
Eternal Bond Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Hand in hand, eternally in this world, we're friends forever."
"Their arms are literally floating through space hand in hand for the rest of time."
"Separation itself is only an illusion. This is the person, the other soul you have been intricately connected to, intertwined with, not just this lifetime, but this is the person you've been in a kind of eternal dance with."
"This connection is eternal, deeply rooted, and not going anywhere."
"They remember memories, past lives, eternally yours."
"The love that you have together has and is meant to change both of your lives forever."
"Just remember that no matter what we will always be soulmates."
"You'll forgive me but you'll never cast me aside... I am eternally secure in you."
"She will always be with him, no matter what life it is."
"Don't be afraid of this because with your connection there is no end."
"This connection is very much alive, like an eternal flame burning between you two."
"Your souls have been together since the beginning of time."
"True love is that oneness, there's no opposite to true love, it's the love that's beyond this earth plane."
"I can see eternity in your eyes... someone who's gonna be eternally there for you."
"Our love is eternal and can endure anything."
"I desire you deeply and eternally; you will be in my heart until death and beyond."
"We will always be tied together, we're in the stars."
"I'm never stopping. You can't say that, you don't know. Yes, I do. I knew that from the very first. I'll never stop loving you."
"This bond that never really fades away, that's always there in the background in your souls, tying you together, not just in this lifetime but through every lifetime."
"I have awakened to our connection. I now know that we have a timeless bond between us."
"Now you are immortal and free from the obstacles created by men's ignorance, and the bond that binds you and your husband will never be breached."
"no matter where you go I will always be there with you that is the meaning of existence"
"With twin flames, you will never outgrow them and you will never become bored."
"...the noblest yearning of the human heart is for a marriage that can endure beyond death."
"The marriage between the church and the Lamb is the marriage that will last."
"She wanted to protect him forever."
"And so with a kiss, a love story was written. Two souls forever intertwined, a bond stronger than any force under the end."
"Do you feel like Raya is with you always?"
"I know exactly where she lives in the universe. She is embedded in my heart."
"I'll always be a part of you, Ollie, and you'll always be a part of me."
"Twin flames have an energetic connection that never goes away, never."
"Even on our deathbed, we're together until the end."
"There will be no Christ without Christians, no Savior without the saved ones, no elder brother without the younger brothers and sisters. We are his fullness and he must have us with him. We are identified with him forever."
"Our destiny is bound together, a telepathic link binds our souls in eternal love."
"You're always going to have this infinite bond that you are always connected on these multi-dimensional levels."
"You and I will never end, little mouse, even when we're six feet under and our bones are dust. I will haunt your soul until it aches to be free of me, and then I'll hold you tighter."
"Those we love are always with us; they live in our hearts and a part of us lives in theirs."
"Bone of my bone, in whatever planes of existence there are, on any star or parallel planet, you and I are together infinitely, inevitably."
"There are certain bonds that last for eternity."
"I am persuaded that neither death nor life... shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"In the unseen, in the eternal, there you will find me always by your side."
"An elderly cat hatches a plan to pass into the next world as a spirit so that he and his owner may be together forever."
"Your bond is eternal and everlasting."
"Our mind is on you, oh Zohar, and your mind is on us; we will not forget you, oh Zohar, and you will not forget us, neither in this world nor in the world that is coming."
"I love you, says dad, will always love you; you will forever be in my heart."
"There is no separation between you and God spiritually ever again because of Jesus."
"Together we will enter a paradise of love everlasting."
"I'll always be waiting, until my heart stops beating. Maybe even then."
"Not even life or death can break the bond that has been created and established over different lifetimes."
"As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away."
"You're in my heart forever, you know, till I'm dead, and maybe even after I'm dead."
"Our lives together in the body of Christ are intended to be eternal relationships."
"The Lord is between you and me forever."
"I live through you forever, my brother."
"It's a bond that goes back many lifetimes, and it's a person that you'll never let go."
"You're my heart and soul and I'll always be with you even when I'm not."
"So all the night-tide I lie down by the side of my darling - my darling - my life and my bride, in her sepulchre by the sea."
"You love your people with eternal love."
"I am His, and He is mine; in love with everlasting love."
"Those we've held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever."
"You'll always be with me in my heart."
"Nora, I love you, and I believe that one day our souls will be intertwined together forever in the kingdom of heaven."
"My soul will never forget you. I will spend every single one of my lives searching for you until you are in my arms."
"If the world should stop, we'll still have each other, and no matter what, we'll be forever as one."
"This connection has gone beyond lifetime; beyond death, beyond birth."
"My dad is always with me, just like no matter what happens, I will always be with you."
"I am greatly loved by my powerful and affectionate God, and so it shall be forever."
"It's nice to eternally share my life with someone."
"Then you turn together and go over the Rainbow Bridge into Heaven together, never to be separated again."
"You're manifesting eternal love, you're manifesting a marriage of eternal love."
"Through love, when a bond of love is established, it echoes through eternity."
"I'll always be with you, son. Always."
"Our hearts are eternally united, one will never forsake the other."
"You'll still be my husband. Forever, my husband."
"Even if she gets remarried two times, three times, even if she has children with someone else, we will always be soulmates."
"I just want to be with you forever, my soulmate."
"It's a way to keep part of their physical selves together. To further eternalize that deep bond that they shared."
"Connection like this is never going to go away, they're part of your soul family."
"This relationship is a connection that goes beyond this lifetime."
"This is more than a soulmate connection; this is someone that you will have in your chosen family forever, always."
"You'll always have their heart no matter what."
"I just want you to know that I appreciate you. I love you forever."
"Heart to heart, your hearts are entwined forever."