
Task Quotes

There are 672 quotes

"Self-care has become so prominent but that in itself is a task."
"I bought it knowing that this was going to be the biggest task I've ever tackled."
"Our greatest primary task is to put people to work."
"You put on the dolly, that's the thing you put on and say I'm not, I'm not, I'm just worry, I have to go do something cool that's gonna at least do something cool."
"Challenge number three, offensive petition done, good [__]."
"Clearing inventory chaos: a task for every Minecraft player."
"This is a challenge, guys, this is a towing challenge."
"I just gotta find the wool and get out as fast as possible."
"Paint them, paint that little green bastard!"
"It's part of my job, go ahead and show me the board."
"My task is complete. I will return."
"It's Monday, we got to tear this thing apart and put it all back together with a lot of new parts by tomorrow so we can go to the track on Wednesday."
"It's wash my car, all lower case."
"So don't feel like you're not doing it because you have to drop to your knees."
"I like this. Period. I see you, Avenue, doing what you need to do. You understood the assignment."
"Wow, just finished up the wash here."
"I was tasked to toss it in a lake... and to do it only with my friend."
"We just have one more lunch box that needs to go in here, that's it."
"She's understanding the assignment."
"It seems like they're done with the fueling."
"Our task, our sacred task of our time, is to make sure that they change not for the worse, but for the better."
"Makoto asks about the illusionary city he's asked his followers to work on."
"She finally figured out what I was going to do when I told her to find me a list of all the people that she owes."
"Let's focus on the real issue for this lesson which is going to be platform jumping."
"We have actually finished painting the entire front of the shop."
"I thought this would be a 2-minute job."
"I at least felt like I was performing a necessary if boring bureaucratic task."
"It wasn't exactly a fun job, but I at least felt like I was performing a necessary if boring bureaucratic task."
"Let me go get the rest of the goodies for these guys."
"Authenticity of task and purpose, to me, are the really really important ones."
"I get a call from Alberto and he says, Steve, I need you to pick up a sample of pee from this athlete, fly it to Minnesota, drop it off."
"The rake-in looks to be completed."
"This is my job for this afternoon and I am actually quite looking forward to it. I quite like packing."
"Got a bulk of it done. Just need to make a center line for the rest of it."
"That's just straight geometry, alright. My to-do list: I gotta get the console drawn in real quick, get our steering wheel on here, got a sideview mirror right here."
"So there you have it, the character is pretty much done."
"So in this way you did this work."
"Have you ever asked someone to do one, just one really small, really simple job and they've still managed to get it wrong somehow?"
"I'm not going to get involved with emptying the water out on this one."
"What did you do? My big plans for today is something I've been meaning to do for months - organizing this drawer."
"Don't get it right, just get it done."
"I feel like this is one of the things that people get really nervous about but you know what it's not that hard."
"I've just put the cookies in the oven."
"Two pounds for two days is easier than one pound for one day, just because economy of scale is a thing."
"All I'm really doing is I'm just scooping this stuff out and I'm throwing it into that wheelbarrow."
"So many things that I need to get done."
"...£1350 for the Barons, do it yourself, it is as simple as that."
"Two steps: the poison for Cuzco, the poison chosen specially to kill Cuzco, Cuzco's poison. Kronk, get the Emperor a drink."
"So happy I got through all that laundry."
"Thank you for giving me the strength and the conviction to complete the task you entrusted to me."
"Time now for you to continue to turn and manage it."
"I was supposed to update my music list."
"All right, so yeah, we're going to have to do some filing."
"At this point, I've uncovered most of the bolts for the intake manifold so we're going to get those knocked loose."
"I'm here so I need to take a look at this car. They sent me here to take a look at the car."
"To complete the last corner of this row two."
"Now I'm going to create a new file."
"And then I'm going to tackle my um my white ones."
"...he's got his oque that could serve as a great distraction."
"Sing along to the Taskmaster theme tune. Most powerful and champion-like wins. Your time starts now."
"Now we have a nice neat finished block."
"I'm a bush Tech and today the whole tub of the vehicle is coming off."
"She was tasked with making an admitted terrorist a sympathetic character."
"We're doing a mobile spark plug replacement job or something like that."
"We just gotta thread the last bolt on the bottom of the motor mount."
"Siri, remind me to get a tape measurer tomorrow morning."
"An opportunity help extra cash or other support is coming your way so keep going and have fun when performing your tasks."
"Paris yells at Prince Escalus for letting her proceed with a very dangerous task. Someone is clearly protective."
"Its immense reservoir of power gave the Second Spawning of Slann the means to complete their assigned task of shifting the planet’s orbit closer to the sun."
"The Stables were huge and never cleaned before, and he had only a single day to complete the task."
"Each task invokes different parts of the brain dynamically."
"Chunky. We got a little bit of the brightener cleaner on here and we're going to town."
"I'm trying to close circles on my Apple Watch."
"I'm gonna have to start calling junk yards in the morning."
"Alright guys, we got everything put back together."
"I was supposed to take them to the thrift store."
"Let's get into the garage, get everything printed, and start attacking the post-processing of this project."
"You want to make sure you get this thing as close to the rear door as you possibly can."
"All right first things first we gotta take this bimini cover off."
"I need to get today's video up and I need to price just a few more items."
"That's going to be your job if we fail," Batman tells Wonder Woman gravely.
"Just finishing this puzzle is an accomplishment in itself."
"Once you take this off you just need a few inches to get it out of the way and slide it out not that big of a deal it's not that hard of a job."
"Again, take your time and make sure you do this right this isn't a hard job it's just a tedious job."
"When a task is important that man isn't satisfied until he handles it himself."
"This is the way to get this, you have to swap the keys."
"I'm trying to finish this little area right in there, get that done."
"I've got almost two inches that I need to pour."
"...I want you to keep this tank under a hundred you think you can do that. Do that for me keep on doing what you do and you have yourself a nice day."
"One of the things they pointed out in both parts of the testing is that I have a much easier time focusing when the task is hard because it's interesting to me."
"I'm in my kitchen... we've got to take these out about every 5 minutes and take them into the shop."
"I'm not going to do a book haul it's not going to happen if we're being realistic so we're just going to shelf them and that is going to be quite the task honestly."
"So yeah, that is a pass. We are done with the tank with the exception of the filter."
"Let's go, time for the measurement."
"There are countless numbers whose fate is to be deplored. Life is a task to be done."
"Honestly, we'll probably end up having to do a flood coat."
"So the netting's all done and it's time to let the water back in."
"I need to finish a coverage opinion."
"The next thing we need to do is build a data set for the table we want to load."
"Now I got to finish this feast and put it all together."
"...what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove these two 10 mm's up here and then I'm going to remove my inventory."
"I really wish we'd get a good task this time."
"What's looks like a five minute job is the minimum of an hour and a half."
"Okay, got the backing so we'll just stick this down."
"Marcella, the Chancellor of Sport, has given you an emergency call, saying there is a task most peculiar."
"We gotta do one of ours, we gotta find the thickest one."
"Georgie, you're my man inside. I need you to go back in and hit 'em hard."
"Obviously shopping is a strenuous task."
"The full prompt structure looks like this: You are an expert role I want you to action."
"This perfect prompt formula can be used for just about any task you can think of doing with AI."
"We want to restrict them to an area but we also want to try and maintain their focus on what they're supposed to be doing."
"Quite quickly, it's not going to take more than a few hours to get that polished up properly, pump the tyres up, fix the punctures, whatever it needs."
"...but those are the four major features that we're going to be focusing on for this crew AI task..."
"'Careful not to let his thoughts show in his face. Not until that first sight he just had of the castle had the full realization of the apparent impossibility of their task struck him.'"
"Can you shine the flashlight for me and hand me the wrench? Here you go."
"Azula got her first official task from her father when he sent her to find and capture Zuko and her uncle Iroh saying that they were traitors."
"You guys will have 40 minutes total."
"I'll do your work for you. Which job is first? The supermarket. Okay, Rebecca, look after your auntie."
"This makes my heart so happy. It is such a satisfying task to be doing."
"Bailey are you still counting the nuggets yeah that's six."
"It's a tough job but someone has to do it."
"The core task that these large language models are trained to do."
"This is the core task most large language models are doing."
"We need to start on the front now."
"I actually need to move this because I need a plug for the laminating machine. Hold on."
"I thought you have to do this again."
"Before we go, guys, just remember we gotta do the fan board."
"I think it's time for you to do a little bit of schoolwork."
"The ultimate goal of the game is to kill Diablo, but along the way, you're given more manageable tasks."
"One more thing, while you're in town, make sure you take care of that Tesla LS nonsense. The only way I want to leave that garage is in a million pieces."
"You heading back to the office? I'm gonna start across this back panel here removing this off of here."
"The only other thing I need to do in the kitchen today is heat up these green beans."
"I'm gonna do that for about 10 minutes."
"I got to drain the water out of this."
"Unfortunately, our first pruning task here is kind of a melancholy one."
"...got one drawer done, maybe I'll do another one tomorrow..."
"Let me get all that moved out, get this thing in the basement and see if it'll run."
"Plenty of work still to be done but those are jobs for another day."
"The objective today is quite simply to get this thing running."
"But the objective today is quite simply to get this thing running."
"Tiana is on the case we've got a lizard to catch stay alert yes mr. Ville"
"But he's trying to drop, he's got to drop this U-Haul off."
"Now, I have to tie a square knot."
"You can say, 'This is a straightforward task, nothing to think of.'"
"You're going to start your border."
"Now we're going to sew the handle on."
"Gollum completes the task, but the task is strategized by God."
"The task of exegesis... is ongoing."
"She had already received another task and her father's signature."
"Our house is still empty. I'm going to get started, but there's a few things we have to do before we can move furniture into this room."
"...and just like that, we are done."
"His true task was to assess the condition of China's Air Force."
"As soon as she came in, I'm out. I'm out to shower now, I'm done."
"I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually a little bit excited to do this part of x231. Most of the jobs up till now have not been fun at all but I'm actually looking forward to this."
"By the time those 10 minutes are up, you will have forgotten about that sensation and be right back at the task at hand."
"What brings the satisfaction is not necessarily in the nature of the task, it's in what we bring to the task."
"We've come to the end of the task."
"Multiply that by 6 gives me 13 and 32 cents an hour doing this task, which is incredibly respectable and honestly not a bad gig."
"They're going to have to make a run."
"Our experts have a mammoth task ahead."
"Let's start animating our character."
"Just go ahead and get it out the way now, get it done this week if you already haven't done so."
"Jumping into this, the first thing we have on our list."
"Well, I'm either dead or I'm on my way, so treat this task like it's my dying wish."
"I want to have a separate session where I'm just looking at a mix."
"All right so now we have this whole top section done here. I also went ahead and I'll show you guys here let me tilt her up. I went ahead and I also sectioned off the rest of the back."
"And you will still have a square when you're all done."
"We knew we had a job ahead of us."
"Then of course you want to just go through the rest of these details filling everything out for the listing and once you're done you can hit publish and you've completed your template listing."
"Remember the task at hand. It's about winning and losing. All the extra stuff, don't let it take over."
"They understood the assignment today."
"And now I can put this huge bridge back on, it's a little bit of an intimidating one but overall it's actually not as bad as it looks from the outside."
"Grading is a real, unpleasant job."
"...now that I'm finished with sawing these edges square like that one."
"...but it is much much lighter to render."
"Your mission is to take that web gear."
"Maintaining operating temp, let's pull this thing out."
"But we're gonna get right to it and it should be an easy job just like everything else in this car has been."
"Securing the door was a lot easier than I anticipated."
"...got to get straight in on this 12."
"I don't know how many of you remember these, but these are our boards of 'done'."
"Your job: feel good, be open to receiving, keep my vibration high, show up and do the task that I'm assigned to do on this planet."
"The dwarf soon opened the door and said, 'What will you give me to do your task?'"
"Performance overall defined as the accomplishment of a given task."
"Hold the task in your mind as if it's a favor for your future self to create momentum."
"Staining this thing was an absolute bear."
"Well, this might be the easiest one we've done in a while."
"After supper, you go out to Clave, you can take napkins to Dooley at the same time and off the wipes, Lyle, you'll take the rest of the goods to German," Daisy instructed.
"I wasn't allowed to leave that room until I did this OW write up."
"Clarice armed with new knowledge and an unwavering determination to fulfill her task set about creating a snowman."
"All right gang, now that the casing is off, it's time to tackle the threshold."
"The government of men... is the most complex and arduous of all human tasks."
"Tiling is going to be a very very easy task."
"What Herculean task have you encountered that you're like, man, I really wish I could use the Mafia right now."
"So yeah, what I need to just do is hole saw out this bit of wood, cut through it into the metal, and get the conduit up in the attic."
"I assure you that your only job is to pull that lever after 30 minutes. That's it, chief."
"Why aren't you helping with the Harvest?"
"I'm so done with this. I'm ready to get this shampooed and conditioned."
"It's kind of nerve-wracking cutting up this plastic."
"Okay, guys, in the first round I want you to prepare a Coca-Cola jelly for me. That's easy."