
Personal Relief Quotes

There are 204 quotes

"Thank God my family and I are safe; that's the only thing that matters."
"I survived Hurricane Irma. I'm very happy to hear that."
"I threw it in the river and I felt deliverance."
"Guilty as charged, my heart is pounding with gladness."
"I'm very glad that I did not tell all of these people goodbye."
"I was so nervous, but I feel better now. I think that's natural."
"It saved me that day and it's such a beautiful palette."
"The best feeling ever is when you can stop this from happening."
"Assuming Yuji Naka is being honest here, I hope that him finally being able to get this off his chest will allow him to find some kind of resolution."
"Finally finding some level of peace, you can rest."
"Finally, goddamn, sorry, just 25 years of straight poverty, holy [ __ ]."
"Netflix saved me. It was like an outlet for me, damn."
"Thank god for me it wasn't very cold clutched this is good thank god for me."
"So then I got a call from my insurance company and was notified that they would be giving me a total loss on my car, that was the best news so far."
"Number one, if she's not interested in politics, I think you might want to count yourself fortunate."
"Relief ain't so bad till you can get to the point to take the actions that eventually give you the freedom."
"It's such a burden off your shoulders when you just remove yourself from yourself."
"I'm almost 30 years old. See, I feel so much better, I don't feel alone."
"I knew I could laugh. And that actually made me feel good that I could laugh."
"I feel so much better right now, dude, so much better."
"You're no longer going to have to worry about those same problems."
"The first time you do it, there is a sense of relief that you feel for standing up for yourself."
"What happened is when I discovered it took all my problems away."
"I'm honestly I was against bypass at first back then but oh my God am I glad bypass is the thing now."
"I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." - Sokka
"I'm so glad you bit that bullet, dude. I'm so glad."
"The Sabbath is finally over with all of its perceived restrictions and things I'm not allowed to do."
"Doom was there for me when I needed it most... It was a comforting presence, and because I actually had to use my brain and reflexes to play well, it took all of my focus away from what was worrying me."
"You addressed a couple things and uh got some stuff out of your chest."
"Thank you guys for making that possible for me to get out of that toxic work environment."
"Finally, I feel like I can relax a little bit."
"Sex is great but have you ever taken a poop so hard that it clears your tummy and you feel confident your depression is cured?"
"It's the only app that's worked for me, it's like magic in my pocket."
"I feel free. I feel like it's just a weight lifted up off of my shoulders."
"Nice to see some serious talent acknowledged."
"Thank goodness that I know that if myself or my wife, we get sick, we're not gonna go bankrupt."
"It's all resolved and put into place so they go on with their life."
"Could we just talk about the fact that April dodged the biggest bullet in the whole world?"
"Space, there's this the scale of it... It alleviates some pressure for me."
"I'm so happy I completed two weeks and I didn't get evicted, I'm so happy I made it to the final."
"You're freeing yourself from something finally that you've wanted to free yourself from for quite some time."
"As much as I like writing, I like entertaining people. It's cleansing for me."
"This movie is not woke at all, which is such a relief."
"You're not seeking perfection, but relief from traumas."
"Now it is better for me to be dead and to have been released from my troubles"
"I was tired of pretending and I feel so much better now."
"I felt restless and irritable... I decided to take a drive to clear my head."
"I think it's a good just mental exercise for you guys just to get you've been carrying around all this stuff that's equated to carrying around debts and just getting rid of some of it I think it's going to bring you a lot of peace."
"I need a beer so bad... that was better than sex."
"But there's always someone that has to go home and as long as it's not me, I'm cool with it."
"You're walking away from a situation with a clean conscience."
"Latoya, I am happy, happy, happy you got rid of his ass. Okay, no more stress for you."
"It's so much more worth it to confess and live a life where you could be free from the bondage that you're suffering."
"After everything we went through last year, this one just feels amazing."
"It's so great when you pay off fucking debt, it's like that shoulder that's removed from you."
"I feel good. It's overwhelming, but I'm happy. It's so... Like a weight, so lifted."
"Just by getting rid of what was on that wall, that board, and removing that from my life has been like lifting the world off my shoulders."
"It's time to forgive, and you know what? It was very liberating."
"I feel like there could be a job offer coming in for you finally."
"I don't feel handicapped anymore, and I definitely don't feel the pain."
"I finally felt like someone turned the slow-mo button off, and it was natural."
"I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you, and what a blessing it is that you found your way out now."
"I prayed hard as [ __ ] bro and I'm like heavenly father when I wake up please show me something that can relieve what I got going on."
"I just wanted to get this over and done with, you know, now that you've met her. It might not go so well, you might not be happy about it, but here we are. This is over and done with. I could breathe now, at least I've done my part."
"Honestly, the weight that was lifted off my shoulders."
"Absolutely my best day since I started worrying about him."
"If you can get out of debt and you're at zero, that means you can breathe now."
"I think something majorly has the potential to clear up for you in the week ahead as something that you've been waiting on for a while."
"I almost feel like, well, I'm salted out. I feel cleansed."
"The best thing that happened to us, yes, now that everything is fine."
"It was a weight lifted off my shoulders because like I'm doing this for me."
"The sky is not trying to kill me every day anymore. It's really a delight." - Austin
"I feel so much better about talking to somebody about this."
"It feels good to have that question answered."
"I cannot even begin to share with you how much of a weight has been lifted off of me."
"I feel like I was rescued today, so thank you."
"If I can offer a little bit of a distraction, that'd be great."
"Romo finally had the playoff monkey off his back."
"It was relieving... so scared to stop right so it was relieving."
"God is our refuge he is always present and always sufficient."
"It's such a freeing thing to not have that student loan debt over your head."
"I'm just glad I didn't get red or green, that would have sucked."
"I'm from the bottom of my heart happy that I really don't have to put up with this foolishness."
"Nothing feels as good as quitting something that sucks, even if it's rewarding."
"I'm honestly glad I'm out of that relationship now though it was toxic and draining."
"Looking back with the dust settled, it was nowhere near as bad as I expected it to be."
"It feels so good to be able to get um, you know, all these thoughts and these words off my chest and express myself to people again."
"I was happy to be out of the house and to be working again."
"Wrestling's an escape from reality folks, that's all it is."
"Oh damn, this thing fires right up. That's a huge relief off of my shoulders."
"I'm really happy that everything has been revealed just because it might help save somebody else's life."
"What a long trip, but I'm glad to be here." - Jason Belmonte
"I'm so pleased it just shows you that the disorder can be sort of put by for a little while."
"OP, you have disgusting parents, and while it is a huge relief that your other relatives had your back at the end, I really wish they had stuck up for you 10 years ago."
"What a beautiful day to be alive. Oh my god, I thought he was gonna die."
"It's always worth it you can remain anonymous and sharing your story usually has some sort of relief to it"
"I'm just gonna be honest with you guys, after the night I had, I needed this one."
"I play video games to escape life for a bit."
"When I cried, the Lord heard me and delivered me from all my troubles."
"Words can't really explain how I'm free I feel now that I don't have any debt. I feel like a new person."
"I feel like a sense of freedom, like a little burden got lifted off of me."
"I'm just glad I didn't look bad like a saggy old sock."
"Seven months of living in fear, and finally I can see an end."
"I'm wired differently, and that's such a relief."
"We've actually nailed it, I don't have to do this anymore."
"Honestly, if I was in your shoes, I would be thanking my lucky stars that my finances were separate from my significant other. I mean, this kind of behavior is just not okay."
"This health scare shakes her confidence, but she doesn’t have cancer, so it might not be that serious, she thought."
"I finally understand that I'm non-binary, it's like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders."
"I feel like it's a man, you know what I'm saying? But uh, yeah, man, I'm glad she didn't run into him because he could have killed her, you know what I'm saying?"
"I feel like what has been on hold for you is now being lifted."
"I've been dreaming of this day for the last 10 years. It's definitely a relief to know that she's off the streets."
"I just feel different. I feel like a lot of stress is off me."
"I'm fully beeped. That's actually kind of nice to say, like I have this status now, I'm fully beeped. Obviously, you can still... but if it works like it's supposed to, it'll bring down my risk of death. That's how it matters to me."
"It's an ending for you where you're not gonna feel frustrated anymore, or carrying a lot on your shoulders."
"You're coming unstuck. The relief you need is on its way."
"But at the same time, one glimpse of happiness was that he never said at any point that my daughter was abused."
"I've been carrying this dark secret inside me for a while now. Thanks to you and your channel, I finally feel free."
"It makes me so happy that this exists, guys. Like holy crap. I don't think I could have lasted another two years being in this XR thing if this... if a device didn't like... like this did not come up. Like honestly, that's how I feel."
"Sometimes you just need one of your go-to things, you need one of your comforts."
"Depp said that Heard's op-ed changed his whole life in the blink of an eye, but the jury had given his life back."
"I cannot even tell you what a huge relief it is to be at a more peaceful place in my life right now."
"The start of a GDQ has been a bright spot in an otherwise bad day..."
"The hardest part of my day is now over at 7:30 a.m."
"Engaging yourself in the suffering of others can reduce your own suffering."
"I couldn't have been happier with the outcome."
"Freedom from that casino demon, thank you God."
"I feel like I can finally roam free on the internet again. That's a relief."
"Oh gosh, this took a while, but we made it, we made it!"
"I'm over him now, and it's like a really good feeling."
"This show is the only thing that saves my sanity."
"I'm tired of pretending to be someone that I'm not. I'm tired of pretending. When you give up pretending, your life is going to feel so much better."
"Once you make the decision, you're going to feel free, and that's a good thing."
"I felt a lot of relief because I realistically I knew I had ADHD."
"You know what I'm saying? How just happy a [ __ ] is to feel like the system worked for them."
"He's back to his normal self now which is lovely because he's always been such a happy dog."
"Doesn't it feel a little bit better to breathe freely today?"
"Your future self is wanting to say like well done you just really dodged a bullet there."
"PTL, praise the Lord, that Charlotte is alive and with her family now."
"Your life will be better when some of these people are not weighing you down."
"I am really relieved, I want to spend time with my daughter so that we can regain the time we've lost."
"I want you to know that you always have a friend in me."
"I guess I'm in the minority here when I say I kind of enjoyed all the McMahon family values... made me feel better about my own personal family life."
"It's nice to be able to rely on family members when you need a break."
"Dodge a bullet there so now I can get my makeup on and work on my name."
"It just helps me and it makes like literally it's like a sigh of relief."
"Anytime you don't have to go to the dentist, that's a good day."
"If I survived not getting killed in a day, it was a great day."
"You're walking away from things that are just a burden."
"Just knowing that I can move forward with my life for the time being gave me the hope I haven't felt in a very long time."
"Understanding that you don't have to hold up the weight of the world."
"I resigned today and feel great to be honest."
"I'm sorry, yes, I would like this right now. It's gonna make my life a hell of a lot easier."
"The feeling of washing off makeup, the only thing that even remotely competes with it is the feeling when you can like tear your bra and pulling it onto the ground and all its glory."
"We always thought we were alone, nobody would help us, but when I saw Paige with the blue shirts, I'm going, 'Oh my God, they're going to fix up my house.'"
"It's like when you're going on dates, you're holding it in, you finally get alone, that's how I felt."
"Thank you for saving my butt I was about to be grilled in the comments."
"Thank God she spoke up when she did... I don't want to think about the alternative."
"I hope she never has to deal with him again."
"I felt a relief, like for the first time everything got out."
"I'm just so happy that Blake did not get bit by the alligator."
"By expressing my feelings, it's helping me eliminate this obligation I've had hanging over my head for years."
"Judge not lest you be judged, it will take the burden of judgment off your shoulders."
"His love and warmth assured me that my nightmare was just that."
"What a gigantic monkey to get off your back."
"After two years of suffering from a really weird mystery disease, I finally got my diagnosis."
"I wish I could have done this sooner, finances didn't allow me to do this sooner but I am so relieved to be in here."
"For those hours, I would forget everything that was happening in my life and enjoy feeling like I was in control for once."
"I don't realize how much of my mental space and energy eczema took up; now I feel free."
"Justice was served, my baby is safely back in my garage where she belongs."
"For the fact that I get to sleep through the night is like a miracle from sweet baby Jesus himself."
"I was just so happy to be away, you know, and I know that sounds really messed up, but there was just some point where I was just away from all that, and I was by myself, and I was safe."
"I'm glad to hear that. If Haru was happy, then it was worth it."
"Anyway, you're safe now, that's all that matters."
"It's been great for me and really relieving to talk to someone who's unbiased and can just listen to me."
"Thank you to the Mumbai police for helping me find my phone, I will try not to make so many mistakes and leave things around, but I feel so good right now, the fact that I now have my phone back, so it's a blessing."
"Video games have always been my escape."
"Believe it or not, Beth is actually making me laugh, and it feels good to laugh because I've been through so much drama lately."
"When you let them go and you don't even feel it, matter of fact, you feel better."
"It's very indulgent, I think it's like just the right escape that I personally needed during lockdown."
"Finally, Barry felt like the truth was out there."
"This is the answer to all of my problems."
"I could just tell them how I feel and then I relieve myself of that burden; I'm liberated."