
English History Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"It's a story that helped define England, her sense of herself, her language, her role in the world."
"The construction of memorial crosses at every other night stop along the way until she (Eleanor) was finally laid to rest in Westminster Abbey is unprecedented in English history and surely is a testament to how much Edward loved Eleanor."
"The ensuing battle, one of the most critical in English history, has become known as the Battle of Hastings."
"Next to his daughter Elizabeth, Henry VIII remains England’s most iconic monarch."
"The English Civil War was in many senses the most traumatic set of events in English history."
"An English victory that would echo through the ages as a near-perfect example of the hopelessly outmatched underdog achieving victory against all the odds."
"John Wycliffe, the English priest and scholar who challenged the corrupt practices of the church."
"God must have been with the english that day."
"Edward III was a sort of Legend in English History, a great warrior, a great leader, a great king."
"It was a succession crisis like no other, 1066 saw three rival Warlords battling it out on English soil for the crown."
"Prior to the emergence of the kingdom of England, Alfred's ancestors ruled over a kingdom known as the Kingdom of Wessex."
"It was a decisive and surprising English victory."
"Pluckley is known as the most haunted village in England."
"The tragedy of the White Ship is history that deserves to be remembered."
"From Roman settlers to Saxon Lords, Stephen and Matilda, not to mention a couple of civil wars, we found evidence of some of the key moments of English history."
"Elizabeth's Reign is viewed as a golden age in English History."
"Mary would be next in the line to the English Throne if her Father James inherited it, which seemed likely at this point."
"William believed that he could have the support of the common folk in England."
"England has just come out of three decades of civil war in which a bunch of Henrys, Edwards, and one Richard had a little ding dong over which Royal house should rule the round."
"This house is a lovely example of that because every single moment in English history for the last, 1300 years has left an imprint particularly in the last 500 years."
"The Victorian era contains some of the most dazzling and darkest moments of English History."
"The coldest temperature in English History was minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit."
"When was the beginning of English? Of course, it's Old English."
"Henry's reign is that the English colonization of Ireland begins."
"The black prince returned to England with the captured John and was revered as a hero."
"Edward had a vision of a unified England under his rule."
"Thomas Cromwell himself proposing that the great shrine monastery at little Walsingham in Norfolk... should become a college and be saved."
"The distinctive way in which the English polity went on to develop is thanks to him."
"I have the heart and valor of a king, and of a king of England, too."
"The first woman in English History to publish an English language book of her own authorship."
"The drama of the Plantagenets kept us busy for over 300 years."
"The monarchy is the only English institution which is actually continuous."
"The Royal Navy... came to symbolize English political and religious liberty."
"In the annals of English history, the name Alfred the Great resonates with echoes of valor, wisdom, and resilience."
"King James wasn't blown up, and Guy Fawkes was discovered with a bunch of gunpowder underneath Parliament."
"This conflict is known today as the Wars of the Roses."
"They were in England when our fathers, the white English, invaded the land in 449 A.D."
"The Church of England was established in 1534 as the new state Church."
"He has cemented his position in the ranks of English kings and queens."
"The white rose of York combated the red rose of Lancaster in the first battle of St. Albans."
"...the architecture of English towns was again transformed..."
"The Third Crusade was led by Richard the First of England, AKA Richard the Lionheart."
"Æthelstan began titling himself as the king of the English."
"This heritage would be passed along to his son, the future King Edward the Fourth."
"It is also a city of destruction, yet York is a storehouse of original material for the history of England."
"Her influence on English history is really significant."
"King Charles II was also the son of King Charles the first who was executed during the revolution that happened in the previous decade."
"Magna Carta... said essentially that the Barons had certain rights, rights of habeas corpus, punishment had to be proportioned to the crime, and no taxation without representation."