
Generational Trauma Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Just as trauma can be passed down through our generation, so can healing."
"Encanto looks at generational trauma, family bonds, and approaches these ideas with a level of maturity that makes it popular with older audiences as well as its targeted audience."
"The consequences of generational trauma where love, affection, and care are often used as synonyms for each other when they are in fact different things."
"The movie is about generational trauma that's very common with Latino families."
"The devastation that the government has caused and the amount of time it's going to take to heal from the trauma... it's going to take a generation to heal from this."
"Just because you suffered, that doesn't mean that your kids have to suffer."
"It left a scar that took generations to heal."
"The idea of a generational trauma is basically the idea that some generations are so messed up by experiences distinct to their age group that they in turn pass on unique dysfunctions to the generation below."
"Everyone cries, you cry all the time, break that generational trauma."
"There are generally two different types of victims. One, a majority of the subjects come from multi-generational self-professed Luciferian families or bloodlines and are programmed to fill their destiny as the chosen ones or chosen generations."
"The main message of the show is that while generation trauma is suffocating you have control over your own life and the decisions you make."
"This film is about how toxic patriarchy traumatizes generations of women."
"The trauma inflicted upon the students of the residential school system has profoundly impacted those lucky enough to survive."
"Abuse goes three generations. Stop the trafficking."
"We become inflicted with the very same wound that made our parents unworkable."
"I liked that it was a movie about trauma and I liked that it explored it through generations."
"One of our missions as a parent is to end generational trauma."
"This comic is all about the relationships between parents and their children, guilt, and the generational trauma that can push family members apart."
"You are the result of generations of vampires... fear and trauma can be passed down through DNA."
"Bitterness gets into them and it gets into their kids."
"Generational trauma is the story that we're telling, the toxic, dysfunctional, incorrect story that we tell and that we absorb and pass on."
"We're gonna solve all generational trauma."
"The generational trauma of my family is thankfully now broken with me and my siblings."
"I don't think any of us want to carry the generational hurt and the suffering and the fear that has preceded us I don't think any of us want to carry that into this new world and we wouldn't wish that on a future generation."
"...generational trauma as a villain, that'd be S-tier. But that's probably too deep of a subject to get into today."
"It's possible to go in a different direction, you don't have to follow in their footsteps and create trauma in the next generation, and Joseph provides an example of that."
"Asian parents have so much generational trauma. They just don't know how to handle it with their kids."
"Generational trauma can actually alter brain chemistry."
"Even my adult Millennial friends who don't have kids are watching the show. It's like healing parental trauma for generations."
"Sexual energy has been repressed across all cultures in the world, creating wounds that may be templated in us from generation to generation."
"We've learned how to cope rather than to really deal with our stuff. And now, we see it perpetuated in our youth. These are generations, generations, generations that have heard from healing. And so now you have an epidemic amongst black men when it comes to suicide."
"I never wanted to have kids because I just thought that I was going to pass that down because, like, from generation to generation, it kept going down, right? Like, my dad got beat, his dad got beat, so right, I just thought it was going to continue that curse."
"We talk about that in the class, that the traumas that we experience personally are not simply our personal histories but histories of generational trauma of persecution, annihilation, and terror that go from generation to generation."
"Our objective should be the cessation of all intergenerational trauma."
"Generational trauma can only be stopped by confronting it head-on."
"Children suffer through the actions of their fathers and rulers. Nothing will ever change that."
"We're breaking generational trauma cycles in through Disney."
"This feeling of being broken from a mother's love is what was passed down in my family."
"Do not pass generational trauma down to your children, bro."
"How do you compensate people whose families over three generations were just ripped apart?"
"What cannot be talked about can also not be put to rest; and if it is not, the wounds continue to fester from generation to generation."
"I feel like there's so much generational trauma from generation to generation until me."
"Understanding that about other groups of people who experienced trauma on a more generational scale."
"He's going to heal a traumatized generation with songs."
"We all have generational trauma, but we're at that stage where we're stopping it."
"Something important to note about digital horror is that it really plays on Gen Z's internet childhood trauma."
"We are born with ancient wounds that were passed down through our family lines."
"A lot of black families aren't even enlightened that they carry generational trauma."