
Audience Appreciation Quotes

There are 979 quotes

"It always feels very rewarding when you put out content that you love and other people love it too."
"Thank you so much to everyone who has watched the channel over the last 12 months. It's been a hell of a ride."
"I feel very passionate about it; thank you for watching, grateful for y'all."
"It's really important for us to remind the audiences that there's no way that we can do what we do or entertain without having a community."
"I very aware that everything I have is because of you, because you continue to show up here and watch my videos. And I do not take that for granted. I love you."
"Thank you all so much for watching; I really appreciate each and every one of you."
"Thank you for being awesome, lovely viewers."
"Thank you so much for supporting this channel and all your likes and shares and your beautiful comments. I appreciate each and every one of you."
"It's an immense privilege to put a date on the calendar, show up in a theater, and have all of you come out. Really, it's amazing."
"Thank you guys all so much for watching. I love you all; you guys are the best."
"We really want to just give you guys the best we can, and we thank you for investing your time or listening to us because I know that your time is very important."
"Whether you clicked on my channel now or clicked on my channel a few years ago, I appreciate you seriously."
"I am thankful for all of you because you guys show us tremendous support."
"So honestly, just to have you here listening is an honor and it's such a blessing, and I don't take it for granted."
"We've been playing your clips; the audience loves you."
"Thank you, everyone, so much for watching and being the incredible audience that you are."
"I perform exactly the same because some comics be like, 'Oh, only nine people came, we could just do this in my living room.' Why are you on the people that showed up?"
"You guys seem to appreciate the content. That's also good and makes it all worthwhile."
"Thank you guys, you've been freaking amazing. I think it's all your energy that kind of cradled me into a bed of whatever that good Juju was. It was nice."
"Thank you very much to everyone who's tuned in today."
"The love that I've been getting at the venues has been pretty surreal."
"Thank you if you hung on to the bitter end it was very sweet of you."
"I appreciate all your support and all your help and I love seeing these locations and I love bringing them to you."
"Thank you for watching this video, I can't describe how grateful proud happy thankful I am to you guys."
"Your channel, this channel is absolutely nothing without the people that get behind it."
"The pursuit of wisdom and, I think that the vast majority of the silent audience really appreciates that."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and for suffering through all the minutia of this insane game."
"Thanks so much for being here, I appreciate you watching, smash that like button, subscribe and I'll see you next time!"
"Truly guys, thank you so much for your support... thank you so much for tuning in."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. If you watched till the end, you're an absolute champ."
"Thank you to all of you guys for watching and tuning in."
"I appreciate all my viewers the same regardless of whatever you give me, you know?"
"If you guys did watch this video, if you got through the whole thing, man, you guys are awesome."
"Without you, this channel doesn't exist in the way it does, and I really do appreciate it."
"We should be open-minded rather than dogmatic. Rather than say we know the answer in advance, we should collect data."
"The thing that's arguably more important than your than money is just your view seriously like just watching the stuff that I put out is really cool."
"Hell yeah, if you enjoyed, just give a thumbs up and subscribe."
"This audience is the best ever, and I have the best chat ever because you guys are hilarious."
"As always, I appreciate every single one of you."
"Our audience is what has given us all of these opportunities."
"We really love what you produce and very well deserved number one spot here."
"Thank you so very much to everyone who sent some amazing gifts and sweet letters and books and so many cool things. Thank you, thank you!"
"You have been such an amazing audience thank you so much for being with us such a a long night we really hugely appreciate it please give a massive Round of Applause for Izzy Bill Sam Jesse Ral and David."
"Thank you for being such amazing viewers, especially like the comments section."
"Our audience is brilliant, right? There are thousands of you and you're really brilliant people."
"Thank you so much for watching! I love you all."
"I genuinely am grateful for the amazing audience that you are."
"If y'all appreciate me not putting 100 commercials in the video."
"Thank you so much for watching, we're always super grateful."
"Thank you very much everybody if you've made it to this point in the video, I want to thank you very much for your support."
"Your honesty makes you perhaps the most loved person on my channel because you're just so incredibly honest and vulnerable."
"You gotta always humble yourself and just always look at the fact that these people still paid money to come see me." - Steve Lacy
"Thank you from the bottom of my heart truly for all of your love, for supporting me, my channel, and all the things. I really, really appreciate you."
"Thank you so much for going through this whole thing with me."
"We appreciate you guys tuning in... you're the reason we do the channel."
"Thank you for hanging out with me this morning."
"I am really blessed to have such an awesome audience thank you guys."
"You are all so incredible...thank you so much for watching this."
"Because I'm so thankful for every person that's either watching this or listening to the sound of my voice right now."
"Thank you very much for watching... it really does help in getting this video more exposure, and I would always appreciate that."
"Thanks to you guys for all your support, we really appreciate it."
"Thank you everybody for watching, for tuning in live or if you're listening to us later."
"Thank you for supporting me... if I could say each one of your names one by one I would but thank you for supporting me."
"Above all else, just thank you very much for watching."
"Thank you for investing in this and believing in the content that we're creating here to make it worth your while."
"Thank you guys so much for making my day and just for being the best audience a person could ask for."
"I plan to continue working hard and trying new things and constantly striving to make my content the best that it can be because at the end of the day I'm here because of you."
"You've been a wonderful audience, thank you."
"Thanks for making it all the way to the end. Statistically speaking, you're pretty rare and that makes you pretty darn cool."
"Thank you so much, I really do love the audience."
"But I just, I want to thank you all because if it wasn't for you all watching them, I couldn't do these, I couldn't."
"It's crazy that those are 10,000 individual people who watch my content, so yeah, massively grateful."
"As long as people are watching... I really, really, really do appreciate it."
"A big thank you to all of you, the audience members. Have a great evening, we love you guys and we'll see you soon."
"Thank you very much for watching, you're the best, love you."
"We appreciate you, the audience, for always sticking beside us through the good, the bad, the ugly, and, of course, the messy."
"I just want to thank y'all for even... we appreciate you coming out, man."
"Thank you for watching I love you very much."
"All I have to say to you guys is just a massive massive thank you."
"Thank you guys for the Love on the series so far."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video you guys are amazing and I love you guys so much."
"That was really great, really great feeling to have that many people watching."
"Thanks for watching, hope you guys are enjoying it. See you in the next video!"
"Thank you for tuning in to another stream, keeping us entertained."
"Thank you all for being here, I really do appreciate it."
"Thank you all for watching so much. I really appreciate you."
"Thank you very much for sticking around with us."
"Y'all better appreciate this [ __ ] video that's coming. Y'all, I had to put my comb up. Oh, hold on, hold on, ain't no lights up in there, is it? Give me this. Are you hitting me with this boxing dancing?"
"It scored a 100 among critics on Rotten Tomatoes and also boasts a 92 audience review score."
"Thank you to each and every one of you. It means so much to me. I'm so grateful that you keep coming back every single week."
"Thank you, love you all! Good luck and see you next time! Bye!"
"Thank you for watching, you're totally rockin' awesome."
"The love and support for this series has been amazing, thank you so much!"
"I just want to say thank you. Seriously, I got so many funny stuff coming out. I appreciate you guys so much. I love making people laugh, I love funny stuff, I'm a very silly person. My comedy is more silly than it is just relatable."
"These people have given you their time, their focus, their lives. You have to respect that."
"I am pumped though I just want to say thank you guys."
"Thank you guys so much for watching till the end of the video."
"I'd like to thank everyone that's joined for today's live on Popcorn Planet. You guys are freaking amazing!"
"Thank you guys so much for watching, I hope you're having a wonderful day and I'll see you later, goodbye."
"Thank you to our Rumble fans and to everyone watching."
"A big ol thanks goes out to each and every one of you."
"Thank you for listening if you made it this long... you're wonderful."
"Thank you all for enjoying and caring about it so much cuz that means it even more exciting for me."
"Thanks for listening and watching. You're the best."
"Thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you in the next tour."
"We just want to thank everybody so much for being here, as always we are so grateful for you."
"Thank you all so much for watching, stay spectacular Spidey fans..."
"It's like it's incredible that there is this show and that people care enough about it to want to watch it and be a part of that conversation that I think no matter what is positive."
"The channel has meant a lot to me over this last five years, and I obviously couldn't have done all of that without you watching."
"Love this reading, thank you so much for being here!"
"Thank you guys so very much for choosing me as your number one destination right here on your Saturday afternoon!"
"If you made it this far into the video, you're a trooper."
"Thank you guys for watching, and we'll see you all in the next one."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and until we eat again, see you later."
"For those who really listen, I'm glad you're here."
"Thank you for your support during 2021 and will be going on to support me further I hope."
"You're the best audience I couldn't ask for a better audience, great fans all of you beautiful too."
"I want to thank every one of y'all out there for the listen."
"On itv4 we thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
"Thank you guys very much for being around here."
"We love you, we appreciate you tremendously."
"Thank you guys for being here today with me, giving me your time and energy."
"Thank you so much for coming and spending almost two hours of your time with me. Remember I'm going to be away for two weeks."
"Thank you for tuning in, we really appreciate it."
"Thank you guys again so much for coming. I really appreciate it. Goodbye for real now!"
"I hope your viewers appreciate this interview that we did man oh they will man this is gonna be your biggest interview ever."
"I still suffer from kind of sickness and up before I go on... but I love hearing an audience laugh."
"Thank you everyone for watching and for supporting the channel."
"That's really all I care about at the end of the day, is did people enjoy what I did, I hope they do."
"I can't deny the fact that you like me right now, you'll like me."
"Thank you to all for listening and see you next time."
"Love the show, thank you. You guys saved my life."
"Just wanted to quickly thank you all for the support on these two videos. I never thought they'd do half as well as they have."
"I don't dress up for my show anymore but I dress up for you. Thank you."
"I love our commenters, and we do have a thoughtful and engaged audience."
"We have the best [__] audience and it's not even close."
"Thank you so much for watching. I really appreciate you all."
"Thank you for allowing me to make content like this, you're amazing."
"Thank you so much for watching, I love you, cherish your support."
"Thank you for being here, thank you for sticking with me."
"Thank you everybody, really do hope you guys enjoyed the stream today."
"Thank you guys for watching, really do hope you guys enjoy. I will see you guys in the next one."
"If you're still here, I really appreciate you, you are the real MVP."
"Thank you everybody for watching we are so grateful for you none of this is possible without you."
"The viewers love it though, so we do it for the viewers."
"I appreciate each and every single one of you."
"I'm very grateful that I have you as an audience."
"Thank you to all the new subscribers, to all the old subscribers, to everyone that's been tuning into the show and supporting the movement. I appreciate you."
"There's a lot of people out there really liked it, that feels good."
"Thank you guys for watching, thank you guys listening, wherever it might be."
"Thank you so much for being here, I love you guys, I appreciate you, you are amazing."
"Thank you once again for being so incredible and supportive."
"At the end of the day, Ashraf Ghani's constituency was not the Afghan people, it was the elites in policymaking circles in Washington and Brussels."
"It does make me really happy when I make videos because I know you guys enjoy my personality for what it is."
"I'm not lying when I say that you guys sometimes are what keeps me going. So yeah, thank you."
"Thank you guys for your support, thank you guys so much for watching."
"Thanks very much for watching guys, I appreciate it. This has been [Music]."
"Thanks again for tuning in and watching as long as you did I really appreciate it I love you I really do I couldn't do this without you."
"You are the number one reason this channel continues to grow, and I appreciate it."
"You guys are beautiful people and all the money is owed."
"For the users who do use this website to find my content, even though it's become increasingly more difficult for you to do so, I can't thank you enough."
"Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this very, very long video, if you stuck around to this point, if you skip to this point, I still love you."
"A big old thanks goes out to each and every one of you for watching."
"Thank you guys so much for tuning in, it really, really means a lot."
"Thank you all so much for being here, thank you for watching."
"We appreciate people tuning in and liking the show."
"Thank you for your awesome content patience."
"Your support means the world to me and helps make videos like this possible. I love you."
"Thanks so much for watching the video today... I genuinely appreciate your support."
"We love you guys and appreciate you guys so so much for tuning in every single day."
"Thank you so much for watching, you are freaking incredible."
"Good show Tony, we miss you on Saturday afternoon."
"It's really nice when the two come together... critics and fans alike go 'Hey, I like this.'"
"Thank you so much to everyone who supports this channel thank you to you for watching we really really really appreciate it we can't do the show without you um and we can't do it without people who hit the like button it's true."
"Thanks to everyone for watching. Goodbye and have a great day."
"Thank you for sticking around, I appreciate it."
"I hope people appreciate it and enjoy it because it makes the world feel even though it's a fake world."
"Westeros has been killing it. Thank you guys so much for watching, man. It's crazy to see that show blow up."
"Nearly 20 years he has risked his life for your entertainment." - Tim Ferriss
"I think this is probably where I'm gonna wrap this one up and call it quits. But I want to thank everyone for watching. I hope you guys had fun today. If you guys want me and Ben to play again sometime, make sure you smash that like button."
"Thank you all so very much for being here I really do appreciate y'all."
"Out of all the content creators on YouTube, the fact that you choose to watch me is awesome."
"Consistently crank out quality content that the majority of the audiences and the critics enjoy and love."
"Thank you for hanging in there... that's why we do what we do."
"At the end of the day, the fact that you're all here for my streams and just watching and having a good time, that's what I care about the most."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. I greatly appreciate it."
"I really appreciate you guys so much, you're such an incredible audience, love you guys so much."
"Appreciate every audience member you have. Don't be one of those people who is just like you know, you don't be someone who has an entirely growth mindset."
"I'm happy that you're entertained over here and thank you I do appreciate it."
"I truly appreciate you guys watching my channel. I love each and every one of you so very much."
"I just want to thank you for watching my content all of these years and getting me to the point where I can make a really awesome video like this."
"There's a huge part of the audience that loves your independent spirit."
"Thank you very much everybody, I love you dearly and I'll see you soon."
"Thank you for coming back to support what I do."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and for this year hitting a million subscribers."
"Thank you for choosing to spend your time with me. I really do appreciate it."
"I'm filled with gratitude right now and I appreciate each and every one of you thank you for watching."
"Thank you so much for tuning in to my channel. I appreciate you so much."
"Thank you guys so much for watching we could not be more happy with this series and with how the ship came out."
"Thanks for sticking with me all this time, um, and if anyone's new like thank you for joining me too."