
Automotive Love Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"He's in love with that car and justifiably so."
"This could be the start of a new Mazda love affair."
"Beginning the world's love affair with recreational off-roading."
"This car is why I love cars. It's extraordinary. It's alive."
"I love this car. I've always loved this car."
"I love the car to pieces... the car just made me smile every time I drove it."
"I am in love I've been on record many times saying how this is my dream car."
"Honestly, it just made me fall in love all over again. Now it's perfect. Like I know in my head I could just drive it wherever, nothing's ever gonna go wrong."
"Many of the best and certainly most memorable cars in our lives are like the best people—they are in some ways deeply flawed, but they have other characteristics that make up for those flaws."
"What do you guys think about the car? Do you love it?"
"I fell in love with the car and was amazed how different it was than anything else I've ever been in before."
"...I like this car specifically a lot I'm falling in love with them."
"I fell in love with this car all over again."
"...fantastic handling car loved it."
"It's my favorite car in the world; I don't have to work on it at all as long as I don't use the engine."
"I've fallen in love with this car a little bit."
"I still love this car, I love what it stands for, and it definitely offers something much more unique compared to all the other more obvious choices out there."
"It's the love for driving that makes a car special, not just its power or speed."
"The fact that it still has them tells you again, someone loved this car."
"It's like a true driver's car, it's a huge car, but I'm just so much in love with it."
"I just really love cars and I enjoy the art form of photography."
"You're never too young to fall in love with classic cars; it's a passion that lasts a lifetime."
"I absolutely fell in love with how it drove."
"I love this car, very reliable, very stylish."
"I love this car, it's absolutely brilliant."
"If you love to drive, then you'll love this car."
"I am completely in love and infatuated with this car."
"I absolutely love my F10 M5, and even if I knew what I know now about matte paint, I would still buy it again."
"I love everything about this car, there's nothing I don't like about this car."
"This car is just so good; I'm genuinely in love with this thing."
"It really reinforced the love that I have for that car."
"Growing more and more in love every single day with this car."
"It's been so long, it literally just made me fall in love with the car all over again."
"I really love the engine; it was comfortable to ride, it handled brilliantly."
"They inspire a group of passionate devotees who love their cars more than anything."
"I fell in love with how much power they can make but second of how clean and simple it was."
"I love this car, man. I really do. I cannot wait to see her with some white walls."
"This car was seriously loved by someone."
"I'm absolutely in love with every time I get in my car."
"I truly do love this chassis; it came together so nicely, the parts, the car itself, how fun it is to drive."
"It's got that hard edge sound to it, and I absolutely love it."
"I love one-owner cars, especially a rare one-owner car like this."
"I love everything about this car, there's nothing that I would change."
"I've mentioned this is a car that I saw in Brazil when I lived there and just fell in love with it."
"I absolutely love this car, like driving here was like one of the best experiences."
"I have a general love for cars overall."
"It's just a lovely car, it's one of the reasons I love Volvo."
"This thing is ready to ride, man, I love this."
"I'm absolutely in love with this thing being a six-speed."
"Once you drive one, you get it, you understand why this car is so loved."
"I've thought about it, I love cars, this is the first time I haven't had a car."
"A Mustang GT V8 Fastback is a lot of machine for the money and it's lovable."
"I'm absolutely in love with this car right now."
"I don't buy and sell these cars; I love them, I restore them."
"I'm just really falling in love with this car."
"I love this vehicle; I literally love everything about it."
"That car is freaking awesome, I love that thing."
"I love them, my favorite cars are GTRs."