrating is sometimes forgotten."
"You ever have the feeling like you've forgotten something, and it's right on the tip of your brain?"
"Men have forgotten God; that's why all of this has happened."
"I saw your face, I'll remember you. Forget a thousand things every day, how about you make sure this is one of them?"
"Oh, I keep forgetting my password, but I'm gonna nail that at some point."
"That's exactly profound, what you asked, that is why with America we've been so delivered that we forgot our deliverance."
"Good morning and happy, I forget what day it is today, June 29th, girl, we're almost in July."
"This challenge was in the bag. I was about to start celebrating but I couldn't help but think I was forgetting something. Carlos."
"The wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God."
"We've all done it, designed a brand new character, spent hours meticulously designing their outfit and their backstory, and then forgetting about them."
"I don't know, I don't remember. Probably under five minutes."
"Forget the horse's name that you killed, yeah, you just have a full day."
"They failed to recall the power of God in the past."
"I forgot, I didn't even check on him, my bad."
"Funny how easy it is to forget something you can barely see."
"Is that the ice cream truck? Oh shoot, I forgot to play the song."
"Forget everything they knew about Tomb Raider."
"Did I forget to pack my Razor? Wait a minute, that's where the peephole is."
"Did I leave? I left something, right? I promise this is everything. I have nothing else."
"Got the safety on, short-term memory loss." - Humorously acknowledging forgetfulness.
"We're gonna get through it, and one day people are not even gonna remember about what happened this week."
"The internet has no memory. You can screw up on your Channel today, it's a brand new day tomorrow, nobody cares, nobody remembers."
"Elbows are impossible to remember, like what are they?"
"I kind of forgot about it, I don't know if it was because I was walking on it or..."
"Time to cover it with dirt and forget it ever happened."
"One day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna notice that you haven't even thought about it and that's how you get over it."
"Oh, no! It's Maggie's birthday and I forgot to make her cake!"
"I don't know why but I always get anxiety before traveling. I feel like I'm always going to forget something."
"I forgot to get food and I'm killing all the pigs."
"You guys brought me California roll right? Oh, I forgot to order that one."
"For some reason immediately after the meetings are over I forget everything that we just talked about and what I can do is just have AI summarize for me in bullets again actionable items from my meetings."
"He looks like the tip of my tongue, it's on the tip of my tongue. What does he look like? No, I just can't quite remember. That's unfortunate."
"There's no greater political gift than a short memory. Let it go off your back."
"I was so focused on that line I literally forgot to wish this."
"I had this huge bag of all my supplies and I left it at the house in my excitement."
"I don't give a [expletive] if a team's undefeated. The week after, you be forgetting."
"I can make a list, you can buy it for me, you can tell me you bought it for me, I could watch you wrap it and then open it five minutes later and I have forgotten what's inside."
"Disqualifies himself by his conduct and his comments."
"It was the one night of the year that I often didn't remember everything that happened the next day."
"I don't know like what was the question again?"
"So many of them get caught up mistreating women, forgetting who they even slept with."
"Remember not the former things neither consider things of old."
"I didn't have another shift for a couple of days so I started to forget what had happened in the basement."
"Everybody's got their little setup. I totally, for a second, I honestly completely forgot that there are... Oh my gosh!"
"You're going to heal from the past. What hurt you will be a forgotten thought."
"Never gets the job done, also I'm supposed to have lights here too but I forgot the remote."
"Oh my goodness I forgot to catch our encounter from route 4."
"This America cannot barely remember that America."
"You don't know your kid's birthday... like are is there something wrong with you?"
"I was smiling through all of this but stopped suddenly when I realized I had forgotten something: I didn't even know what game I had."
"I took myself home, respected my clothes. Like, I'm very, like, sometimes I was outsmarting myself. Like, 'Oh, I gotta put my watch somewhere.' And then I wake up in the morning, I'm like, 'Where the f*ck did I put that?' Like, savage."
"Oh my gosh, I totally forgot to name her. Okay, Maple."
"It's just very easy to forget and that's something that whatever but pandemic time goes by a lot faster in a weird way."
"Honestly, is anyone just like wander aimlessly and not remember why or where they're going?"
"As long as MLB plays 162 games, everybody will forget this ever happened."
"If you're one of those people that loses your car keys all the time..."
"Human connection, and that is what Mel forgot."
"Imagine you go out of the house and you're in your 40s and you don't have your wallet on you."
"This happens so often where you defend against something and then you forget what you defended against and so you just end up allowing it."
"I haven't done this in so long, I forgot my ring, bro."
"I completely forgot what the aim of the book was."
"Tomorrow will be the day that I forget again."
"We start from the beginning. We forget all about problems, and we start from the beginning."
"Humans are indeed a specie afflicted by Amnesia."
"You don't have to bring them into this just because you forgot refrigerators existed for a second there."
"I forgot I had a nail appointment, I keep forgetting that things are happening."
"Jesus did I remember to turn the mic on? Oh thank God."
"I feel like I'm forgetting to tell you something."
"Literally I forgot the [__] Oreos, pistachios."
"I remain certain of one thing: that we are a species with amnesia."
"Shawn has been a victim of the baby brain where apparently you can't remember things."
"I wonder if the pills are exactly the same, I mean they should be."
"Okay, giant man's forgotten the key to get off his horse."
"They sometimes lose track of their statement."
"It's really easy to forget a whole bunch of things."
"Everybody says like you completely forget about the pain."
"We will forget this like it never happened. We always do. We forget everything. We have amnesia. We forget everything."
"After this announcement, all of the evidence in Ricky's case was bundled up, put into storage, and people just kind of forgot about it."
"I think we owe one before I forget, no, it's okay, I always forget to do that, but I didn't forget this time."
"I literally forget on a daily basis that I am pregnant."
"I can't even remember some of my brother's names, never mind a board full of colors."
"I remember when I get in the mail and I open up the package, I'm always like, 'Man, they should not be able to ship this,' and then I just forget what it is."
"I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot, I literally just drove to LifeLabs."
"I forgot to put down some... wait, give me a second."
"I will love you like you've never been loved before it's day one parashu minute one I'll make you feel like a woman a real woman and believe me after you experience me you won't even know who your ex-boyfriend is."
"That's why it's really good, I just forgot to draw."
"How lucky to simply forget everything."
"When I am right, nobody remembers; when I am wrong, nobody forgets."
"When you forget your phone while going to the bathroom: 'Yes, the floor here is made out of floor.'"
"My family once forgot my birthday. I was 26."
"I can be scatterbrained and forgetful, so I need organization in my life."
"Just like the others, only this time you left the plug in and the tap running."
"Notable side effect of ADHD: forgetting to eat."
"I don't know anything about this book; it was recommended by one of you, and I can't remember who it was now, to be honest."
"I tried my best to put that nightmarish hour out of my mind after that, but I don't think something like that gets forgotten."
"Some songs I even forgot that I made. I forgot that I wrote I said that type of stuff, but that just tells you where I was at the time, yeah, just about being."
"The Arabic word for human if you translate it to English is forgetful, like that our primary foundation is that we are forgetful."
"Who leaves the bathroom without flushing? This guy."
"Can you imagine a blessing so strong it gives you amnesia to all the other blessings?"
"How can you forget the main event of every wedding, Melissa?"
"I don't remember those videos, I know it's been so long"
"Forget about your past, move forward."
"Forget, mademoiselle, forget. Let the past go, think only of the present."
"I do not even remember that part of it."
"Of all days to forget my coat, why did it have to be today?"
"Disney has done a damn fine job of making sure everybody forgets who they don't care about."
"You scratched your hand. Four stars. Dang it. I forgot about that. It is, it is highly recommended though."
"5 minutes into the trip it's like Kathy already forgot something forgot my hoodie and now I have to open up my space bag rookie Packer."
"Last night I realized I left my Invisalign and my pillow at the hotel."
"Surprise surprise I forgot to tell him though that um I don't have my my pink slip of paper."
"You won't remember a thing about it."
"Only take that if it makes sense to you. If it doesn't, then just forget about it, forget about it."
"...he quite forgot that it was a most dangerous item indeed."
"The purpose... Let me, uh, yeah" - a humorous moment of forgetfulness.
"Have you ever gotten dressed and then hours later realize you've got a Bounce dryer sheet in your underwear?"
"The game got so intense at the end, we forgot to Vlog."
"I forgot about the patch okay and I apologize"
"Thanks for wa-- Oh wait, I forgot. I completely forgot I left the case outside."
"So, we're sitting there, and uh, what was I talking about? Oh, I totally forgot. This is real life for me though. I do forget this stuff all the time."
"She was like, 'Yes, I'm Drew Barrymore,' or something like that. I can't remember what was said. But anyway..."
"The intimacy and the sex, I don't even remember that stuff anymore."
"It's just kind of bland and forgettable."
"If you forget this, well, you're gonna have a raccoon running around with the trap on its hand."
"I just have to go in this Zoom meeting thing for my online class that I forgot about, but we did it."
"You know what they say, it's 'ke' to remember, whiskey to forget."
"I can't actually remember what that is."
"Humans have an amazing ability to forget bad things."
"That's what the ticket was for yes it was left at the cloak room by Terry Palmer,"
"I'm a dumbass I filmed myself organizing all of these and then just did not ever record it."
"Nobody is going to remember what this movie was in a week."
"With enough willpower and skill combined, we can still all come together to make something truly terrible, to hopefully be forgotten forever."
"This is what just happened and it was it Beyond not having breakfast he doesn't even know what literally happens two days ago."
"Sometimes it's the jokes you forget."
"Kyra kills him impulsively, instantly forgetting the murder."
"It's a movie that simply happens. You experience it and then you forget everything about the movie."
"And sometimes they even will throw in a couple of 'Yeah's, right? Then I know they don't know. You're like, 'But it's no, but it's okay, right? I don't mind if you don't remember me. Yeah, anyway, I don't mind either. I really don't care.'"
"Forget this. Forget me. Forget all of this unless you want to remember that this doesn't matter because that's the only thing to take from this. The only real lesson is that none of this [__] matters. Not a goddamn thing."
"Most times, I don't even remember because we discussed so much [ __ ]."
"I forgot my little Styrofoam board. I can get it. I'll wait for your mate. Wait for your mate. You know you gotta wait for your mate, even though I don't have the Styrofoam board."
"He realized that he forgot to tell Yuri."
"I still can't remember the guy's face."
"I forgot about it. Truly, I forgot about it."
"How could you forget it so quickly? Your majesty, my sister is still young and dumb."
"I had another 10 minutes I could have bought all my clothing but I can't memory at the beach line."
"Just keep riding. But at the end of the contest, like when I found that... you know, yeah. I've been trying to bring that to writing in general, but I kind of tend to forget sometimes."
"That's so smooth, there goes my keys."
"We're going too fast to do stuff like that, but he's got a cootie, his memory's pretty short."
"And then it got to the end of the month, and Marissa was like, 'Happy Birthday!' and I was like, 'Oh [__], completely forgot all September.'"
"They must have just forgotten to open up today."
"Hey man, pop-ups tomorrow, man. What happened, man? I don't know, bro."
"They're good. I always forget how good they are."
"You left your socks at the hotel room."
"I didn't lie. I just can't think of it right now."
"All you gotta have is a short memory."
"We should forget day by day what we have done."
"Unfortunately, one of the side effects is you lose your memory. Fortunately, you forget some people like Sam Pang, it's one of the good parts about it."
"I still forget my intro sometimes, even after all these years."
"Welcome to Dope or Nope, the show in which we look at products, review them, and then forget everything we just did."
"But at the time it didn't even dawn on me that I had this unit in my block of the month that I had already designed and so when I set out to start sewing this a few weeks ago I remembered the ruler."
"The good thing about having a bad memory: 'I got a good memory but it's short.'"
"The whole world forgot about what happened in 1984. The streets were filled with goop. They forget, and then they don't."
"I think it's past the middle of May. I don't keep track of dates that much."
"He forgot his pilot license, oh god, he showed up, got up, was on the plane and then apparently the pilots when you're on there, some person who works at the airport then comes down they check with the cockpit and go can I just see your ids to make sure you guys are the pilots."
"I woke up feeling extra diabolical and I decided it not only am I going to prank the one that I love but I'm also going to give you guys this horrible camera angle because I forgot my tripod at my apartment."
"It's like a part of the crew anyway, yes ending we forget it man."
"We didn't remember where we met or how we met."
"Meanwhile, Shu forgot about this and instead was about to leave. This made Ning very angry."
"I left $200 worth of shrooms at the Airbnb in the fridge and I realized as soon as we pulled in, I was like [__], but I had given my cousin shrooms for her birthday 'cause it was a week prior, so she let us have some of those which was huge."
"People will completely forget that it was a horrible decade."
"...I hope that all made sense, I tried to be as organized as I can and I always feel like I forget something, but that is what my plan is for this year."
"Look, I'm gonna be straight up with you guys, I kind of forgot how this story was going because, because of that goddamn quinoa, quinoa pilaf."
"I forgot to put my legs down, yes I admit it, I forgot to put my legs down."
"People forget like look at this chapter, oh, just painting an entire parallel here with the Straw Hat crew."
"I'm sorry, that's a fact. The middle of the film was so beautiful, I kind of forgot what it was about, you know?"
"Forget about it, huh? Forget about it."
"Yeah, we never have to think about this guy again."
"We forgot about the case back entirely."
"They may have forgotten to answer to their own names, so short had been their acquaintance with them."
"Now, anyone can have trouble remembering a word every now and then we've all had those 'what is it called again' moments."
"I got into such a zone planning out my YouTube videos that I completely forgot I had a nail appointment."
"The Meltdown of Club Penguin Island... fading into irrelevancy to be almost immediately forgotten."
"Everything that you ever loved, you would forget about it. You wouldn't even know you have a wife, a kid, or a mother that you have to take care of, you forget about them."
"Too short! I didn't mean I forgot that I'm short. I meant I forgot to grab my step ladder."
"People forget in Genesis within seven generations, they were workers of bronze and iron."
"That's another pregnancy symptom I've been so out of breath oh another pregnancy symptom mom brain mom brain pregnancy brain combined it's not a good combination I can't remember a thing and it's bad."
"Oh, okay, swipe back out and then still, 'Oops, my mistake,' but, no, no, no, but I mean, like, if we're out to eat and you pay for it, I just need to forget. Like, I'll be like, 'I'll be like this, I'll read this [ __ ], all right, now.'"
"Did anyone remember batteries for their flashlights? Nope."
"The key to a better memory... I believe two of the most costly words in your life... 'I forgot.' I forgot to do it, I forgot to bring it, I forgot that conversation, I forgot that meeting, I forgot what I was going to say."
"I was the kid that always forgot to bring like a Gatorade or like a snack to a game."
"I've been known to just keep them in a backpack or a purse 'cause I forgot that they're there, so they are very concealable."
"I left my converter in the Hamptons to like put my USB into my computer and I even looked at it when I was packing up like the tech things and I was like oh I will not I will not need that and I need it right now so guess we're printing it at the store."
"I forgot my sunglasses. I'm very upset about that. The sun is coming out and it's very pretty."
"I just got back from...oh, I just realized I'm supposed to take off my wig tonight."
"I never went to a concert, oh yeah, I have."
"Just clear that one off, just don't remember anything now."
"Honestly, anything can happen and you won't even remember it."
"You won't even remember what you were worried about."
"Guys, I forgot to even end this Vlog... basically it is the next day and my birthday is over..."
"Nobody remembers anything! Nobody remembers, made a billion dollars, and no one remembers anything about it. It's like Avatar, kind of. It is like Avatar, right?"