
Niche Markets Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"We don't write hits...We try to service a respectable niche with competent games in order to sustain a pleasant, sustainable middle-class income."
"Then along came the internet, with low storage and distribution costs, servers could host everything. So now the public got to decide what was popular, revealing a surprising demand for niche categories."
"The key things when looking for a product is making sure it has a really passionate niche."
"That's the challenge, I guess, in terms of this type of business. Once you're known for a niche, to switch that niche is pretty tricky to do."
"The key for us was we went kind of like Niche viral inside of a couple key communities."
"Red ocean would be like me deciding that I'm going to sell a caramel sugar mystery flavored soda that competes with Coke and Pepsi."
"What makes a good work from home job in my opinion is one that allows you to differentiate, to find your niche."
"Red Letter Media has proven with the fans that did like the movie that there might be a market for a Star Wars anime."
"Start building a store in the fitness and wellness niche..."
"The goal is narrow, as narrow as you can. The more narrow, the better. Riches are in the niches."
"It started within a niche within a niche so exactly exactly it's really dope to see that."
"Themed restaurants are still popular to this day for their niche appeal."
"The running gag which is not really a joke is if you want to make a million dollars making reproduction guns first start with two million dollars."
"I'm glad that this set finally came out for witch doctors."
"Fortunately, the demand for ball pits is still alive and well."
"Staying within your own circle of competence may give you opportunities that other investors might miss out on."
"There's a substantial market for smaller vans."
"There's opportunity in almost any niche. You can literally make money on every program known to man."
"Stop thinking for investors... You're gonna find people that love all types of things."
"YouTube is the single best place for someone to create content and find a niche."
"From health to happiness, relationships to wealth - there's a niche for everyone on YouTube."
"You can profit over ten thousand dollars per van."
"The story is very similar in Israel; their companies are less household names because they operate in less consumer-focused industries."
"I really like their business model I think it's really clever and I think it's a great pickaxe kind of play on the puff puff industry."
"No matter what your business focus or niche, there may be grants specifically designed to support your unique endeavor."
"Word of mouth started to spread about a niche Japanese game that dared you to try to play it and balked at the idea of you ever beating it."
"Love it, love it, and that's the power of really digging into a niche."
"It's way better to have a smaller following that will follow you everywhere you want to go."
"We're driving this growth and carving out a new type of clothing niche, where you serve the customer by making t-shirts featuring cool art and phrases that they identify with."
"But that's good because, you know, whenever I think e-commerce and whenever I think dropshipping my mind goes straight to like trinkets and it goes straight to like iPhone covers and it goes straight to like little things."
"There must be business opportunities right now because of this I it's got to be some great niche markets out there for entrepreneurs"
"I think the amount of audience will diminish but I think the intensity of that audience will grow."
"Would you say that they're the GameStop of pools?"
"What you guys need to do is do research, pick a niche, get in while no one's talking about it."
"Selling custom jewelry can be one of the most profitable niches on Etsy."
"Independent devs... they can make whatever they feel like even if it's something that has like zero audience."
"Surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs that are in your niche."
"Selling to restaurants has allowed me to grow a lot of crops that I wouldn't necessarily be able to grow and sell at the farmers market."
"Odell is carved out a nice little niche, Skip, we look on IG, and we look, 'Who is this? How ya'll got 70 million followers? Who are you? What do you do?' Odell has carved out a niche as a non-quarterback, Skip, that's what's so amazing about this."
"Hell Divers 2 has tapped into a particularly loyal Niche or it's offering a gameplay experience that keeps players coming back in a way that no other live service game has managed to achieve."
"Milwaukee seems to be branching out to make the best tools for even the more niche markets."
"When you choose a niche you're passionate about, you're less likely to burn out."
"The indie comic scene is really starting to fill that niche."
"Hollywood producers realized there was a market for low-budget films featuring black talent..."
"Luckily, the number of games in which this matters will always be limited to the very latest and most demanding titles."
"So really if you wanted to get into a fintech that does this backed might be your only option for doing this right now."
"Once you find a lane, just stay in it. Like, why not just keep giving us Migos albums?"
"This is an interesting title that's targeting a niche that I don't think I've ever seen serviced before."
"No matter how specific, fringe, or weird you think your product is, you will find customers."
"You'll usually make more money by focusing on niches you're personally interested in."
"One of the reasons why television has got better is partly it's become niche, partly actually time shift means you can become much more selective."
"Germany has 1,500 hidden champions, small firms dominating global market niches, thanks to local community banks funding their growth."
"My goal is to have Geeks and Gamers as the Barstool Sports of the geek world."
"Almost every niche has got some affiliate programs."
"Classic WoW is going to appeal to a specific audience, a niche audience, a niche audience doesn't necessarily mean a small audience."
"I think there's still a crowd that is looking for this bike. It definitely screams Harley-Davidson."
"He made content that was so good it broke the niche, and loads of people came in, and now it is larger and better and better off for it."
"The internet enables any niche interest as long as you're the best at it to scale out."
"The unifying aspect among all of these have been that they are all relative obscurities made to cash in on something ultimately mainstream."
"In terms of the contenders space for bitcoin and the cryptocurrency niche I just don't see very many coming out."
"It's only two times people don't want this shoe: a reseller and the small niche people who actually like the shoe."
"Hot hatches or performance sport compacts, they're not dead."
"E-commerce niche, business niche, Shopify tutorials have twenty-five to forty-five dollar CPM rates."
"There is no loyalty like comic shop loyalty. Once it's gone, it's gone. There is no business like the comic book retailing business."
"This one channel is making a killing with this strategy."
"Air Products, a very boring business, has a really great moat."
"If you're really big into something that nobody else is doing, maybe that's something you want to introduce to your market."
"These are niches that still have a very strong track record of being evergreen."
"Each member has been able to successfully carve out his own niche in the vast World of Sports entertainment."
"It's a really, really big niche, a really low barrier to entry. A lot of people can do this."
"One of the things I like doing is looking for unusual pieces of technology, things that may have flown under the radar a little bit or were only sold to a very specialist niche group of people."
"Yo, you know I'm so lucky I stumbled across this category because I am the perfect person to speak on this."
"I can definitely see the value of a product like this in something like Gundam or in model kit building where that super super smooth finish is the most important thing."
"It's smaller, more focused, more niche but no less deep or interesting than any of the other games."
"Designing games for the top one percent is how you kill games."
"Not everything has to make sense to the whole swath of the population to be a good product, right? There's just products for certain people and products for not, right?"
"Microbrands like Baltic excel in connecting with consumers."
"If you're a risk taker, you can start farming some of these more exotic tokens like swerve and farm."
"People have weird things, like buying worn tights or bathwater."
"The Cybertruck is polarizing, but it's a niche vehicle that's a real truck in terms of features and functionality."
"Let's give microbrands a little more respect."
"The Unity desktop came from an idea that was supposed to be on netbooks."
"Adult Swim was creating culture and satisfying a market in need."
"This I think is a very specific game for a very specific Niche gamer and I would actually argue that book of travels needs a free-to-play version for demoing purposes like a limited free-to-play version."
"Competing within the 0.1 percent of the population is utterly meaningless, and what we really need to be focusing on is those people who are not yet in crypto."
"We finally found our place in the server, it's selling books and selling armor, that's what it's going to be."
"People thought making a rocket channel work in 2018 was hard, then it's definitely hard now when that's all you can make videos about."
"The current state of YouTube is [ __ ] don't attempt YouTube unless you plan on doing shoe reviews or game reviews."
"Choose a niche that you're passionate about."
"Our off-the-beaten-path counters are doing pretty well today."
"It's a new niche which is excellent that gives first mover advantage."
"Sometimes it's just a matter of finding the audience."
"But even if I'm not a crypto bro, or should I say a crypto gal, myself, I can still acknowledge that this niche makes a lot of money on YouTube."
"They essentially go in these little pods to support films that don't go beyond the pod but they make enough money."
"It's about finding those unique opportunities in each Niche."
"You can find a neat variety of stuff, a lot of it is stuff that you wouldn't see in your regular grocery store."
"There is money to be made from the botting game."
"But like, I think that's the dimensional shifting that we have going on. Where would you put your collection, you know what I mean? The vinyl stores don't exist for the most part."
"Even though Dead Space is like a niche horror title, I think a lot more people are going to be excited for that than something like Forspoken as well."
"There is a place for people on YouTube... his aura attracts a certain audience."
"In the Creator economy, everyone can find their niche and provide value while getting paid for it."
"Sometimes a game has an audience, and you should probably make it for that audience."
"You don't need a million people to like your stuff to make this business work."
"Whatever you have an interest in, whether it's fashion, home decor, or personalized gifts, there is a print on demand niche for it."
"When you use it the right way you'll be able to find countless niches that'll put tons of money in your pocket."
"Let's dive into the computer and I'll show you the free website, the free tools, and how to find tons of niches that'll put money in your pocket."
"If you have a shop with multiple niches, someone walks in, they go, 'Oh wow, they sell fishing stuff, oh they sell knitting stuff, oh they...' It's kind of like you're like that gas station on the side of the road that you go in and they just sell a little bit of everything."
"To me in 2024 those two things brand and what do I mean by a brand it means that you're focusing on a niche or niches that are tightly related."
"We can get into incredibly competitive niches up against big big big companies and you can still make sales."
"Just because it's not going to be a big seller doesn't mean you can't love it."
"Stop throwing up random products to sell online. Think in terms of niches or families of products that you can build a brand around."
"'AI motivation' niche is normally very saturated but a lot of people are leaving."
"...the audience keeps growing and when the audience grows the micro niches grow too."
"Evergreen niches see a massive surge in demand."
"Farmers focus on growing less common and unique crops, such as pineapple, prickly pear, and sweet corn, to exploit niche markets and increase agricultural product value."
"The big gay calendar is still for sale, a lot of people have been buying it."
"It's really hard to find a company that does this kind of thing."
"Bug bounty is not all web. There are a lot of games programs, and it's quite a niche area."
"It's a different market, you know, it's a niche, and the riches are in the niches."
"You need to build a great business and create products and designs inside of niches that people actually want to pay for."
"I guarantee you never heard of it; they're awesome businesses in the Lego niche of all things."
"There are little niches that are highly profitable and have zero competition."
"Every business is interesting; there's always somebody who cares about your niche."
"The most profitable niches you want to be in today are finances, real estate, money online, health, and fitness."
"Investing in niches and moats, habit-forming purchases where costs benefit from tech."
"There's so many small companies out there that make implements and attachments and equipment that are just made to address the most niche of needs."
"I love going niche. There's less competition in the niches, and there's more money to be made, in my opinion, and that's where we tend to get the best results."
"Maintenance details are such a profitable niche to step into."
"Passionate niches... where customers are passionate, they are more likely to engage with your products."
"Theoretically, you could make a living just doing Pennsylvania comic conventions if you hit every one of them all over the state."