
Embrace Quotes

There are 632 quotes

"By embracing it, you'll let go of it and then you'll expand beyond that."
"I don't walk around guiding my life based on fear of the unknown. I love the unknown and embrace the unknown."
"He stretched out his arms open wide in love for every person on this planet."
"Instead of running away from issues... we should be embracing those."
"Embrace chaos you cowards. It is the thing to do."
"So I just hope that people can embrace all the work of the Holy Spirit."
"Let's get beyond hate, let's have camaraderie ship, let's have community, let's hug each other."
"Embrace the fear and excitement and nervousness because that twisted stomach nervousness, that's like awesome."
"Feel that energy as you relax deeper and deeper into her loving and powerful embrace."
"You're embracing love, you're embracing mystery."
"Open your heart and embrace the future that awaits you."
"You need to be creative in order to make the music you want and also let yourself embrace the strengths and peculiar nature of this particular instrument."
"I think we've got to embrace what's coming."
"We have to embrace the uncertainty of it all. There is no certainty in the dating process; it's an adventure and it has to be embraced."
"Embrace every moment of 2024, this is such an empowering year for you."
"Embrace the new energy and what Spirit guides want you to do."
"Embrace the journey ahead trusting in the higher possibilities that await."
"Embrace the new and maybe even embrace the strange."
"Once the past is gone, it's gone, but what's important is embracing your life now before it passes you by."
"Embrace your evolution as a fresh start."
"Don't search for opportunity in the distance, but recognize it and embrace it right where you are."
"We are in a moment of change and we have to embrace that."
"You might be scared of the moment, but you've got to embrace it and grasp it."
"Embrace the unknown and say yes; you have the opportunity to enrich your world, to receive and therefore be able to share much more."
"Embrace life because you only have one go at it."
"Ang emphasized that Tenzin should embrace his own unique identity."
"He then reiterates the fact that he loves her and the two embrace and hold one another in the closing scene."
"Embrace your differences, embrace the things that make you quirky that make you weird that make you different that make you stand out because those are the things that are going to set you apart and lead you to your destiny one day."
"Embrace the changes with open arms, knowing that they are a necessary part of the journey."
"That's how life changes, you have to embrace, you do, one kernel at a time."
"It Embraces the cartoonishness of it."
"It's time to let go of the old and worn out so the new can come in. Embrace new beginnings."
"This person wants to come towards you, they want you to run to them, to you, to run towards them, to embrace them."
"Embrace the richness of silence...don't be afraid of it."
"Embrace your worst fear. Become one with the darkness."
"You're viewed as someone who embraces new beginnings, stepping into the unknown with confidence."
"Embrace your feelings and allow to feel them fully."
"Embrace the honeymoon phase of new relationships."
"Embrace those experiences and make sure you're not limiting your abilities to have what you want."
"Love of fate, embrace your world, your life."
"You don't have to be there. Let the loving arms of spirit encompass you right now."
"Change is beautiful. Embrace the beauty within change."
"No more holding back, change is inevitable."
"That's pretty neat. I like that they embrace the history. I think that's fun."
"I think sometimes a trip like this could be framed in terms of an escape, but for me, it wasn't so much an escape as it was an embrace of life the way that I like living it."
"Find things that bring you Joy in your life and definitely embrace them."
"Don't shy away or shrink back from your extremes. Embrace your extremes because greatness is found in the extremes."
"Embrace the unknown, the mystery of life."
"Embrace this energetic opening and happy Taurus season."
"Embrace this energetic opening and happy Taurus season Pisces."
"Embrace the unexpected, it might just become your signature."
"They are really good at embracing their uniqueness."
"Let's just embrace it. Embrace, yeah, no, embrace it."
"And then he felt familiar hands wrap around him, embracing him from behind, tears strained his eyes, and he turned to finally see Eurydice."
"You were born for this moment in time. Embrace it."
"Embrace innovation, embrace sustainability."
"Continue to pour love into yourself. Your heart needs you to pour into you as much as you pour into others. Embrace the truth that you are love, infinitely lovable, and the vibration of love."
"Embrace this new change, this new movement, and this new development that January wants to bring."
"They embrace, and thousands of butterflies appear all around them."
"Copulation is no more rank to me than death is. I believe in the flesh and the appetites, seeing, hearing, feeling, the miracles."
"Embrace your fate. Embrace your fate that's what your ancestor wants to tell you."
"Just embrace it. Let it be part of the magic of your painting experience."
"Embrace uncertainty together, welcoming new journeys and experiences."
"Embrace the unexpected, it may lead to passionate connections."
"We shouldn't be hesitant to embrace unknown concepts."
"An Earthman had come home," he thought, as he embraced her under the summer stars.
"Old and you had your arms around me."
"In the midst of uncertainty, embrace the uncertainty."
"You could be a cactus surrounded by ferns, questioning, 'Would water even work for me?' Embrace your uniqueness."
"Our world is going to be here we're we're rebuilding we're you know what I mean like just embracing this new era called the sun cycle."
"Let Spirit be your guide, embrace Spirit."
"Divine love surrounds you, unfolds you, and enraptures."
"If I were to meet the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the Day of Judgment, I'd embrace him. What can one say in that moment? What can he say? Even if you ask a question, sometimes the companions themselves wouldn't dare to talk."
"Embrace What Makes You Different. No one can do it like you."
"Embrace change as imperative for navigating the impermanence of existence."
"The experiences one embraces become the true legacy."
"If someone has just come out of their 20s, you need to take advantage of your 20s. Embrace it. Embrace every moment. No regrets. No regrets."
"Embrace the change and really, that's all you can do."
"'It's all right now, Papa is here,' Mabel tightly embraced her father, continuously comforting her."
"Embrace it and cherish the experience."
"So I rushed to his side and embraced him tightly, savoring every moment they had together."
"You're literally about to embrace something amazing with business, with money."
"His arms sought the yielding form and he fell prone into the void, meeting its chill caresses with a responsive kiss."
"She embraced it, leaning heavily into a caricature of herself."
"Their embrace was a mutual promise of safety."
"Pause and embrace these moments of simplicity in your day."
"Embrace this transformative year with open arms and make it a truly remarkable chapter in your life's journey."
"Come to me, my child, come to me. I have longed to hold you and shower you with kisses. Come to me, I love you so much, says the Lord."
"It is the way forward. You have no choice. It is the way forward. You've got to embrace it. You've got to learn to love it."
"Reading great literature is like falling in love, but it's also at times like sexual embrace."
"When you are upright with God, people will embrace you anyway."
"Yeah, it was so nice like what England did and just arranging that so that fans could be there and embrace that moment with us 'cause you know it's a moment for a lifetime, you never know if you'll get that again."
"We fly only when we embrace. We must learn to touch."
"Lean into those things that you love."
"Encompass me with your protective embrace, shielding both my physical form and my inner being."
"It takes a strange guy to embrace the strange of God or the seemingly mysteries of God."
"Embrace the opportunity for growth, even if it means stepping into the unknown."
"Embrace the opportunity that change brings."
"There is nothing like just going on a cozy jump from having that sensation of just being an embrace and a nice warm hug."
"We are all so full of the Creator's love that we can wash away any harm that this life has put upon us and we can Embrace that love and we can move forward and do the learning and the growing that we want to do in our home our real home in heaven."
"The sudden, the unexpected, but something to be embraced, not to be rejected."
"He wrapped his arms around me and it was like my entire body was filled with pure love."
"Look at this guy mate, he's fully embraced his pirate personality. I love it."
"I'm embracing love, light, and hope."
"Embrace uncertainty, it's healthy, it's what's needed."
"It's almost just like they embrace you finally because they've been longing for that for so long."
"Instead of avoiding the rain, they embraced it, committed to continuing the jam session."
"Say no to the past. Say yes to the new."
"Embrace the new dawn, embrace the rebirth."
"Take time to rediscover and embrace your true self."
"Embrace the rain and see what I can capture."
"Embrace your journey with all your heart, for it is in this embrace that we find true fulfillment and meaning."
"That album was the first time Bubba Sparks really was like 'I'm gonna Embrace this [ __ ] I do.'"
"Lean into the unknown and serve your curiosity."
"And finally, as he passed, Indra would be greeted by Ashura with a warm embrace."
"It's hard enough trying to just in our life with the people we get to meet and talk to you just want to embrace it you want to remember it."
"This feels like the new chapter of me and I'm very much here for it."
"I'm just gonna hug it, even if I don't know why, if I don't understand, I'm just gonna embrace it."
"Inspired by Jong's advice, she gathers the courage to fully embrace her feelings."
"Embrace this calling with joy and confidence."
"Embrace this journey with humility and faith, knowing that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion."
"'We are happy for you,' Kushina smiled, wrapping her arms around her daughter."
"She caught up with him and grabbed him in her arms."
"I've just embraced and started really loving my natural hair."
"I want to embrace the audience. I touch everybody. I don't just go straight to the stage. I want to embrace the people that came to see me. And it's just electric."
"Embrace it. It won't last forever."
"Some mysteries were meant to be embraced, not solved."
"Embrace the trees, when painted well, they are magnificent."
"Embrace the excitement, allow the magic to happen."
"We try to really embrace our summer and the freedom that it gives us."
"A new generation is embracing human connection rather than debunking it."
"My faith allows me to embrace life like that."
"If it's kicking off, you know, just try and embrace it and enjoy the moment because it's gone."
"Embrace whatever comes to you. That's it. It's given to you, embrace it, love it. Love it, it's a gift."
"You've got to let that time come. Don't try and force something new. When a new idea comes, write it down, capitalize on it, embrace it."
"Embrace change and it will change you."
"Learn how to embrace the attention that you're getting almost narcissistically."
"Embrace the slowness embrace the delays embrace the time the sensation of time which is so unique to the Earth plane."
"This is a tremendous time to embrace this. I think everyone should be focusing on how they embrace it."
"Don't fire the weirdo, embrace him, embrace that weirdo stuff."
"Embracing what makes you different is what will lead you to your destiny."
"As long as they are safe and healthy for you, try and embrace them."
"Thank the creator," John said upon embracing the giant golden lycan.
"Especially around Valentine's Day, you want someone who embraces that, right?"
"So for them to just embrace me, it was like, 'Oh, this is many. They love us out here!'"
"You need to embrace that. I agree. There's too much at stake."
"This is where your story began, despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it and I welcome every moment of it."
"You gotta always embrace the down moments in life bro 'cause that's where the success is going to come right after it."
"Embrace the desired state until you have an inner conviction that it is real."
"Picking your nose is sometimes the best part of the day. Embrace it!"
"...keep embracing the things that challenge you they're only there to make you discover your strength."
"Embrace the new with passion and confidence."
"Embrace and enjoy this moment, celebrate what you've created."
"Embracing the Tucson way of life."
"Far better to let God be God and to embrace the magnanimous display of his glory."
"Mankind is one, and that I embrace that oneness. I want that to be on the records."
"Embrace them. They come for they know we seek them."
"Wherever you fall, you fall into the arms of love."
"It wasn't so bad once you embraced the pickle with open arms."
"It's the idea that you're somewhat enclosed in the warm embrace of the mountains."
"Work shouldn't scare you, it shouldn't be daunting, and it should be something that you embrace."
"The whole of you is being embraced."
"Embrace the 10,000 horrible visions and the 10,000 beautiful ones. Embrace life, go through it, embrace it all, be one with it all."
"Wrapped in each other's arms, they surrender to the night's embrace."
"Let's just embrace the chaos. Dance with uncertainty."
"He wants to embrace you in a way that you've never been embraced before."
"Don't reject the thing that's best for you, embrace it. That's all I'm saying."
"No wonder he's celebrating, and a hug from his coach there has to be one of the best hugs of his life."
"Embrace the unexpected. It's often where the best stories begin."
"We embrace problems as opportunities."
"Embracing the unsettling... can contribute to your dark aesthetic."
"We show love and embrace everybody from every Walk of Life in the world."
"Oh, that the world might taste and see the riches of His grace, the arms of love that compass me would all mankind embrace."
"This is the World Cup and when you have a chance, you grab it, you embrace it."
"...change is scary... we should embrace change."
"Love, to me, is just one of the however many numbers there are, probably five or six of the strongest emotions that there are, and something to both beware and to embrace."
"Acceptance involves acknowledging and embracing what is happening."
"The father simply embraced him and forgave him."
"Shirley, who hadn’t quite regained her speech yet, just smiled, nodded, and embraced Bea."
"Seize the opportunity, seize the day, embrace the outlaw image, live it up."
"Whenever a person understands the kingdom, they literally embrace it."
"Live life, embrace it, and don't waste it while you have it."
"Embrace the hurt and the pain and the sadness."
"In the embrace of love, we find our true selves."
"So, when you hear the truth, don't run to it, embrace it, ask God to give you more to the boat. If you have the more truth will set you free."
"You are a walking talking blessing if you would step into it, if you would embrace it."
"Embrace it and it can become a source of great power."
"I love this town, they really embrace the alien."
"Release it and embrace new possibilities."
"It's precious, it doesn't last long, embrace it, get everything you can out of it because it doesn't last long."
"Enjoying it anyway," Sabrina chimed in, embracing the moment.
"May we embrace those with joy and thanksgiving."
"Try to find one thing today that you can look forward to and that you can really embrace with happiness and joy."
"Embrace movement, you need to see movement as the thing that's going to help you, not the thing that's going to hurt you."
"Remember that there's power in all of this you should embrace that power especially the power that's in yourself."
"If God's doing anything he's preparing us to embrace a New Day."
"I really hope that we can stop dreading our periods and move into a place where we can embrace and even celebrate it."
"Solid embraced Raziel and kept her near as his favorite child."
"Embrace your postpartum body, that's part of life that's changing and us growing, so I think it's a beautiful thing. It should be celebrated."