
Validity Quotes

There are 532 quotes

"Any diet study that runs for less than a year or two is worthless."
"Their perceptions are just as valid as yours."
"The mere fact that something else could be true does not diminish the validity of the argument presented."
"Do your feelings all of a sudden become invalid once you reach a certain net worth?"
"Both of these opinions are valid opinions to have but neither of them fully encapsulate the nuance of what it is to be an indigenous person."
"If there's no basis for what you do or say, it will feel stupid."
"This map works. That's how I know it's true."
"Let your audience know so people can decide how much validity they want to give to your recommendation. It's simple."
"Swallow well is wrong on every level and from every conceivable angle as per usual."
"A study published in 2022 by researchers who are advocates of gender-affirming surgery. Yeah, honestly, 200 sounds like way too small. Am I misreading this number?"
"But don't claim it's ridiculous for people to have serious and sincere concerns about what is happening."
"Vision must be valid. The only way you know something is valid is that it came from the one who made it."
"Newton's Principia was published nearly 400 years ago, but do you honestly believe that the concepts described therein are any less valid today than they were back then?"
"Cross-cultural comparisons are pretty much worthless."
"Everybody's criticism is valid as long as they try to be constructive with it."
"Each person's opinion is just as valid as anyone else's."
"Microscopic hair comparison is bullshit science."
"If you honestly don't like the original games, that's perfectly fine."
"Are your goals still valid for you? What about your ideals? You're going to be looking at that as well."
"Cryptozoology is as valid as biology and astrology."
"There is some merit to what they have to say... backed up with factual data, research, and analysis."
"What better anchorage can you have for being principled than being principled on principles that were actually real in the first place?"
"I know a lot of streamers complain and I think it's very normal and acceptable to complain about like it is very easy to complain because there is a lot to complain about."
"His reason made sense. It's valid. It's proven."
"The argument is also less valid as time goes on because... it becomes harder and harder to hold that same argument."
"Opinions of so-called experts don't count, your feelings don't count, the data, the facts count."
"Even though you could have been set back, your dreams are still valid."
"The way to test the validity of a principle is to apply it universally."
"Cliches are often true, my... I'm a big defender of cliches."
"We're not talking about legal standards for behavior, we're talking about the validity of the things that you're teaching, and that's just so difficult to substantiate with students."
"If you're right, you'll stand the test of time."
"Your opinion matters, especially if it's supported by facts and observations." - Benjamin Proudfit
"Complementarity: different ways of viewing the same thing can be both informative and valid."
"All of our opinions are perfectly valid if you're just doing what works for you."
"It's very common for someone to present as put together completely fine, very functional, and for that person to still have a valid mental illness."
"Every criticism is valid, not necessarily because every person is different."
"Whether the story is true or not, it's a story worth telling."
"If most people believe something is right and true, then it must be right and true."
"I think there is a good case to be made to take it seriously."
"Truth is the Arbiter between what's valid and what's not."
"That's so valid. You should cleanse your house."
"It's okay to feel angry or sad or confused your feelings are valid."
"Your truth is important. Your voice is still valid. It's still needed."
"Your previous scores will still be valid, no need to worry."
"Biology, archaeology, and anthropology all support the idea that trans people are valid."
"No matter how cheapened this debate has become, the left does kind of have a point here."
"Science is a method... it's a way of discerning valid information from invalid information."
"Marriage is still valid... there's something to be said about the romance."
"Consistency in opinion over time can mean that you originally investigated it from first principles and continue to feel that your original position was correct."
"Never assume your immediate assumption is the valid one."
"Bad senseless writing can still exist. You can't invalidate it just because it's bad."
"Opinions are not valid bro, they're not valid."
"If your concerns can't exist on their own without ruining lives, then how legitimate are your concerns?"
"It's nothing to belittle those types of claims."
"It's so subjective that you can have completely different opinions and everyone is absolutely right."
"Two things can be true at the same time you can have two different types of emotions at the same time and that's perfectly valid."
"Everyone has their own interpretation of what this is, and every single one is valid."
"There is some merit to what he said and it is worth your time, go see it."
"I do think there's some weight to that theory."
"None of the excuses you can come up with are valid."
"I feel like kids' feelings and emotions are just as real and important and valid as adults' emotions."
"Just because certain Christians fail to live the Bible doesn't mean that the Bible isn't true."
"It's not just an opinion an opinion means everything that's true."
"There's no such thing as good faith or bad faith criticism there are people who like you and hate you uh you know they're uh but there's valid criticism and there's invalid criticism okay that's it."
"Everyone's opinions and experiences are valid."
"Trend lines with three or more points are generally more valid than those based on only two points."
"We all got our own opinions and they're all important and valid."
"Price action in no way makes the fundamentals or the use case of a project illegitimate."
"Your desires are always valid and they always serve a purpose."
"How important is representation in dating shows? For women who do watch these shows and who are also romantic in their own lives, their desire to be represented is valid."
"Are they both equally valid... if they are, please let us know."
"I have my own unique perspective on things. I'm educated, I'm just as valid as anybody else."
"Just because something's been around for a while, that doesn't mean it isn't a good idea."
"No legitimate sporting purpose? Maybe you should tell the sports guys."
"A reliable test is not always valid, but a valid test is always reliable."
"Empathy is about recognizing that they have feelings and recognizing that their feelings are valid."
"If they have been being done for centuries, then there absolutely must be something in it."
"Most of the time both sides of the story are valid."
"If that emotional resonance has persisted for however long, it is valid in how I built this list."
"Be sure it has at least two totally blank pages for stamps and at least six months of validity remaining after your trip end date."
"Every single reason for her trust issues is valid."
"We want to issue you a valid US patent that you can take to the bank and not to the courthouse."
"Your vision for what you want in a relationship is not invalid, and it's not something you can't create or find."
"Scientific evidence needs to be sufficiently reliable if you're going to rely on it."
"If you don't feel vulnerable just a little bit, it might be invalid"
"He believed he would someday and that dream was still valid."
"My feelings and fears are still valid."
"I think it's a super valid question."
"So his worry is probably not unfounded."
"Whatever emotions you feel is valid."
"Everything that you could possibly think of as to how music affects you or anyone else is valid."
"We make space for all people but not all beliefs are equally valid."
"There must be some truth in The Book of Enoch because two books in the Bible actually quote from it."
"I do regard very large parts of Schopenhauer's Philosophy by no means all of it but large parts of it I regard as being valid."
"Validity is how well a test measures what it claims to measure."
"Despite all of these assumptions being violated, the theory still seems to hold."
"It has value if it breaks the cycle," Draak retorted with unexpected force. "We fight ghosts, the original threat the one in their data locks May no longer exist, we bleed ourselves upon a fear that may no longer be valid."
"If it does not hold true across all domains, then it is not true."
"Those who attempt to definitively say this is not true don't have a leg to stand on."
"As long as water is hitting the head, it's valid."
"As the person receiving it, you have the power to listen, think about it, understand it, and therefore come to the conclusion of: Is this feedback valid?"
"Every list is valid. No one is wrong. You like the movies you like."
"It was not a ridiculous thing for someone to say."
"It's hard to argue with that, huh?"
"Just because they're a problem and people have noticed that problem, it doesn't make it invalid."
"Guess what it's not fun, your feelings are valid."
"I don't really think Wanda's point is really that valid."
"Just because it's the majority view doesn't make it any less valid."
"Does the quick opinion become worthless?"
"As long as you're valid, validate that knowledge and accept it."
"Canon is a bunch of hooey anyway..."
"The beauty of a successful deductive syllogism is that properly executed it cannot lead from true premises to false conclusions."
"Pluralism is a real recognition of that multiplicity of validity."
"It’s not a grandiose choice, but it is equally valid, and even more emotionally powerful."
"An operational definition is valid, meaning it has to be accurate and quantifiable."
"Art is everywhere you look. If the art industry isn't a valid industry, then by that logic neither are architecture, fashion, or food."
"Understand, your experience, game plan, whatever you want to call it, will tilt the value of the variables that I use to make my conclusion, thus you can end up with a completely different conclusion and it would be just as valid or more valid."
"Your opinion, regardless of how much I disagree with it, is every bit as valid as anyone else's."
"You can take any argument and show whether or not it's valid."
"You can have a valid argument with a false conclusion."
"If we apply the same operations on both sides of the equal sign, that's a valid manipulation."
"I feel like in hookup culture men will make you feel like your feelings are not valid."
"She suddenly became rebellious and was not having it. Her reasons for this were in some way valid."
"Just because something is a different way of doing it doesn't make it less valid."
"They're both equally valid but they emphasize different things."
"If you only publish the experiments where it does work and you throw away a hundred experiments where nothing happened, then the statistical inference that you draw is invalid, and that is a real problem."
"There is a kernel of truth in this criticism."
"In recent years, we have seen a new high tide in the discussion, this time focusing on the problem of the United monarchy and, in a way, on the question of the validity of the entire historical narrative in the Bible."
"Any exclusion of evidence that does not fit one's Theory nullifies the validity of the theory."
"Representation is important as it shows that we're valid, we're here, and we deserve as much space as the people who try to hate on us."
"All evidence was useful. Discarded Flint, pottery, animal bone, etc. was just as valid as palaces and expensive objects."
"You can have a valid argument without being correct."
"If the science doesn't replicate, it's not science."
"At the end of the day, the blue check mark makes you feel more significant. It makes you feel more valid and less irrelevant."
"For Warhol, everything was equally valid as a subject for art."
"There is no proven business model for some of these stocks... perhaps their business model is not fully valid."
"Maybe non-binary identities are valid, and you don't need to have gender dysphoria to transition."
"We're talking about truth, not opinions."
"When we demand an experience of reality, pleasure dictates what that experience will be, and therefore it is no longer valid."
"...they really were not testing very many participants."
"...the cumulative effect of all of these qrps is that perhaps then our published findings in Psychology are much stronger than they actually are."
"That's what I'm saying, just because it's cliched and doesn't mean it's not true."
"All I need to do is hold on to that belief that this concept is valid."
"If you never have a negative study, how do you have a scientifically valid method?"
"I think everyone's opinion is as valid as everyone else's."
"Almost all conspiracy theories... are just nonsense."
"I think that all reviews are valid because every review is just an honest opinion again unless it's being like racist or something."
"I don't think that problems should be dismissed just because of the lifestyle that you have. It's still just as valid as anybody else, no matter what people say, right?"
"All emotions are valid. None are more important than other ones. You need to feel sadness, you know?"
"You deserve to get the things you want with ease because why not why don't you deserve that why is that not valid?"
"You don't know everybody around the world, what their experiences are, and everybody's opinion is valid to them, to them, right?"
"Your opinions are valid although I disagree and that's that."
"If you enjoy audiobooks, you're a valid reader. Says science."
"The truth is the truth no matter where it is and no matter who mouth it come out of."
"Valid and makes the world a richer place."
"The vibe of 'I don't like thing because thing not like' is valid, in the same way that a 2-year-old not eating their macaroni and cheese because they're like, 'I don't want it' is valid."
"Emotions are emotions, it doesn't mean that expressing them is wrong."
"I think this gives a substantial amount of validity to his responses."
"The method of natural deduction is equal in power to the truth table method as far as proving validity is concerned."
"I'm not making this up, this is actually happening."
"A personality test should have some predictive validity."
"The truth will stand up on its own."
"A proof system is sound if whenever you can prove something then it's logically valid."
"There's definitely some validity to that argument."
"My beliefs are valid, and I should take pride in them."
"...there's certain kind of comics that like you and I exist I think we're very valid we belong in comedy."
"You can be trans masc and have long hair, wear a full face of makeup, have your tits out, wearing a dress, and still be just as valid."
"PDA isn't officially recognized, but that doesn't mean that it isn't a useful label for a set of behaviors."
"One possible reaction is 'oh' and another possible reaction is 'ah', and both are equally valid."
"One thing the film makes a point of with Mindscape is that it's not perfect and doesn't actually hold much weight in a court of law, giving my theory about that sneaky killer more weight too."
"Even though my opinion is not representative at all of UChicago as a whole, it's still valid and it is still my experience and my opinion."
"These are methods and techniques that actually work."
"Their opinions on art are about as valid as a gibbon's opinion on quantum physics, sir or madam."
"It is as true for one person as it is for another regardless of anyone's opinion about it."
"All of your criticisms are 100% valid."
"It's time to stop thinking validity is enough. We owe God the best we can do."
"Deficit reverse lunges is a very valid movement."
"Just because a queen hasn't been on Drag Race doesn't mean they're less valid than anybody else."
"Renormalization isn't anything mystical or mysterious; it's a perfectly valid mathematical trick."
"If someone asks you why and you tell them you just don't feel that way, you've already given your valid answer."
"Valid arguments obey the laws of logic."
"Making the same predictions is a symmetric relation. If A makes the same predictions as B, you can't claim that as a reason to ignore A."
"Good evidence doesn't become bad evidence simply by receding into the past."
"Most pre-approvals are only valid for three months."
"Your opinions on something are not more valid or correct because they're positive."
"I don't want to make today a bad day, and honestly, I don't even know if my request is valid."
"It's such a lame argument and it's wrong."
"Scientific ideas are only valid if they're mathematically consistent and reflect reality."
"If gender non-conforming cisgender people are calling themselves nonbinary because it makes them feel more comfortable, if I felt like that in any way damaged my validity as a trans person, that would be for ME to make a video about. It's none of her goddamn business." - Lux
"All drag is valid, but not all performances hit the mark."
"Are my sacraments not valid? That's a continual challenge."
"There's a reason why that's there, and even if it's not your jam, it's still valid."
"Everything fluctuates, and everybody's got their life opinion and has had their experience and has validity to why they believe what they believe."
"The khateeb is not required to cover his head, and the Jumu'ah is still valid."
"Make sure that the information that you're extracting is useful, valid, interesting."
"I think we all have a tendency to take it for granted that all the people, all of you are, are valid, you know, we're all walking around on this earth together."
"Feeling love and having those type of experiences like you said are completely valid."
"You are your experiences, which has more weight and which actually feels valid to you?"
"In this age of misinformation, it's aged tremendously well."
"Reproducibility stands; it would be hard for people to argue against that."