
Design Impact Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"It's there to wow your eyesight, and it definitely satisfies."
"Design controls everything else that appears on screen."
"It's such a little usability thing that goes a longer way than I expected."
"A good engineer really does expand what's possible and importantly, it can begin shaping the design."
"It's the biggest visual change as Ralph said so that comes with a whole new set of challenges." - Ben
"I'm excited man I'm super excited Lord now to me this signing was an absolute no-brainer Jerry's easily one of the biggest designers not just of the year but of this decade."
"The transparent house really has visitors scratching their heads."
"Color and pattern can bring so much to a rental."
"It really adds that extra little polish that makes a website go from good to amazing."
"This is definitely going to be a wow factor for anybody who steps into this interior."
"It is details like these that take a home from being builder grade to character, they make a huge difference."
"The most fantastic triumph in the world is if you design something that's so simple and so elegant that the only thing other people can do is copy it exactly right."
"Turning every character's dream into a reality with thorough and creative design. That's the work of paradise planning."
"They've just made crack. They've redesigned video game crack like they did back in the day with Diablo 2."
"Design changes aren't just aesthetic, they impact user experience."
"Architecture creates meaning through atmosphere rather than symbolism."
"Repetition can evoke familiarity or boredom, depending on its use."
"Resident Evil 4 changed the course of video game design."
"Introducing one new variable affects everything else potentially."
"This entrance is spectacular. Look at these ceiling Heights."
"The presence that this vehicle has from the wheels alone just give it a stance that a lot of people really just end up doing a double take on."
"The essence of Norman's architecture is that design can make things work better."
"The height alone is going to contribute a lot to the cooling capabilities."
"It's arguably one of the most aesthetically beautiful things we've ever come in contact with."
"As a result of the real estate taken up by that prominent bezel, the watch wears significantly smaller than those measurements might suggest."
"The interior certainly makes a great first impression."
"If you mess up the balance actually a lot of that's not going to be seen, so that is such a vital point."
"It really just makes all the colors that I have really just come alive."
"Tiny changes can make a huge difference to a design."
"The function of kinetic design is to put a smile on your face."
"Nothing brings me more joy than thinking about Jessica and Grayson using this space together."
"He was giving Hollywood glamour to people who weren't necessarily glamorous."
"Attention to detail makes all the difference."
"If you want the car with the biggest wow factor, it is this."
"It's amazing how one little logo can change the whole complexion of a sneaker."
"Rider input matters more than bike design."
"Vespa in terms of global design impact, I don't know that there's another motorcycle that has had a greater impact."
"It gives you, it seems very luxurious."
"My design led to a 10k user increase and 15% improvement on user satisfaction rate."
"Do you think the Carnival's overall design features can change people's minds about minivans?"
"Never underestimate the power of radials and ramps and all sorts of things that can really affect an image."
"What I do is not just about designing something to look good; it actually has to bring a benefit to what existed before."
"It's insane how such a small difference, a small detail, can really change the space."
"One of the more powerful things about components is that when you make one change in the color palette, it often will affect many layers."
"Your users are first of all wowed or amazed by the design that you are presenting."
"Different tools are going to give you a different effect depending on your pattern."
"Maybe you wondered, but how much this can influence the signals and also maybe when you need to start considering these small things in your designs."
"Font choices make sure you use fonts that help your design stand out."
"The presentation, along with all these other designs like the mock-ups, help a lot."
"The design has a far bigger effect than most people actually realize that it has on them personally."