
Gameplay Improvement Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Odin Sphere's actual gameplay framework is overhauled in service of creating a powerful gameplay loop that hooks players in and keeps them going."
"The best way to make a game good is by being good for the game."
"Metal Gear Solid 5 streamlines the controls so that it's easy to pull off complex maneuvers without having to fight the controls."
"Gameplay-wise the Wind Waker HD is a substantial improvement on the original in many ways."
"Adds in health bars for enemies when you're in combat."
"BM has gone forward the most in terms of gameplay."
"A brand new goalkeeper system brings a new level of intelligence to the last line of defense, unlocking more reliable shot-stopping and smarter decision-making between the posts."
"Forza Horizon 5's Hot Wheels DLC solves one of my key issues with Forza."
"Skill move balancing: make them effective if timed and executed correctly."
"Reduce recoil on the M1 Grand for smoother gameplay."
"Overwatch 2: the moment we've been waiting for... the fidelity of the gameplay experience is much richer."
"Every game is immediately improved with a grappling hook."
"So not only has the story been improved, but the gameplay around that story has also been improved."
"Starfield has completely overhauled its combat."
"The combat in Dead Space is absolutely intact, but almost every part of the game has been touched, pruning back what didn't work and adding new things that make Dead Space feel more whole than ever before."
"We're trying to make more of the drops in the game matter."
"What they need to do is sit down, figure out the core of what makes the gameplay fun, trim out a bunch of the unneeded garbage, keep the amazing setting intact, and give us a solid main story plot that doesn't force you to take breaks."
"I'd love for us to take a crack at improving PvP pet battles."
"Let's flatten the time it takes to refill your health bar or refill your Mana bar, I believe that is useful."
"The shift to 5v5 invigorates the pace of the game. This language makes me salivate."
"Rayman 3 builds upon and improves the controls from Rayman 2."
"I think there's so many small little things we can do to so many champions that could just make them all feel a lot better and like really wouldn't impact their win rates too much."
"And that meant I had to change a lot of cards to be able to be a more instant and more reactive player."
"Either make it so you don't need to actually use a perk to get point man or make it so we have point streaks instead of kill streaks by default."
"Next update will include a whole bunch of balance changes and a complete melee range balancing that affects a lot of cards with melee attacks."
"Games with monarch are just fun games. They're better, they're faster, more stuff happens."
"Quality of life updates and some adjustments to phasing were all she needed, she got those buffs and now she's in a great spot."
"The boost formula is now the most revisited and now resultantly the most refined gameplay style Sonic has ever experienced in 3D."
"It feels so much better to play than the console versions."
"Disable motion blur for clearer target acquisition."
"A more immersive and cool way to play the game."
"That's a really, really helpful way to use such a great resource as a replay or a VOD or a recording or whatever."
"If tweaks are made to the gameplay and the campaign is solid again, I think it's something we're all going to be playing for a very long time."
"You have to learn how to play the game better than they do."
"We're actually gonna pretty greatly increase the speed that you get Devos Gauntlet online at full strength."
"Adding a jump button is the end-all be-all to navigating these environments."
"Warhead is a marked improvement on Crysis' tenants, making better use of its open-ended mechanics in smaller play spaces"
"I appreciate you guys patience... and also being supportive of the random shorts that are coming out."
"Forbidden West just feels like a much better realized version of Zero Dawn's gameplay design."
"You need to have something that hits the nail on the head that can give the information to people that'll change the way they play."
"This game was an excellent sequel and an excellent game in its own right, stepping up everything gameplay-wise from the original to an 11."
"All heroes reduce the cost of their active abilities by five permanently."
"We're slowly going through all the old gameplay content and refreshing them."
"Removing your fear inherently just adds confidence to your gameplay, and adding confidence means faster decision-making."
"Every single light source in the game is better... gives so much more use and potential."
"Tackling for sure, it's one of the biggest upgrades of the game this year."
"Wide receiver and DB interactions are also another area that I think most people, if you pay attention, will notice a big change here."
"The deep zones do a great job against a lot of the popular old one-play touchdown combinations."
"With 1.4, NPCs now do not like to be crowded all in one area; you'll actually be rewarded for splitting them up into different areas."
"This is more of a quality-of-life feels good change rather than a balanced change."
"Melee weapons and by association melee builds are receiving a massive upgrade not only are there more melee weapons at your disposal but the fluidity of melee attacks feels so much more satisfying."
"The actual game mode of Torghast seems like it will be miles better."
"Oh, this combat system is so fun once you get the hang of it, it is so much better than the old one."
"Increasing the enemy density and reducing the delay between reinforcements is a thing that I love across all of Warframe."
"Specializing to specific roles not only allows you to maximize your playtime but also your improvement."
"Adding enemies to spice things up would indeed be a good idea."
"Questing makes everything you do in the game more efficient and just improves your general quality of life while playing the game."
"I think my favorite thing that this mod kind of resurrects is reducing the gap between the gameplay and the narrative."
"Instead of unlocking a mirror mode, I feel like a reverse mode would be way better."
"Compared to season one, support does feel a little bit better to play."
"We're actually giving supports more ability to kind of take up space on the map."
"I think the game would be more fun if more of our CC abilities were more important and we're actually called upon by the encounter design."
"Dragonflight is actually a silent win for a huge number of specs."
"Frost Mage they rebuilt the shadowlands frost Mage."
"It just makes playing the game infinitely easier."
"Reaper's worst parts are better with the new DPS passive."
"Silent Hill 2 represents something we just don't see enough of nowadays: a sequel to a fan favorite that's not only brave enough to change up the established story and characters but also smart enough to only improve on the gameplay."
"With all these changes coupled with the much larger level environments and the improved variety, RE8's gameplay feels like a better realized action horror experience."
"I always try to buy the teleporter and the signal translator as soon as possible cuz it just makes your gameplay experience so much safer and more efficient."
"We're also making a big change coming up which will loosen the stacking restrictions on armor 2.0 mods."
"Both fascists and anti-fascists adopted symbols of the RDT as a symbol of bravery and Italian national pride."
"Gunplay is fast-paced and tight, dramatically improved over the floatiness of Fallout 4 or the general Jank of Skyrim."
"Warrior Within surpasses the previous game in more ways than one."
"The combat felt much more fluid and it helped that I didn't have to worry if I hadn't finished off an enemy."
"In this particular context, obviously we're looking for beautiful ideas and we're trying to play well."
"Can we enter it? Oh, this is so much better now."
"They did this to make the chapter a more enjoyable experience as well as to cut down on how tedious it ended up being for the player."
"There's a fluidity and elegance from mission to mission that was sorely lacking in ghosts."
"Some of these changes are going to be good for gameplay."
"The smooth and solid framerate mixed with much better controls and a more comprehensive auto-aim makes this version play perfectly."
"Way of the Sharpshooter will feel more active and rewarding for players who can fulfill the role of sharpshooter."
"Roaring flame perk has received a significant buff to its bonus damage."
"The fact that the core fighting mechanics have been improved and rebalanced from older installments certainly does go a long way towards making Super Smash Brothers Ultimate the supreme fighting game experience."
"We have a few tweaks we think will increase interesting decisions."
"Look at how many upgrades we have now. It's a really great way to train up your army."
"They massively buffed Whispers Legion Events, they spawn more often and give you more XP."
"I recommend setting both camera shake and sensor flight to zero. This will reduce the majority of camera effects and the camera shake in the game, ultimately making it easier for you to keep your guns on a target and improve your aim."
"If you want a game that has a better franchise mode than Madden 19 and way better gameplay than Madden 19, go out and get Madden 20."
"Our goal was to improve Q times, and for Season 1 and 2, we feel like we mostly solved that."
"Fixing overlooked issues: even experienced players can improve."
"Facing tough opponents and learning from their gameplay."
"Upgrading your beacon grants better effects and a better range as well."
"Hell Tide: more engaging with increased density and new events."
"I think Blizzard should be more comfortable in just adding more gameplay to the rotations and allowing for a wider skill based performance gap between average and great players."
"The positives to take out from this are defending is probably gonna be better, you'll be able to keep the ball more."
"I just want Dragon Ball to get some attention, like actual gameplay changes."
"There are still a handful of very good mods out there that will more than spice your experience with this game."
"It doesn't feel great to have to work for a single hit and that is all you get we will probably see this as a buff to all weapons."
"This allows them to be more aware of their surroundings, perform smarter runs in their build-up play, exploit spaces in the defense, and generally be in the right place at the right time."
"It gives a new lease of life to the mechanics that we're very used to."
"The more flexible and the more just like loose you feel the better you're gonna play."
"That's actually a really sweet solution to a problem that hack and slash games have had."
"Just a tiny bit of gameplay that adds just to look for this thing really, I feel like improves Minecraft in a way."
"It's good, man. Everything about this update is good. Supposedly they're fixing the kickoff glitch."
"This brings confidence back into my gameplay a little bit."
"It's like a larger team-wide issue... you've got to be like 'hey, jungler needs to be here to help you fix this lane'." - Identifying and addressing team weaknesses.
"Mario Kart 7 actually introduced... a couple of really cool gameplay features."
"The Shield is now granted on cast instead of soon as a missile is fired."
"The movement system in BF5 has been completely overhauled."
"We need to be a little bit more accurate in our quick transitions."
"Her constellations also don't help significantly in improving her gameplay design."
"That's a cool move... yeah, so note to self, go for the rocket way more often."
"The Dodge mechanic is back, and we saw that one quick clip of her dodging the right to dodge a zombie."
"After playing it for four hours I feel like dice have done enough here to make this feel like a different game."
"The institution's mechanic has made the game much more fluid."
"Learn from your opponents and adapt your combat style to counter them efficiently."
"ARMA 4 can reach even further into realism by making its core gameplay more ergonomic and lifelike."
"Customize your radio wheel for easier access to items in combat."
"It's key to always try to keep this distance between your elbow and your shoulder proper."
"All the combat is redone. I'm excited about it. I'm excited to play."
"Even though Castlevania had always been a respected franchise... Symphony of the Night towered above what came before it, perfected the Castlevania layout and gameplay."
"My general feelings on this patch are that it's a really positive patch."
"Now we're getting into a rhythm, or the game took pity on us."
"The combat has just been refined from this aspect as well."
"Metroid Dread captures the nostalgia and improves where it needs to."
"Spider-Man 2... web-slinging for one saw a massive improvement."
"Yeah, it's quite a strong power spike for you to do stuff."
"If layering is the card that we're gonna be dealt then I do have some suggestions as to how it could be improved."
"The moment you jump out and create gaps, you're making it easier for them."
"This marked a line in the sand where the game is now playable."
"All right, so I thought I would turn on my camera and shoot a video on a topic that I think will change the way that you play."
"Just give me that the core roster, give me like updated gameplay, make the network will be perfect."
"The combat mechanics, general mechanics, have been improved."
"A small investment now will bring years of better play, longer life, and increased enjoyment."